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王化昆 《河洛春秋》2001,(1):32-34,47
2000年11月9日,“九五”国家重大科研攻关项目“夏商周断代工程”成果一夏商周年表》公布。它的问世,将我国有纪年的历史从公元前841年,向上延伸到了公元前2070年,上推1200余年,从而使夏商周三代有了较为准确的纪年,其意义不言自喻。  相似文献   

我国专家学者1999年10月推定出夏商周三代纪年:夏商两代的分界点在公元前1500年至公元前1600年左右,商周两代的分界点在公元前1020年至公元前1050年之间。 1983年河南偃师商代早期都城的发现,为解决夏、商两代的分界提供了重要线索。1996年,以社科院考古所副所长王巍为首的学者在这座都城中发现了一个建造时间更早,即在商族灭夏后不久便修建的商代初年的小型都城。他们明确提出,偃师商城小城及位于其内的富城的始建年代,应为夏、商分界的界标。1997年,社会科学院考古研究所的考古工作者另辟蹊径,对陕西省西安市丰镐遗址再次发掘,从该遗址周文王迁丰至武王伐纣前后,周人文化遗存的变代轨迹中去探求武王克商的年代。经过考古发掘,他们发现了以H18为代表的一批较为丰富的先周最晚期遗存,亦即武王克商前夕的文化遗  相似文献   

夏商周断代工程的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中华五千年文明史从未中断,这是世界文明古国中的孤例。关于中华文明的源头,在学术界曾有商代说、夏代说、黄帝时代说。研究中华文明源头必须从夏商周三代向上推演,但是夏商周三代的确切年代,过去只能上溯到西周晚期的共和元年,即公元前841年。再往前的历史纪年,史书记载多有歧异,后代学者认识很不一致,因此,对中华文明的起源和发展的研究也受到一定的影响。夏商周断代工程是一项高瞻远瞩的伟大工程,它是第九个五年计划期间国家重点科技攻关项目之一。这个项目的具体目标是:西周共和元年(公元前841年)以前各王,提出准确…  相似文献   

汉族占我国总人口的94%,有悠久的历史。汉族的先民,经历夏商周三代长期发展,至春秋战国,已形成以"华"、"夏"单称或"华夏"连称的族体,以与周边各族相区别。在战国时,七雄兼并,共称"诸夏"。公元前221年,秦始皇完成了统一诸夏的事业,又出现"秦人"的族称。直到汉代,匈奴、西域等处民族,仍称中原人民为"秦  相似文献   

世纪之交,举世瞩目的夏商周断代工程终于通过有关部门的验收,凝聚了国内二百多位专家心血和汗水的《夏商周年表》也正式向外公布。这个工程项目的研究将自然科学和人文社会科学有机地结合起来,以多学科联合攻关、交叉研究的方式,通过有关专家的多次讨论和反复修改,最后确定夏、商、西周之年表。正如许多专家所云,此年表是迄今最有科学依据的古代历史年表,标志着三代年代学的研究达到了前所未有的新水平。夏商周断代工程不仅解决了一批我国历史纪年中长期未定的疑难问题,填补了我国古代纪年中的一段空白,而且为多学科联合从事科学研…  相似文献   

由鲁惟一、夏含夷主编的《剑桥中国先秦史》已由剑桥大学出版社出版发行。全书114 8页 ,正文 10 32页 ,共分 14章。剑桥大学鲁惟一和芝加哥大学夏含夷共同撰写的《导言》,介绍了先秦史的研究历史及近代以来考古学的冲击 ,以及研究资料和本书的特点。夏含夷和加州大学贝克莱分校的吉德炜分别撰写的《历法和年表》及《古代中国的地理环境》则为本书提供了时空框架。前者不仅较明确地将商周的分界定为公元前10 45年 ,而且还提供了一份自武丁以下各王在位的年数 ;后者则相信较为温暖湿润的气候条件对古代中国文明特征的形成产生了重大影响。第 1…  相似文献   

正考古是对人类历史的逆过程——已经消失的历史,通过考古学可以重建、复原并进行研究,这是现代科技赋予人的独特能力。在此之前,人类可以通过语言的口耳相传、文字的超越时空,拥有数代乃至数千年的历史记忆,今天则可以通过考古等科技手段,将历史追溯到人类诞生之前。张立东先生曾经在《手铲释天书》中以访谈的形式,披露了我国当代一批著名学者关于中国历史上关键时段夏朝与夏文化考古的心路历程,孙庆伟最近所著的《追迹三代》,将这种心路历程扩展到夏商周三代,从中都可  相似文献   

