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张云 《南方文物》2007,(3):125-127
大汶口文化的彩陶是1953年首先在山东省滕县岗上村遗址发现的,近50年来,经过文物考古工作者的不懈努力,在山东以及江苏北部地区.已经发现大量含有彩陶的大汶口文化遗址。这些丰富多彩的彩陶艺术品,犹如闪耀的繁星,放射出夺目的光彩,充分显示出古代艺术大师卓越的创作才能。[第一段]  相似文献   

张云 《南方文物》2007,(3):124-127
大汶口文化的彩陶是1953年首先在山东省滕县岗上村遗址发现的,近50年来,经过文物考古工作者的不懈努力,在山东以及江苏北部地区,已经发  相似文献   

甘肃彩陶以在历史悠久、类型丰富、花纹精美而著称于世。1922年,在甘肃一带发现了远古时期的彩陶,即引起世人重视,被誉为新石器时代彩陶之冠。近三十年来。甘肃一带大规模发掘了含有彩陶的古文化遗址,取得了许多重要的考古成果,对于甘彩陶文化价值的认识在不断加深。随着对甘肃彩陶喜爱者的增多.在文物市场出现了许多彩陶伪器,制作彩陶伪器的手法也在不断变换.因此甘肃彩陶的辨伪成为文物鉴定的新课题。一、甘肃各文化类型彩陶的特点要准确地对甘肃彩陶进行鉴定,首先要了解甘肃各文化类型彩陶的造型、纹饰等方面的特点。甘肃远古文化彩陶的发展过群、经历了萌芽期、成长期、繁盛期和  相似文献   

大汶口文化的彩陶是1953年首先在山东滕县岗上村发现的。三十多年来,经过考古工作者的辛勤努力,已发现大量含彩陶的大汶口文化遗址,主要有山东兖州王因、邹县野店、泰安大汶口、蓬莱紫荆山、广饶付家及江苏邳县刘林、大墩子等。我们根据生产力发展水平的高低及彩陶花纹的演变,把大汶口文化分为早、中、晚三个发展时期。早期又分为前后两段。早期前段,生产力水平较低,陶器均手制,形制不甚规整,主要器物是觚形杯、钵形、釜形的鼎、小口罐、带把三足器等,陶色以红陶为主,灰黑陶较少。彩陶颜色主要有红、白、黑、褐诸色,花纹比较简单,主要是三角纹、横直线纹等。但数量不多,仅在王因、紫荆山等少数遗址中发现,偶尔见到的几件彩陶,多在器物上面施单彩,或施红彩,或施黑彩,未见多种色彩同绘一件器物之上的现象。器类方面也较单调,仅有尊  相似文献   

马家窑彩陶艺术的和谐之美   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晓阳 《丝绸之路》2009,(24):13-15
本文从马家窑彩陶的渊源、分期、彩陶概况、彩陶特征等方面阐述了马家窑彩陶艺术的和谐之美。主要从彩陶艺术中纹饰的抽象表达以及和谐应用方面论述了彩陶纹饰的艺术性,证明了马家窑文化在不影响彩陶实用的基础上,逐步增添审美的附饰和纹饰,不断使造型趋于美观,是新石器时代马家窑文化遗存中实用与审美的巧妙结合。  相似文献   

本文从马家窑文化的渊源、分期、彩陶概况、彩陶特征等方面阐述了马家窑文化彩陶艺术。  相似文献   

本文以汾渭盆地及其周边区域为中心,尝试统计仰韶时代各时期的彩陶比例。我国彩陶老官台文化,白家遗址34%的陶器为彩陶,半坡文化时期渭河流域继承了之前的彩陶传统,早期彩陶占比约1%,晚期占比约10%。庙底沟文化阶段彩陶占比在4~8%之间,中值为6.7%。仰韶晚期时关中及陕晋豫交界地带的彩陶消失,而周边秦王寨、大司空、马家窑、屈家岭等文化的彩陶得以延续和发展,并缓慢消亡。彩陶的比例也受到聚落层级、聚落中心与边缘、聚落内的功能分区等方面的影响,这些问题需要深入研究。  相似文献   

胡桂芬 《丝绸之路》2013,(2):127-128
黄河流域是我国远古文化的重要发祥地,黄河中上游的甘青地区彩陶尤为突出。甘肃是中国最早产生彩陶的地区之一,从距今8000年起到距今2000年,相继发展了5000多年,形成了完整的彩陶发展史。彩陶图案构思之精美、花纹之丰富、造型之多样都是出类拔萃的,甘肃彩陶被海内外艺术界誉为新石器时代彩陶之冠。  相似文献   

