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2014年4—5月,浙江省文物考古研究所、德清县博物馆联合对德清县开发区砂村的大圣堂窑址进行了发掘。本次发掘共清理出唐代窑炉一处两座,出土大量瓷器标本。窑炉为长条形龙窑,窑床短小;产品以青釉为主、黑釉为辅;主要器型为碗、盘、盂、罐,有东晋南朝遗风。大圣堂窑的发掘再次丰富了汉唐时期德清窑的研究材料。  相似文献   

吴宣 《南方文物》2005,(2):64-67
吉州窑是我国宋元时期名的民间窑场,它是一座同时掌握南、北方名瓷窑的制瓷技艺,生产多种器形、釉色、纹饰产品的综合性瓷窑,其烧造的瓷器品种多样。古朴典雅,富有浓郁的地方风格和民族艺术特色,大致可分为青釉瓷、乳白釉瓷、黑釉瓷、  相似文献   

瓷枕在我国自7世纪创烧以来,已有一千多年的历史。唐代,瓷枕已经开始流行,目前已发现河北邢窑、定窑,河南巩县窑、密县窑,山西浑源窑,安徽寿州窑,湖南长沙窑、岳阳窑和浙江越窑等分别烧制白釉、白釉绿彩、白釉褐绿彩、三彩、珍珠地划花、绞胎、黄釉、黑釉、青釉、青釉褐绿彩、青釉印花瓷枕。唐代的瓷枕一般较小,小者不足10厘米,大者约15厘米。以长方形枕较多,也有少量椭圆形、动物形枕,如兔形枕。河北省博物馆、安徽省博物馆、故宫博物院等收藏有唐代瓷枕精品。宋金元时期,瓷枕广为流行。在南北方均发现了大量烧制瓷枕的瓷窑,并出现了专门烧…  相似文献   

鉴别宋元江西三大名窑的黑釉瓷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑釉瓷是以铁为着色元素的单色釉瓷.在我国的生产历史相当悠久。根据考古发现,东汉时浙江省上虞窑已经烧造黑釉瓷,其后是东晋时期的浙江德清窑,早期黑釉瓷的烧造,杂于青瓷的烧造之中。至唐代.黑釉瓷的烧造始成规模。主要集中于陕西的耀州窑,  相似文献   

安徽省萧县萧窑遗址群位于萧县东南部,本次调查了白土镇窑、欧盘窑、夏村窑和前圩子窑四个窑址。主要产品有碗、盏、罐、壶、高足盘、盘、三叉支托、窑棒和垫圈。釉色主要有青釉、黄釉、黑釉、白釉、白釉褐彩等。萧窑始烧于隋代,终烧于元代。  相似文献   

青神坛罐窑是一处大型的古代窑址,烧制黑釉、酱釉、白釉、乳白釉、青釉等瓷器。坛罐窑的年代,上限可到北宋,下限可到元初,而以南宋器物为主。该窑址的发现,为四川古陶瓷研究提供了新的重要材料。  相似文献   

1960年,杭州老和山东晋兴宁二年墓出土了一批黑釉瓷器,简报称共16件。其中14件现收藏于浙江省博物馆,均属德清窑产品。  相似文献   

<正>单色釉瓷,顾名思义,指着单一色釉的瓷器,又称"纯色釉"、"一道釉"。以釉药的呈色作为装饰的瓷器,由于釉内所含化学成分不同,烧成后就呈现出不同的色泽,如青釉、红釉、黄釉、绿釉、黑釉、蓝釉、白釉等。故宋代的五大名窑器均属于单色釉器的范畴。单色釉器的烧造自宋窑之后稳步发展,至明代中早期已有了骄人的成就,创烧出永乐甜白、宣德宝石红,弘治鸡油黄等名重一时的釉色。到了清三  相似文献   

邓窑是豫西南迄今发现的宋金时代最大的窑场,延续时间亦相当长.所烧瓷器产品丰富,种类齐全,烧制青釉、白釉、黑釉等多种釉色,窑变花瓷、印花、刻花、剔花、彩绘、三彩等装饰工艺俱佳,有着鲜明的地方特色.邓窑遗址发现较晚,众多富有特色的邓窑瓷器,对研究古代瓷器烧造技术及辨别传世瓷器的产地都具有重要意义.  相似文献   

江西出土的几件宋代吉州窑瓷器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉州窑在江西吉安市南郊八公里的永和镇,由于吉安自隋迄宋都称为吉州,故名之为吉州窑。又因当时烧瓷的地点是在永和镇,所以也有叫做永和窑的。根据文献的记载,吉州窑有一千多年的烧瓷历史,它创始于唐末五代,极盛于南宋。吉州窑的产品有青釉瓷、绿釉瓷、白釉瓷、彩绘瓷和黑釉瓷。其中以黑釉瓷最多,  相似文献   

浙江德清县乾元镇小马山窑址以烧制青釉瓷器为主,也生产少量黑釉瓷器,是德清窑的重要窑址之一。本文为自20世纪50年代德清窑概念提出以来的首篇较为科学的调查清理简报。  相似文献   

In order to discuss the exact provenance of the Qingbai wares discovered at Shabian archaeological site in Guangzhou, which had a similar appearance to Jingdezhen Qingbai ware, we analysed both the body and glaze of the Qingbai wares from the Shabian kiln site and those from other related kilns, including Hutian in Jingdezhen, Xicun in Guangzhou and Chaozhou of Guangdong, by using micro-X-ray fluorescence (μ-XRF) and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Based on the analyses, we found that both bodies and glaze of the Qingbai wares in Shabian had the characteristics of a low abundance of rare earth elements (REE), strong negative Eu anomalies, and remarkably low Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios, which was consistent with those from Hutian kiln in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province. We also found that the glaze of Qingbai ware from different kilns also had its provenance characteristic in the concentration of the trace elements, and the change of the REE pattern between glaze and its corresponding bodies in Qingbai wares might provide some clue about the types and source of flux. In addition, the lower Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios in both the bodies and glaze of Jingdezhen Qingbai wares were attributed to the chemical characteristics of the local granite.  相似文献   

