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The hull of the Roman wreck at Grado has been partially preserved under the cargo of amphoras. The right side presents a rare evidence of a section of the waterway. The ship has been assembled by mortise-and-tenon technique following a shell-first conception. All the frames, except one, are of pine while planking is either of pine and elm. Some strakes, of larix , are a repair made by patch-tenons; a wale shows an other kind of repair. Various signs left by the shipwright are on the hull. In the stern area, a box of wooden elements had to protect a 'hydraulic system'.
© 2006 The Authors  相似文献   

The remains of a Roman barge were found in 1981 in the River Stella, Udine, Italy. Its cargo consisted mainly of roof tiles. It was excavated in 1998 and 1999, and detailed recording of the hull, and a second wooden structure, was achieved in 2011. A spread of material upstream of the wreck has been investigated 2012–2015. The barge was originally dated to the first quarter of the 1st century AD by the in situ cargo. This article describes the bottom‐based sewn‐plank hull construction and examines it in the light of local boatbuilding traditions. The second wooden structure is also described, along with recent finds and new dating evidence from the dispersed material. The Stella 1 excavation was part of the Anaxum Project, a wider study of the Stella River's cultural landscape through time.  相似文献   

The 15th‐century IJsselcog was lifted in 2016 from the river IJssel near Kampen (the Netherlands). From stern to bow and from starboard to portside about 70% of the original wooden hull is preserved. The combined approach of analogue documentation and photogrammetry enabled the research team to reconstruct the original ship in 2D and 3D, followed by a comprehensive study of its nautical characteristics. The hull volume and height were maximized by the shipbuilders using previously unknown construction elements in cogs, such as wales and vertical riders; shipbuilding traits that are generally applied to 16th‐ and 17th‐century carvel‐built cargo ships.  相似文献   

泉州湾宋代海船保存现状的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为国内乃至亚洲大型海洋出水木质文物保护的先例,泉州湾宋代海船自出土至今已保存近40年,经过多年来综合性地保护修复,其保存现状值得关注。本文通过对古船保存环境、船体构件保存状况、船体病害、材质状况的调查分析,综合评估船体保存现状,分析影响古船稳定保存的主要因素,从而为后续的保护工作奠定基础。  相似文献   

邵安定  张勇剑  夏寅  段毅  杨军昌 《文博》2009,(6):468-472
2007年6—7月,在位于西安市长安县北里王村村东的上洛县主墓中,出土了一批色彩鲜艳的彩绘木俑。因该墓葬曾遭受早期盗扰,出土时木俑较为凌乱摆放在墓室前厅,原来的摆放位置已被扰乱。出土的彩绘木俑均有不同程度的腐朽,其中部分彩绘木俑保存较完整,部分有残缺;整体彩绘保存相对完整,局部有脱落现象。由于长期遭受墓葬环境的影响,所有的彩绘木俑出土时都处于亚饱水状态,而且机械强度较低,没有彩绘或彩绘脱落部位的木胎外观变黄、变脆。这批木俑的木俑颜色鲜艳、姿态各异,不仅具有较高的艺术价值,而且对研究明代民间的宗教信仰,以及葬丧习俗也颇有裨益。为了保护这批珍贵的文物,通过对比试验研究,采用自然脱水法使其脱水定形。使用3%PrimalAC33的水溶液对其彩绘层进行加固保护。同时,在保护处理的过程中,通过显微观察以及一些科学分析手段,对这批木俑的制作方法、装饰材料及工艺进行了初步的探索与研究。  相似文献   

The remains of Henry V's flagship, the Grace Dieu, currently lie buried within the inter-tidal sediments of the River Hamble (S. England). Previous archaeological investigations have been hindered by difficult excavation conditions resulting in a poor understanding of the dimensions, shape and degradation state of the hull's deeper structure. This study therefore aimed to image, characterize and reconstruct the buried remains of this vessel using a high-resolution 3D acoustic sub-bottom Chirp system with RTK-GPS positioning capability. The accurate navigation and high-resolution data that were acquired enabled the construction of a full 3D image of the site that not only identified the remains of the wooden hull, but also features buried within it. In addition, the degradation state of these buried wooden remains were investigated by calculating reflection coefficients while a hypothetical larger reconstruction of the Grace Dieu's hull was achieved, through the use of the ShipShape ship design software package.  相似文献   

