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The Cherokee Removal Cases — Cherokee Nation v. Georgia 1 and Worcester v. Georgia 2 —stand as the dramatic last act of the Marshall Court era. Thomas Jefferson was long dead by the time of the removal of the American Indians from the land north and south of the Ohio River. Yet in many ways the Cherokee Removal Cases that bedeviled Marshall in his final years on the Court were Jefferson's revenge, the first bitter fruits of policies adopted during his presidency that created the political and legal environment for the Indian Removal Act of 1830 and the Cherokee Nation litigation itself. This Jeffersonian legacy is ironic, given that Jefferson as a scholar, diplomat, and Secretary of State was an ardent supporter of Indian sovereignty and eventual citizenship. Yet these views were subordinated during his presidency to concerns of what we would term "national security," to preserve the Union, and to advance the interests and needs of his political party.  相似文献   

Golf has a long history at the Supreme Court simply as an entertaining pastime for some of its members. Yet the Justices' interest in the sport can also be viewed as a reflection of the evolving work and culture of the institution and of the nation it serves. This article revisits a few early developments involving the first golfer on the Court (Justice James Wilson), the first golf enthusiast (the first Justice John Marshall Harlan), and the first golfing majority (October Term 1906).  相似文献   


Rioting that followed clashes between police and strikers in Suva in December 1959 was interpreted by the authorities and the European minority as being motivated by anti-European feeling. But the racial interpretation of the strike tells us more about the authorities' own fears of solidarity between Indians and Fijians than it does about the strikers actual motivations, which were simply to advance an economic demand. The racialisation of the dispute came afterwards, in the suppression of the strike, and the reassertion of traditional Fijian authority vested in the Council of Chiefs, whose appeal to Fijians was made in specifically anti-Indian terms. The return to traditional authority prevented moves to modernise Fijian society.  相似文献   

寒江 《旅游纵览》2016,(7):90-93
与英格兰的许多古城相比,拥有千年历史的杜伦或许并不算太老。蜿蜒的鹅卵石路、精致的老房子,还有那些茂密的植物,簇拥着一座雄伟的教堂与一座坚固的城堡,这是再典型不过的北英格兰古镇的风貌。威尔河不知流淌了多少年,在杜伦这里强劲地拐了一个弯儿,城堡和教堂就屹立在河床三角洲的高地上。关注过英国留学的国人一定知道杜伦,1832年建立的杜伦大学,即使在全世界的大学排名中,也是位列靠前。对自己实力有信心的人方敢报名这里,毕竟是英格兰第三古老的大学,至今仍沿用着传统的学院制。早年,Durham被译成达勒姆,随着越来越多的国人在此留学,更具英范儿的译名——杜伦,现在更被广泛接受。  相似文献   

《The Geography Teacher》2013,10(1):40-45

I want to start by offering you two quotations. Both are from Harlan's famous dissent from Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896, when the rest of the Justices held that it was constitutional to segregate people according to their race. The first quotation is famous; the second is not well-known—in fact, some of you may have never heard it before. Here is the first quotation:  相似文献   

<正>对克罗地亚的印象一直都停留在杜布罗夫尼克的红屋顶和蓝得发亮的亚得里亚海,直到和闺蜜的行程确定,我翻找克罗地亚的资料,才发现沿着亚得里亚海岸,有那么多古老遗迹的存在。7天时间,从斯洛文尼亚的皮兰过境到达普拉,一路沿着海岸线前行,直到杜布罗夫尼克。在普拉空旷的斗兽场里,在罗维尼蜿蜒的街巷中,在扎达尔老城的广场上,在戴克里先宫的石阶上,在杜布罗夫尼克的城墙上,我们  相似文献   

马歇尔计划与美元霸权的确立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二战结束之际诞生的布雷顿森林体系虽为美元霸权提供了国际制度的平台,但美元霸权地位的真正起步却缘于冷战开始之际的马歇尔计划。通过援助西欧重建,美元实际上在布雷顿森林体系发挥作用之前已全面介入了西欧的经济,并由此起步演变成为战后世界的霸权货币。  相似文献   

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