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Books reviewed in this articles: BIBLIOGRAPHIC ESSAY LIBRARY AND INFORMATION POLICY: A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOK REVIEW ESSAYS Kenneth J. Coffey, Strategic Implications of the All-Volunteer Force. The Conventional Defense of Central Europe W. Scott Thompson, ed., National Security in the 1980s: From Weakness to Strength Lennart J. Lundqvist, The Hare and the Tortoise: Clean Air Policies in the United States and Sweden Charles T. Stewart, Jr. Air Pollution, Human Health, and Public Policy Richard J. Tobin, The Social Gamble: Determining Acceptable Levels of Air Quality Lennart J. Lundqvist, The Hare and the Tortoise: Clean Air Policies in the United States and Sweden Charles T. Stewart, Jr. Air Pollution, Human Health, and Public Policy Richard J. Tobin, The Social Gamble: Determining Acceptable Levels of Air Quality Lynton R. Hayes, Energy, Economic Growth, and Regulationism in the West Helen M. Ingram Nancy K. Laney and John R. McCain, A Policy Approach to Political Representation: Lessons from the Four Corners States Stuart L. Hart and Gordon A. Enk, Green Goals and Greenbacks: State Level Environmental Review Programs and Their Associated Costs Alfred A. Marcus, Promise and Performance; Choosing and Implementing an Environmental Policy Krause, Lawrence B. and Sekiguchi, Sueo, eds., Economic Interaction in the Pacific Basin Tasca, Diane, ed., U.S.-Japanese-Economic Relations: Cooperation, Competition, and Confrontation Vasey, Lloyd R. ed., Pacific Asia and U.S. Policies: A Political-Economic Strategic Assessment BOOK REVIEWS Franklin A. Long and Judith Reppy, ed., The Genesis of New Weapons—Decision Making for Military R&D Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Warfare In a Fragile World: Military Impact on the Human Environment George F, Break, Financing Government in a Federal System Michael Lipsky, Street-Level Bureaucracy: Dilemmas of the Individual in Public Services Jeffrey A. Raffel, The Politics of School Desegregation: The Metropolitan Remedy in Delaware BOOKNOTES Cotton M. Lindsay, ed., NEW DIRECTIONS IN PUBLIC HEALTH CAHE: A PRESCRIPTION FOR THE 1980'S Gautreaux Housing Demonstration: An Evaluation of Its Impact on Participating Households The Conversion of Rental Housing to Condominiums and Cooperatives  相似文献   


Books reviewed in this article:
A. Comments
B. Book Notes
Abney, Glenn and Thomas P Lauth The Politics of State and City Administration
Adams, William J and Christran Stoffaes, (eds) French Industrial Policy
Binkin, Martin, Military Technology and Defense Manpower
Elazar, aniel J Cities of the Prairie Revisited The Closing of the Metropolitan Frontier
Ginsberg, Benjamin The Captive Public How Mass Opinion Promotes State Power
Heath, Robert L and Richard Alan Nelson Issues Management Corporate Public Policymaking in an Information Society
Hunt, Morton Profiles of Social Research The Scientific Study of Human Interactions
Kaplan, Marshall and Peggy Cuciti (eds) The Great Society and itsLegacy wenty Years of U S Social Policy
Katz, Michael B In the Shadow of the Poorhouse A Social History of Welfare in America
Katzmann, Robert A. Institutional Disability The Sage of Transporation Policy for the Disabled
Liroff, Richard A Reformaing Air Pollution Regulation The Toil Trouble of EPA's Bubble
Lowi, Theodore J The Personal President Power Invested Promise Unflfilled
Mead, Walter J, Asbjorn Moseidjord, Dennis D Muraoka, and Philip E Sorenson Offshore Lands. Oil and Gas Leasing and Conservation on th Outer Continental Shelf
Muskie, Edmund, Kenneth Rush, and Kenneth W Thompson The President, the Congress and Foreign Policy
Openshaw, Stan Nuclear Power. Siting and Safety
Peters, B Guy American Public Policy Promise and Performance
Rosentraub, Mark S, (ed) Urban Policy Problems Federal Policy and Institutional Change
Story, Dale Industry, the State, and Public Policy in Mexico
Taylor, Ralph B, (ed) Urban Neighborhoods Research and Policy
Wesson, Robert and Heraldo Munoz, (eds) Latin American Views of U S Policy
Winston, Brian isunderstanding Media
Zurcher, Louis A, Milton L Boykin, and Hardy L Merritt Citizen Sailors in a Changing Society Policy Issues for Manning the United StatesNaval Reserve  相似文献   

