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<正>位于加拿大和美国交界的尼亚加拉河上的尼亚加拉大瀑布(Niagara Falls and Beyond),被称为世界七大奇景之一,与南美洲的伊瓜苏瀑布及非洲的维多利亚瀑布并称为世界三大瀑布。"尼亚加拉瀑布"也译作尼加拉瓜瀑布"。"尼亚加拉"在印第  相似文献   

黄果树瀑布不只一个瀑布的存在,以它为核心,在它的上游和下游20千米的河段上,共形成雄、奇、险、秀风格各异的瀑布18个。1999年被大世界吉尼斯总部评为世界上最大的瀑布群,列入世界吉尼斯纪录。提起黄果树瀑布,几乎尽人皆知:贵州第一胜景、中国第一大瀑布、国家五星级景区、西部最具魅力旅游景区……2005年,黄果树瀑布被中国国  相似文献   

风同学 《风景名胜》2013,(2):103-112,102
非洲那么多国家,为什么要来津巴布韦?因为它独特的地貌,世界著名瀑布奇观之一的维多利亚大瀑布,美丽的赞比西河,不可思议的平衡石……因为它独特的历史,世界文化遗产大津巴遗址、卡米遗址,因为它独特的动物资源,津巴布韦最大的国家公园万基野生公园,拥有4万头大象、而赞比西河中,则有着世界上数量最多的河马群之一,还有可以在野外进行的与狮漫步更因为它的英伦奢侈与非洲狂野的美妙混搭当然,还有当地人朴素的生活哲学,与阳光下闪闪发光的大门牙!  相似文献   

江玥 《风景名胜》2014,(1):74-76
正绍兴柯桥除了有悠久的历史文化和美食美景之外,还有一场位于柯桥万达冰雪嘉年华的派对每日上演,足够让我们在这个冬天有事可干,有冰可玩。电影《纳尼亚传奇》里当镜头触及白雪皑皑的苍茫大地,森林与河流被装点上纯白高雅的盛装,远处的冰川与天空都被映衬地闪闪发光,那是冰雪的颜色,纯洁而又惊艳……不禁令人心生向往,想要飞奔到那片浪漫晶莹的冰雪天堂中去。  相似文献   

感受清凉圣地 承德避暑山庄   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈浩  张炜 《旅游纵览》2013,(4):52-55
<正>先有避暑山庄,而后有承德城。穿越繁华都市一路往东,一座高大庄严的红色照壁隔断了视野,将承德的现代生活与百年历史一分为二,这里就是著名的世界文化遗产——承德避暑山庄。承德这座城市,在这个"名号不掌于职方,形胜无闻于地志"的地方,随着避暑山庄的建立而发展,也因避暑山庄的精美绝伦而享誉中外。人们要问,  相似文献   

世人往往赞赏生命的多彩,而不屑于生命的单一。其实单一的颜色并不单调,它是一种至纯至净的境界,善用这种单一,可以将自己裹挟得单纯而又醒目。单纯一点好,单纯得一如竹林七贤,一如柳永。他们将单一的红色涂满了人生,红得纯粹,红得激情四溢。红色对于生命,张扬而又不失内敛,沉稳而又不失激情,它给了生命最大的张力,它是生命的一种最狂放最率真的状态。生命于人仅有一次,如果手握七彩调色板,为这仅有一次的生命涂色,我会将它简约成一种红色。就如同竹林七贤如同柳永一般,任激情在血液里沸腾,任鲜红的旗帜在风口上猎猎作响。没有其他颜色能像红色那样,如此强烈地象征着中国精神。人们用它来涂抹最庄严的宫墙,装饰最喜庆的节日,表达最强烈的情感。在我国辽阔的大地上,也存在着一些以红色系为主的美丽景观,不管你是单纯的视觉主义,还是对红色有特殊的感情。下面这些地方,都等待着你用身体中的血液来呼应这片热烈的色彩。  相似文献   

The maritime cultural landscape   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

This paper is about tourist practices of landscape. Landscape has long been a key reference point in the construction of tourist imaginaries and, to this day, plays an important role in tourists' experience of travelling and their encounters with Otherness. Yet the ambivalent ways in which tourists conceptualize landscape is inherently paradoxical; indeed, it is by travelling that tourists try to overcome the tension produced by such a paradox. Putting into practice two alternative conceptions of landscape at once—a ‘Vidalian’ landscape-as-essence and a ‘Cosgrovian’ landscape as ‘way of seeing’—the tourist inevitably falls into an intriguing epistemological trap. Tourists' embodiment of the landscape experience becomes an attempt to evade that trap. In this paper, I note how this is exemplified in the ways in which tourist rhetoric frames the idea of Morocco and, in particular, the Jamaa el Fna square in Marrakech, the most ‘landscaped’ (and photographed) tourist site in the Maghreb. To help unpack this paradox, I take a brief look at what tourists actually do in the Jamaa el Fna, in order to reproduce, in place, their landscape-driven idea of Moroccan cultural space. The spatial practices of most tourists in that iconic place reveal, indeed, that the landscape paradox that drives tourist readings of the Jamaa el Fna cannot be avoided, but only endlessly performed, for this paradox is constitutive of the very formation of the Modern travelling European subject.  相似文献   

