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Auch Regionen, die noch nicht vom Ph?nomen des Schrumpfens betroffen sind, müssen sich bereits heute auf Folgen des demographischen Wandels einstellen. Ver?nderungen im Altersaufbau bedeuten für die Bereiche „Wirtschaft und Arbeitsmarkt“, „Bildung“, „soziale Infrastruktur“, „Wohnungsmarkt“ sowie „?PNV und Mobilit?t“ vielf?ltige Handlungserfordernisse. Am Beispiel des Landkreises Neuwied wird in unserem Beitrag ein einj?hriger Planungsprozess nachgezeichnet, in dem die Entscheidungstr?ger „vor Ort“ für diese Erfordernisse sensibilisiert wurden.  相似文献   

Verglichen mit vielen anderen, auch europ?ischen L?ndern, existiert in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit vielen Jahren ein ausgeklügeltes und komplexes System der Raumordung. Seit den ersten Anf?ngen hat sich viel ver?ndert. DIPL.-GEOGR. UTE C. BAUER sprach mit PROF. DR. DIETRICH FüRST, früher Professor für Landesplanung und Regionalforschung an der Universit?t Hannover, über den Wandel, den die Raumordnung in den letzten Jahrzehnten durchgemacht hat. Als Experte für Regionalentwicklung und -?konomie erl?utert er die wichtigsten Tendenzen und Aufgaben, denen sich die Disziplin heute stellen mu?.  相似文献   

Verglichen mit vielen anderen, auch europ?ischen L?ndern, existiert in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit vielen Jahren ein ausgeklügeltes und komplexes System der Raumordung. Seit den ersten Anf?ngen hat sich viel ver?ndert. DIPL.-GEOGR. UTE C. BAUER sprach mit PROF. DR. DIETRICH FüRST, früher Professor für Landesplanung und Regionalforschung an der Universit?t Hannover, über den Wandel, den die Raumordnung in den letzten Jahrzehnten durchgemacht hat. Als Experte für Regionalentwicklung und -?konomie erl?utert er die wichtigsten Tendenzen und Aufgaben, denen sich die Disziplin heute stellen mu?.  相似文献   

This historical inquiry into the enfluence with the Chemical Industriy and the chemistry education at German classical stateschools is described since the revolution of 1848. The introduction of chemistry lessons at German classical stateschools step by step is further observed between 1882 and 1901. Specially the author gives a comprehensive survey about the development after the World War II.  相似文献   

The article deals with an aspect of the famous German chemist Robert Bunsen which has not been of much notice so far: his journeys. During his stay in Heidelberg (from 1852 on) Bunsen journeyed up to four months a year. Up to the age of seventy-eight, he travelled twice almost every year either in spring or autumn when there were no lectures at the university. He made his journeys for reasons of pleasure and in need of rest from teaching and research. In the 19th century such frequency of travelling was quite unusual even for a bachelor like Bunsen. Beeing an enthusiastic wayfarer Bunsen also travelled far away often, so for example to Italy twelve times (even to Sicily), four times to Scotland and England, and twice to Mallorca. - Bunsen's first nine week journey to Italy in 1843 disappointed him as to its scientific outcome. This journey was a turning-point since he had travelled before for scientific purposes only, beginning with the postdoctoral trip which Bunsen took 1831/32 (sponsored by his sovereign, the king of Hannover) to Berlin, Paris and Vienna for education and information matters. The article sets this journey as well as subsequent travels focusing on science (information, professional communication, experimental team-work) in the framework of continuing academic training. In the end of the 18th and in the 19th century such journeys for further academic education were mainly done at public expense by chemists and geologists as well as by mining and steel scientists to prepare and qualify themselves as either university professors or administrators for mining metallurgical industry. All these various forms of travelling (postdoctoral educational travels at public expense, scientific journeys, meetings for experimental team-work, expeditions, and recreational trips) served the communication within the scientific community. No one who wanted to belong to this community was able to escape such form of communication.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Immer mehr Geographinnen und Geographen sind in der Consultingbranche t?tig. Dipl.-Geogr. Dr. Manfred Miosga ist auf diesem Markt seit einigen Jahren selbstst?ndig. Zusammen mit seinem Kollegen und Firmengründer Wolfgang Grubwinkler ist er Vorstand der „IDENTIT?T und IMAGE Coaching AG“ mit Sitz im niederbayrischen Eggenfelden. Die Firma hat seit 2001 die Betriebsform einer kleinen Aktiengesellschaft; im Aufsichtsrat führt Prof. Dr. Günter Heinritz von der Technischen Universit?t München den Vorsitz. Das Unternehmen besch?ftigt sieben Mitarbeiter, au?erdem bietet es gelegentlich Praktikumspl?tze. Dr. Manfred Miosga sprach mit Dipl.-Geogr. Ute Christina Bauer über seine eigenen beruflichen Erfahrungen und die Chancen von Geographinnen und Geographen in der Beraterbranche.  相似文献   

German Refugee Historians in the United States. - After the Nazi seizure of power in 1933, some twenty historians left Germany. They had lost their academic positions for political and/or ?racial”? reasons. Most of them immigrated to the United States, and here they launched their second academic career. This intellectual immigration promoted the study of German and intellectual history and strengthened the development of comparative approaches in American historical scholarship. Many German refugee historians became interested in incorporating social science concepts into historical writing and thereby contributed to the advancement of a ?Social History of Ideas.”? Although some were originally skeptical of the democratic process, in emigration these historians absorbed and accepted the political value system of a democratic and liberal republic, a change that is reflected in their historical studies. Despite the fact that almost all refugee historians chose to stay in the United States, their books and guest professorships left their mark on the course of West German historiography.  相似文献   

The article deals with the foundation and development of the society Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin in the 18th and 19th centuries, its position as a privat society for natural history in Berlin, and its relation to Freemasonry. The paper shows the change of meaning of these society, especially after the foundation of the Berlin university in 1810.  相似文献   

The author seeks to present a broader examination of those elements of form and content which are common to poems 8 and 9 from the second book of Propertius’ Elegies and which provide a reason for considering these two poems as counterparts. Particular attention is focused on how the motifs of the wheel of fortune and death for love are handled, and to mythological references which are present in both elegies in the form of the exempla from the Trojan and Theban Cycles. The author's aim is to demonstrate how it is possible to broaden the interpretation of a single poem by means of comparative analysis with its counterpart.  相似文献   

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