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家谱具有丰富的资料性,其历史演变源远流长,家谱资料与县志资料有异有同,要合理辩证地利用家谱资料为编纂县志提供资料和素材。  相似文献   

独弦胡(琴),佤族最具代表性的弓弦乐器,以独特的音色和鲜明的民族性而被流传、保留下来,但发展速度还相当缓慢,在乐器制作、演奏技术技巧技法、作品创作等方面还需要深入研究、拓展和发掘,在创新中求发展,使其有更广阔的表现力和旺盛的生命力。  相似文献   

艾然 《神州》2013,(17):223-225
独弦胡(琴),佤族最具代表性的弓弦乐器,以独特的音色和鲜明的民族性而被流传、保留下来,但发展速度还相当缓慢,在乐器制作、演奏技术技巧技法、作品创作等方面还需要深入研究、拓展和发掘,在创新中求发展,使其有更广阔的表现力和旺盛的生命力。  相似文献   

两汉时期的谱牒学在谱学发展史上没有引起学者们的足够重视,原因在于这些学者认为只有私家之家谱、族谱才算是谱学著作。本文认为论述家族姓氏起源及发展的论著和论述帝王世系的史表同样是谱学著作。因此,《史记》等史书中的各类史表,以及王符、应劭等人专门论述姓氏的诸多论著便一同构成了两汉时期谱牒学的重要内容,且相当丰富多彩。  相似文献   

杨丰陌主编《喀喇沁左翼旗乌梁海氏家谱》一书由辽宁民族出版社于2003年9月出版。据此书《后记》介绍,这部家谱是由该旗末代扎萨克默尔庚额(1919-1943)之妻刘氏于上世纪五十年代献给喀喇沁左翼旗人民政府的,同时献扎萨克印章一颗,由该旗档案馆接收和保管。这部《喀喇沁左翼旗乌梁海氏家谱》(以下简称《喀左旗家谱》)全面记录了清代喀喇沁左翼旗扎萨克家族世系,包括扎萨克王公、一至四等塔布囊的授予和承袭情况、家族内各支系的世代传承、人口繁衍、出家当喇嘛人数、在朝廷任官以及与清朝皇族联姻情况等,对于研究喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治县地方史、研究清代蒙古政治史和社会史都有一定参考价值。为使家谱完好地传世和给学术研究提供方  相似文献   

This article explores the origins of certain theories of fascism, notably political religions theory, in the gendered intellectual milieu of the late nineteenth century. It suggests that political religions theory owes much to Gustave Le Bon's collective psychology (or crowd theory), a discipline that depended on a distinction between the feminised, racialised mass and the active male elite, and which saw women as trapped in the traditional phase of history. The article shows the influence of collective psychology in Durkheimian sociology and Freudian social psychology, and details its transmission to political theory via Talcott Parsons's account of the origins and nature of Nazism. The unacknowledged influence of collective psychology means that advocates of political religions theory either ignore women, or depict them as passive creatures defined by their need for the domination of a male elite.  相似文献   

南朝的谱学与政治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南朝谱学是南朝史学的一个重要组成部分,它较为突出地反映了史学与政治的密切关系。门阀政治深刻地影响着南朝谱学的发展,反之,谱学也成为门阀士族维护其特权政治的工具。南朝谱学的政治功用是它一个突出的时代特点,表现出很强的姓氏与地望相结合的姓族特征。同时,南朝谱学与南朝的选官、婚姻有看密切的内在联系。  相似文献   

汉代画像中的车马出行图考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汉代画像中的车马出行图,其实质是墓主人的灵魂从地下世界赴墓地祠堂去接受祭祀。此类题材在画像中的频繁出现,证明祭祀祖先活动的图象是汉画像中最重要的内容之一。  相似文献   

王鹤鸣 《安徽史学》2021,(5):151-159
上海图书馆家谱课题组自2011年起,历时10年,赴东北内蒙、西北、西南、中南东南地区,以少数民族口传家谱、实物家谱、单页谱单和石碑家谱等原始形态家谱为重点,进行有计划、有重点的调研工作.少数民族原始形态家谱具有诸多独特而重要的历史文化价值,当下面临失传消亡、亟待抢救的紧迫境地,有关部门理应高度重视,抓紧做好抢救、保护和传承工作.  相似文献   

This piece adopts a genealogical approach to the emergence of “neo-Shamanism” as a “spiritual” practice. It argues that the work of Freud and Durkheim collapsed the dichotomy between “primitive” and “civilized” which characterized nineteenth-century evolutionist anthropology. Neither Freud nor Durkheim embraced the consequences of this collapse, and while Bataille attempted to do so, his application of “Shamanism” to modern self-governance was constrained by the terms of the Freudian/Durkheimian framework. Jung did embrace this collapse, positing a universal equivalence between religious forms and psychological processes, and this epistemic shift permitted his interlocutors, Levi-Strauss and Eliade, to inaugurate the discursive frameworks which made “neo-Shamanism” thinkable as an ethical practice for contemporary Westerners. Analyses which suggest that “neo-Shamanisms” are rediscoveries of a primal “spirituality” write from within this framework, neglecting the contingency of historical change, the creativity of anthropological appropriations and the politics of knowledge.  相似文献   

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