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Substantial databases of elemental and isotopic analyses of ancient glass exist and are used to investigate raw material origin, trade, exchange, and processes such as mixing and recycling. However, the chemistry of archaeological glass may be challenging to the untrained. The paper provides structured information on the origin of chemical elements and their isotopes in ancient glass. It details some of the functions of individual elements in the glass and from which raw material(s) or process(es) they originate.  相似文献   

Hurricane Katrina scoured the political economic landscape of New Orleans revealing the toll of decades of disinvestment in and ‘hostile privatism’ toward social reproduction in a city with corrosive inequalities around class, race, and gender. This piece addresses the failures of the state and capital around issues of social reproduction in the wake of Katrina, and gestures toward the sorts of activism these failures have called forth. Organized around five elements of social reproduction, including the environment and relief infrastructure, health care, education, housing, and social justice, the essay argues that the absence of these elements of the social wage both created conditions that made Katrina a disaster and thwarted response to the storm's social, economic, and physical destruction in New Orleans. The costs can be seen most obviously in the unevenness of neighborhood and infrastructural recovery, the difficulty of establishing a stable workforce of residents because of the lack of support for workers and their families which especially affects women and lone parents, and the deepening of various neoliberal tendencies toward privatization in education, health care, and housing. Examining the classed, gendered, and racialized nature of these issues, I will look at community based social movements working to redress this situation, and interrogate the underlying politics and policies – explicit and implicit – that have produced this situation.  相似文献   

Services and the New Economy: elements of a research agenda   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In developing and advanced economies job creation continuesto be led by various services. A New Economy is being created,which is challenging the geography of the Old Economy. The OldEconomy has been dominated by corporations headquartered disproportionatelyin the ‘Global Cities’ and large agglomerations.The New Economy is being built around smaller enterprises distributedin a much more dispersed geography. The New Economy has jobcreation centered in services, but relies on the Old Economyfor physical capital and a portion of demand. The location ofbusiness activity in the New Economy can be much more contingenton the desires of entrepreneurs, and is far less tied to thecost-based logic that has shaped and reshaped the distributionof industrial capacity in the Old Economy. The New Economy reliesto a growing extent on telephonic-based networks for productionand delivery, but it also has leading-edge layers that requireface-to-face human contact in the production process. At thesame time the Old Economy is becoming ever more directed byproduction processes less tied to localized human skills, andin the process is shedding labor demands. The New Economy isexploding in its industrial composition, challenging researchersto define its new industries (such as establishments with only.com, .org, .gov, or .edu Internet addresses), and the extremelyrapid division of labor in unstandardized services such as managementconsulting and software engineering. The Old Economy is clearlyresponding to these developments in the New Economy, and restructuringis occurring globally. Research is needed speaking to these trends, and the primarypurpose of this paper is to issue a call for work of this type.The paper identifies priority needs from a theoretical perspective,as well as describes badly needed empirical work on the NewEconomy.  相似文献   

明清民间教派在明代中后期开始兴起,以真空家乡、无生老母和三佛应劫、末劫救世为信仰。它是在明代三教合一的思想背景下兴起的,并从儒、释、道三教中吸取了有益成分,因此与道教之间有着很深的渊源。明清民间教派中道教色彩浓厚的教派众多,这些教派体现出了道教世俗化、民间化的诸多流行要素,包括符箓、咒术、庞杂的神灵谱系和医术等等。明清民间教派从道教中吸收的重要养分就是内丹修炼方法,其中的无为教、黄天教、三一教、闻香教、圆顿教等教门都与道教的内丹道有着直接或者间接的关联。清代中后期,内丹修炼说在八卦教等教门中流衍为坐功运气之说,并在晚近时期进一步演变成为气功武术。  相似文献   

Comparison of the ultrastructure of the hyaline tissue of conodont elements and the enamel of vertebrates provides little support for a close phylogenetic relationship between conodonts and vertebrates. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy shows that the mineralised component of the hyaline tissue of Panderodus and of Cordylodus elements consists of large, flat, oblong crystals, arranged in layers that run parallel to the long axis of the conodont. Enamel in the dentition of a living vertebrate, the lungfish Neoceratodus forsteri, has crystals of calcium hydroxyapatite, arranged in layers, and extending in groups from the dentine-enamel junction; the crystals are slender, elongate spicules perpendicular to the surface of the tooth plate. Similar crystal arrangements to those of lungfish are found in other vertebrates, but none resembles the organisation of the hyaline tissue of conodont elements. The crystals of hydroxyapatite in conodont hyaline tissue are exceptionally large, perpendicular or parallel to the surface of the element, with no trace of prisms, unlike the protoprismatic radial crystallite enamel of fish teeth and scales, or the highly organised prismatic enamel of mammals.  相似文献   