夏商文化断代新探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
一夏商文化断代研究,是夏商考古和夏商史研究的重要课题之一,其核心,则是夏、商之交(或商汤代桀)之年代的判定。众所周知,西周共和元年以前没有准确纪年可循,推断夏商绝对年代,历来是以武王伐纣年代为基础的。然而,由于在夏商周三代积年方面自古有歧说,因而在武王伐纣和夏、商起讫年代上也就众说不一。目前,关于商汤伐桀或曰夏商之交的年代主要有5说,一为1800 B.C左右,二为公元前18世纪中叶,三为1800—1700 B.C,四为1700—1600 B.C间,五为1600 B.C前后,可合并为公元前18  相似文献   

<正>70年来,河北夏商周时期考古取得了一系列令人瞩目的成绩。重要田野考古发现接连不断,填补了一个个学术和区域历史空白,出土的丰富遗存引起社会各界重视,奠定了河北夏商周时期考古的国内外地位。考古学文化的内涵性质、谱系结构等研究不断深入,运用自身学科方法逐步建立起了区域内夏商周时期历史文化演进格局,在相当程度上提升了对本地"三代古史"的认知程度。本文主要针对河北地区夏商西周阶段考古而言。由于目前尚难以从考古上确定夏代  相似文献   

正按中国古籍记载,匈奴是一个古老的民族,其历史可以追溯到夏商周三代。司马迁在《史记·匈奴列传》中记载:"匈奴,其先祖夏后氏之苗裔也,曰淳维。"在战国时期,匈奴开始在塞外草原崛起,与北方的诸侯国赵、燕、秦均有战事冲突。长平之战后,赵国覆灭,秦国又忙于讨伐其他诸侯国,一度受到抑制的匈奴得以  相似文献   

刘琼 《南方文物》2010,(4):101-119
商汤都亳,是夏商史研究中的最重要内容之一,涉及商代第一都、早商文化、夏商分界、夏文化界定等重大学术课题,因而成为学术界一直以来关注的焦点和热点。本文对这一课题的学术史进行了回顾与总结,归纳与概括主要研究成果,指出在学术讨论中暴露出的一些问题。  相似文献   

Chronological divergence between the different early Irish annals has hampered the use of their many unique records of events in Ireland, Britain and the European continent as historical sources. This paper reviews recent work which has demonstrated that their original chronological apparatus consisted of a kalend (Kł) followed, until at least the mid-seventh century, by the ferial of 1 January, and from this a consistent chronology has been restored for the annals over the years AD 1–722. In addition, critical examination of their regnal and episcopal successions has established that the 'world history' section of these annals and Bede's Chronica maiora are not mutually dependent, but rather share a common source which has been identified as a kalend-plus-ferial chronicle composed by Rufinus of Aquileia in the early fifth century.  相似文献   

Chronological evidence for the Iberomaurusian is currently very limited and there are problems with some of the published radiocarbon dates. In this paper we present new AMS dating results from well-stratified cave sequences at Ghar Cahal, Kehf el Hammar and Taforalt in northern and eastern Morocco. The longest of these sequences, from Taforalt, shows an intermittent occupation history spanning the period ca. 18,000–11,000 bp (radiocarbon determinations presented in this paper are expressed as ka bp or bp, whilst approximate calendar ages are expressed as Cal bp) with a marked intensification of cave use soon after ca. 13,000 bp. Using calibrated AMS ages in comparison to sea surface temperature evidence from the Alboran Sea core MD95-2043 and more generally to Greenland ice δ18O core records, we suggest that there may have been a relationship, albeit a complex one, between climatic events and cave activity on the part of Iberomaurusian populations.  相似文献   