《Public Archaeology》2013,12(1):15-26

The potential of an oral history approach to the study of landscape archaeology is considered. The paper presents the findings from an Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB) funded project ‘Landscape archaeology and the community in Devon: an oral history approach’, which aims to transgress some of the epistemological boundaries of archaeology by drawing on the discursive genre of oral history in order to augment, challenge and destabilize existing landscape narratives. We suggest that oral histories can offer both consensual as well as alternative narratives of landscape and have the ability to engage the public, not just in terms of the popular consumption of archaeological knowledge, but also in the actual construction of archaeological knowledge.  相似文献   

This article argues for an approach to environmental and heritage studies beyond a conceptual divide between nature and culture. Based on ethnographic fieldwork, the case of the ongoing debate about the nomination of the Wadden Sea as a UNESCO Heritage Site gives insight into the complexity of attitudes towards the area in question, of widely differing perceptions and values. The focus on the detailed analysis of the controversies about the ‘Schleswig‐Holstein Wadden Sea’ National Park and the public debate in Northern Friesland about the UNESCO heritage highlights the political dimension of conservation strategies. Instead of recurring to the concepts of pure nature, pure culture and its relating marketing value, I propose to adapt the historically rooted concept of political landscape. Once a form of political organisation and practice in Northern Friesland, the concept of political landscape challenges the UNESCO heritage conception and offers new perspectives on conflicts between local population and nature conservation.  相似文献   

Distinguishing between fatherhood as a social construction and fathering as a social practice, this paper presents empirical evidence from the UK concerning the complex landscape of contemporary fathering. The paper focuses on the spatial and temporal dynamics of fathering, particularly following moments of rupture and transition such as family break-up or bereavement. Based on narrative interviews and ethnographic observation, including the co-production and analysis of video data, the paper identifies three key issues: the diversity of contemporary fathering practices, the complex emotional geographies of lone fathering and the relationality of fathering both in terms of the research participants and their female partners (as fathers and mothers) and inter-generationally (between the research participants and their own fathers). The study supports previous research on the ‘awkward spaces’ of fathering with a particular emphasis on moments of transition and their complex social and emotional geographies.  相似文献   

A huge and continuously growing pit is about to divide the Swedish mining town of Malmberget into two halves. What once was the town centre is now a 200 metres deep hole, and private homes and key buildings like the old school and the church have had to be demolished or moved. The pit is a human imposed ‘landscape scar’ epitomising the town’s lost golden age of mining, its present situation of decline and uncertain future prospects – despite a recent recovery in the mining industry. Although the pit is decisively present in the local community, it is not articulated as significant, especially not from a heritage perspective. Why is this so? In this article, we examine the pit as a potential cultural tool for heritage processes, and find that it is indeed used by individuals in this respect, but not in collective memorialisation. We conclude that landscape scars definitely can constitute critical cultural tools, although they may not always need to be labelled as belonging to an ‘authorized heritage discourse’. Instead, the potential of the landscape scar is to enhance the amount and recognition of shared memories in the local community.  相似文献   

Innovation Diffusion: A New Perspective. By L. A. Brown. Pp. xx + 345, 23.5 × 16, illustrations, index. Methuen, London, 1981.

Location and Trade Theory. By Joseph T. Johnson. (Chicago Department of Geography, Research Paper No. 198, 1981). 201 pp., 22.5 × 15. $8.00.

Rural Conservation in Inter‐War Britain. By John Sheail. 25 × 16, 263 pp., plates, figures, tables, notes, index. Clarendon, Oxford, 1981. £16.50.

Tourist Development. By Douglas Pearce. 23.5 × 15.5, 112 pp., figures, tables, bibliography, index. Topics in Applied Geography, Longmans, Harlow, 1981, £3.95.

Islay: Biography of an Island. By Margaret C. Storrie. 260 pp., 21 × 15. Numerous maps and photographs, appendix, index. Oa Press, Islay, 1981.

Easter Ross 1750‐1850: The Double Frontier. By Ian R. M. Mowat. 270 pp., 24 × 16. Bibliography, appendices, indexes. John Donald, Edinburgh, 1981. £15.00.


Air and Earth. By Michael Atherton and Roger Robinson. 24.5 × 19, 80 pp. Hodder &; Stoughton, Sevenoaks, 1981. £1.95.

Map Practice. By Brian Turk. 30 × 21, 32 pp. University Tutorial Press, Slough, 1981. £2.60.  相似文献   

The research concerns the Tiber delta area, about 3 km far from the present seacoast, where the remains of the ancient harbour of Rome are located. In 42 AD, Claudius started the construction of the harbour and Nero completed it in 64 AD. Then, the emperor Trajan went on to add a hexagonal basin to the former structure, which had gradually silted up. The imperial harbour was connected to the Tiber River and ultimately to the city of Rome through the Trajan channel. During the imperial period, most of the supplies imported from the Mediterranean provinces reached the city of Rome through Portus.  相似文献   

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