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none 《巴勒斯坦考察季》2013,145(2):102-114

This article aims to illustrate the background behind the maritime trade of Olynthus-type millstones in the eastern Mediterranean region. A look at the distribution of southern Aegean Olynthus millstones, whose provenances were identified by Williams-Thorpe and Thorpe’s petrographic analysis, reveals that millstones were not a major import into the southern Levant, where local Olynthus millstones were produced and distributed. They were more frequent in Cyprus, where they were valued locally due to the dearth of stones appropriate for use as millstones. The analysis of Williams-Thorpe and Thorpe also suggests that southern Levantine millstones, in contrast to millstones from earlier and later periods, were not exported to other Mediterranean regions. Shipwreck remains from the eastern Mediterranean, as well as the distribution of commercial Rhodian amphorae, reveal that Rhodian merchants carried wine and millstones from the southern Aegean to Cyprus. The southern Levant, where a number of locally produced Olynthus mills were unearthed, was self-sufficient in millstones. Hence, the Rhodian merchants, who dominated eastern Mediterranean trade, used the southern Aegean millstones as saleable ballast.  相似文献   

We present a full-sequence radiocarbon-based chronological system for the Iron Age in the Levant, anchored on the dating of ten destruction layers for the years 1130–730 BC. We establish the sequence using two methods – the 'uncalibrated weighted average' and the Bayesian modelling. Utilizing four dating tools in combination – radiocarbon measurements, field stratigraphy, pottery typology and ancient Near Eastern historical records – facilitates solutions to chronological problems that are far beyond the resolving power of 14C dating alone. The results shed light on disputed issues related to biblical and ancient Near Eastern history, such as the expansion of the early Israelite polity from the highlands to the lowlands; the nature of the Shoshenq I campaign to Canaan; and the evolution of the conflict between northern Israel and Aram Damascus.  相似文献   

龙腾 《中国钱币》2004,(4):36-37,F009
南宋四川铁钱钱背数码的含义,历来有 不同的解释,今略陈管见,供大家商榷。 史载:“淳熙……七年后,因盗铸者多, 遂令诸监逐年于背文上铸年数以别之,其弊 遂止。”① 四川铁钱背文铸数码,利州绍兴监最先 开始,所铸造的绍熙元宝、庆元通宝、嘉泰 元宝、开禧元宝4种铁钱,背文采用数字编 码,为从四六至六二。显然不能以该币铸造 于该年号的纪年来解释。 对于川钱背文的数码,过去中外学者作 过多种猜测。日本学者平尾聚泉认为:“蜀 地所铸之庆元钱,……背穿下有横书五一、 五二、五三、五四、五五、五六者,右侧之 五字,系当五,为钱值。…  相似文献   

Summary. In considering the most controversial ceramic artefact of the Levant in the late 2nd millennium BC, the collared-rim pithos, this paper breaks down the artificial chronological and cultural boundary that in many studies isolates the central highlands of modern Israel-Palestine from the rest of the region. A large transport vessel, the collared-rim pithos has been inappropriately used as an 'ethnic marker' for the settlement and expansion of the Ancient Israelites and as a chronological indicator of the Iron I Period (1200–1000 BC). Here a new socio-economic model is proposed which accounts for the spatio-temporal distribution of the collared-rim pithos and integrates highland settlements into a regional system of exploitation which characterises the last phase of Ramesside hegemony in the Levant.  相似文献   

The use of personal income sources instead of labour force as an indicator of urban economic base differences offers another perspective on the character of cities. This analysis discovered that cities were becoming less dependent on income from employment, thereby downgrading the effectiveness of labour force as an economic base indicator, and more dependent on income from investments and pensions. Significant variations in income sources were revealed both by region and by size of city. In general, the smaller the city, the higher the proportion of income from pension-government sources, and the larger the city, the higher the proportion from investments.
L'utilisation des sources de revenu personnel au lieu de celles de la main-d'oeuvre comme indicateur des differences de base économique urbaine offre une autre perspective sur le caractere des villes. I1 a étéétabli que les villes deviennent de moins en moins dependantes des revenus provenant des emplois, déclassant ainsi I'efficacité de la main-d'oeuvre en tant qu'indicateur de base econornique, et de plus en plus dbpendantes des revenus provenant d'investissements et de pensions. Des variations significatives ont été mises en évidence dans les sources de revenu par rapport à la région et à la taille d'une ville. En règle générale, plus la ville est petite plus la proportion du revenu provenant des pensions du gouvernement est élevée, et plus la ville estgrandeplus la proportion du revenu provenant d'investissements est élevée.  相似文献   