杨勇军 《清史研究》2012,(2):99-111
《满洲实录》是记载满族先世源流及清太祖努尔哈赤事迹的官书。本文考证了《满洲实录》的前身《太祖实录战图》的来历以及与太祖实录的关系,澄清了《太祖实录战图》是一本没有文字的图册。还考证了《满洲实录》成书的时间,并从文献记载和历史事实两方面,指出《满洲实录》83幅插图当中,前6图是乾隆时期所补绘。另外,本文还论证了《满洲实录》中清高宗题诗注文所言"实录八册"为《太祖实录战图》八册,而非后世学者以为的《满洲实录》八卷。在以上考据的基础上,本文首次在史学界揭发《满洲实录》是一部清高宗亲自参与作伪的伪书,并分析了清朝统治者作伪的动机。最后,鉴于《满洲实录》是一部伪书,本文还重新评定了《满洲实录》史料价值。  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1999,18(1):81-105
Book reviewed in this article:
Lay Taxes in England and Wales 1188–1688. By M. Jurkowski, C. L. Smith and D. Crook.
Images of Rule. Art and Politics in the English Renaissance, 1485–1649. By David Howarth.
Inventing a Republic. The Political Culture of the English Commonwealth, 1649–1653. By Sean Kelsey.
Tudor Government. Structures of Authority in the Sixteenth Century. By David Loades.
The History of the Reign of King Henry VII and Selected Works. By Francis Bacon. Edited by Brian Vickers.
The English Levellers. Edited by Andrew Sharp.
Peerage Creations 1649–1800. A Chronological List of Creations in the Peerages of England and Great Britain. Compiled by J. C. Sainty.
Officials of the Royal Household, 1660–1837. Part 2: Departments of the Lord Steward and the Master of the Horse. Compiled by J. C. Sainty and R. O. Bucholz.
The Early Parties and Politics in Britain, 1688–1832. By Brian Hill.
Divided Loyalties, The Question of the Oath for Irish Catholics in the Eighteenth Century. By Patrick Fagan.
Maps of the Mediterranean Regions. Published in British Parliamentary Papers 1801–1921. By Susan Gole.
Print Politics. The Press and Radical Opposition in Early Nineteenth-Century England. By Kevin Gilmartin.
Gladstone. Edited by Peter J. Jagger.
The Mid-Victorian Generation 1846–1886. By K. Theodore Hoppen.
Benjamin Disraeli Letters. Volume Six, 1852–1856. Edited by M. G. Wiebe, Mary S. Millar and Ann P. Robson.
Irish Home Rule 1867–1921. By Alan O'Day.
Facing Fascism. The Conservative Party and the European Dictators, 1935–1940. By N. J. Crowson.  相似文献   

MARTIN GILBERT. Second World War. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1989. Pp. xix, 846.

BARRIE and FRANCIS PITT. The Chronological Atlas of World War II. London: Macmillan, 1989. Pp. xi, 178.

CORRELLI BARNETT, ed. Hitler's Generals. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1989. Pp. xix, 497.

GEOFFREY ROBERTS. The Unholy Alliance: Stalin's Pact with Hitler. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1989. Pp. xviii, 296.

VICTOR SUVOROV. Icebreaker: Who Started the Second World War?, trans. Thomas B. Beattie. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1990. Pp. xvii, 364.

ROY DOUGLAS. The World War 1939–1943: The Cartoonists' Vision. London and New York: Routledge, 1990. Pp. xii, 300.

PAUL FUSSELL. Wartime: Understanding and Behavior in the Second World War. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. Pp. x, 330.  相似文献   

This paper presents and tests a model designed to investigate how off-site herd management developed in settled pre-historic societies. The model is constructed from data collected from traditionally raised local sheep, acting as an interpretive link to published data. The modern comparator was small, but plausible results allow modelling of the archaeological data to be explored. Birth seasonality and herding location are identified through modelled patterns in oxygen isotope data in tooth enamel, and diet just before death by microwear in the same tooth. In combination, these allow aspects of seasonal management of breeding, fallow and slaughter herd sections to be interpreted. Novel practices are discussed in comparison local wild sheep ethology. The case study is Neolithic Çatalhöyük (7400–6200 cal BC) in central Anatolia. Its location provided the opportunity for different parts of the landscape to be used for herding, although choice might have been socially constrained. Data are taken from 72 specimens; the results suggest settlement-wide preference for a suite of practices that kept herds within a day of the settlement and that maintained breeding cycle synchrony with optimal resource availability. Chronological analysis suggests birth season manipulation was tried but rejected, whilst hay or cereal fodder was introduced and became increasingly important. It is argued that herding was probably on dedicated pasture on the arable fringes rather than in closer integration on ‘garden plots’, as there is no evidence of field-edge weed diets and little evidence of adjusting the birth season to accommodate the crop cycle.  相似文献   

