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秦汉时期对于残障人口形成了有效的统计制度,包括对残障人口身份类型的特殊标识、严格的统计程序和法律禁条、形式不一并不断完善的文本载体等内容。本文厘清秦汉时期傅籍制度下"罷癃"的特殊身份,并以此为基础,对秦汉时期残障人口统计制度所涉诸方面做完整的描述。  相似文献   

中国古代度量衡的检校制度是伴随着度量衡制度的日趋成熟而出现的。这项制度形成于西周春秋时期,发展于战国早中期,成熟于战国晚期。战国早中期,诸侯各国多铸造有度量衡标准器,以便对当时使用的度量衡器具进行检校。至战国晚期,各国则常在春、秋季节,派专门官员对度量衡器具进行统一检校,多把检校结果刻在器物上面。战国检校制度的成熟,对后世度量衡制度的发展产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

雷戈所著《秦汉之际的政治思想与皇权主义》一书,认为从秦朝到汉初的思想史发展阶段是中国思想史上皇权主义意识形态的生成和确立时期,并将其概括为"后战国时代";采用独特的"历史-思想"研究法,从政治制度、官场规则和官吏的政治生活中,挖掘特定时期的政治思想共识,为政治思想史研究开辟了新的路径,并扩大了思想史的资料范围;认为秦汉时期生成的皇权主义秩序,把"天高皇帝远"的制度现实变为"天高皇帝近"的观念实存,实现了对人们思想的可控性,从此,思想成为皇权可以控制和规范的领域,达到了有效的思想专制。这是秦汉以降中国思想史发展的基本特征。该书在研究方法的创新和思想深度的开掘上,都做出了独到的贡献。  相似文献   

青铜器是陕西历史博物馆的重要收藏,除商周青铜器,所藏东周秦汉铜器也很丰富,其中多见刻铭者。本文即对馆藏东周秦汉有铭铜器进行初步考释,可为研究秦与诸国关系提供新资料,并对秦汉职官、地理、度量衡制度研究有重要价值。  相似文献   

秦汉墓葬的大量发现 ,是新中国考古的重要成就之一 ,秦汉墓葬所反映的丧葬习俗是直观而又丰富的。韩国河博士的新著《秦汉魏晋丧葬制度研究》 (陕西人民出版社1 999年 1 2月出版 ) ,利用大量的考古资料并结合文献对秦汉魏晋丧葬制度进行了全面系统的研究 ,获得了许多新的认识。一、认知全面、论述深刻。韩著全书共分为五章 :一、秦汉魏晋时期丧葬制度的发展轨迹。该章是全书的重点 ,占全书的三分之一强。首先论述了先秦的丧葬制度 ,以“丧葬溯源”、“丧礼的形成” ,进而论述了“三礼”中所展示的东周丧葬制度 ,这种方法更便于把握秦汉魏晋…  相似文献   

有关秦汉时期中央监察制度的研究,一直是学术界研究的热门课题。随着研究的不断深入,相关论著日益增多,研究范围也不断拓宽。本文主要从秦汉时期监察制度的历史地位、秦汉中央监察机构的设置、职权与运行机制等方面,梳理了近20年来有关秦汉中央监察制度的研究成果。  相似文献   

李鸿雁 《文博》2010,(6):35-38
对先秦时期各国度量衡制度的研究是考古学研究的一个重要课题。本文从临淄战国墓出土的有关计量内容的刻铭器与东周诸国的度量衡制度进行了分析比较,并对齐国的量制和衡制问题进行了探索。  相似文献   

"覆"是秦汉诉讼制度中的重要概念。以往学者多采纳沈家本"重审察"的解释。通过对传世文献与出土材料的考察,可发现"覆"不仅用于二审、重审、再审案件,亦用于一审案件,因此不宜将"覆"定义为"重审察"。目前所见"覆"的案例一般为上级机关主理或由上级机关指定某机构(或使者)主理的案件,主理的程序包括立案、侦查、审判、复核、监督等各个环节。在此基础上亦可进一步考察秦汉文献中"复""复案""覆讯"的含义。秦汉时期诉讼制度中"覆"程序的存在,反映了当时司法体系和诉讼程序的复杂以及审级制度的发展。  相似文献   

