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<正>穿过波希米亚,从布拉格到捷克南部小城克鲁姆洛夫,只有不到3个小时的车程。即便是午饭之后再出发,到达时也还有足够的时间来享受一杯咖啡或啤酒,慢慢等夕阳穿破蓝天和白云,照在城堡里高高的彩绘塔上。时间流淌在光阴的指缝间相比起捷克东部的摩拉维亚·克鲁姆洛夫(Moravian Krumlov)小镇来说,南波希米亚的捷克·克鲁姆洛夫(Cesky Krumlov)更为著名。它被络绎不绝的观光客简称为CK,并以多彩的波希米亚元素和历史久  相似文献   

正清晨,只有阳光独自占有着这个古老彩色的小镇。独自,慢慢地走过铺着石块的街道,只有相机的咔嚓声在轻轻的回荡,偶有小镇晨练的居民带着喘息擦身而过。阳光,在小镇的建筑中变换着不同的角度,展示她的亮丽,等待着逐渐涌入的游客,来惊叹。这里是捷克的CK小镇。捷克共和国的"克鲁姆洛夫"(Cesky Krumlov)是欧洲最漂亮的小镇之一,是捷克除首都布拉格外最有名的旅行地和必览之处,游客们一般简称其为CK小镇。"克鲁姆洛夫"字面上的意义是"河湾中的浅滩",这生动地描述了小镇的环境。CK小镇被U形  相似文献   

克鲁姆洛夫(Cesky Krumlov)是离布拉格最远的一个旅游城市,但单程也要2个小时。从山坡处的城市汽车站步行10分钟,就能到达古城中心。在此之前,经过的两个能俯瞰城市的地方让你对克鲁姆洛夫有大体了解,第一个是车站50米以外的山头,美丽的古城完全呈现在眼前,另一个是接近古城  相似文献   

沈海滨 《风景名胜》2012,(9):82-90,14
在我去过的N个国家中,有这么一个小城让我魂牵梦萦,流连忘返,她就是克鲁姆洛夫。1992年被联合国教科文组织命名为世界文化和自然双遗产,被誉为世界最美小城之一。  相似文献   

亦然 《世界》2014,(8):108-113
克鲁姆洛夫(Cesky Krumlov)离布拉格有160公里,坐上风驰电掣的大巴两个小时就能到达。就是这短短两个小时,却已经是另一番情景。几乎每个同时到过上述两个城市的人,都会将它们比较一番。通常比较的结果都会相同,那就是,克鲁姆洛夫比布拉格更美丽、温婉、淡走、宜人,人也更为热情而彬彬有礼,而布拉格由于有太多游客的常年熏陶,已经让那里的人一切都利字当头。  相似文献   

喻添旧 《风景名胜》2014,(1):102-109
随着夜晚的灯光渐渐亮起,游客们纷纷走进低矮的酒吧,听着当地欢快的流行歌曲,并伴着吧台上烛光的晃动,或高谈阔论,或手舞足蹈,尽情享受眼前的一切。这不是哪部电影里的场景,而是每天发生在捷克南部小城——克鲁姆洛夫的真实画面。克鲁姆洛夫,这个1992年被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产之一的古老小城,成了我本次旅行最重要的目的地。  相似文献   

每天清晨,当温暖的太阳向大地洒下它的第一缕阳光时,我家小巷前的那对夫妇就开始摆他们的修车摊了。清晨的小巷是寂静的,而我,因为家距学校较远,所以,每天早上5:30 就要从家出发了。路过那对夫妇的修车摊,总是不由得朝他们看一眼,他们也总报以灿烂的笑容。时间一天一天地过去,我慢慢地长大了,而巷口的那个修车摊却还在摆着,年复一年,不管刮风下雨,他们  相似文献   

大多数女人都不会喜欢米罗斯洛夫·蒂奇(Miroslav Tichy),这个胡子垂胸、头发油腻、衣衫褴褛的老头。他在捷克的大街小巷里穿行,时不时从脏兮兮的毛衣下面掏出一架破相机,对准她们“咔嚓”一下,十足偷窥狂的模样。  相似文献   

马神话中,战神玛尔斯与女祭司雷弧·两尔维亚的双生子——罗慕路斯与雷穆斯,被国王阿穆利乌斯视为眼中钉。他担心自己煞费苦心得来的王位有朝一日会毁在这两个孩子手中,于是下令将他们丢弃在台伯河畔。  相似文献   

