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1927—1937年间的中国民族工业是近代史上一个极重要的问题。建国后,最先对这个问题进行系统研究的是汪敬虞先生,吴承明先生也有过不少精辟的论述。近几年,虽然相继有不少学者就这个问题发表了论文,但仍有不少地方尚待进一步探讨。本文就是在这方面的一个尝试。这11年间民族工业的问题很多,本文所论仅限于一个基本的问题—一民族工业的发展过程。  相似文献   

陈志红  韩学平 《神州》2011,(2):87-87,89
食品安全是关系国民生计的重大问题,本文探讨了食品安全问题产生的原因,从道德和法治方面对食品安全问题进行分析,建立“法德兼行”的措施,期望使人们对食品安全问题有一个全面的了解。  相似文献   

张育人 《神州》2011,(17):42
当代教育面临着价值的失落与重建。教育的核心问题是人的发展问题,人的发展问题核心是生活意义上的问题,教育应不断丰富人的有意义的生活,而其本身也是一种有意义的生活实践。本文在反思教育价值之所在的基础上探寻教育回归生活的理论基础,也在实践层面思考教育回归生活世界的方法与途径。从而指出教育回归生活世界是当代教育价值的选择。  相似文献   

张育人 《神州》2011,(8):42-42
当代教育面临着价值的失落与重建。教育的核心问题是人的发展问题,人的发展问题核心是生活意义上的问题,教育应不断丰富人的有意义的生活,而其本身也是一种有意义的生活实践。本文在反思教育价值之所在的基础上探寻教育回归生活的理论基础,也在实践层面思考教育回归生活世界的方法与途径。从而指出教育回归生活世界是当代教育价值的选择。  相似文献   

黄大翠 《神州》2013,(7):204-205
最值问题是高中数学的一个难点,它具有多元化、广泛性、渗透性的特点,在各级各类考试中,屡有出现,本文就最值问题的解法作点探讨和归纳。  相似文献   

社会发展动力问题、中国封建社会长期延续问题、中国资本主义萌芽及其成长间关系问题,几乎一直是我国史学界和经济学界的热点。(在国外,类似的有关于封建社会过渡的热门话题)这三个问题的探讨长期以来基本上处于相互隔绝状态,未见有综合性考察。笔者认为,这三个问题是三位一体、紧密相关的。从全人类社会变化的视角出发,本文把上述三个问题相应转换成社会发展动力问题、前工业社会形态延滞问题和工业社会形成问题,试图在大时间尺度(本文拟定以社会阶段为单位时间)的参照系内,以一元化的理论一并解决。由于观察者所位于的参照系不同,或考察对象的角度不同,各自分析概括的结果便难于一致。本文从人类  相似文献   

化州城有1500年多年的历史,是化州市最古的文物古迹之一。本文对化州城的几个问题,谈谈一些意见。  相似文献   

宋艳萍 《神州》2012,(35):113
长期以来,中小学英语教育教学联系不紧密,有相互脱节的现象,这种现象严重阻碍了英语教育教学的发展。如何解决好中小学外语教学衔接问题是值得我们认真思索的问题。本文就如何解决衔接问题提出一些对策和方法。  相似文献   

宋连友 《神州》2012,(27):105-105
高校教师,尤其是地方高校教师的专业发展问题越来越引起教育界的关注,本文提出现在地方高校计算机教师专业发展中存在的问题,并提出一些解决的方法。希望对高校教师专业发展有一些帮助。  相似文献   

近年来,有关郑和朝觐的问题,专家学者虽撰写了很有见地的论文,但在次数等方面仍有探究的空间。本文提出的主要论点是:郑和在下西洋过程中,去天方朝觐至少有四次。  相似文献   

本文举例讨论了中华书局本<宋书·州郡志>脱漏方面的问题,并试为补正,凡33条.这些脱漏,多是在流传过程中产生的,也可能有<宋书·州郡志>本身的失误,又有<宋书·州郡志>本身没有脱漏而中华书局本误补者.  相似文献   

《篆隶万象名义》是能再现顾野王《玉篇》原貌的一部重要字书,但该书在释义上存在很多问题,本文就其中义项截取不当、误认字头、误改字义、拆骈为单等问题进行了归纳,有助于进一步研究、利用该书。  相似文献   

《西域土地人物略》的最早、最好版本   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为 ,《西域土地人物略》是现存少数记述明代西域史地的历史文献之一 ,其所证地域最广 ,可信程度甚高 ,并反映了当时西域与中原的联系及其相互影响。但目前两种通行本不仅文字讹误歧异处甚多 ,而且体例亦不相同 ,学者不知所从。得其祖本嘉靖《陕西通志》本 ,通行本中的讹误歧异即可厘清。至其作者 ,当非汉人或穆斯林 ;作时当在宣德十年 ( 14 35)甚至成化十年 ( 14 74 )之后。  相似文献   

