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Tibetan Buddhism,one of the important sects of Buddhism,is believed by a lot of researchers to have disseminated into Tibet from India,Nepal and its adjacent Han nationality congregating areas in around 7th century.The subsequent spread of Buddhism in Tibet experienced two periods of fast diffusion,during which the original Buddhist doctrine merged with Tibetan traditional culture,and a new form of religion with typical Tibetan characteristics came into being.  相似文献   

The new book by Vladimir Uspensky (alternatively, Uspenskiy), Professor and Chair of the Department of Mongolian and Tibetan Studies, Faculty of Asian and African Studies of Saint Petersburg State University (Russia), deals with various aspects in the history of Tibetan Buddhism in Beijing; the time is mainly the period from the middle seventeenth to the early twentieth century. During the reign of the Qing dynasty, the ruling class, namely Manchu and Mongolian nobility, patronized Tibetan Buddhism. This aspect of Qing history is studied too little in Chinese and foreign works, and Uspensky's book fills this lacuna. One can see that the author successfully achieved his aim, as he has drawn a vivid picture of institutions and cultural activity among Tibetan Buddhists in Beijing.  相似文献   

Among Mongolian and Tibetan high-ranking Bud-dhist monks,the Khutukhtu is second only to that ofthe Dalai and the Panchen.There have,however,beenvarious interpretations of the word khutukhtu,its lin-guistic origin,and connotations.In this essay,therefore,I expound on the preliminary textual re-search I have made into questions regarding the ori-gin of the word “khutukhtu,” its course of evolution,  相似文献   

马真福 《丝绸之路》2009,(24):36-38
宗教文化的崇拜信仰、仪式在藏族地区广为流传,随着时代的进步,整个藏民族从思想上提高了认识,更加客观地认识了宗教。本文简要论述宗教文化的崇拜信仰对藏族佛教信仰和习俗的影响。  相似文献   

唐卡艺术是一门古老的艺术,融历史、宗教、民俗文化于一身,堪称一部百科全书。唐卡艺术也是藏传佛教的美术重要表现形式,作为别具一格的宗教艺术门类,为广大旅游者、美术爱好者及佛教信徒所喜爱。本文从其产生的渊源、制作工艺、历史背景及材料、画师几方面入手,对唐卡进行总体论述,阐述了唐卡在藏区的传承与发展以及对藏传佛教文化的影响。  相似文献   

在藏传佛教中,有一群地位尊崇而广受诸宗派僧俗崇奉的菩萨,她们是佛陀的女性化身,被尊奉为众佛之母,是藏传佛教地区最流行、最重要的神祇之一,这群菩萨就是度母。本文通过度母崇拜的起源、度母的法相、度母崇拜的本尊绿度母和白度母、度母的供奉以及度母崇拜盛行原因的阐述,对藏传佛教中度母崇拜的源流作了探析。  相似文献   

I.The Development of Tibetan Buddhism in Mongolia and the Qing Court's Policies towards Nationalities and Religions
During the late Ming Dynasty (Altan Khan's reign in Northern Yuan), the Gelug Sect, one sect of Tibetan Buddhism (the Yellow Hat Sect),2 prevailed in Mongolia once again, and soon after that, the local people embraced it. Until the first half of the I7th century, all the Mongols in the north, south and west of the Gobi Desert accepted the Gelug Sect, However,  相似文献   

拉孜石窟位于日喀则地区拉孜县拉孜镇的木扎山上,学者认为石窟开凿于藏传佛教前弘期,是西藏现存较少的古代文化遗存之一,具有重要的历史、艺术和宗教研究价值。  相似文献   

The Tibetan language spoken by the Tibetans belongs to the Tibetan-Burmese branch of the Sino-Tibetan family. It has about six million users who live mainly in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) and four other Tibetan-inhabited provinces: Qinghai Province, Sichuan Province, Gansu Province and Yunnan Province. The standardization of Tibetan terminology is an essential part of China's national policy on nationality and national languages. A special column named "Tibetan Language and its Terminology Standardization" is included in this issue to describe the birth, use, and development of Tibetan language especially the standardization of its new terminology.  相似文献   

On 26^th Feb.2009,China's Tibet magazine and other Chinese media were invited to sit in on the felicitation ceremony organized by Association for Sri Lanka China Social & Cultural Cooperation(ASLSCC) to celebrale 30^th Anniversary of Reform & Opening Policy in China. These media were awarded by ASLSCC for their service and introducing reform and opening policy of China to Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

丁山 《收藏家》2003,(2):32-35
2、怜真、阿尼哥与白塔寺佛家视佛、法、僧为三宝,而通常用历史的观点考查,宗教思想及与之相应的偶像崇拜;宗教组织加上其对社会精神、文化的影响或控制;寺庙或教堂经济的发生和发展,即成为一种宗教实质性地进入一个地区的标志。 1270年八思巴被封帝师后,在宗教界的地位已无人能出其右。1274年,八思八再次归藏,忽必烈再三挽留而不能,遂令亦怜真继帝师位。据《萨迦世系史》的有关记载,亦怜真也是出身于萨迦款氏,是八思巴同父异  相似文献   

如果说,敦煌壁画开创了中国壁画的辉煌始章的话,丽江的白沙壁画,便是中国宗教壁画艺术的高峰。从内容到艺术风格,自沙壁画突出地表现了佛、道融合的多元文化特点。东巴教的粗犷,藏传佛教的鲜艳,还有汉传佛教的庄严,各种神佛聚于一室,你中有我,我中有你,成为中国壁画史上独特的艺术珍品。  相似文献   

“三经一疏”是现代学者对古代译入的佛教四部造像典籍的总称,它们分别为《佛说造像量度经》、《造像量度经》、《画相》和《佛说造像量度经疏》。《佛说造像量度经》,又称《佛身影像量相》,全称  相似文献   

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