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In historical records,when Princess Wencheng went to Tibet(then a kingdom named Tubo), the king(Songtse'n Gampo) and his officers more than likely thought highl...  相似文献   

The questions related to Tubo’s establishment,development,prosperity and decline always drew attention from academic circles.We need to analyze and study many aspects to find the essence of these questions.Undoubtedly,this is a very important approach to the study ofTubo’s expansionist policies. Many factors influenced the rise and fall of the Tubo Kingdom,including its economic development,the composition and structure of its political forces on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,the political forces in regions adjacent to Tubo,its social,economic and political situation as well as its internal and external policies.Academic circles have closely examined its expansionist activities.Professor Lin Guanqun,a scholar from Taiwan  相似文献   

何峰在《中国藏学》2013年第4期上发表文章,吐蕃王朝时期的社会形态表现为封建农奴制性质,赞普虽拥有绝对权威,但朝中重大事项往往以会议形式决策。文章根据藏文史料,将其会议决策制度归纳为御前会议、尚论会议、臣民会议、辩论会议、区域性会议等5种形式,并就各种会议的规模、权威、议题、召集人员等内容作了比较深入的探讨。  相似文献   

本期刊发了西藏元代建筑夏鲁寺的勘测报告。夏鲁寺的兴建、重修,都得到了当时中央皇室的直接支持,其中“大小屋顶殿”的形制做法以及建筑装饰等与内地宋元以来规范的官式建筑极为接近,是汉藏文化交流的珍贵实物例证。《吐蕃王朝前后的西藏建筑》一文,分析了公元6~9世纪西藏地区的建筑类型、形制和结构,探讨了历史上汉藏建筑文化交流,特别是四川与西藏地区建筑互为影响的情况。牛河梁女神庙自发现以来,倍受中外学者瞩目,本期刊发了女神庙平台东坡筒形器群遗存发掘简报,为研究探讨红山文化的性质、社会发展水平和当时人们的精神文化提供了重要的资料。黄盛璋的文章对朔县战国秦汉墓若干文物的断代提出了质疑,对有些墓葬的时代、国别重新做了推断。今后本刊将进一步开展学术上的争鸣。  相似文献   

最近几年,在考古工作中,发现了好几件唐代的"告身"。新疆出土的"汜德达告身",《文物》1975年8期已有专文作了论述;"张无价告身",也已在《文物》1975年第7期中作了初步介绍。今年第十期《文物》  相似文献   

西藏向来是中国一个传统信仰极其浓厚的少数民族聚居地区。洞悉西藏传统信仰的历史演变背后的社会发展,成为客观立体地分析藏文化的关键所在。以往由于吐蕃王朝前史料的匮乏,人们对于西藏的认识常止步于吐蕃王朝时期。但随着近些年相关学科和研究的不断拓展,吐蕃王朝建立前的西藏社会及其分期研究越来越成为可能。  相似文献   

意外发现 2008年7月26日.第三次全国文物普查技术专家陈祖军、杨曦、卢嘉兵、罗布扎西和次仁朗杰等在拉萨市墨竹工卡县进行文物调查时.意外发现一座寺庙不为人知的废弃库房墙面绘有壁画。  相似文献   

正Establishment of the Golden Urn Lottery System Historical Background The golden urn lottery system is a chance scheme used in the last stage of recognizing the reincarnated lamas. Emperor Qianlong established it in order to put an end to the malfeasance in the selection of most reincarnated lamas to be reincarnated  相似文献   

正China Issues White Paper on Tibet's Peaceful Liberation,Achievements China's State Council Information Office on May 21 issued a white paper on the peaceful liberation of Tibet and its development over the past seven decades.The white paper,titled "Tibet Since 1951:Liberation,Development and Prosperity," reviewed Tibet's history and achievements,and presented a true and panoramic picture of the new socialist Tibet.  相似文献   

正Tibetan-Style Fitness-A Collection of Traditional Tibetan Fitness Methods(New Edition)This book was written by Lhagpa Phuntsok,a well-known scholar of Tibetan studies,who,after pouring over a tremendous number of ancient Tibetan classics,began to collect information with regard to healthcare,disease prevention and treatment,and longevityfocused fitness and then analyzed different schools' arguments while adding his own views.The work was printed with pictures to present various angles of fitness theory,what Tibetan-style fitness is all about,and how to engage in related exercises;it also provided the author's own "secret formula" for unlocking the gates to longevity and sound fitness.Published by the China Tibetology Publishing House in June of 2020 at the price of 68.00 yuan(ISBN:9787521102093).  相似文献   

正China,Nepal Jointly Announce New Height of Mt.Qomolangma The new height of Mt.Qomolangma,the world's highest peak,is 8,848.86 meters,according to a joint announcement by China and Nepal on Dec.8,2020.The figure,including the height of the snowcap,was confirmed by surveyors from the two countries,which reached a consensus in 2019 to jointly declare the remeasured height of the peak and conduct scientific research on it.  相似文献   

The origins of the Bkav-gdams pa trace back to Atisha.It was founded by vB rom-ston and developed during the Po-do-ba period in vP han-yul.When the Bkav-gdams pa was passed from Glang-ri-thang-pa and Shar-ba-pa to Lha-vgro-bavi-mgon-po,the sect began to build many temples and enlarge its organization.It consisted of two branches:the Bkavgdams-gzhung-pa and the Bkav-gdams-gdams-ngag-ba,the latter developed by Bya-yul-ba  相似文献   

正A Pictorial of Tibet History This book is co-edited by Chen Qingying,Dondrub Wangbum,Sherab Nyima,the late Liao Dongfan,Zhang Xiaoming,and Zhou Aiming.It is comprised of 95 historical accounts together with hundreds of pictures and brief explanations,telling the history of Tibet from ancient times to the peaceful liberation in 1951 with the general theme being how Tibetan civilization  相似文献   

正Golden Highland Barley:Record of Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Tibet This book written by Xu Jian unrolls a magnificent scroll concerning the full-on campaign of poverty alleviation in Tibet.The author has been to Tibet 21 times,becoming imbedded within local communities.This work is a literary perspective of how alleviation measures fared for the people,with spotlights shining on particular individuals and families and clearly detailing how the initiatives affected their lives.Published by the Beijing Union Press(ISBN:9787559645906).  相似文献   

盟誓制度是吐蕃社会的一项重要制度,通过对吐蕃盟誓制度的研究探索,我们可以对吐蕃社会普遍存在的个人和集体行为约束规范略窥一二。历年相关研究成果有创新亦有不足,本文对此进行了综述。  相似文献   

金瓶掣签是清朝乾隆皇帝针对活佛转世中的一些弊病而制定的一项重要管理制度,在制定时结合了藏传佛教活佛转世认定中的一些传统做法和清朝选官制度的签选办法,体现了清朝对活佛转世事务的管理权力。文章对金瓶掣签制度的制定及其在西藏的实施做了详细的分析介绍,为研究金瓶掣签制度提供了详细可信的资料,金瓶掣签制度是清朝管理活佛转世事务的重要历史定制。  相似文献   

林昕 《神州》2013,(32):240-240
While the world is shocked by China's rapid economic growth, the hidden price China had to pay for rushing forward has gradually shown the tip of the iceberg. Since Beijing's air pollution became a heated topic on internet, people have realized the problem involved with air pollution and have started to take precaution by downloading applications that monitor the city's air quality, staying inside when the degree of contamination is high and wearing masks if necessary. What about water? Can a country have clean water when its air is severely polluted? If the water is polluted, how serious is the pollution? What are some possible ways to mitigate water pollution that is so crucial to the surviving of human being?  相似文献   

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