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In Time and Narrative, Paul Ricoeur confirms the relationship between time experience and how it is epitomized in a narrative by investigating historiography and fiction. Regarding fiction, he explores temporality in three “novels of time” [Zeitromane]: Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf, The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann, and À la recherche du temps perdu by Marcel Proust. Ricoeur perceives the temporalities as homogeneous; however, in my view, the novels contain at least three different temporalities. Mann seeks a new temporality by ironizing a romantic time of rise and fall and Woolf configures a time we can call the simultaneity of the dissimultaneous. In his analysis of Proust's À la recherche du temps perdu, Ricoeur explicitly dismisses a Bergsonian approach to temporality. In my opinion, Bergson defends a heterogeneous time that is apparent in Proust's novel.  相似文献   


This article looks at Marcel Gauchet’s major metahistorical statement, The Disenchantment of the World: A Political History of Religion (1985), and uses it to advance a series of claims about the place of secularization in debates within and about French politics, especially in relation to modern French history. The argument is put forward that Gauchet’s work is best understood as offering an alternative philosophy of history to Marxism that could serve to support a broadly republican realignment of French politics in the 1980s. Revisionist historiography concerning the French Revolution likewise played a role in this development, and served as a prerequisite of sorts to Gauchet’s broader historical project. The article also considers Gauchet’s work in light of postmodern skepticism of the utility of historical metanarratives.  相似文献   

Art critics and scholars have puzzled over the behavior of Pablo Picasso, Gerhard Richter, and Sigmar Polke, three important modern painters who have made frequent and abrupt changes of style. In each case, assuming this behavior to be idiosyncratic, the experts consequently failed to recognize its common basis. But stylistic versatility is in fact often a characteristic of conceptual innovators whose ability to solve specific problems can free them to pursue new goals. This contrasts sharply with the practice of experimental artists, whose inability to achieve their goals often ties them to a single style for an entire career. The phenomenon of the conceptual innovator who produces diverse innovations is an important and new feature of twentieth-century art; Picasso was the prototype, and he has been followed by a series of others, from Marcel Duchamp and Francis Picabia to Bruce Nauman and Damien Hirst. Versatility has furthermore been a characteristic not only of modern painters but also of conceptual innovators in other arts, and of conceptual scholars. Recognizing the common basis of this behavior deepens our understanding not only of twentieth-century art but also of human creativity more generally, for it adds a dimension to the contrast between conceptual and experimental innovators.  相似文献   

张萍 《攀登》2005,24(4):123-124
形象思维和逻辑思维是两种性质不同的思维方式,但是,在艺术和文学等的创作实践中,两者却能够统一起来,并且在创作的每个阶段上都交互影响。形象思维始终占据着主导地位,逻辑思维从属于形象思维,帮助它塑造出具体真实的形象。  相似文献   

何炳松指出历史学与自然科学在研究方法、研究目的和研究对象上均有很大不同,由此得出历史学是一门主观推理的学问,历史学不必像自然科学那样寻求历史发展的因果规律,历史认识会随时代的变化而变化,体现了历史相对主义的思想特征。另一方面,他指出,历史学与自然科学都旨在求真,历史学为了求得历史真相,必须在充分搜集史料的基础上,对史料进行科学的考订和分析,然后用科学的方法进行编撰,这又是一种实证史学的方法论。因此,简单将他定位为中国现代相对主义史学家是片面的。  相似文献   

唐、五代长沙出土白瓷窑口探源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长沙地区出土唐、五代白瓷170余件。`本文根据上手的20件将其分成六大类,其中三类可定出窑口:定窑、安徽泾县晏公窑、繁昌骆冲窑,另三类则来自不明窑口。  相似文献   

王阳明在黔创作的《瘗旅文》等多篇散文,是明代散文的精品,他的散文有其独具的特点;王阳明不仅是明代思想家、教育家、也应是文学家,这在明清以来就有定论。  相似文献   

《姑妄言》是一部在国内失传已久的孤本小说,颇具文献和文学价值。现行影响较大的点校本存在有错字、脱文与衍文、标点之误、正文误作评语、删节等问题,有违古籍整理出版的规范性和学术性。  相似文献   