Terms such as ‘oppida’ have often obscured how we understand the nature and role of the dyke complexes which emerged at the end of the Iron Age. Developing from recent research at the Late Iron Age complex of Bagendon in Gloucestershire, this paper argues that a group of such polyfocal complexes share common characteristics, most significantly a relationship with ‘banjo’ enclosures, as part of wider landscape constructs. The paper suggests that the topography and morphology of these complexes have important implications for understanding the role of these sites and the nature of social change in the Late Iron Age.  相似文献   

B. KAUFMAN 《Archaeometry》2013,55(4):663-690
Tin bronze replaced arsenical copper as the preferred alloy in the Levant for reasons that have long been debated. Found almost exclusively in graves, these two types of copper alloys share nearly identical mechanical properties. The Bronze Age cemetery of ‘Enot Shuni has yielded the first metals ever analysed from an uninterrupted stratigraphic sequence in the Levant, spanning the earliest adoption of tin bronze from the Early Bronze Age (EB) IV through the Middle Bronze Age (MB) II (c. 2300–1530 bc ). SEM–EDS analysis of these artefacts, combined with a compositional meta‐database of all previously published EB IV – MB II alloys, reveals diachronic alloy progression as selected by populations of the Levant. It has long been qualitatively understood that bronze became the primary alloy by the MB II. These results verify this trend and quantify human demand, showing that tin importation increased by 103% and arsenic content decreased by 49% throughout these periods. This shift in technological choice is attributed to cultural reorientation from the Egyptian to Mesopotamian sphere of influence, as well as to tin's appreciable fuel efficiency over pure copper and arsenical copper in light of unprecedented timber shortages.  相似文献   

The decade 1961–1971 was one of remarkable expansion in grain corn production across southern Ontario, most notably reflected by the increase in the average scale of production. The complex of factors related to the renewed viability of the crop is discussed, with particular attention to developments in harvesting and storage methods. This serves to illustrate the process by which new developments in harvesting and storage methods were adopted and relates technological change to the economics of grain corn production and adaptive decision-making.
De 1961 à 1971, l'ensemble du Sud de l'Ontario a connu une expansion remarquable de la production de grains de maïs, une expansion surtout reflétée par une augmentation notable du niveau moyen de production. Dans notre article, nous discutons les facteurs complexes reliés à ce renouveau de la viabilité du maïs. Nous nous concentrons sur le développement des méthodes de récolte et d'entreposage. Notre perspective nous permet d'illustrer le processus d'adoption des nouvelles méthodes de récolte et d'entreposage, et de lier le changement technologique à l'économie de la production de grains de maüs et aux prises de décisions conséquentes.  相似文献   

名山旅游地的空间竞争研究──以皖南三大名山为例   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:30  
本文分析了名山旅游地的特点和影响其空间竞争的因素,以皖南三大名山为例,讨论了名山旅游地空间竞争的特点和竞争策略。  相似文献   

