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Dekyi is a Tibetan girl who always has a smile on her face.She came from Tibet to Beijing to receive her higher education and then she gave up the opportunity to work in city where she could have had a high income and comfortable life.Instead she decided to work in Sema Village of Nechung Town of Tohlung Dechen County,where she launched her new life by contributing to the rebuilding of a rural area in Tibet.She interpreted the rural policies issued by the government by applying her own knowledge.  相似文献   

Today is Sunday.Anyi,a Tibetan woman,gets up early and gets dressed. She combs her hair and tries to make herself to look smart.She takes her daughter Nyina,together with some fellow villagers,to walk toward the church situated at the entrance to the village.To most of these villagers in Tsakhalho Village,this is a normal Sunday activity.  相似文献   

Today is Sunday. Anyi, a Tibetan woman, gets up early and gets dressed. She combs her hair and tries to make herself to look smart. She takes her daughter Nyina, together with some fellow villagers, to walk toward the ehureh situated at the entrance to the village. To most of these villagers in Tsakhalho Village, this is a normal Sunday activity.  相似文献   

In the middle of the 1980s the Chinese Government launched a campaign of poverty relief entitled the"Eight-Seven Plan to Attack Poverty".Later scholars from the China Tibetology Research Center followed the implementation of the plan by conducting comprehensive academic studies.Subsequently, scholars closely observed the family of Lhundrup Tsomo and her community,Chundul Village in Lhundrup County of Lhasa,for ten years.In this paper and others to come,a series of"Lhundrup Tsomo's stories:Studies in the ...  相似文献   

Overlooking the township of Chudogyang in Chusum County of Lhoka City,the snow on top of Mt.Rensum Gonpo was hanging on.It was April 14.A new week was about to start.Sonam Dorje,a primary school teacher in Dzongxu Village of Chudogyang,was riding his motorcycle on a country road.Thinking of the many things to attend to at the school,he hit the throttle.Every weekend,Sonam Dorje has to travel between his home in Jiangtang Village and the small learning center in Dzongxu Village at least once.  相似文献   

The Township Village of Gamdeling is situated in District Naiqung, County of Doilungdeqen, Lhasa. It is the place where I began to establish a relationship with Tibet. Halfa Century's Concern and Remembrance In the early spring of 1963, as a junior student majoring in Tibetan at the Department of Minority Languages and Literature in the Central College for Nationalities, I set foot in Tibet for the first time. The first place I saw was the Township Village of Gamdeling, where I went to work with the liberated serfs who were undergoing a democratic reform. I helped set up grass roots political power. Being together day and night, I studied Tibetan with them and taught singing to children in the primary school. There, I learned to recite Tsangyang Gyatso's poem, On the Peak of the Eastern Mountain, from which the well- known name "Makye-ame" comes. Since July 20, 1963, the day on which I departed, I have had no opportunity to return to Gamdeling. These years, by radio, newspaper and internet, I got to know that a famous vegetable and flower producers' cooperative was built in Gamdeling. I can collect hundreds of reports about Gamdeling on line. The news makes me excited, because I know Gamdeling is going forward with Tibet. How about my old Tibetan friends? How about their life now? Who are even still alive? On August 30, 2011, on the occasion of a short business trip to Lhasa while accompanied by a friend, I stepped on the land again. Tenzin Wodrup's Vegetable Greenhouse Across the bridge over Tohlung Chu of the Lhasa River, we entered the area of Gamdeling. For me, everything was so familiar but yet strange! We stopped our car in front of a building with the sign of "Vegetable and Flower Exhibition and Trade Center of the Gamdeling Farmers' Vegetable Cultivation Cooperative, the County of Doilungdeqen". By the gate there was a stall selling local watermelons. Having taken some pictures, we drove northwards into the district of the vegetable greenhouses, intending to find a local and ask the way. It took five or six minutes for our ear to circle around the area, from which, we can see how big the district was. In time, I saw a middle-aged farmer with a bright T-shirt standing on the road. I got out and asked him about Tsering Dondrup. To my surprise, he was from Gamdeling and lived in the same Village of Chabka as Tsering Dondrup, and they were relatives The man's name was Tenzin Wodrup. He promised to take us to call on Tsering Dondrup's. On both sides of the road that was straight, clean and paved with cement, there stood dozens of vegetable greenhouses in rows.  相似文献   