在一个浑浑噩噩的清晨,我搭乘时间的快车,来到那个我向往已久的晋朝。可一切却同我的梦境背道而驰,同样是浑浑噩噩的天,寂静的街道,两边破败的商店,不堪入目。一切的景象,是那么萧条、颓废我沿着街道向前走了许久。顿时,眼前豁然开朗。青山绿水, 一座茅屋依山傍水立在那儿。篱边,一位老人正在采菊。面含微笑,口中吟着:“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。”我奔跑过去,看着他,问道:“您难道是陶渊明吗?”他和蔼地说:“我正是”一切都那么突如其来。他将我请进屋中,屋子不大,很简陋。满园种了菊花。  相似文献   


The recent political changes in the Czech Republic have led to a major re‐evaluation of the role of the countryside. An extensive Village Restoration Programme is now underway, which is here described, with a detailed example from south Moravia. The holistic nature of the programme is notable.  相似文献   

More than 40 logboats are known from the Czech Republic, and at least 20 are preserved in repositories or regional museums (seven in Moravia, 13 in Bohemia). Two further vessels remain in situ. Many logboats are known from neighbouring countries, but until recently vessels from the Czech Republic have not attracted the same research interest. Only five Czech vessels (two from Bohemia and three from Moravia) have been dated by absolute methods. Several more have been assigned tentative dates on the basis of context or close similarity to other dated vessels. This article presents a summary of current evidence. © 2009 The Author  相似文献   

City districts are often classified as ‘rich’ or ‘poor,’ a phenomenon that occurs within cities all over the world. While income inequality, wealth inequality, and other kinds of social inequality are frequently tracked, there is a surprising lack of research concentrating on how social inequality manifests as differences between parts of cities, especially outside of the U.S. That is mostly due to insufficient available data. In this paper, we propose a methodology for measuring the relative inequality between city districts by using the average prices of residential properties in various parts of the city, and assessing their relative difference. This approach has several advantages, as property listings are often readily available even in cities where income data is not. This methodology has potential for measuring developments in inequality in a much wider range of cities. As a proof of concept, we apply this methodology to property prices in Prague during the period 2003–2012 to identify a trend of either growing or decreasing inequality among individual parts of the city. We have found that during this period the disparity has grown only 5.97%, which means the overall growth of disparity between the city districts was negligible.  相似文献   

The article examines the gender micropolitics of non-governmental assistance to refugees in the Czech Republic – a post-socialist society which is becoming a country of immigration. It critically examines relations of power between refugees and local non-governmental organisations (NGOs). These NGOs act as mediators between refugees and the state, media, wider public and academic production of knowledge. It is argued that despite the important roles they play in securing refugees' access to rights, their assistance is often perceived as problematic by refugees. The article analyses these relations in a wider context of the institutions of the refugee system where the state has increasing power in defining the conditions under which NGO assistance to refugees is provided. The study is based on qualitative research among recognised refugees from the former Soviet Union living in the Czech Republic and local NGOs assisting them with integration into society. I demonstrate how particular forms of assistance and public representation depoliticise refugees in a sense of fostering rather than challenging unequal power relations that lock refugees in a position of clients lacking political means of influencing their place in a receiving society. This is done by conceptualising ‘a refugee’ as a performative identity that is being produced and enacted in feminised NGO spaces. The analysis highlights refugees' critical reflections on their position in the relations of assistance.  相似文献   

This is the first article that describes in detail the bird remains from the Gravettian mega-site Pavlov I in the Czech Republic. More than 1000 bird bones represent at least 19 taxa, of which the most numerous are tetraonids including black grouse (Tetrao tetrix), willow grouse (Lagopus lagopus) and ptarmigan (Lagopus muta), and ravens (Corvus corax). The archaeological and biological contexts indicate that most birds were hunted by people in the vicinity of the site, possibly with the help of knotted nets made from plant fibres. We suggest that ravens were killed while feeding on carcasses and/or food remains that may have been disposed of intentionally, and feathers may have been used for arrow fletching. Human-modified bones indicate that birds were used not only for food but also as raw material for tools and decoration. Although mammals were certainly more important in the subsistence of the Gravettian people, it is clear that birds played a role in their culture. The location of Pavlov I enlarges the explanatory scope of the Broad Spectrum Revolution hypothesis to include higher latitudes north of the Mediterranean.  相似文献   