刘学堂 《中原文物》2023,(1):62-70+136
亚洲彩陶分东、西方两大体系,天山彩陶是东方彩陶体系中的一个子系统。天山彩陶系统兴起于公元前2100年前后,源于河西走廊马厂—西城驿文化的向西拓展。天山彩陶系统沿天山自东向西发展,形成了东天山哈密地区、环博格达地区、中部天山南麓地区、伊犁河谷地区五个前后相继、相互联系又相互独立的彩陶分布小区。境外西天山费尔干纳盆地楚斯特文化彩陶,亦属于整个天山彩陶体系的范畴。天山彩陶系统揭示的是始源于黄河流域的彩陶文化对天山史前文化的整合,它在内陆欧亚史前文化格局形成发展进程中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

江淮之间史前彩陶的发展可分为三个时期:距今7000前后为发生期,以双墩文化彩陶为代表;距今6300—5500年为鼎盛期,以侯家寨文化、孙家城文化、龙虬庄文化彩陶为代表;距今5500年以后为衰落期。江淮之间史前彩陶可分为东西两个工艺传统:西部的侯家寨文化彩陶传统,由双墩文化、侯家寨文化、孙家城文化彩陶所构成,以橘地红彩、外彩和几何形纹饰为主要特征;东部的龙虬庄文化彩陶传统,由龙虬庄文化彩陶所构成,包括青莲岗二期、万北二期、黄岗二期和龙虬庄二期彩陶等遗存,以白(或黄)地黑(或褐)彩、器内彩、几何形纹饰以及人物纹、变形鱼纹、变形人面鱼纹为主要特征。江淮之间史前彩陶两个传统的认识,可进一步揭示该地区在中国史前彩陶及其传播中的地位和作用,深化该地区新石器时代历史进程研究。  相似文献   

《Political Geography》2006,25(4):459-477
Reterritorialization processes change the demarcation and function of boundaries and create new realms of authority. As political and natural boundaries rarely coincide, such processes increase the discrepancies between spheres of control and natural systems, thereby increasing the externalization of environmental problems and raising the transaction costs of addressing them. The actual environmental implications of reterritorialization processes are a function of both the direct barrier effects of boundaries and the role of boundaries as separators between management regimes. In contrast to environmental agreements, which focus on a very limited set of issues, agreements that are negotiated as part of reterritorialization processes may address a wide array of environmental issues. This paper asks which environmental issues are addressed in such agreements, and what are the factors that affect the range of issues that are addressed, and the extent to which they are addressed. To this end, the three agreements signed between Israel and her neighbors, Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinians, are analyzed. This analysis shows that the issues that tend to be addressed are either high profile issues (such as water in the Middle East) or those that do not impinge on ‘high politics’. This finding suggests that there is a latent contradiction between political and environmental considerations in negotiating such agreements. While management regime effects are, arguably, more important than direct barrier effects from an environmental perspective, they are largely viewed as internal issues, and hence they are not likely to be addressed in such agreements.  相似文献   

The Early State Module model predicts specific, archaeologically testable, spatial attributes for early states. Further, it suggests that social complexity develops as a result of interaction between equal-sized polities, and that degree of complexity and territorial size are related. The spatial patterns of some early states presented to support the ESM model are tested statistically and are found not to satisfy the predictions of the model. Case studies of non-state and state societies indicate that the spatial attributes of ESMs are not unique to early states, that interaction does not always lead to state formation, and that territorial size and complexity are not necessarily directly related.  相似文献   

Regions have been regarded as processes, artefacts and discourses, and recently as ‘brands’ that various stakeholders use in marketing. Discourses on institutional regions are typically promoted by media, governmental bodies and planning organizations that draw on reputed collective regional identities—the expressions of past and current social discourses and cultural practices. However, such institutional regional discourses are often incongruous to spatial imaginaries of everyday life. This article scrutinizes the meanings of spatial attachment to citizens and explores to what extent regional identities are meaningful in everyday life. To avoid biased assumptions, focus-group interviews were carried out within four Finnish provinces among the members of four social movements. The results show that provincial spaces are not actively thought-and-practiced. Spatial identities are rather structured around personal experiences that typically accumulate in several locales, since personal histories are increasingly characterized by mobility. This article also recognizes that the everyday meanings of a socially constructed region are often generationally read and combine different historical narratives.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the notion of weak intentionalism in Mark Bevir's The Logic of the History of Ideas is incoherent. Bevir's proposal for weak intentionalism as procedural individualism relies on the argument that the object of study for historians of ideas is given by the beliefs that are expressed by individuals (whether authors or readers) since these beliefs constitute the historical meaning of the work for those individuals as historical figures. Historical meanings are thus hermeneutic meanings. In the case of insincere, unconscious, and irrational beliefs, however, the beliefs expressed by individuals are not in fact their actual beliefs, and their actual beliefs are now taken to be those expressed by the works. It thus turns out that it is not the beliefs expressed by individuals that are the object of study for historians but the works themselves, since the overriding requirement for historians of ideas is to “make sense of their material” and it is this requirement that determines whether or not the beliefs are to be construed as expressed by individuals or by the works. But once it is accepted that the beliefs that are the object of study for historians are expressed by the works and not by individuals, the original argument that such beliefs are historical hermeneutic meanings for historical figures no longer applies. The argument for weak intentionalism thus turns out to be incoherent. Bevir's argument fails to establish that the object of study for the history of ideas is external to the works, and the attempted distinction between interpreting a work and reading a text also fails.  相似文献   