Recently, this reporter visited the family of farmer-turned taxi driver Baima Chagsi in Namkar Village, Donggar Township of Duilungdeqen County in the suburbs of Lhasa City. Hostess Baima Chagsi, now in her early 40's, welcomed us hospitably. The courtyard of her house is very large with a garage for four automobiles and with an enclosure for cattle. Outside the kitchen hangs a great deal of dried  相似文献   

Irecently paid a visit to Tari Village in Renbo County of Xigaze. I went there for two purposes: to attend the Ongkor (Bumper Harvest) Festival and to persuade Puncog's father to allow him to get married in Lhasa.  相似文献   

正In December,it is sunny but freezing in Lhasa.I met Saldron in a Western restaurant to the west of the Potala Palace.A pair of broad-brimmed glasses on her fair-skinned face and short slightly curled hair under a purplish blue hat,Saldron took a black pack on her back and looked like a free and casual college student.A Thankful Heart for Her Eleven Years of Study in the Mainland  相似文献   

Irecently paid a visit to Tari Village in Renbo County of Xigaze. I went there for two purposes: to attend the Ongkor (Bumper Harvest) Festival and to persuade Puncog‘s father to allow him to get married in Lhasa.  相似文献   

正On the wall of her room,which is no bigger than twenty square meters,she has hung all her paintings that she has worked out while in a different spirit and state,most of them in a series of a few pictures.The paintings were finished in the past one or two years during her free time after lectures.Pointing at her paintings,she smiled and said,"Each painting is my soul work,to which I have devoted  相似文献   

While working one time in Xiaojin County of Garze, the remotest Khanniu area, I heard of many strange stories. The following is a folk tale about the mysterious Haize lake in Reshi area. One day, I joined some colleagues in inspecting the project of planting grass and feeding livestock in Khanniu Township of the Khanniu area. Our destination was Zumo Village. There is a Tibetan village named Reshi within Zumo Village, and above the village there is a plateau lake named Haize Lake in Re…  相似文献   

Three villages were selected to do the field research in Tibet Autonomous Region: Khorchak village and Shide Village in Purang Town, Purang County, and Kungyal Village in Hor County. Close to India and IO km from Nepal, the first two villages, Khorchak and Shide, are situated I8 kilometers from Purang County, along the downstream of Peacock River, one of the four major rivers in All. With average altitude of 3850 meters in plateau subfrigid arid climate, these two beautiful villages fall into the category of farming- pastoral area and their productive structure is settled/grazing, herding sheep, goat, cow and etc. Kungyal Village, II5 kilometers to the east of Purang County government, altitude 4670, plateau subfrigid arid climate, is a typical pastoral area and its productive structure is nomad or seasonal nomad, herding yak, sheep goat and etc. These three villages were chosen due to their representative features.  相似文献   

In late June of 2002, when I stayed in the Zuogong County seat with Tugar,chief editor of Records of Qamdo,we drove to Junyong Village, which is the site of the Dongba township government,along the Yuqu River Valley. The flourishing trees in the village provided a sharp contrast with the surrounding bare mountains.  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: Fifteen years ago, Zhaxi inherited the properties due to her accord-ing to the will of her uncle in Nepal. She brought them back home to Tibet, and estab-lished its first privately owned company-Potala Carpet Co.Ltd. at Damba Village infront of Zhaibung Monastery.Now 58,she owns properties valued at 20 million Yuan.  相似文献   

Chongdro is a farmer in Kangsa Village of Norgyan Town of Panam County of TAR. She is a typical Tibetan woman living in a rural area and that is apparent not only from her face and general appearance,but also from her modest behavior and hospitality.Her house is still very much the traditional home of a rural Tibetan family living with their animals i.e.the first floor is for the animals and the second floor for the humans.The surrounding wall of the courtyard is plastered and almost covered with cattle ...  相似文献   

