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一年以前,戈叔亚发来一组奇特的人体照片,那是一群悲惨的日军慰安妇.半年后,他与来自日本的西野女士和朱弘踏上了调查镜头后面的犯罪之眼的旅途.  相似文献   

《Anthropology today》2015,31(2):i-ii
Front and back cover caption, volume 31 issue 2 Front cover CHARLIE HEBDO SHOOTING On 11 January 2015, in the wake of the killings at Charlie Hebdo's offices and in a kosher supermarket, 4 million people took to the streets in France, including an estimated 1.5 million in Paris, many of them carrying the sign ‘Je suis Charlie’. The heart of the march in the capital was the Place de la République, where demonstrators climbed on the monument erected to Marianne, the national symbol of the Republic. In this issue, Didier Fassin discusses this unprecedented mobilization in defence of the ‘values of the Republic’: liberty, equality, fraternity – as inscribed in the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen – and more recently, laïcité, the French version of secularism inherited from the 1905 law on the separation of Church and State. He shows that this unanimity was, however, soon disrupted, as some, particularly those from low‐income neighbourhoods, questioned the double standard in the implementation of these principles – a contestation that was harshly repressed within the education and justice systems. To account for such dissonance, the article analyzes the discrepancy between the principles of the Republic and their applications in France. Laïcité, long implemented in a flexible and pragmatic manner, only became more strictly enforced in relation to Islam. Liberty, notably free speech, has recently been subjected to various legal and practical limitations. Equality, which exists under the law, is seriously undermined by social disparities and racial discrimination. Fraternity, which translates into solidarity and welfare, is increasingly weakened by discourses which stigmatize minorities. These discrepancies affect with particular intensity, immigrants from North and sub‐Saharan Africa and their descendants, most of them Muslims – a legacy of France's colonial past. Although they might seem untimely in such moments of unity, these meditations call for a critical reflection on the contradictions of contemporary democracies. Back cover AN ANTHROPOLOGICAL MANIFESTO Ratu Tanoa Visawaqa, the dominant ruling chief of the Fijian island of Bau 1829–1832 and 1837–1852, prior to the commencement of British colonial rule in 1874. Drawing by Alfred Thomas Agate. This is one of the earliest depictions of the rare black‐lipped pearl‐shell breast plates, civa. On Ratu Tanoa's head is the turban‐like bark cloth (masi) head scarf, i‐vauvau. It is said to have concealed the scar from a wound inflicted by a brother who was a rival for the title of Vunivalu, the war king of Bau: the active ruler in a diarchy whose counterpart was the sacerdotal king, the Roko Tui Bau. With Adi Savusavu, one of his nine wives, Ratu Tanoa was the father of Ratu Seru Cakobau, who succeeded in unifying most of Fiji into a single kingdom. In his anthropological manifesto in this issue, Marshall Sahlins argues that our main theories of ‘economic determinism’ represent a self‐consciousness of modern capitalist societies masquerading as the science of others. In the great majority of societies known to anthropology and history, power consists in the direct control of people, from which comes the ability to accumulate wealth, rather than control of their means of livelihood, of capital wealth, from which comes the control of people. Indeed in many cases the notion of ‘production’ itself would be inappropriate insofar as the ancestors or the gods are the creative agents, the fundamental sources of human subsistence – which people thus receive rather than make simply by their own labour. It follows that the principal political beneficiaries of economic prosperity are shamans, priests, garden magicians, chiefs, divine kings, and the like by virtue of their mediation of the spiritual origins of people's livelihoods. All this is not mere ‘false consciousness’ but the way these societies are organized: their own constituted anthropology, from which we must develop ours.  相似文献   

值此金秋收获季节,迎来青海土族研究会成立暨《中国土族》创刊15周年喜庆,特致衷心的祝贺! 并向您及解生才总编和青海土族研究会首任会长祁明荣先生及秘书长董思源先生、《中国土族》首任总编辛存文先生表示诚挚的敬意!  相似文献   

“雍亲王谕”①原藏于紫禁城景阳宫,1930年由故宫博物院文献馆于《文献丛编》第一辑公布,公布时拟题名为“雍亲王致年羹尧书”。这份珍贵档案自面世即受到了历史、档案学者的特别重视。在以往的清史研究中,很多学者对其内容多有引征,有以印证旗属主仆称谓,有以印证雍年交恶源头等等。但引征学者用取所需,局限于具体研究目的而缺少对该件档案的细致品读和系统分析,加之《文献丛编》第一辑公布时,编者又忽略了该谕封套文字,故未能全面揭示其内容信息并对其价值作出准确评价。为此,特借工作之便,反复研读原文并辅以其他相关史料撰文以述心得,希…  相似文献   

This is the first episode of our new column 'Letter from Europe', in which Keith Hart reflects on life. Ed.  相似文献   

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