Roc de Marsal has yielded numerous remains of Mousterian occupations, including lithics, fauna and combustion features. It was made famous by the discovery of the skeleton of a Neanderthal child. Given the need to date the sequence, TL and OSL were applied on heated flints and quartz, and OSL on unheated quartz. Chronological results combined with palaeoenvironmental data – faunal remains and micromorphological features in the sediments from the cave, pollen proxies and faunal remains from the region – allowed us to place climate variations in southwest France on a numerical time scale. Denticulate Mousterian occupations were dated to the middle of MIS 4 (65–70 ka) and Quina layers either to the very end of MIS 4 or to MIS 3. Interestingly, a faunal pattern showing a mix of red deer, roe deer and reindeer was found to have occurred during MIS 4, which was shown to be consistent with data from other similar sites in southwest France.  相似文献   

Mr Chiang Kai-shek is a key historical figure of twentieth century China. The studies of his life and thought have attracted many scholars' attention during his lifetime as well as after his death in 1975. In recent years, along with the opening of the archives of Academia Historica, the Chronological Events (Shilue gaoben), and the Diary of Chiang Kai-shek, once again the topic of Chiang has become a focus among China scholars who study the Republican period. Besides numerous conferences and workshops recently held in Taipei, Beijing, Hangzhou, and other cities in both mainland China and Taiwan, academic circles in America, Europe, and Japan have also held some seminars regarding Chiang Kai-shek. The current overseas studies on Chiang Kai-shek can be divided into two groupings geographically: the Euro–American group and the Japanese group. These two groups, plus those from Taiwan and Mainland China, have formed the four most important academic traditions. In spite of their different views and ideologies, these four are able to influence each other and even to come to similar conclusions. These can be summarized as a more positive image of Chiang whose major achievements include fighting the Japanese in WWII and building a modern China in various ways. This paper, relying on overseas research results, will try to help researchers understand the current situation of studies on Chiang Kai-shek in the world so as to lay a better academic foundation for their own further studies. However, because of all kinds of limitations, this paper will rely mostly on the research achievements of English and Japanese works. Research works in other languages and from other regions will have to wait for later efforts.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Collection of the Qurr'ān. By John Burton. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1977; first paperback, 1979. vii plus 273 pp. $17.95, hard cover; $10.95, paperback.
The Jewels of the Qura'ān: Al-Ghazali's Theory. A translation, with introduction and annotation, of al-Ghazālī's Kitāb Jawāhir al-Qur'ān . By Muhammad Abul Quasem. Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia: Published by the author, printed by the University of Malaya Press, 1977. 2.44 pp. Bibliography. Indices. US $5.95 paper: US $12.00 hard cover.
Islam According to the Qurr'ān, Vol. II of Topical and Chronological Qur' an. By P. Mohamed Ali. Cochin, India: Published by the author, 1978. 46 pp. (paper). Rs. 15 ($2; £l).
Divine Word and Prophetic Word in Early Isbun: A Reconsideration of the Sources, with Special Reference to the Divine Saying or Hadith Qudsi. By William A. Graham. Religion and Society, 7. The Hague: Mouton, 1977. ix Plus 266 pp. DM 68.—
The Man of Light in Iranian Sufism. By Henry Corbin. Trans. from the French by Nancy Pearson. Boulder, Colorado: Shambhala Publications, 1978. 174 pp. $6.95.
Western Civilisation Through Muslim Eyes. By Sayid Mujtaba Rukni Musawi Lari. Trans. by F. J. Goulding. Guildford. England: F. J. Goulding, 1977. xii + 146 pp. £1.
Introduction to Palladii's Chinese Literature of the Muslims. By Ludmilla Panskaya in collaboration with Donald Daniel Leslie. Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1977. 106 pp. $6.95.
Muslims and Mongols: Essays on Medieval Asia. By J. J. Saunders. Edited by G. W. Rice. Christchurch, N. Z., Whitcoulls Ltd. for the University of Canterbury, 1977. 143 pp. NZR $7.95.  相似文献   

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