本考释了《潜夫论》14条词语,指出汪继培笺和彭铎校正中的非误字问题,而原不误却训以误字的原因为不明原之义,或不明字、词义的演变。使用误字手段需慎重。  相似文献   

The role of natural processes in the formation of the Bed I and II sites at Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania) remains the subject of much debate, five decades after their original excavation. Preferred orientation of items is indicative of water disturbance, but compass bearings were not available in Mary Leakey's (1971) study. Using GIS methods, we have vectorized maps from 1960s excavations at Olduvai, and applied a range of statistical techniques to calculate items strike. The GIS analysis suggests strongly preferred orientation patterns in Bed I, and more heterogeneous angular histograms in Bed II. Two complementary lines of evidence support these results. Firstly, modelling of potential mapping errors provides a large interval of confidence for preferred orientation patterns. Second, the GIS study was extended to photographs of the earlier excavations and to maps from recent fieldwork at Olduvai; both yielded patterned arrangement of lithics and bones, and are consistent with results based on the analysis of the 1960s maps, i.e. a large number of the Bed I and II assemblages are preferentially oriented. These results highlight the potential of GIS applications to the analysis of imagery in Stone Age studies, and bear important implications for the understanding of the role of natural agents in site formation processes at Olduvai.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the concepts of demand data aggregation error to location problems involving coverage. These errors, which arise from losses in locational information, may lead to suboptimal location patterns. They are potentially more significant in covering problems than in p-median problems because the distance metric is binary in covering problems. We examine the Hillsman and Rhoda (1978) Source A, B, and C errors, identify their coverage counterparts, and relate them to the cost and optimality errors that may result. Three rules are then presented which, when applied during data aggregation, will reduce these errors. The third rule will, in fact, eliminate all loss of locational information, but may also limit the amount of aggregation possible. Results of computational tests on a large-scale problem are presented to demonstrate the performance of rule 3.  相似文献   

Areal interpolation involves the transfer of data from one zonation of a region to another, where the two zonations of space are geographically incompatible. By its very nature this process is fraught with errors. However, only recently have there been specific attempts to quantify these errors. Fisher and Langford (1995) employed Monte Carlo simulation methods, based on modifiable areal units, to compare the errors resulting from selected areal interpolation techniques. This paper builds on their work by parameterizing and visualizing the errors resulting from the areal weighting and dasymetric methods of areal interpolation. It provides the basis for further research by developing the methodology to produce predictive models of the errors in areal interpolation. Random aggregation techniques are employed to generate multiple sets of source zones and interpolation takes place from these units onto a fixed set of randomly generated target zones. Analysis takes place at the polygon, or target zone level, which enables detailed analysis of the error distributions, basic visualization of the spatial nature of the errors and predictive modeling of the errors based on parameters of the target zones. Correlation and regression analysis revealed that errors from the areal weighting technique were related to the geometric parameters of the target zones. The dasymetric errors, however, demonstrated more association with the population or attribute characteristics of the zones. The perimeter, total population, and population density of the target zones were shown to be the strongest predictive parameters.  相似文献   

薄膜试片测试法是一种能够全面有效地对博物馆藏展材料进行评估筛选的测试方法,对其腐蚀现象进行图象采集及进行数据化分析能够得到更为客观准确的测试结果.本工作对应该测试法设计了专门图像采集的硬件装置,采用密闭光源和彩色工业摄像机,可以得到清晰的试片图像.软件系统将采集图像、打开原始图像、图像分割处理、材料分级评价等功能模块化,并根据具体功能设计实现了基本应用的可视化界面.实验表明,该系统能够快速、准确地对藏展材料对试片的腐蚀现象进行数据化分析,使藏展材料的评估分级由人工目测走向计算机视觉计算,具有快速、客观、误差小等特点.  相似文献   

Some deliberative theorists advocate for increased public participation to improve the health and vitality of democracy, but skeptics warn that public deliberation may fall prey to multiple decision-making pathologies. We describe a research program based on structured public deliberations about science and technology policies that was designed to explore the validity of critics' worst fears. In this research, we specifically test the complaint that group deliberations often bias toward the original majority preferences because of cognitive and affective errors in decision making, such as deference to the numerical majority opinion held within a group. Our results, based on data collected from a set of small-group public deliberations about nanotechnology, offer weak support to the polarization hypothesis. We explain this finding as the likely consequence of manipulating two key variables of deliberations: task facilitation and the quality of the argument pool. As a result, we argue that it is possible to structure public deliberations about policy to mitigate known decision-making problems. We conclude by also warning scholars of the dangers in assuming that opinion change consistent with polarization effects is inherently the result of undesirable decision-making qualities.  相似文献   

Previously developed regression formulae for estimating body mass in dogs and wolves based on cranial and mandibular dimensions are evaluated using modern canid specimens of known weight at death. Some of these equations proved reliable, but others have large standard errors of estimate and likely produce unreliable mass estimates. New sets of equations for estimating body mass in dogs and wolves are produced using our datasets, including a set of equations developed from combining the dog and wolf biometric data into a single population. The resulting regression equations allow body mass to be estimated from a series of cranial and mandibular dimensions with relatively low errors. Further, our datasets include larger numbers of specimens of larger ranges of body mass than in these previous studies. When the equations are applied to a suite of dogs and one wolf from Eastern Siberia, several patterns emerge. First, hunter–gatherers' dogs in this region vary widely in terms of body size, even within a limited geographic area and time period. Some were quite large, similar in size to modern Siberian huskies. Second, pastoralists' dogs are less variable in terms of body mass, but this may reflect the nature of our samples. In particular, pastoralists' dogs nearly all were sacrificed juvenile dogs, some of which appear to have been eaten. These dogs seem to have been approached adult body size when they were selected for sacrifice. Finally, our findings help to highlight the need for further refinement in methods used to study ancient canid remains. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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