In the modern era, the grand forces of modernism, liberalism and nationalism have opposed and minimized societal diversity in Western states. The Civil Rights Movement in the USA and the flow of millions of unassimilable immigrants, mostly Muslims, to Europe opened Western societies to cultural diversity. But liberal multiculturalism in the West consists mainly of endorsement of subcultures, non‐discrimination and inclusion. It falls short of instituting consociational components like cultural autonomy and power‐sharing. Fear and unease in the West increasingly give priority to majority over minority rights. While all Western democracies object to societal diversity, they differ in the way they handle it: liberal democracies deny it, consociational democracies institutionalize it and ethnic democracies partially allow and partially subordinate it. These three different strategies are evident in the way representative cases of Western democracies, namely the USA, Switzerland and Estonia, respectively, cope with societal diversity.  相似文献   

在炎帝传说流衍的过程中,逐渐形成其"长于姜水"、"都陈"与"葬于长沙"的说法。诸说之间似乎缺乏必然的联系,但均有历史与文化的渊源。早在先秦时期,炎帝传说在东、西方流传之时,亦有缘起于南方说流行。随着东汉后期"三皇五帝"系统整合工作的完成,以及魏晋时期以现实生活中的帝王为标准,对传说中古帝王的生平事迹、都城、陵墓所在等关键环节的再次整合,尽管依旧保留着相当浓郁的传说色彩,然而炎帝的人格化倾向却日益凸现,这是古代帝王传说演变过程中一个值得关注的历史文化现象。"姜水"、"陈"与"长沙",似乎可以被理解为炎帝传说流衍过程中三个重要的地理标志,各地不同的炎帝传说借此得以整合,最终形成一个与黄帝并称的华夏民族始祖形象。  相似文献   

我国酒店类上市公司经营业绩下滑原因初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1999年我国酒店类上市公司经营业绩又出现较大滑坡,这已是酒店业上市公司连续第四年下降。本文通过对上市公司业绩下滑原因作出分析,探讨了上市公司走出目前困境的途径。  相似文献   

Carlo Lippolis 《文博》2009,(6):426-434
帕提亚帝国(公元前二世纪)最有意义的遗址之一当属现今位于土库曼斯坦南部的旧尼萨城。从二十世纪到今天,土库曼斯坦,俄罗斯和意大利的探险队已经带回来了一些纪念性的东西和一些我们所熟知的这段重要历史和文化时期里的工艺品。尤其是意大利都灵的考古探险队从上世纪90年代就已经活跃在这个地区,与当地的博物馆合作挖掘了许多有纪念价值的藏品并对这个藏品进行了一些研究。对挖掘出的藏品的彩饰的初步研究已经进行了很久。因为很明显在很多情况下这些藏品是无法移动的,采样也很困难,所以我们决定直接在现场(Ashgabat国家博物馆)测量鉴定。我们用了许多实验性的技术,无破坏性、无伤害性的测量以及传统的方法(包括分层部分碎片的研究和衍射分析)。这个研究是关于从所谓的RoundHall和RedBuilding(1990—2006)出土的粘土塑像、陶瓦建筑元素、壁画以及石膏等。尽管意大利专家所收集到的数据还没有完全处理,但已经可以帮助我们更好的了解这些出土品的生产过程,让我们对古尼萨的工艺品制造者的“调色板”有了一个更清楚的认识。这篇文章的目的是展示这些初步的研究成果,并同时提出对古尼萨主要内部建筑重建的假设。  相似文献   

皖北乡土因素在淮系集团的发展和崛起过程中发挥了重要的影响.皖北贫困、动荡的社会局面、错综复杂的三缘关系和刚劲剽悍的民风推动了淮系集团在军事方面的崛起,而落后的文化教育水平则限制了淮系集团在政治方面的发展.乡土因素成为淮系集团呈现军强政弱特点的原因之一.  相似文献   

This article analyses how neoliberal economic policies decide what particular aspects of knowledge are valuable and what are not, and who might be the true holder of that knowledge within the tertiary education system. This assessment leads to some disciplines being seen as less valuable to the system. It argues that the more recent “academic wars” in geography are over the very concept of the university and its role in the contemporary society, what comprises useful knowledge, and who comprises the authoritative figure in the production and distribution of that knowledge. Gender of the geographer therefore becomes a crucial element that determines “authority” in the production of geographical knowledge. To substantiate this argument, the paper takes up the important task of analysing the complex career trajectory of geography within the Australian National University (ANU), the department that was gradually reduced leading eventually to its unfortunate closure in 2009.  相似文献   