The nature of the political culture itself is often seen by commentators as the cause of democracy failing to take root in China; the antidemocratic elements of that culture being overemphasised while the democratic elements are underemphasised. This paper examines the application of the ideas of democratic culture in China to the current state of play, including the possibility of the democratic card being played by factions within the Chinese Communist Parry (CCP). There are indeed cultural problems associated with Chinese democratisation such as cultural anomie, unconscious authoritarian personalities, the legacy of egalitarianism, the radical polarisation of Chinese culture, difficulties of institutional compromise and the irrational control of aggression and fear. While the antidemocratic culture is stronger at present than the democratic culture, the new Chinese democratic culture is likely to gather strength in the future.  相似文献   

朱定秀 《安徽史学》2007,4(3):13-16
国家恐怖主义是由政府实施的恐怖主义,法西斯主义则是国家恐怖主义发展到登峰造极的产物.国家恐怖主义具有制度化、公开性和社会化的特点,并具有独裁政治,庞大的镇压机器,镇压性的特务机关,非人道的人身迫害,非战争状态下对大量人口的集体收监、屠杀或迫使其流亡,针对社会知名人士的暴力行为等构成要素.  相似文献   

Assuming that the solar wind is unsteady and non-uniform, it is suggested that field aligned plasma elements dent the magnetopause surface. This indentation makes the magnetopause boundary convex and therefore locally unstable with respect to flute instabilities. The intruding element is slowed down and stopped within 1 or 2 Earth radii from the magnetopause. Its excess convection kinetic energy is dissipated in the lower polar cusp ionosphere after ~ 50–500 s, depending on the value of the integrated Pedersen conductivity. Once the plasma element has been engulfed, keeping its identity, the warm plasma content is dissipated by precipitation and by drifting. The magnetosheath particles with large pitch angles are mirrored, and feed the plasma mantle flow.Several consequences of this penetration mechanism are pointed out:Ionospheric heating beneath the polar cusp;Birkeland currents on the eastward and westward edges of the plasma element;Diamagnetic field fluctuations within 1–2 RE from the magnetopause (multiple magnetopause crossings);Oscillation of the magnetopause surface after a new element has penetrated;Exit of energetic particles out of the magnetosphere, and entry of energetic solar wind particles into the magnetosphere along the magnetic field lines of the intruding element;Subtraction of magnetic flux from the dayside magnetosphere and its addition to the geomagnetic tail when the magnetic field of the element has a southward component.  相似文献   

EDXRF无损测定琉璃构件釉主、次量元素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古代建筑琉璃构件釉层的厚度通常在130μm左右,因此难以将釉层剥离下来进行分析测试。目前,尚不见有关制备琉璃釉校准参考样品的报道,且很难找到与琉璃釉基体接近的标样进行定量分析。为此,在研制建筑琉璃校准参考样品的基础上,建立了用能量色散X射线荧光谱仪(EDXRF)无损测定琉璃釉料主、次量元素的分析方法,并对元素分析线在琉璃釉层中的饱和厚度问题,方法的检测限、精密度等问题进行了讨论。结果表明,所建立的无损测试方法可满足对琉璃釉主、次量元素测定的要求,为今后测试研究古代建筑琉璃构件釉料的元素组成特征打下基础。  相似文献   

Cremation was a frequent practice during the Bronze and Iron Ages in Europe. The destruction caused by this rite has meant that there are few anthropological studies of this period and that the amount of information that has been obtained is limited. Most studies deal with the number of individuals and the temperature of cremation. At present, however, studies are under way to determine the possibility of carrying out analyses of trace elements on cremated individuals in order to determine their diet. The present study, carried out at a necropolis with two kinds of burial (S'Illot des Porros, Mallorca, Iron Age), presents new data regarding the diagenetic effects differentiating cremated from buried bones. The levels of Sr, Ca, Ba, Zn, Cu and Mg in the spongy and cortical tissue of 197 femurs are analysed. The results obtained at this necropolis demonstrate that only the levels of calcium and magnesium in the cortical tissue of cremated bones increase, so diagenesis acts in the same way in cremated and non-cremated bones in this necropolis.  相似文献   