A. Comments
B. Book Review Essay
Philip E Converse and Roy Pierce Political Representation France (Cambridge. MA and London Harvard University Press. 1986 ). 996 pp
Daniel Gaxie. ed, Explication du Vote (Paris Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Poiitlques. 1985 ). 450 pp
Jack Hayward. The State and the Market Economy industrial Patnotism and Economic lntervention in France (New York New York University Press, 1985 ). 267 pp
Howard Machin and Vincent Wright. eds, Economrc Policy-Making Under the Mitrerrand Presidency, 1981–1984 (New York St Martin's Press, 1985 ). 293 pp
C. Book Notes
Beldon, Joseph N Dirt Rich .
Brown, William P and Don F Hadwiger (eds) World Food Policies Toward Agricultural Interdependence
Weiss, Thomas G Multilateral Development Diplomacy in UNCTAD
Schultze, Charles L Other Times. Other Places Macroeconomic Lessons Form US and European History
Collingridge, David and Colin Reeve Science Speaks to Power The Role of Experts in Policymaking
Feller, Irwin Universities and State Governments A Study in Policy Analysis
Cawson, Alan Corporatism and Political Theory
Lefort, Claude The Political Forms of Modern Society Bureaucracy, Democracy, Totalitarianism
Lehne, Richard Casino Policy
Moorhouse, John C Electric Power Deregulation and the Public Interest
Wright, James D and Peter H Rossi Armed and Considered Dangerous A Survey of Felons and their Firearms
Kluegel, James R Beliefs About Inequality America's Views of What is and What Ought to Be
Raskin, Marcus G The Common Good Its Politics, Policies, and Philosophy
Schorr, Alvin L Common Decency Domestic Policies After Reagan
Davies, David G United States Tax and Tax Policy
Lee, Dwight R (ed) Taxation and the Deficit Economy Fiscal Policy and Capital Formation in the United States
Teplitz, Paul V and Stephen H Brooks Alternative Tax Proposals How the Numbers Add Up  相似文献   

Book Review Essay URBAN POLICY AND THE TRANSFORMATION OF CITIES: GENTRIFICATION AND NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION J. John Palen and Bruce London, eds., Gentrification, displacement and Neighborhood Revitalization Michael H. Schill and Richard P. Nathan, Revitalizing America's Cities Paul E. Peterson, ed., The New Urban Reality Addo, Herb, et al. Development as Social Transformation: Reflections on the Global Problematique Arian, Asher. Politics in Israel: The Second Generation Bean, Philip, John Ferris and David Whynes, (eds.). In Defense of Welfare Bedichek, Wendell M., and Neal Tannahill. Public Policy in Texas Bowman, William, Roger Little and G. Thomas sicilia. The All-Volunteer Force After a Decade: Retrospedt and Prospect Congressional quarterly Editorial Staff, Energy and Environment: Unfinished Business Dahrendorf, Ralf. Law and Order Dillon, K. Burke, et al., and Khan, Mohsin S., et al. Recent Developments in External Debt Restructuring Editors of congressional Quarterly. U.S. Foreign Policy: The Reagan imprint Edwards, George C., 111, Steven A. Shull and Norman C. Thomas, (eds.). The Presidency and Public Policy Making Foell, Earl, and Richard Henneman, (eds.). How Peace Came to the Word Grant, Wyn (ed.). The Political economy of Corporatism Grindle, Merilee S. State and Countryside: Development Policy and Agrarian Politics in Latin America Hardin, Russell, John J. Mearsheimer, Gerald Dworkin and Robert E. Goodin, (eds.). Nuclear Deterrence: ethics and Strategy Hershey, Marjorie Randon. Running for Office: The Political Education of Campaigners Hough, Jerry F. The Struggle for the third World: Soviet Debates and American Options Kamieniecki, sheldon, Robert O'Brien and Michael Clark (eds.). Controversies in environmental Policy Kaufman, Herbert. Time, Chance and Organizations: Natural Selection in a Perilous Environment Kenny, Anthouny. The Logic of Deterrence: A Philosopher Looks at the Arguments For and Against Nuclear Disarmament Lal, Deepak. The Poverty of ‘Development Economics’ Mehran, Hassanali (ed.). External Debt Management Rees, Gareth and John Lambert. Cities in Crisis: The Political Economy of Urban Development in Post-War Britain Ripley, Randal B., and Grace A. Franklin. Policy Implementation and Bureaucracy Savoie, Donald J. Regional Economic Development: Canada's Search for Solutions Sawhill, John C., and Richard Cotton (eds.). Energy Conservation-Successes and Failures Schmandt, Jurgen, and Hilliard Roderick (eds.). Acid Rain and Friendly Neighbors: The Policy Dispute Between Canada and the United States Sundquist, James L. Constitutional Reform and Effective Government Vincent, C. Paul. The Politics of Hunger: The Allied Blockade of Germany 1915-1919 Witt, Elder. A Different Justice: Reagan and the Supreme Court Wright, Kevin. The Great American Crime Myth  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this articles: BOOK REVIEW ESSAYS Paul L. Joskow, Controlling Hospital Costs: The Role of Government Regulation Judith Meltzer, Frank Farrow, & Harold Richman, eds., Policy Options in Long-Term Care Regina A. Axelrod, Environment, Energy, Public Policy: Toward a Rational Future Marc J. Roberts and Jeremy S. Bluhm, The Choices of Power: Utilities Face the Environmental Challenge Walter A. Rosenbaum, Energy, Politics and Public Policy Martin B. Zimmerman, The U.S. Coal Industry; The Economics of Policy Choice Peter Szanton, editor, Federal Reorganization: What Have We Learned? John T. Tierney, Postal Reorganization; Managing the Public's Business BOOK REVIEWS Robert W. Crandall, The U.S. Steel Industry in Recurent Crisis; Policy Options in a Competitive World Henry J. Aaron and Joseph A. Pechman, eds., How Taxes Affect Economic Behavior Robert H. Blank, The Political Implications of Human Genetic Technology BOOKNOTES Thomas Naff, ed., The Middle East Challenge: 1980–1985 Richard K. Betts, ed., Cruise Missiles: Technology, Strategy, Politics  相似文献   