The Ding kilns were some of the most famous early kilns of medieval China, producing huge quantities of white and cream-white porcelains of outstanding technical and aesthetic quality. Since 1949 they have been excavated three times, in 1965, in 1987, and in 2009 respectively. In this latest study 69 white porcelain sherds from assured contexts and from the 2009 excavations were analyzed using laser ablation techniques (ICP-AES). The samples date from Five Dynasties, Northern Song and Jin Dynasties respectively (early 10th to early 13th C CE). The results show that Ding wares of different times show different characteristics that can be demonstrated through chemical composition. During the early phase of production the Ding ware bodies consisted largely of high firing kaolinitic clays with predominantly calcareous materials as fluxes. After the early Northern Song Dynasty, some calcareous material was replaced by a more potassic material. The compositions of the glazes show a parallel evolution to the bodies. However, because the glazes are very low in titania it seems unlikely that the main clay ingredients of the bodies could have been used in the glaze recipes. For much of the kiln site’s history the glazes appear to have been made mainly from the same siliceous flux-rich materials that had been blended with the main body-clays used to make the Ding ware porcelains, plus some extra calcareous material. The P2O5 contents of the glazes suggest that wood ash may have been one source of CaO in the glaze recipes.  相似文献   

Bodies and glazes of 54 proto-porcelain sherds and 18 non proto-porcelain samples from Shang and Zhou periods production sites in Deqing, Zhejiang province were analysed by EPMA-WDS. The results indicate that the bodies of all samples were made from local raw material – porcelain stone, with the proto-porcelain samples being made from clay of higher quality. Wood ashes, high in lime and low in potash, were intentionally applied to the proto-porcelain samples, resulting in the formation of lime-rich glazes whose compositions were determined by a temperature-controlled mechanism. In contrast, kiln fragments and furniture show a potash-rich fuel vapour glaze, which formed unintentionally during use of the kiln. The firing temperature for most of the proto-porcelain glazes is around the maturing temperature for typical more recent lime glazes, showing that the potters were already at such an early time able to attain sufficiently high temperature in their kilns.  相似文献   

德清三合塔山土墩墓结构独特,随葬器以原始瓷为主体,反映了德清瓷业发展的深厚历史底蕴。  相似文献   

郑嘉励 《华夏考古》2011,(3):121-125
秘色瓷本是晚唐时期越窑贡瓷的名称,其性质是贡瓷。秘色瓷之得名与釉色相关。作为贡瓷,秘色瓷由“贡窑”所出,在今天的研究中,也可物化体现为越瓷精品。根据法门寺塔地宫出土材料讨论秘色瓷问题,必须纳入贡赋、库藏制度,不可脱离具体的历史背景割裂认识并刻意渲染。  相似文献   

烈山窑址位于安徽省淮北市烈山区烈山镇烈山村,2018年开始发掘,面积700平方米,分为三个区域:Ⅰ区金元窑址区域、Ⅱ区唐代末期至北宋窑址区域、Ⅲ区汉代窑址区。清理各类遗迹70余处,包括6座窑炉、52个灰坑、1条道路、14条灰沟,以及大量遗物,其中以白瓷、青釉瓷、三彩器为主,产品主要包括碗、盘、盏、罐、素烧建筑构件、黄釉印花砖等。烈山窑址很可能就是文献中记载的宿州窑,其主要受定窑、磁州窑和巩县窑的技术影响,时代划分为东汉、唐代末期至元代晚期。  相似文献   


This report describes the excavation in 1965 of two adjacent wood-fired pottery kilns producing decorated and undecorated coarse wares and glazed fine wares during the second half of the 17th century. One kiln was of single flue type; the other, larger kiln, was double flued. The post-medieval kilns at Potterspury in Northamptonshire are reasonably well documented and it seems fairly certain that the kilns at present under discussion belonged to Leonard Benton. Their working lives began slightly before 1646 and terminated shortly after 1664. The products of the kiln are very diverse and include a great variety of the lead glazed, slip decorated wares which bear remarkable similarities to the Metropolitan wares of the London area and to the late 17th-century slip wares of Yorkshire.  相似文献   

Sawankhalok, located in north central Thailand, was an early stoneware ceramic production site where the first kilns were dug cave-like into the natural ground, a method used in China for thousands of years. After a century or so, kilns at Sawankhalok began to be constructed of brick. It is suggested that if the bricks were pre-fired then an external influence may have been responsible. To the contrary, if raw unfired clay was used in the construction of the kilns the evolution was more likely a consequence of conceptual continuity.With the aid of chemical and mineralogical analyses it is shown that the kiln bricks were unfired at the time of kiln construction thereby suggesting that traditional conservatism, apparent in many aspects of the industry, caused processes to remain unaltered in the absence of a persuasive reason for change. These conclusions reflect on the degree of indigenous technology and artistic development associated with Sawankhalok ceramics as opposed to external influence.  相似文献   

曲江县白土下乡宋窑经过发掘清理,出土了一批宋时期风格的陶瓷器物和窑具,丰富了对当时粤北地区陶瓷制作业的认识,为研究当地宋窑的形制特点提供了重要的实物资料,尤其是窑内出土的各式精美的浮雕莲瓣炉极具特色,为研究北宋时期粤北佛教的兴盛提供了一个难得的辅证。  相似文献   

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