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A dozen km west of Lhasa there lies a small village called Sangmo No.5 in Donggar Town. Sitting by the Lhasa River, it is screened on three sides by woods.With visitors to Tibet increasing in number with each passing day, the village turned to tourism, attracting visitors with singing and dancing.The Tibetans are a race good at singing and dancing. Rural folk villages have sprung up in the last few years but Sangmo is obviously is different from others. Its villagers created their own singing and dancing items.  相似文献   

I still remember the first time I stepped into Are's Tibetan Restaurant back in 2011 when I had just come back from my first trip to Tibet.With memories reverberating in my mind,I started to explore Tibetanstyle restaurants in Chengdu in the hopes of finding some relief through enjoying a simple bowl of buttered tea while reminiscing about the sweet drink served in a warm tea house on the Barkor Street.For the past nine years,I have gone to Are's place with friends every now and again and can never shake the feeling that we are eating and talking in a nice restaurant in Lhasa.  相似文献   

正I still remember the first time I stepped into Are's Tibetan Restaurant back in 2011 when I had just come back from my first trip to Tibet.With memories reverberating in my mind,I started to explore Tibetanstyle restaurants in Chengdu in the hopes of finding some relief through enjoying a simple bowl of buttered tea while reminiscing about the sweet drink served in a warm tea house on the Barkor Street.For the past nine years,I have gone to Are's place with friends every now and again and can never shake the feeling that we are eating and talking in a nice restaurant in Lhasa.The  相似文献   

According to the older generation,the sun in winter has its own master,in particularly in Tibet.This is a good season to enjoy drinking tea while basking in sunlight and listening to stories.In the winter of 2009,I made an appointment with Tsering,Lhadon,Mr.Liu and Mr. Qian who had all previously served with the Lhasa Transportation Company.We sat together in the garden of the former transportation company chatting in the sun about the life of drivers who we called the True men of Tibet or Emperors behin...  相似文献   

正Coming to Tibet I came to Tibet in the normal way,that is,the normal way for many of the workers and students coming to Tibet:42hours on a train from Chengdu to Lhasa.Also,like many of the workers and students,I had a ticket for a hard seat.  相似文献   

正The weather has turned warm,the pastures green,and Nyima Sichul is busy again.He can be seen in every corner of the village,building irrigation canals and roads,tending to elderly people with no family,and providing I employment services.The villagers come to him with all kinds of issues,and he always goes out of his way to help them,and bears responsibility without grudge.Not only that,he has worked out ways to bring in more income for the  相似文献   

The Township Village of Gamdeling is situated in District Naiqung, County of Doilungdeqen, Lhasa. It is the place where I began to establish a relationship with Tibet. Halfa Century's Concern and Remembrance In the early spring of 1963, as a junior student majoring in Tibetan at the Department of Minority Languages and Literature in the Central College for Nationalities, I set foot in Tibet for the first time. The first place I saw was the Township Village of Gamdeling, where I went to work with the liberated serfs who were undergoing a democratic reform. I helped set up grass roots political power. Being together day and night, I studied Tibetan with them and taught singing to children in the primary school. There, I learned to recite Tsangyang Gyatso's poem, On the Peak of the Eastern Mountain, from which the well- known name "Makye-ame" comes. Since July 20, 1963, the day on which I departed, I have had no opportunity to return to Gamdeling. These years, by radio, newspaper and internet, I got to know that a famous vegetable and flower producers' cooperative was built in Gamdeling. I can collect hundreds of reports about Gamdeling on line. The news makes me excited, because I know Gamdeling is going forward with Tibet. How about my old Tibetan friends? How about their life now? Who are even still alive? On August 30, 2011, on the occasion of a short business trip to Lhasa while accompanied by a friend, I stepped on the land again. Tenzin Wodrup's Vegetable Greenhouse Across the bridge over Tohlung Chu of the Lhasa River, we entered the area of Gamdeling. For me, everything was so familiar but yet strange! We stopped our car in front of a building with the sign of "Vegetable and Flower Exhibition and Trade Center of the Gamdeling Farmers' Vegetable Cultivation Cooperative, the County of Doilungdeqen". By the gate there was a stall selling local watermelons. Having taken some pictures, we drove northwards into the district of the vegetable greenhouses, intending to find a local and ask the way. It took five or six minutes for our ear to circle around the area, from which, we can see how big the district was. In time, I saw a middle-aged farmer with a bright T-shirt standing on the road. I got out and asked him about Tsering Dondrup. To my surprise, he was from Gamdeling and lived in the same Village of Chabka as Tsering Dondrup, and they were relatives The man's name was Tenzin Wodrup. He promised to take us to call on Tsering Dondrup's. On both sides of the road that was straight, clean and paved with cement, there stood dozens of vegetable greenhouses in rows.  相似文献   

正Tsusum, a border village some 2,000 kilometers east of Lhasa and 6,000 kilometers from Beijing, is in the Tsosisumkyi Township of Zanda County in Ngari Prefecture. The road to the village is both longer and tougher than even the well-known difficult road leading to the Metok County.Tsusum means"dried-up lake"in Tibetan. With an elevation of 4,000  相似文献   