The Dor 2006 shipwreck was discovered in 2006, 100 m offshore, 800 m south of Dor (Tantura) lagoon. The wooden hull remains included sections of large frames, stringers and ceiling planks, a large number of strakes and wales, some with unpegged mortise‐and‐tenon joints. Among the finds were ceramic sherds, wooden objects, matting, ropes, food remains, and coins. The shipwreck was dated to between the second half of the 6th and the first quarter of the 7th centuries AD. The wooden components of the hull indicate a large ship compared with other shipwrecks of the period, and the largest ever excavated in the Dor area.  相似文献   

After the excavation of the 9th-century AD merchantman from Bozburun, Turkey, from 1995 to 1998, examination of the preserved hull material revealed a method of using dowels embedded in the plank edge to join hull planking together. This method has not previously been recorded in the early medieval Mediterranean. The article discusses the characteristics of the joints in the hull planking of the Bozburun vessel, and considers its role in the transition from the shell-first to frame-first methods of assembly.
© 2005 The Nautical Archaeology Society  相似文献   

Two ancient wooden anchors with ropes, dating to different periods, were found on the western shore of the Dead Sea. The one-armed anchor was dated by 14C to the Late Iron Age—Persian Period, and the second anchor to the Roman Period. The saline water of the Dead Sea preserved the wood and ropes, but corroded almost all the metal parts. A thin black crust of lead and a green crust of copper are the only remains of the collar of the Roman anchor. The finds were made from local tree species and were probably made locally: the one-armed anchor from Acacia, the Roman one from Christ-thorn, and both ropes of date-palm.
© 2005 The Nautical Archaeology Society  相似文献   

In 2003 a well‐preserved shipwreck was found north of Dalarö in the Stockholm archipelago. In 2007 and 2008 the site was surveyed jointly by archaeologists from the Swedish National Maritime Museum, Södertörn University and the University of Southampton. The surface finds were inventoried and drawings produced of the hull structure, which measures 20 m between the posts. This paper presents the results of recording the hull. The original name of the ship, as well as the precise history of its demise, are unknown, but it appears to have been a small man‐of‐war, built and probably sunk in the late 17th century. It was possibly built in England, or at least in the English fashion of that time.  相似文献   

江西靖安县李洲坳东周墓葬   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李洲坳东周墓葬位于江西靖安县水口乡水口村李家自然村,是在2006年12月30日偶然发现的。在报经国家文物局批准后,江西省文物考古研究所对这座墓葬进行了抢救性发掘,田野工作于2007年1月6日正式开始,至10月25日基本结束。目前,墓葬出土文物的清理工作还在继续。现将该墓发掘的基本情况和一些初步认识简要介  相似文献   

武威磨咀子考古出土的汉代彩绘木马,不仅数量多,而且形体较大,具有河西汉马的典型特征;根据彩绘木马的材质状况,其类型属于潮湿而糟朽木器,急需进行修复保护。为此,针对目前彩绘木马的保存现状,本修复工作运用现代X-射线衍射分析技术,对木马彩绘颜料进行了分析,物相结果表明:黑色为墨,白色为石膏,红色为朱砂、铅丹。同时遵循原始制作工艺,选用汉代棺板木作为复原材料对残缺部件进行了复原修复,采用无色、透明的有机玻璃(MMA)材料为其制作了辅助支撑底座,使用Paraloid B-72试剂对表面严重糟朽木质、彩绘层实施加固,使用聚醋酸乙烯酯对脱落部件实施粘接,利用原始铆眼套合与加楔技术对木马部件进行了组装;最后,通过安装辅助支撑底座使受损彩绘木马得到了妥善保护,修复取得良好效果。  相似文献   

收藏于复旦大学博物馆的高山族腰刀是研究台湾高山族化的珍贵物。为了了解这些腰刀材料组分,以便更好的保护它们,我们通过PIXE测得了高山族腰刀刀体和金属饰钮组分的较详细信息。此外,我们又分别对腰刀的金属刀体和木质刀鞘采取了有效的保护和修复:一是利用苯并三氮唑对刀身进行缓蚀处理,二是对破损的木质刀鞘进行了陈列修复。  相似文献   

为掌握宁波"小白礁Ⅰ号"古沉船船体结构的状况,以及为该沉船的后续保护提供科学依据,本研究利用光学显微镜和电子显微镜技术,在显微和亚显微水平上观察了该沉船部分木质文物的组织和细胞结构。观察分析发现,对该沉船木质文物有较大影响的微生物主要是侵蚀细菌(Erosion bacteria,EB)和钻管细菌(Tunneling bacteria,TB);借助文献提供的标准,评估了该沉船不同部位木质文物的结构现状及不同备检样品中的细菌的侵蚀程度。评价结果表明沉船木质文物的侵蚀情况从轻度到完全损坏程度不同。本研究也分析了导致木质文物损伤程度差异的原因,并根据分析结果就该沉船木质文物保护涉及的生物学问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