Sonam was the last woman I interviewed in Tibet.In her workplace,a big plastic tent planted with flowers, I met her while she was pruning carnations.This slim lady farmer from the suburbs of Lhasa Municipality looked a little depressed.Sure enough,later in the interview,she revealed she was divorced and a single mother.Due to the language barrier,our communication had to rely on the translation by a technician who could understand Chinese perfectively.Sonam's voice was very low but she spoke at a rapid p...  相似文献   

At first, Liu Yuan gave me the impression that she must be a "health nut" because at the dining table, she drank neither wine nor other beverages, just tea. She started her meal with vegetables and finished it with meat. I asked her what she had studied and, as expected, she answered 'medicine'. I continued by , asking her how to refuse a toast.., and she gave me the simple response: "insist". As we returned to Songpan from Hongyuan and Ruoergai, Lv Qiang, Director of the New Lotus Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus Base, Liu Yuan and her two post-graduate students had been waiting for us in the Chuandrnp Monastery for some time. Soon, we were taken to the base. It should have been Lv Qiang that hosted the meeting but Liu Yuan interrupted now and then, trying to introduce their common "treasures" by herself: F.unibracteata Hsiao et K.C.Hsia, F.unibraeteata Hsiao et K. C. Hsiavar. wabuensis (S. Y. Tang et S. C.Yue), Z. D. Liu, S. Wang et and S. C. Chen, Rheum offieinale, Notopterygiumincisium Ting, and so on. Her quiek temper, wit and speech led me to suppose that she must walk and work very fast. When we finally had an opportunity to sit down together and In 2002, Liu Yuan was awarded a PhD in Chinese Pharmacology by Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. At that time, the Southwest University for Nationalities was trying a project to "recruit talent". Among the 238 people who were accepted that year, she was the only PhD candidate and received a "settling-in" allowance of 30 thousand Yuan as and a scientific research fund of another 30 thousand. While nursing her three month-old daughter, she took the position of adviser for two classes and studied in the meanwhile. That year, she published a dozen thesis, such as Thin.layer Chromatography of Three Ligusticum Species: Naixiong, Shah Chuanxiong and Chuan Xiong (L. Wallichii). In 2003, in spite of a normal procedure, she was appointed Associate Professor by the university and initiated a precedent amongst the teachers that someone could be Associate Professor just one year later after graduation as a PhD. She was then aged 35. In the same year, Liu Yuan began to give lectures on Medicinal Plants and Traditional Chinese Medicine. "I prefer to be a teacher, because I like the feeling of standing before a class. I can give my students all that I know. Maybe sometimes they cannot understand a thing I say, but my enthusiasm and my love for what I teach will affect them, and lead them into study. For a teacher, it is the greatest satisfaction and achievement" Both her courses include content to identify primitive medicines so Liu Yuan was not satisfied to only teach in a classroom: she therefore decided to take her students out for a practice class.  相似文献   

Before seeing Asgen I had imagined a girl who has been on the stage of various parties on CCTV(China Central Television)many times for such a young age.She might have the air of a star but when I saw her the first time,my former suspicions all vanished right away.Before me,was a Tibetan girl who is so pretty,nice and easy going. When Asgen did the interview with me,the sunshine shone through the window and it was warm and peaceful in the room.As she spoke to me, her eyes were attentive and her voice seemed to penetrate one’s heart with enchantment.  相似文献   

Behind the Village Committee,there is an orchard with an area of about 6,666 square meters.Though it mainly belongs to the family of Shigyal and Chojor Jinpa,(the Village Secretary),some of the trees in it are allocated to other families.It is only one of the many orchards in the village.Since the orchard lies next to the Village committee where we are stationed,it is like our backyard garden.In the morning,it is full of birds.Each orchard,fenced by walls and thorns,is a quiet and slightly forbidding place in the name of different families.  相似文献   

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