A Comments
B Book Reviews Essay
James E Anderson and Jared E Hazleton 1986 Managing Macro econoniic Policy The Johnson Presfdency (Austin University of Texas Press) xii - 285 pp ISBN 0-292-75084-6. $27 50 (cloth)
W Henry Lambright 1385 Presidental Management of Science and Technologv The Johnson Presfdency (Austin University of Texas Press) xii - 244 pp ISBN 0-292-76491-4 S25 00 iclothi
Emmette S Redford and Richard T McCulley 1986 White House Operations The Johnson Presidency (Austin University of Texas Press) xii - 247 pp. ISBN 0292-79033-3. S30 00 (cloth)
C Book Notes
Bolin. Frances S and Judith McConnell Falk. eds
Cerych Ladislav and Paul Sabatier
Grove. Samuel K and Thomas M Stauffer. eds
Willie Charles Verl
Budrys. Grace 1987 Plannfng For the Nation's Health A Study of Twentieth-Century Developmeits in the United States
Jones. Woodrow, Jr. and Mitchell F Rice. eds 1987 Health Care Issues in Black America Policies .
Benton. J Edwin and David R Morgan. eds 1986 Intergovernmental Relatfons and Publfc Policy
Nice. David C 1987 Federalism The Politics of Intergovernmental Relations
Peterson, Paul E. Barrv G Rabe. Kenneth K nong 1986 Work Federalism Works
The Union of Concerned Scientists 1987 Sefety Second
Tomain. Joseph P 1987 Nuclear Power Transformation
Berkowitz. Edward. ed 1987 Social Security After Fifty Successes and Failures
Meyer. Charles W, ed 1987 Social Security A Cnrique of Radical Reform Proposals
Beyle. Thad L 1986 Srate Government CO's Guide to Currenr lssues and Activifies 1986–7987
Dye Thomas R and Jesse B Taintor 1986 States The Fiscal Data Book
Quarles Susan 1986 Guide to Federal Funding for Social Scienties  相似文献   

Stephen Breyer, Regulation and Its Reform
Kenneth W. Clarkson and Timothy J. Muris, eds., The Federal Trade Commission Since 1970: Economic Regulation and Bureaucratic Behavior
Susan M. Phillips and J. Richard Zecher, The SEC and the Public Interest
Robert G. Healy and James L. Short, The Market for Rural Land – Trends. Issues, Policies
John J. Kirlin, The Political Economy of Fiscal Limits
T. J. Pempel, Policy and Politics in Japan: Creative Conservatism
Forest W. Horton and Donald A. Marchand, eds., Information Management in Public Administration
L. H. Gann and Peter Duignan, Africa South of the Sahara: The Challenge To Western Security
Peter Duignan and L. H. Gann, The Middle East and North Africa: The Chaknge to Western Security
Rosalie L. Tung, U.S.-China Trade Negotiations
Richard L. Gordon, Reforming the Regulation of Electric Utilities  相似文献   