The activity of China Guangcai Program in Tibet, jointly organized by China Guangcai Society and the government of Tibet Autonomous Region, was held in Lhasa from August 4 to 5, 2013. More than 600 enterprises from 30 provinces all over the country took part in the activity. o During the activity, 229 contracts were signed with a total investment of 361.31 billion Yuan. China Guangcai Founda tion donated 18 million Yuan for the construction of Senior's House in Chushur County. China Minsheng Bank donated 40 million Yuan in the next four years for the treatment of children with congenital heart disease in Tibet. Qizheng Tibetan Medicine Co., Ltd donated 11 million Yuan to build a cultural institute in Lhundrup County and two Tibetan clinics respectively in Nagqu and Nyingchi.  相似文献   

In the change of season from spring to summer in 2008, our research team revisited Lhundrup Tsomo's family. She was worried and askedus about the health situation of the village administrator's wife who was ill, and the village administrator had already taken her to see doctors. With her perseverance, we had to inform her that the wife of the village administrator Tashi Dampa was suffering from breast cancer and she was undergoing chemical therapy in the People's Hospital i,n Lhasa and surgery might soon take place. On hearing that, Lhundrup Tsomo immediately became sad and she told us stories about how sucha situation developed in Tashi Dampa's family during recent years. Since the village administrator devoted his time and efforts to take care of the village and his fellow villagers, he did less for his family but rather left it all to his wife, which led to her final tragedy.  相似文献   

At the end of 2019,Ireceived a message from Tsering Gyalpo,a singer and storyteller of the epic of King Gesar.He said he and his fellow villagers had moved from Tsonyi County in Nagqu City to Sengpori,which is in Gonggar County of Lhoka City.With the message,there were some photos of him standing in front of a row of new houses and of himsitting in a living room with brand new furniture all around.  相似文献   

On the afternoon of July 2, 2012, accompanied by my interpreter, I visited the home of SonamDawa and his wife Tsering Drolkar. It was less than 200 meters from the Namseling village committee. This was an unplanned interview. What led us here was that I had asked my interpreter to take me to a family with elders. For over two hours, we sat in the little courtyard of Sonam's home and listened to him talk about his family.  相似文献   

正Lhari County is situated in a special part of Nagqu in the Tibet Autonomous Region. People living in the valley of southern Tibet often refer to it as north Lhari, and it is recognized as part of the area where north Tibetan culture continues to prevail. Nevertheless, the people of Nagqu itself like to call it south Lhari and believe it to be the place with the best  相似文献   

In April, while Lhasa enjoyed sunshine, the border county of Cona, hundreds of km away saw heavy snow.Meidog?s Carding Machine About two years ago, Meidog, 47, came to the county seat. She carded wool into balls with carding machine bought at some 80,000 Yuan. Several years ago, she was a herdswoman. There are only four people in her family. Her husband worked as a projectionist, her son grazed the cattle and her daughter-in-law managed household chores. Therefore, they had to hire others …  相似文献   

An Unmarried Old Lady Padma Chodron The 65-year-old Padma Chodron lived alone in Group Six of some village in Chaqi before she came to the Nursing Home for the Elderly. She was childless and only had a 53-year old sister in the same village. Her sister and brother-in- law wanted her to live with them but she refused and has been living alone ever since.  相似文献   

Sonam was the last woman I interviewed in Tibet.In her workplace,a big plastic tent planted with flowers, I met her while she was pruning carnations.This slim lady farmer from the suburbs of Lhasa Municipality looked a little depressed.Sure enough,later in the interview,she revealed she was divorced and a single mother.Due to the language barrier,our communication had to rely on the translation by a technician who could understand Chinese perfectively.Sonam's voice was very low but she spoke at a rapid p...  相似文献   

Everyone has a sacred place deep in his or her heart. I have two such places:one is my hometown Lhasa who gave me my life;the other is my alma mater Peking University who gave me not only knowledge,but the ability to think for myself instead of following the herd and swimming with the tide. I was born in Lhasa,and finished my primary and secondary education there.Most of the teachers in my primary school,Lhasa Experimental Primary school,were  相似文献   

Every winter,tourists to Tibet make sure to allow time in their itineraries to observe the flocks of black-necked cranes in Lhundrup County,Lhasa City.Often,blacknecked cranes fly from the prairie of Nagqu to the valley of Lhasa River during the winter months and then fly away once spring comes.Their annual appearance thus adds significant charm to an already mesmerizing snow-covered highland.  相似文献   

Living in the residential area behind the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Lobsang Dainzin recalls how he worked for 26 years on the Northern Tibet Plateau, with the first 17 years in Xainzha,Wenbo and Shuanghu. At that time,Xainzha County covered 190,000 square km, but with two-thirds of it considered to be a no-man‘s land. Nyima County and the Shuanghu Special Administrative Area now occupy this latter area.  相似文献   

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