赵毓坤 《民国档案》2003,1(2):76-79
统一度量衡 ,不仅关系到国家政权的稳定 ,也影响到普通大众的生活。近代中国度量衡制度的混乱是出了名的。混乱的度量衡不仅阻碍了国内商品经济的发展 ,也在对外贸易中为列强侵犯中国主权提供了口实。因此 ,近代中国的度量衡一直是中外有识之士诟病的对象。南京国民政府成立后 ,便着手统一全国度量衡制度。对这一有关国计民生的重要活动 ,现有史著乏有论述 ,未免遗憾。本文试评述南京政府的这一活动 ,以补史缺。一民国建立的第二年 ,北洋政府举行工商会议 ,讨论划一问题 ,曾主张完全采用万国权度公制。此议在国务会议上获得通过 ,而在交临时…  相似文献   

战国秦汉农官制度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随着经济与社会的巨变,战国秦汉时期的农官制度也发生了相应的变化,呈现出显著的时代特征:在官吏择任上,传统的世卿世禄制渐次被官僚制度取代;在体制方面,国家重农体制确立并逐步消;在体系构建上,则形成了卓有成效的农业管理体系。农官制度的发展与完善,既是秦汉时期农业经济发展的产物,同时又与秦汉农业经济的繁荣密切相关。  相似文献   

FREDERICK MADDEN and DAVID FIELDHOUSE, eds. ‘The Empire of the Bretaignes’, 1175–1688: The Foundation of a Colonial System of Government: Select Documents on the Constitutional History of the British Empire and Commonwealth, Volume I. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1985. Pp. xxix, 669; $55.00 (us); The Classical Period of the First British Empire, 1680–1783, Volume II. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1985. Pp. xxxiii, 628. –65.00 (US).  相似文献   

Select Documents on the Constitutional History of the British Empire and Commonwealth edited by Frederick Madden. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 8 vols., 1985–2000.

I. ‘The Empire of the Bretaignes’, 1175–1688 (1985, 0–313–23897–9)

II. The Classical Period of the First British Empire, 1689–1783 (1985,0–313–25176–2)

IE. Imperial Reconstruction, 1763–1840 (1987, 0–313–25916‐X)

IV. Settler Self‐Government, 1840–1900 (1990, 0–313–27326‐X)

V. The Dependent Empire and Ireland, 1840–1890 (1991, 0–313–27757–5)

VI. The Dominions and India Since 1900 (1993, 0–313–27317–0)

VII. The Dependent Empire, 1900–1948 (1994,0–313–27318–9)

VIII. The End of Empire: Dependencies Since 1948 (2000,0–313–29072–5, £83.95)  相似文献   


Throughout the Balkans, the history museum remains a crucial site where memories of an imperial past are molded, rationalized, and integrated into the wider arc of nationalist narratives about a country and its people. The legacy of the Ottoman Empire is particularly fraught in Greece, where this period is almost always classified as ‘post-Byzantine’ within the context of government institutions. In this paper, I set out to trace the legacy of the Ottoman Empire as it has been mediated in multiple museum sites throughout the country. I will primarily focus on two case studies: The National Historical Museum in Athens and the Museum of Ali Pasha and the Period of Revolution in Ioannina. Comparing these two sites and their practices of display bring into sharper focus the dynamics of how historical memory plays out in a central versus regional sphere of belonging and identity.  相似文献   

在前辈学人研究的基础上,根据美国国会图书馆所藏《松江府海塘图》和乾隆《太镇海塘纪略》中所附地图的比对,可知两图所载各县海塘长度的差异主要是由各自丈量尺度的不同造成。加之镇洋北岸海塘长度以及两图所示地域范围的差别,可以判定美国国会图书馆所藏的《松江府海塘图》绘制于乾隆十七年,该图更名为《乾隆松太海塘图》较为合适。《乾隆松太海塘图》是清代江南海塘的通塘体系形成之前最完整的一幅海塘图,图中所画内容反映了官方绘制江南海塘图"兵农并重"的特殊要求,是同类海塘图中的珍品。  相似文献   