《Acta Archaeologica》2010,81(1):68-71

《Acta Archaeologica》2012,83(1):286-286

《Acta Archaeologica》2007,78(1):172-178

SETTIING HATIOMALJPRJORITIES: A REVIEW ESSAY Charles L. Schultze, Setting National Priorities: The 1971 Budget Charles L. Schultze, Edward R. Fried, Alice M. Rivlin, and Nancy H. Teeters, Setting National Priorities: The 1972 Budget Charles L. Schultze, Edward R. Fried, Alice H. Rivlin, and Nancy H. Teeters, Setting Rational Priorities: The 1973 Budget Edward R. Fried, Alice M. Rivlin, Charles L. Schultze, and Nancy H. Teeters, Setting National Priorities: The 1974 Budget Barry M. Blechman, Edward M. Gramlich, and Robert W. Hartman, Setting National Priorities: The 1975 Budget Barry M. Blechman, Edward M. Gramlich, and Robert W. Hartman, Setting Rational Priorities: The 1976 Budget RECENT RELEVANT LITERATURE Thomas H. Tietenberg and Pierre Toureille, Energy Planning and Policy: The Political Economy of Project Independence Stanley D. Bachrack, The Committee of one Million: “China Lobby” Politics 1953–1971 Otis L. Graham, Toward a Planned Society: From Roosevelt to Nixon Judith Innes DeNuefville, Social Indicators and Public Policy: Interactive Processes of Design and Application Cole Blasier, The Hovering Giant: U.S. Response to Revolutionary Change in Latin America Richard L. Siegel and Leonard B. Weinberg, Comparing Public Policies; United States, Soviet Union, and Europe Richard D. Bingham, The Adoption of Innovation by Local Government Henry J, Pratt, The Gray Lobby BOOK NOTES Marc Karnis Landy, The Politics of Environmental Reform: Controlling Kentucky Strip Mining Allen C. Ornstein and Steven I. Miller, eds., Policy Issues in Education Colm A. O'Muircheartaigh and Clive Payne, eds., Exploring Data Structures Colm A. O'Muircheartaigh and clive Payne, eds., Model Fitting Rechard A. Posner, Antitrust Law: An Economic Perspective Lawrence L. Whetten, ed., The Future of Soviet Military Power THE PROS AND CONS OF SYSTEMS ANALYSIS IN POLICY STUDIES A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SPECIFIC PROBLEM AREAS WITHIN POLICY STUDIES  相似文献   

M. Kenneth Bowler, The Nixon Guaranteed Income Praposal: Substance and Process in Policy Change
Bruce Ian Oppenheimer, Oil and the Congressional Process
Thomas R. Dye, The Politics of Equality
Randall B. Ripley, The Politics of Economic and Human Resource Development
Hawkins, Brett W., Politics and Urban Policies
Richard I. Hofferbert, The Study of Public Policy  相似文献   

Arnold J. Meltsner, Policy Analysis in the Bureaucracy
Louis Fisher, Presidential Spending Power
Morton H. Halperin, Jerry J. Herman, Robert L. Borosage and Christine M. Marwick, The Lawless State: The Crimes of the U.S. Intelligence Agencies
David Berlinski, On Systems Analysis; An Essay Concerning the Limitations of Some Mathematical Methods in Social. Political and Biological Sciences
Herbert E. Alexander, Financing Politics; Money, Elections and Political Reform
Robert J. Kalter and William A. Vogely, eds., Energy Supply and Government Policy
Dale Mann, Policy Decision-Making in Education: An Introduction to Calculation and Control
Joseph A. Pechman, Federal Tax Policy (3rd ed., Washington, B.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1977)
Kenneth M. Friedman and Stuart H. Rakoff, eds., Toward a National Health Policy
Angus Campbell, Philip E. Converse, and Willard L. Rodgers, The Quality of American Life; Perceptions, Evaluations/and Satisfactions
Philip M. Hauser, Social Statistics in Use
Allen H. Barton, et al., Decentralizing City Government

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