This study presents the results of the analysis of mtDNA bone samples morphologically determined to be aurochs (Bos primigenius) from four various archaeological finds in the Czech Republic (Central Europe). The results from two of them — the Pleistocene sample from Praha-?eporyje and the Neolithic sample from Vedrovice — probably represent contamination by modern DNA. Sequences identified in the Eneolithic Kutná Hora-Denemark site (~5 thousand BP) confirm the presence of haplogroup P in the geographically partly isolated Czech basin. This finding (the first of its kind within the Czech Republic) is consistent with other published findings showing the domination of this aurochs haplogroup line in Europe. The combination of large individual size and ‘domestic’ mtDNA suggest, if inconclusively, that the Early Medieval fourth sample from Vy?ehrad could potentially represent an aurochs/domestic cattle hybrid.  相似文献   

The number of finds relating to metalworking, without evidence of mining and processing facilities, is very limited. In Final Eneolith graves of specialized metallurgists that have occurred, they contain a metal-founding or metalsmithing toolkit, whose origins were from eastern Europe (the Maykop, Yamnaya Culture). Such metallurgical tools may have reached central Europe as part of the so-called Yamnaya Package before the onset of the Bee Beaker Culture (BBC); and unlike the Pontic region, these two types of metallurgy separated here. There are found an accumulation of metallurgists' graves in Moravia, where the complete metalworking toolkit is deposited in a predefined place in richly furnished male graves with a distinctive funerary architecture that exhibit a clear relationship to the grave goods. EDX-analysis detected a high content of metals (Cu, Ag, Au, Au–Ag alloy) on all working surfaces of stone tools, grinders, and boar tusks used for the final treatment of their metal products. This makes us believe that the used artefacts were laid as symbolical objects in the graves of these craftsmen who perfectly knew these advanced technologies. Due to their knowledge, their social significance gradually rose and finally reached the level of social elites, who were usually buried in a spectacular manner, including the quantity of grave goods (Überausstattung) and the pars pro toto deposition in one part of the finds.  相似文献   

Electron spin resonance (ESR) and mass spectrometric U-series dating has been carried out on teeth recovered from K?lna cave during the excavations of 1961–76. Linear and early uptake (LU and EU) age estimates are similar due to low internal U content of the teeth. In general, ESR ages decrease upward in the section, but teeth from stone-rich (“lumpy”) layers give anomalously young ages, due to uneven dose-rate distribution. Elephant molars also give anomalously low ages, apparently due to self-absorption of gamma dose. Disregarding anomalous data, earliest appearance of Micoquian lithics and last occurrence ofDicerorhinus kirchbergensisin layer 9b is dated to 69±8 ka, which places them near the oxygen isotope stage (OIS) 5a/4 boundary. Neanderthal remains and the latest occurrence of Micoquian lithics in level 7a are dated to 50±5 ka, in good agreement with an uncalibrated radiocarbon date for this level of about 45 ka. The interstadial character of the fauna of this level also agrees with its date which places it in OIS 3. We also report that three stadial/interstadial cycles recognized in the lithological, faunal and palynological record of levels 9b through 7a at Kölna occurred during the timespan from about 70 to 50 ka.  相似文献   

The paper describes and analyses recent finds of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) from the archaeological sites at Obříství (Mělník District, at the confluence of the Elbe and Moldau rivers in the Bohemian Basin, Czech Republic). Turtle remains were found in three sunken features dated to the Late Bronze Age or to the Hallstatt period, and in one feature dated to the Neolithic. The high number of osteological finds, particularly the number of individuals found in one place, is unique within Bohemia and very rare for the Bronze Age to Iron Age in Europe. A large number of shell remains were identified, from at least 12 individuals in feature 1480, and from at least 5 individuals in feature 1483. The high numbers support the hypothesis that the European pond turtle was once a regular feature of the local fauna, even though the Bohemian basin is surrounded by mountains, which will have presented difficulties for the process of postglacial recolonization by semiaquatic thermophilous reptiles. The findings from Obříství show evidence of the exploitation of turtles for food. Signs of culinary procedures and the human consumption of turtles include anthropogenic chop marks, signs of burning and the apparently intentional segmentation of the turtle bodies. The quantity of turtle bones is still negligible, however, compared with those of mammals. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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