Rafael Chirbes's En la orilla has been proclaimed as “la novela de la crisis,” and it has garnered an impressive amount of distinction in the short length of time since its publication in May 2013. It was voted the 2013 novel of the year by readers of El País, and in January 2014 it won the Premio Francisco Umbral, as well as reaching its fifth edition. Unsparingly critical, En la orilla forms an integral part of the cultural requestioning of social values in the wake of the Spanish crisis, “la literatura de la crisis,” which stresses the human and material consequences of the suspension of human values stemming from the social endorsement of market imperialism. En la orilla thematizes the corrosion of moral character during Spain's economic boom, in its multiple forms, such as selfishness, disregard for the elderly, and arrant mercenariness, while also fictionalizing neoliberal Spain's exclusion of immigrants and the poor. Integral to Chiribes's historically contextualized critique of the recession, and the object of my study, is a perceptive vision of the historical degeneration of masculinity from the Second Republic, 1931–1936, to the present day. This article will first provide a brief overview of “la literatura de la crisis,” while the second part illumines the economic and ideological distortion of the father–son relationship in this novel.  相似文献   

周恩来对新中国西部交通建设做出了很大的贡献 ,他较早明确了发展西部交通在实现民族振兴中的战略地位 ,并为发展西部交通事业呕心沥血。他主持经济建设的 2 6年 ,奠定了我们今天赖以进行西部开发的至关重要的交通运输基础  相似文献   

中唐以后的史家开始重视史学褒贬人事、惩恶劝善的宗旨,编年体史书由此中兴,历史上的二体优劣之争再起。及至北宋,孙甫强调编年体具有体正、文简的优点。体正,指编年体便于立褒贬以惩劝,同时起源较早,与儒家经典关系密切;文简则是指编年体史文简约。孙甫的观点得到宋代多数论者的响应。同时,宋代史学考察重心由人到事的转移,也对编年体史书占据史学主流地位推波助澜。以上因素最终导致了编年体史书空前繁荣的局面。  相似文献   


Carlo Salsa’s book ‘Trenches: A foot-soldier’s tales’ (Trincee. Confidenze di un fante, 1924) was one of many published in Italy after the end of the First World War. It describes the facts of the war as they were lived by officers and soldiers on the Italian front line. The article tries to compare the book with the contemporary war literature in Italy and in Europe, without forgetting the use of the international historiography on the matter. Thus, it is analysed the way an Italian author described to his readers the brutal carnage of the war in years when Fascism was the rising star in Italian policy and the censorship was becoming the more and more a thornily factor for every writer of those days. From this analysis it is possible to note the quality of the volume both from the literary point of view, and its historical value as a reliable testimony of the facts, stepping up our knowledge of what the war literature was for the Italian public opinion after the 1918. As it is possible to note, the book puts under test our notions of the role played by this kind of literature in shaping the Italian political life at the end of the 1910s and at the start of 1920s, when Italy was becoming a country lead by the Fascist regime.  相似文献   

黔铅的采炼是清代矿业兴盛的主要表征之一,其在开采时间、规模、作用与影响方面堪比滇铜,但其研究却显得极其滞后。当前学术界对清代黔铅最大矿厂的认识仍然不清,大多数学者将威宁州属莲花、妈姑并列为两大铅厂。笔者经过对名称、厂址、产量的考证和两者之间关系的考察,发现二者实为一厂,而“一厂二名”现象表现出不同类型文献记载上的差异,这对于研究黔铅的产量与规模至关重要。  相似文献   


Eighteen Histories in Brief (Shiba shilue 十八史略) was a concise general history text created in the Yuan dynasty, which developed into many editions and achieved widespread popularity by the Ming dynasty. After being introduced to Japan, Eighteen Histories in Brief became as well known as historical classics such as the Records of the Grand Historian (Shiji 史记) and the Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government (Zizhi tongjian 资治通鉴). During the Meiji Restoration period, a demand for abbreviated histories arose in Japan. This was seen in the large-scale publication of many new editions of Eighteen Histories in Brief. Continuations to the book, as well as histories in brief of Japanese and Western history were also widely published. This had a profound impact on Japanese society, culture, and historiography, with a legacy extending into the contemporary period.  相似文献   

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