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When the director woke us early in the morning, twinkling stars filled the sky amid dead silence; the mountains could be seen dimly snaking away to the far horizon. We drove to the Salt Lake. The distance was only a little over 10 km, but the way was blocked by a river and the road was rough. So, we all began to judge the direction and searched for the little path leading to the Salt Lake. Northern Tibet in the early spring was still covered with ice and snow. We continued to walk along the…  相似文献   

After a gap of four days, we came across the caravan again. We picked an optimal point and took a picture of the marching caravan with the snow-capped mountain as its backdrop. While the caravan was plodding along, Galsang Wangdui was not idle, as he was busy in twisting wool into strings with a 1/3rd of a meter-long stick until they became strong ropes. When we finished photographing the caravan of Galsang Wangdui, we advanced ahead to locate the caravan. Soigya was shuttling among the cara…  相似文献   

The road became worse by the south part of Namtso;streams of melting snow had eroded the road until it resembled a giant comb.The vehicle alternated between speeding along and a sudden brake that made everyone lurch about as though they were all intoxicated.  相似文献   

When the director woke us early in the morning, twinkling stars filled the sky amid dead silence the mountains could be seen dimly snaking away to the far horizon.  相似文献   

By setting out for saline lakes in spring, Tibetan caravans on horseback return to farmlands in autumn to barter salt for agricultural products.  相似文献   

Gyayang Xirab (1957-2004) was born into a far from well-off herder family from a pasturing area of northern Tibet. In 1971,he had only just begun going to the primary school at the age of 14.In 1978,he was allowed to stay as a teacher after graduating from middle school.  相似文献   

After resting overnight in Banggo County, we were completely refreshed.We did not go back by the outward route but selected a short cut. Although the distance was shorter, the condition was worse-three small mountains to be crossed. After climbing over the first mountain and going down the slope, we soon arrived at the foot of the second mountain. There was a steep mountain pass before us. The vehicle was climbing and moving slowly upward with the engine laboring. This place was also the lau…  相似文献   

Rural Marriage In Tibet,everybody knows the saying“hit a dog“;some even use it in literature, referring to“A romantic fashion of hitting dogs“.It cannot be easily determined where this phrase originated and there are certainly no records available but, notwithstanding, this phrase has spread throughout the community, referring to certain trysts between men and women.  相似文献   

After a gap of four days, we came across the caravan again. We picked an optimal point and took a picture of the marching caravan with the snow-capped mountain as its backdrop.  相似文献   


Workhouses were no doubt the first old people’s homes. Sick old people without social or financial resources had no alternative other than admission to one of these state institutions . These institutions instilled fear in local communities and admission represented a failure in society. Due to medical advances and improved social conditions, people lived for longer and during the 20th century the majority of the inmates were old people. After the inception of the welfare state institutional care for older people was mainly in buildings inherited from the poor law. Consequently, even after I948, for many old people admission to an institution still carried a stigma. By using oral histories of relatives and professionals who cared for old people during this time, alongside documentary sources, this article examines how the process of transition from poor law to welfare state affected families in Oxford. This first-hand perspective, missing from most studies on the history of ageing, explores how caring for old people at a time of great social change was influenced by the local workhouse.  相似文献   

Editor's Note:
In 2002 a special class was established in Minzu University of China. It recruited non-Tibetan high school graduates from the hinterland. After graduation, the students would work on some basic tasks below county level in Tibet Autonomous Region to serve local economic and social development. Upon graduation, these young men were to be sent to places, which were completely unfamiliar to them. How would they face difficulties in work and life? Could they stick to their tasks?  相似文献   

After finishing gathering salt, the next step was to carry it home. Because the salt-carrying cattle had been tied up the previous day, the caravan should by rights have set out well before dawn according to habit, Director Tan asked Galsang Wangdui to delay the departure until daylight so as to provide a filming opportunity. The saltmen, of course, were not happy because it not only threw out their schedule but also made it hard for the cattle to get sufficient nourishment; Nevertheless, Ga…  相似文献   

Studies of dog remains focused on the Iron Age southern Levant generally highlight their unique nature in the archaeological context, specifically in relation to their post-mortem exploitation. Here we review the published archaeological and textual data to evaluate the current understanding of dogs’ roles in their Iron Age settings. The analysis reveals that dogs are relatively common in the archaeological record, having been reported at 66% of sites. This study further contextualizes this presence in light of their co-occurrence with caprine and wild taxa. The significant number of dog remains indicates that they were part of the social matrix of a village. While dogs have been viewed as ‘unclean’ or pariah, based on certain textual references in the Hebrew Bible, we assert, on the basis of the archaeological record, that they were part of the life of the village, functioning as herders, guards and occasionally hunters.  相似文献   


This article draws on the letters of a young immigrant doctor, Francis Codd, who arrived in British Canada in the I84os. Many of the one million migrants, mainly of British and Irish origin, who arrived in Canada in the mid-I9th century, benefited from the availability of land and absence of social barriers to mobility. This enabled them to think and feel like citizens of the new country,in a way denied them at home. Francis Codd’s account throws light on the part played by the appreciation of nature and ‘wilderness’ in this process, as well as describing the beginnings of a new civil society and the development of ‘community’ institutions. However, at the same time as a ‘Canadian’ identity was being constructed for the white settler population, that of the indigenous population was accorded little recognition or respect.  相似文献   

<正>1.The Anonymous Nasa in the Accounts of the Individual Delivery for the Deities before ulgi 47' ii' (47 vii)/13 40 years ago,T.Jones and J.Snyder,in their groundbreaking Sumerian Economic Texts from the Third Dynasty,1961,found a mysterious and anonymous  相似文献   


The British farming community is rapidly diminishing due to its ageing workforce, the rise of second-home ownership, and the costs involved in running a farming business in the twenty-first century. The private nature of this community, often coupled with a deeply held mistrust of non-farmers has made it difficult to ascertain farmers’ own feelings on their current situation, and how things have reached such a position. This article explores how some of the major twentieth-century events for agriculture have affected a single Yorkshire farming community by tracing the deteriorating relationship between farmers and the government, through changing legislation and reactions to crises, from a point where farmers were held to be vital to Britain’s survival through to one where the agricultural community finds it plausible that their own government would actively try to destroy their livelihoods.  相似文献   

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