John Lindenbaum 《对极》2016,48(2):375-392
In this paper, I explore the decommodification that takes place in US food banks. I argue that food banks are neither Polanyian countermovements re‐embedding the market in society nor tiny platoons of neoliberalism that advance market relations and state withdrawal. Rather, food banks are best understood as re‐gifting depots that are part of the capital accumulation process. Recent scholarship on primitive accumulation, the disarticulations approach, and waste suggests that the devaluation of food products and the exclusion of human labor are everyday elements of capitalism. I conclude by examining the potential for progressive politics in US food banking.  相似文献   

In a recent two‐part article on the nature of kinship, Marshall Sahlins maintains that performative criteria for kin‐reckoning are at least as salient as procreative ones, and that, at conception, an individual is endowed with a wide circle of kin, including the ancestral dead. For both reasons, he argues, there is no warrant for granting privileged status to what anthropologists have called ‘primary’ kinship. The contentions here are that performative criteria are modeled upon procreative ones; that ties to ancestral figures are seen as antithetical to procreative ties; and that, therefore, all kinship constructs are derived from nuclear family relationships. Evidence in support of these contentions is provided from the Mae Enga, Fiji, the Trobriands, and Aboriginal Australia.  相似文献   

Immigration and transnational adoption are both manifestations of the pervasive dislocations that characterize the contemporary era. Each illuminates as well the double movement of assimilation and internal exclusion through which racisms that are a heritage of colonialism are expanded and reactivated in the metropolitan centers of western Europe and North America. In this process, race is spatialized, different forms of migrant bodies are produced, and familiar logics of belonging that link person to place are transformed. The differential politics of adoption and immigration in late twentieth-century Sweden shed light on this process of racialization and the affective economies through which it is realized, as that nation pursues a multicultural project in which ‘Swedishness’ becomes ‘the measure of everything.’  相似文献   

Ethics and Entrepreneurship   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An important criticism of public entrepreneurship has been that Us precepts and practices are not consonant with democratic values. This paper examines the meaning of entrepreneurship as defined in bath the public and private sectors, suggesting that some attributes of entrepreneurs that commonly are deemed undesirable–egotism, selfishness, waywardness, domination, and opportunism–actually are functional for entrepreneurial activity. This is because entrepreneurship plays an essential role in addressing a particular type of policy problems (here called "anarchic")–those where goals are ambiguous or conflicting and where the means to achieve them are unknown or uncertain. Finally, methods are suggested for encouraging ethical entrepreneurship, whether undertaken in an anarchic setting or within an organizational matrix that is communitarian or bureaucratic.  相似文献   

Dwarfs, midgets, even freaks, are among the terms that have been used to label little people. Feminist theorists have argued that discursive identities of women prevent any meaningful essentialised analysis of their experiences. Similarly, disability researchers have argued against generalising the experiences of disabled individuals. This paper explores the intersection of gender and dwarfism through the narratives of four women who are little people. Findings suggest that the ways women, who are little people, negotiate public spaces are affected by discourses of gender, disability and common conceptions of what is physically normal. Furthermore, these discourses have material implications in the everyday lives of these women. A brief historical overview of dwarfism is followed by narratives that describe experiences in public spaces, perceptions of height related to age and capability, gendered spaces and sexual stereotypes, uncomfortable spaces, violations of personal space and transportation. This paper provides a partial perspective on how discourses of dwarfism are manifest in social spaces and the built environment. Despite these significant commonalities that little people shared with other disabled people, there are socio‐spatial experiences that appear to be unique to people with dwarfism .  相似文献   

In 2013, Hans Jörg Rheinberger proposed that Mendelian genetics and molecular biology were “scientific ideologies,” that is, for him they are systems of thought whose objects are hyperbolic; they are not, or not yet, in the realm of and not, or not yet, under the control of that system. This article proposes that precision medicine today is a scientific ideology and analyses the implications of this statement for historians of biology, genetics, and medicine.  相似文献   

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