对哈民忙哈遗址进行的第二次发掘共清理出房址29座、灰坑10座、墓葬3座以及环壕1条,出土陶器、石器、骨角蚌器、玉器等1000余件。此次发掘,发现了房屋木质结构痕迹,这是我国第一次发现并清理出史前时期的房顶梁架结构。房址内发现众多的人骨遗骸也是史前时期考古中所罕见。  相似文献   

The Ma?agan Mikhael B shipwreck was found in 1.5m of water, beneath 1.5m of sand, 70m off the Mediterranean coast of Israel. The hull remains are in a good state of preservation, comprising the endposts, aprons, framing timbers, hull planks, stringers, and bulkheads. The finds comprise rigging elements, wooden artefacts, organic finds, animal bones, glassware, coins, bricks, stones, ceramic sherds, and complete amphoras. The shipwreck was dated to the 7th–8th centuries AD; which makes it an exceptional source of information regarding various aspects of ship construction, seamanship, and seafaring in the area in Late Antiquity.  相似文献   

志丹苑元代水闸遗址是目前我国保存最好、规模最大、结构严谨、做工考究的古代水工建筑遗址.遗址内有大量的木桩、闸门、闸板等木质文物需要保护.本研究介绍水闸遗址木质文物保护的前期准备工作:对遗址中水质、土壤和各类木质文物材质、保存现状、有害菌种等情况进行了科学分析,在发掘过程中及时对遗址现场进行杀菌,对闸板和门槛进行回填保护处理,试验了针对木桩的现场脱水方案.  相似文献   

近年来的分析与研究表明,海洋出水沉船的木材中普遍存在大量的以Fe S2和Fe S为代表的硫铁化合物难溶盐,它们在空气中和一定湿度条件下,会氧化生成硫酸,使木材纤维素发生快速降解,从而对木船造成毁灭性的破坏。目前,硫铁化合物的脱除仍然是世界性难题,很多国家发现的木质沉船都面临这方面的困扰。为此,本研究以宁波象山"小白礁I号"清代沉船遗址出水的船体木材构件为研究对象,研发了金属络合剂与氧化剂复配材料EDTAHO,开展了海洋出水木材中沉积的二硫化亚铁的去除技术初步研究,取得了良好的保护效果。本研究结果可为后续脱水定型和加固修复打下良好的基础,有利于海洋出水木质船体的长期保存。  相似文献   

In the first century B.C., a stone carrier sank off the Aegean coast of Turkey at K?z?lburun transporting all the elements of a monumental marble column, including a single Doric capital and eight drums. The 60-tonne cargo lay at a depth of 45–48 m and was excavated in its entirety by the Institute of Nautical Archaeology at Texas A&M University between 2005 and 2011. Ongoing research has shown that the Doric column pieces in the K?z?lburun cargo originated in the marble quarries on Proconnesus Island in the Sea of Marmara and were very likely heading for the Temple of Apollo at Claros when the ship sank just 50 km short of its destination. The complete recovery of the ship’s cargo posed a unique set of methodological challenges involving lifting the multi-tonne marble drums without disturbing the delicate waterlogged wooden hull remains preserved beneath. This report summarizes the solutions developed over five seasons in order to rig, hoist, move, and ultimately raise to the surface eight large ancient marble column drums (as well as all the other marble artifacts in the cargo) from a depth of almost 50 m under water.  相似文献   

The huge scientific and interpretive value of wetland archaeological sites has been well demonstrated in several studies. The management of the archaeological resource of wetland landscapes is problematic, however, and there is an urgent need for noninvasive techniques to detect waterlogged organic archaeological remains. Stationary wooden fishing structures associated with fishing sites constitute an important wetland archaeological resource in northern Europe. In Finland, similar wooden constructions have been used for fishing from prehistory to the early modern era. The discovery of sites has been accidental, because the waterlogged organic remains have been considered invisible to conventional geoprospection techniques. Because of this, a small project was launched at Lamminoja, northwest Finland, in order to investigate whether it would be possible to improve our chances to detect fishery sites in demanding wetland habitats. New information was obtained through geophysical prospection, trial excavations, and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) dating. Geophysical testing was hampered by several factors, including complex sediments affected by modern drainage. New information was obtained, however, on the composition, age, and spatial distribution of the wooden fishing structures preserved in peat over 5000 years.  相似文献   

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