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Comment le réseau des pares urbains, ce précieux legs constitué en majeure partie entre la fin du 19e siècle et le milieu du 2CP siècle, s'est‐il forméà Montréal et Toronto? Est‐il possible de dégager un pattern d'implantation des pares et plus globalement des espaces de loisir qui nous renseignerait sur les logiques ayant présidéà leur aménagement? En reconstituant le processus de formation de tels réseaux entre 1880 et 1940, cet article met aujour certaines des caractéristiques de l'intervention des administrations montréalaise et torontoise dans le secteur des loisirs urbains et plus largement dans le développement de la ville. Autant que des espaces récréatifs, les pares peuvent être considérés comme des lieux par l'intermédiaire desquels le pouvoir municipal, en plein développement à cette époque, a cherchéà marquer le tissu urbain de sa présence, a se déployer dans l'espace. Plus qu'un travail d'aménagement physique, l'aménagement des pares représente ainsi un travail de structuration politique. Cet article presente ce double processus de structuration du territoire montréalais et torontois: d'abord sur le plan physique, en reconstituant comme les réseaux des pares se sont déployés dans l'espace urbain des deux villes; puis sur le plan politique, en examinant la manière dont les autorités locales vont considérer le problème et les modalités de leurs interventions. How was the system of urban parks, a treasured legacy of the end of the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth centuries, formed in Montreal and Toronto? Is it possible to discern a pattern regarding the creation of parks and leisure spaces in general that would enlighten us on the principles of their management? By retracing the development of this network between 1880 and 1940, this article identifies certain traits characterizing Montreal and Toronto municipal governments with regard to their policies in the urban leisure sector, and more generally, the cities' growth. In addition to being recreational spaces, parks may also be seen as a medium through which emerging municipal powers sought to make their mark on the urban fabric, to increase their visibility in the city. Therefore, park management was more than a simple administrative question: it also served a broader goal of fashioning political structures. This article describes both facets of territorial development in Montreal and Toronto: on a geographical/material level, by retracing the process through which a network of parks was incorporated into the urban landscape of both cities; and on a political level, by examining way in which local authorities conceived of this process and planned their actions.  相似文献   

This essay contests the notion that there was a necessary and fundamental opposition between republicanism and liberalism during the post-Revolutionary period in France. Constant's writings of the Restoration years show his abiding interest in both the construction of viable political institutions and the promotion of a vibrant political life. Worried about what he saw as growing authoritarian trends within the liberal camp, Constant wrote about the need to keep political liberty alive in commercial republics. His refutations of Auguste Comte and the Saint-Simonians, and his writings on religion, should be seen as offering pointed lessons to fellow liberals about the crucial importance of both politics and the moral values promoted by religious freedom.  相似文献   

Condorcet started working on "social sciences" many years before the French Revolution. Although published in 1793-1794, his Tableau historique, was first conceived in the 1770s. It examined the necessary conditions for scientific reasoning and scientific languages. Analyzing the obstacles that stood in the way of the development of social sciences, Condorcet used case studies to offer a reflection on the making of a language that would be scientific and accessible to the enlightened citizen as well.  相似文献   

During the XIXth century, the socio-economic rise and cultural assimilation of the German Jews generated two contradictory tendencies: on the one hand, their integration into the German nation, which they pursued willingly; and, on the other, their cosmopolitanism, which resulted from their location at the center of a socio-economic network on a continental scale and a wide migratory movement. The Jews thus contributed to the development of a cultural concept ofMitteleuropa as opposed to the geopolitical and expansionist concept upheld by Pan-Germanism. German-Jewish cosmopolitanism found its expression on different levels: in the religious field, the school of the «Science of Judaism» (Wissenschaft des Judentums) became a model for the modernisation of Jewish culture in most European countries: in the economic field, emancipated German Jews consolidated their financial and commercial transnational network, which existed from the age of the «Court Jews» (Hofjuden); in the political field, radical German Jews played a leading role in the diffusion of Marxism as a universalist intellectual current, crossing national borders. Generally speaking, German Jews played a pivotal role in a process of cultural transfers stretched on more than a century. After Nazism came to power, German-Jewish cosmopolitanism took the way of exile, trying to preserve the legacy ofAufklärung.  相似文献   

Des comparaisons entre villes canadiennes et américaines doivent se faire avec prudence. L'obstacle principal reste la comparabilité des séries statistiques. Nous proposons une analyse intégrée de l'ensemble des 90 régions métropolitaines nord-américaines de 500 000 habitants et plus, dont neuf canadiennes. Suite à une revue de divers classements, nous situons les 90 régions urbaines sur sept indicateurs, dont des variables portant sur le capital humain et le secteur tertiaire intensif en savoir, suivi d'une analyse de corrélation mettant en relation les indicateurs pour trois univers de villes (sans et avec des villes canadiennes). Nos résultats confirment le bon positionnement sur plusieurs indicateurs de métropoles américaines comme San Francisco-Silicon Valley et Boston, mais aussi de villes comme Raleigh (research triangle) et Austin, connues pour leurs activités de recherche. Les villes canadiennes se classent plutôt bien, notamment les cinq plus grandes. Cependant, c'est moins vrai pour des villes comme Winnipeg ou Hamilton. L'analyse de corrélation fait ressortir la relation positive entre dotation en capital humain et poids du tertiaire intensif en savoir, mais ne révèle aucune relation significative avec l'indicateur de qualité de vie.  相似文献   

Important in number and spread very evenly throughout the fifteenth century, the Norman rolls of the monnéage are a very important source for statistical study of the population of Normandy. The information about names they provide allows one to grasp the importance of mobility of population in urban and rural areas. Information about the different categories of exempted persons permits a study of the problem of poverty. The region under scrutiny in this article is the vicomté or vice-county of Bayeux and the city of Caen. Documents concerning this region reveal a highly mobile population, a fact which war by itself cannot explain. The highest rates of mobility are to be found among the populations of the different parishes of Bayeux and Caen. As one might expect, the poor are amongst the most mobile of all. Moreover, the persistence of poverty throughout the fifteenth century, as seen in the rolls of the monnéage, raises the problem of the continued stagnation of this part Normandy.  相似文献   

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