李娟 《文博》2010,(6):59-65
明朝末期可称作中国版画发展史上的黄金时代。明中叶以后,"市民文化"渐渐充斥着人们的精神世界,各种以图画为主的图谱也如雨后春笋般出现。实时,制墨本为平常之事,然有爱好者将墨的形制、图案进行创新变革,刻成墨模之后,进而印出"墨谱"。虽说"墨谱"的产生源于墨的生产,但其中所表现的些许图像元素和艺术形态却值得研究。文章从明末徽派制墨名家程君房所出墨谱《程氏墨苑》为载体并进行延伸,对其中的图像内容、形态进行浅析,说明了当时社会的艺术理念和审美倾向。各种图形都是作者基于现实或想象思维的一种验证,代表着创作者的思想意识,也是当时社会民众视觉冲击力的一种验证。  相似文献   

The annual cycle of the strength of the geomagnetic horizontal field shows a local time dependence. Recent explanations for this invoke a ring current or magnetospheric source for the night-time, and an ionospheric source for the daytime annual waves, but the relative importance of each source has been uncertain. Harmonic dials of the annual waves in H from harmonic analysis at several local times and observatories are presented. Comparison with corresponding analyses of observed ionospheric winds supports the two source model. It is shown that both the magnetospheric and ionospheric components in H are 180° out of phase across the equator. But because of differing amplitudes of the two components across the equator, the net annual waves are about 160° out of phase across the equator.  相似文献   


The quality of children's attachments to people has claimed considerable scrutiny in research and practice. Children's attachment to place, however, has received less attention despite its relevance to childhood experiences. This paper explores childhood place attachment and applies Chawla's theory as a guiding framework. This theory delineates places by three forms of fulfillment: security and belonging, social affiliation, and creative expression and exploration. Research from within schools and hospitals cites evidence of children's varied interpretations and their responses to adult domination that drive creativity. Acknowledging the significance of place attachments can inform research, policy and professional practice.  相似文献   

微量元素示踪古代青铜器铜矿料来源的可行性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,微量元素示踪法在青铜器矿料来源研究中的应用不尽人意。为此,模拟熔铸青铜器,对它们的微量元素作多元统计分析,旨在探讨利用微量元素探索古代青铜器铜矿料来源的可行性。分析表明:若舍弃冶炼后富集亍炉渣中的亲石亲铁元素,而仅选取富集于铜料中的亲铜元素及一些凡具有亲铜性,又具有亲铁性元素的成分数据,则通过多元统计分析,能较好地区别不同产地的铜矿料。  相似文献   

After defining the concept ‘orientation elements’ in Iron Age burial customs and summarising the main theories about the Norwegian material in general, the author considers the material from the district of Voss in Western Norway where the data from the finds is more interesting than usual. She attempts to show that the local topographical conditions have played a much larger role in orientation than has usually been maintained, and further suggests that orientation may reflect a ceremonial pattern determined by religious ideas arising out of the belief in ‘haugbu’ (barrow‐dwellers).  相似文献   

This paper gives the results of smelting seven parcels of copper ores from well-known mining areas. The behaviour of the trace elements introduced from the ore, the fuel, and the fluxes has been investigated by analysis of the main products, metallic copper and the slags. Most of the ores were capable of giving copper of relatively high purity and therefore, in order to represent conditions believed to have existed in the Early Bronze Age, two artificial ores were made up and copper high in arsenic and nickel was obtained.The results show that it is relatively easy to smelt a wide range of copper minerals to give copper of high purity apart from iron. This latter element can be removed by careful refining. The remaining elements are present at the parts/103 level. Wood fuel is thought to contribute little to the trace element pattern. Even if it did, it would merely reinforce the elements already contributed by the ore and flux as the timber is likely to have been grown in the immediate vicinity of the ore and will probably contain the same trace elements.Useful comparison is made between the trace element pattern resulting from these smelting runs and material from archaeological sites in the vicinity of the mining areas.  相似文献   

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