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ABSTRACT The paper implements a methodology for assessing the regional impact of investment grants on foreign direct investment (FDI) location, taking data for U.K. regional policy over the period 1985–2005. Using a Generalized Methods of Moments estimator it finds that each £25 million of grant changes the regional location of about six inward FDI projects. On average, projects have 150 jobs and each job diverted costs £27,500 (1995 prices). It also finds that the size of the area designated for grants has a positive location effect. The effect is small in relation to the overall scale of FDI, which may explain the weak grant effect found in recent plant‐based location studies.  相似文献   

Wide regional disparities exist in U.S. employment growth. To identify the causes of this disparities, we assess the relative contribution of locational characteristics to regional employment growth in the United States from 2001 to 2010 by estimating an employment growth model with the spatial‐lag effect. Results show that, at the margin, congestion effects dominate localized scale externalities in urban counties. A diverse industrial structure and rich human capital are the main factors that contribute to regional disparities in employment growth. Significant spatial‐lag effects indicate that spatial targeting and regional coordination are necessary to maximize the effectiveness of employment growth policies.  相似文献   

'Bioregionalism' is a term referring to an action-oriented movement based on ecological principles. It has not been strong in academic geography, though it clearly has space and place as its concerns. From a merging of classical regional geography and general systems one might have expected a bioregional synthesis to emerge. The bio-regional ideal can be given rigorous expression in a regional system comprising three sub-systems - a biophysical sub-system, an inhabiting sub-system, and a network sub-system.
Le mot 'biorégionalisme' s'attache à un mouvement ďaction et de pensée écologiste. Peu representé au sein de la géographie 'officielle, ii a néanmoins des rapports avec le problématique de ľespace et des lieux. On aurait du attendre que la convergence de la géographie régionale classique et ľétude des systèmes nous ameneraient à un synthèse 'biorégional.'Ľesprit biorégional peut s'exprimer ďune façon rigoureuse sous forme ďun système régional, comprenant trois sous-systèmes - sous-système biophysique, sous-système ďhabitat, et sous-système des liaisons et des réseaux.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper presents a model of regional development which attempts to explain differing patterns of growth in two regions. The model is an extension of Krugman's model of uneven development, but it incorporates not only scale economies within each region but also regional externalities across the regions. Depending on relative magnitudes of net scale economies of the two regions, the model entails different regional development patterns: uneven development, stable or joint development, or a mix of the two. The novel feature of the present model is that different regional development patterns can be explained within the same analytical framework.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The goal of our paper is to provide direct estimates of the association between public capital and regional output. This is made possible by the construction of a data series which measures public capital at the state level.
The relation between public capital and other productive factors is tested using a translog production function. Our results show that labor and public capital are complementary inputs, and that public capital exhibited diminishing returns. We also consider restrictions on the translog formulation. Linear homogeneity is rejected in all cases, and the Cobb-Douglas specification is rejected for the manufacturing and all sectors categories.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT RELU is a dynamic general equilibrium model of a metropolitan economy and its land use, derived by unifying in a theoretically valid way, models developed by one of the authors [ Anas (1982) , Anas–Arnott (1991, 1997) , Anas–Kim (1996) , Anas–Xu (1999) ]. RELU equilibrates floor space, land and labor markets, and the market for the products of industries, treating development (construction and demolition), spatial interindustry linkages, commuting, and discretionary travel. Mode choices and equilibrium congestion on the highway network are treated by unifying RELU with the TRAN algorithm of stochastic user equilibrium [ Anas–Kim (1990) ]. The RELU‐TRAN algorithm's performance for a stationary state is demonstrated for a prototype consisting of 4‐building, 4‐industry, 4‐labor‐type, 15‐land‐use‐zone, 68‐link‐highway‐network version of the Chicago MSA. The algorithm solves 656 equations in a special block‐recursive convergent procedure by iterations nested within loops and loops within cycles. Runs show excellent and smooth convergence from different starting points, so that the number of loops within successive cycles continually decreases. The tests also imply a numerically ascertained unique stationary equilibrium solution of the unified model for the calibrated parameters.  相似文献   

区域、竞争力与区域发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程玉鸿 《人文地理》2008,23(5):22-26
竞争力概念本身具有抽象性和模糊性,尤其被用于地点的属性时,对其界定颇多争议。这导致在区域竞争政策应用中不可避免的出现某种程度的混乱。通过追踪竞争力的缘起,在对两种主要的区域竞争力概念来源进行理论述评的基础上,从竞争的一般概念角度阐述了区域竞争力存在的客观性及其本质涵义,并从企业和地点两个角度比较分析了竞争在区域发展中的作用及影响。  相似文献   

国外区域经济研究的一个新趋势——区域经济网络研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代区域经济发展呈现出网络化的趋势。国外区域经济学者将复杂网络理论和方法引入到区域经济学中,逐渐开拓出区域经济网络研究这个新领域,形成了解释区域经济现象和揭示区域经济规律的网络分析路径。目前,国外的研究工作主要是运用复杂网络理论和分析方法,对区域经济中的各类网络进行规范的定义和描述,研究这些网络的形成与演化,揭示区域经济增长和发展中的网络效应,分析知识、技术等要素在网络中的流动和扩散。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We decompose the recent changes in regional inequality in Brazil into its components, highlighting the role of spatially blind social programs. We aggregate personal income micro data to the state level, differentiating nine income sources, and assess the role of these components in the observed changes in regional inequality indicators. The main results indicate that the largest part of the recent reduction in regional inequality is related to the dynamics of the market‐related labor income, with manufacturing and services favoring deconcentration. Labor income in agriculture, retirement and pensions, and property rents and other sources favored concentration. The social programs Bolsa Família and Benefícios de Prestação Continuada are responsible for more than 24 percent of the reduction in inequality, although they account for less than 1.7 percent of the disposable household income. Such positive impact on regional concentration is impressive, since the goals of the programs are clearly nonspatial.  相似文献   

We use a large panel dataset covering the period 1988–2010 to estimate county specific own‐wage elasticity of labor demand in the U.S. for four highly aggregated industries: construction, finance/insurance/real‐estate/service, manufacturing, and retail trade. Our estimation of a random parameter panel data model yields significant evidence of spatial variations in wage elasticity of labor demand. We relate the spatial variation in elasticity to differences in county characteristics like industry specialization, industry competition, levels of natural amenity and urbanization. Using a regression discontinuity approach we also find that probusiness states have higher labor demand elasticity.  相似文献   

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