刘斌 《考古》2012,(4):70-83
洛阳地区自黄初元年(公元220年)曹丕称帝,到西晋永嘉五年(公元311年)王弥、刘曜攻破洛阳,在近百年的时间里一直是曹魏及西晋时期统治的核心区,也是这一时期政治、经济、文化的中心,以及当时文化制度控制较为严格、执行较为彻底的区域。  相似文献   

成吉思汗建立了蒙古帝国,以千户制巩固了统治,国土横跨欧亚。至忽必烈在中原大地建立了蒙元王朝。1368年元朝灭亡后,众多蒙古人返回蒙古本土,与当地统治者发生权力斗争。蒙古本土也因无法为骤然增多的人口提供给养而导致经济崩溃。蒙古人不断侵扰明朝边境,迫使永乐皇帝率兵亲征,更加剧了蒙古困难局面。重建蒙古强力政权的努力一再破产。直至达延可汗,蒙古再现生机。  相似文献   

The detailed elevation model based on airborne laser altimetry (AHN) proved to be a reliable tool to detect well-developed Celtic field systems, characteristic arable plots of the Iron Age. They were detected in the central part of the Netherlands, where only a limited number of Celtic field systems have been recognized in the past. Most of these previously detected systems were identified in the northern part of the Netherlands or in the southern part, but not in this zone. About 1200 ha of well-developed systems could be identified by AHN in the central part of the Netherlands, of which only 136 ha were registered as an archaeological monument. Another 335 ha of archaeologically identified Celtic field systems were not accepted or recognized by AHN, because they were morphologically less well-developed. Most of the around 1050 ha new discoveries occur in rough vegetations and forested areas, and can hardly be identified with previously used geodetic methods and aerial photography. Less well-developed or preserved systems were even more extensive and remnants were traced as fossil arable layers below plaggen soils or on lower slopes incorporated in mediaeval reclamations. The newly identified Celtic field systems, therefore, can be considered as remnants of much larger areas once covered with these arable plots. In the central part of the Netherlands, the estimated area once covered was at least around 4500 ha, more than enough to supply 10,000 people with cereals. Well-developed Celtic field systems started to develop in the late Iron Age with formation intensifying during the early Roman Period. The central part of the Netherlands is situated just north of the river Rhine, the former boundary of the Roman Empire, the Limes. The newly discovered extent of Celtic field systems will have influenced the interaction between different cultures on the border of the Roman Empire in the early Roman Period, about which very little is known. This perspective underscores the need for an integrated conservation policy and in-depth research through excavations in the near future.  相似文献   

The digitisation of a large number of First World War personnel files in different countries permits novel big data analyses that contribute in important ways to the histories of the British Empire and of individual countries including Australia. Mass digitisation is very recent; we are only beginning to realise the power of the new resources. In this article we highlight recent use of First World War datasets for non-First World War research questions as an example of the potential uses of big data for historians. Much of the new research considers aspects of living standards and health that are not accessible from other sources.  相似文献   

本文主要从三方面 ,对日本学者大庭的秦汉史研究方法进行了思考 :一、对地上地下材料的高度重视 ,体现在对简牍的出土地、次序的排列等进行深入研究 ,并注重实地考察 ,把握传世文献的内在规律。二、注重实证 ,在全面掌握材料的基础上 ,准确把握材料的内在含义 ,并且在实际操作中强调对象的时代性 ,使研究更为立体。注重历史实态的考据 ,并且注重对文本本身的探究。三、研究中的理论与方法论。主要体现在注重问题意识 ,重视历史的内在规律探究 ,对史料的整理自觉地运用理论方法  相似文献   

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