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This paper first introduces the background of the making ofMemories of the Trinity Bomb, a Japanese documentary film basedon the book Atomic Fragments: A Daughter's Questions, authoredby Mary Palevsky. Yoshihiko Muraki, an independent filmmaker,revealed his unique approach in filming the spiritual journeyof Mary, a daughter of the Manhattan Project scientists, inher search of the true meaning of the atomic bomb. While thedocumentary primarily focused on the narratives of Mary Palevskyand several Project scientists, this paper introduces Japaneseperspectives on the film through interviews with Japanese viewersvarying both in generation and background. Through this endeavor,the paper explores the meaning of this trans-media as well astransnational collaboration on the topic of the atomic bomb,which remains at the crossroads of history and personal memories.  相似文献   

In the last 15?years, knowledge of the first human occupation of the Basque area has undergone important advances due to the excavation of new deposits and the application of new methodological approaches to previously known sequences. In this paper we present the state of knowledge of the Lower Palaeolithic in this region, outlining the difficulties encountered and the advances made in the last two decades.  相似文献   

David Holloway. Stalin and the Bomb: The Soviet Union and Atomic Energy, 1939–1956 . New Haven.  相似文献   

王利红 《史学月刊》2006,99(6):69-76
对人类命运的关注是希罗多德《历史》最突出的主题。这个主题的形成与他所处的时代氛围密切相关。古希腊自然哲学直接启发了希罗多德对命运的思考,史诗和悲剧更进一步促成了他对人类命运的关注和同情。希罗多德敏锐地把握到了命运的变化无常,作品着力于人物命运的书写,传达了历史的变易意识。命运对希罗多德而言,既是变化不定、不可把握和预测的,又是命中注定、无从逃脱的,一切生灭变化导致了命运的无常,命运本身就是变化,就是无常,无常是命运的永恒特性。他对命运的思考既充满了哲学的深邃,又力显史家情怀,诗家笔法。这使得他的《历史》历久弥新,吸引着一代代的史家和普通读者。因为命运不拘何时,总是牵动着人心,人类面对的根本问题从未改变。  相似文献   

In a framing comment embracing the preceding four papers devoted to the enlargement of the European Union in 2004, a prominent American geographer reviews some of the major problems confronting the European continent. The paper, which begins with the author's view of Europe's dilemma in late 2006, covers a number of geographic implications of the May 2004 expansion. Noted are Russia's overland access to Kaliningrad, the addition of ca. 8 million underprivileged Roma (presently the Union's largest minority population), the potentially divisive new boundary with Russia, the future candidate states emerging from the former Yugoslavia, the prospects of Ukraine's possible membership, and the challenge of Turkey's quest for admission to the EU. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: F02, F20, P20. 2 figures, 34 references.  相似文献   

During 2015, the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries led a systematic seabed mapping survey along the Arctic coast of Alaska in search of whaling ships abandoned in 1871. The purpose of the expedition was to determine if wreckage from these abandoned ships was still present in the survey area, and, if so, to assess and document its location, status and condition. The project mapped approximately 50 km2 of seabed using sidescan sonar and magnetometry and identified six sites that contained wreckage from at least two whaling ships. Magnetometry data also suggested that additional wreckage may be buried in the seabed.  相似文献   

英国退役军官孟席斯(Gavin Menzies)所著《1421年:中国发现世界》(1421 The Year China Discovered the World)于2002年出版后,引起了国内外的广泛关注。在专业研究者中间,虽然怀疑者不少,但真正对此进行严肃讨论的并不多。其原因之一是由于孟席斯所列举的材料不仅比较芜杂,而且在国内不易获见。本文根据我们所掌握的资料对此书作一评述。  相似文献   

With the steady integration of a deregulated world of hypermobile capital, offshore banking has become an increasingly significant part of the geography of international finance. Many interpretations tend to treat offshore banking centres as identical sites of investment that can be easily substituted for one another by completely mobile, fungible capital. This paper explores the nature of offshore banking in one largely overlooked centre, Panama. It charts the historic context that led to the creation of Latin America's most important centre of international banking, emphasizing the unique qualities that stand in contrast to hyperglobalist interpretations, including the Canal and the role of the US dollar. Second, it summarizes the regulatory changes initiated in the face of global neoliberalism, including the absence of a central bank and recent reforms designed to attract foreign capital. Using primary and secondary data, the paper maps Panama's growing role as a net capital exporter, charting domestic and foreign loan markets. Finally, it also addresses the trade–offs between confidentiality, and transparency in the context of illicit activities frequently alleged to occur in offshore banking centres, which in Panama revolve around drug trafficking and money laundering. It concludes by noting that even in an ostensibly seamless world, offshore banking exhibits the place–based embeddedness of financial capital within local institutional relations.  相似文献   

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