Although the megalithic phenomenon in southern Iberia has received attention since the mid‐nineteenth century, there has been very little attention paid to the role that megalithic structures played in the organization of prehistoric landscapes. Just as in other areas of Europe, however, southern Iberian megalithic structures must have played complex roles in the social organization of landscapes that go far beyond their use as funerary containers. Using examples from our work in southern Iberia, we employ GIS‐based spatial analysis to explore for the first time various aspects of the landscape dimension of these monuments. We discuss three case‐studies for which fresh field data have been recently made available. In the first (Almadén de la Plata) we find patterns of association between medieval transhumance routes and megaliths, and we use cost‐surface modelling to suggest that medieval routes may reflect earlier, prehistoric patterns of movement which in turn suggest that megalithic structures functioned in this area as waypoints within an emerging mobility system for people and livestock. In the second case (Aroche) we show correlations between the locations of megaliths and theoretical territories defined by isochrones and contrast this pattern with the distribution of non‐megalithic funerary sites of the Early Bronze Age, concluding that the spatial distribution of megaliths in this region may relate to their role as landmarks. Lastly we describe a far more specific relationship which we have encountered in the Antequera region, where we believe we have identified a relationship between the orientation of the megalithic structure of Menga, a prominent natural feature and several newly discovered prehistoric sites. Together, these three examples suggest that the current focus on typology, chronology and contents in the study of Iberian megaliths needs to be matched with efforts to identify and interpret the often highly complex structure of the prehistoric landscapes of which they form an integral part.  相似文献   

The article focuses on a rarely acknowledged cultural phenomenon – the steep decline of ceramic fine wares in parts of the Eastern Mediterranean between about AD 150 and 300 and explores possible reasons behind the dearth of these table wares, as attested through archaeological projects, in particular in Cyprus. As an explanatory model a “Product Life‐Cycle Theory” is tested against available data, in conjunction with other factors such as depletion of clay supplies and timber resources.  相似文献   

个体的日常活动发生在复杂的情境下,受到来自地理环境和社会环境的制约。以往研究揭示了制约下的个体在活动参与上展示出明显的性别差异。然而,传统以个体为单位的研究,忽视了家作为地方秩序的口袋,其内部分成员之间的互动对不同性别家庭成员活动参与的影响。本文从家庭内部分工的视角,研究夫妻双方在参与家庭维持性活动的时间利用的差异。在分析差异形成的过程中,在家庭区位特征、个体社会经济特征外,关注了配偶的社会经济特征、家庭成员间的互动对个体参与独立与联合家庭维持性活动的影响。研究结果验证了我们的假设,微观个体活动参与及时间利用的性别差异,不仅受到社会与地理环境制约,而且是家庭成员之间互动、分工的结果。以家庭为单位的分析能更好地补充和解释以往性别差异的研究成果,为个体活动、移动行为等研究提供新的视角。  相似文献   

The information which can be extracted from studying craft and production in past societies is by no means limited to technology and exchange. Analysing the chaîne opératoire of iron production in medieval society provides a new perspective and knowledge of its role for urban development. Seen as a complex network of economic, social and material relations, craft and production are embedded in society and have the power to influence it. This article presents and discusses the remains of blacksmithing found at the site of Rådhuspladsen ('City Hall Square') in Copenhagen. The analysis focuses on the scale, types and organisation of the ironworking, as well as identifying the people who may have been involved, including their social and geographical networks. This study aims to better understand the role of iron production for the development of medieval Copenhagen and in general, its role in medieval Danish towns.  相似文献   

复杂情境中的日常活动可视化与应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时间地理学以时空路径为代表的符号系统由于具备抽象、简明、直观等特点,在地理学及其他社会科学领域得到了广泛传播与应用。随着GIS与地理可视化技术的不断进步、高精度时空行为数据的批量生产等,真实地理环境中个体时空运动轨迹的三维可视化技术也在不断进步。信息化社会的到来与城市社会转型等使得现代社会中的人类日常活动变得十分复杂,时间地理学由于直观刻画时空间中人类活动的时空连续性与复杂情境性而备受关注。本文首先界定了人类日常活动复杂情境的分析维度,包括日常情境、企划情境、地理情境、社会情境、技术情境等,并在此基础上将绝对时空间坐标系下的时空路径拓展到相对时空观下多维活动序列的可视化表达。其次,简单说明Daily life与VISUAL-Time PAc TS/energy use等可视化工具,介绍时空路径在复杂情境性下的可视化、模式挖掘及个案分析。最后,案例分析个体与群体尺度上活动情境可视化方法在家庭成员间分工与互动、日常活动模式差异与家庭能源消耗差异等方面的应用。  相似文献   

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