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This article discusses the reliability of shore‐line displacement curves based on pollen analysis in the Oslo Fjord area. The conclusion is that only small parts of the curves ‐ in the late Atlantic period ‐ are fairly reliable for the purpose of dating Mesolithic coastal sites.

Twelve Mesolithic settlement sites from Østfold, south‐eastern Norway are classified morphologically. The author suggests a chronological lineal model with four succeeding phases: 1. The Fosna culture, 2. Late Boreal/early Atlantic group, 3. The N?stvet culture, 4. Late flint‐point using group. A connection between the Fosna culture and early Maglemose culture is claimed.

A study of the ecological adaptation in the four phases is based on topographical conditions, on the distribution and situation of settlement sites, and on animal bones from three Mesolithic sites in south‐eastern Norway. Hypotheses on seasonal migrations are suggested.  相似文献   

The Peoples and Politics of the Far East: Travels and Studies in the British, French, Spanish, and Portuguese Colonies, Siberia, China, Japan, Korea, Siam, and Malaya. By Henry Norman. With 60 Illustrations and 4 Maps. Pp. xvi + 608. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1895. Price 1 Guinea.

The Story of Africa and Its Explorers. By Robert Brown, M.A., Ph.D., etc. Vol. IV. Europe in Africa—Colonies and Colonists—The Scramble for an Empire—A Continent under Companies. With 200 . original Illustrations. London : Cassell and Co., Limited, 1895. Pp. 300 and Index to the four volumes. Price Is. 6d.

A travers l'Afrique Australe. Par Jules Leclercq. Paris: Plon, 1895. Pp. 312.

The Diversions of a Prime Minister. By Basil Thomson. Edinburgh : Black‐wood and Sons, 1894. Pp. viii + 407. With a Map and numerous Illustrations. Price 15s.

Mes Grandes Chasses dans L'Afrique Centrale. By Edouard Foa, Explorateur. Paris: Firmin‐Didot, 1895. Gr. 8vo, pp. 340. 76 Figs.

KoreaEine Sommerreise nach dem Lande der Morgenruhe, 1894. Von Ernst von Hesse‐Wartegg. Dresden and Leipzig : Carl Eeissner, 1895. Pp. iv + 220.

La République d'Haïti : Son Présent, Son Avenir Économique. Par Paul Vibeht. Paris : Berger‐Levrault &; Cie., 1895. Pp. 360. Price 5 frs.

The Story of the L.M.S., 1795–1895. By C. Silvester Horne, M.A. With Maps and many Illustrations. London : Snow &; Co., 1894. Pp. 444. Price 2s. 6d

Letters and Sketches from the New Hebrides. By Maggie Wiiitecross Paton. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1894. Pp.382. Illustrations and Map. Price 6s.

Supplement au Volume V. du T'oung‐Pao. Die Lander des Islam nach chinesischen Quellen. Von Prof. Dr. Friedrich Hirtii. Leyden : E. J. Brill, 1894. Pp. 64.

Instructions to Observers of the Indian Meteorological Department. By J. Eliot, M.A., F.E. Met. Soc., Meteorological Reporter to the Government of India. Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, 1894. Pp. iv + 103. Price 3 Rupees.

Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel (new issue). Africa: Vol. I., North Africa. By A. H. Keane, F.R.G.S. London: Edward Stanford, 1895. 8 Maps, and 77 Illustrations. Pp. 624. Price 15s.

The Great Dominion. Studies of Canada. By George R. Parkin, M.A., Hon. LL.D., University of New Brunswick. With Maps. London : Macmillan &; Co., 1895. Pp. viii + 251.

Outlines of English Industrial History. By W. Cunningham, D.D., and Ellen A. M'Arthur. Cambridge : University Press, 1895. Pp. xii+274.

Egypt. Handbook for Travellers. Edited by Karl Baedeker. Part First: Lower Egypt and the Peninsula of Sinai. With 14 Maps, 7 Views, and 7 Vignettes. Third Edition, revised and augmented. Leipsic: Karl Baedeker, 1895. Pp. 280 and Index. Price 12s.

Leitfaden der Qeographie für höhere Lehranstalten. Von Dr. E. Lanqenbeck, Oberlehrer am protestantischen Gymnasium zu Strassburg. Leipzig : Wilhelm Engelmann, 1894. 2 Teile. Pp. viii + 125 and vi + 340. Price 2 M. 10 Pf.; boards, 2 M. 40 Pf.

L'Afrique : Anthologie Géographique. Par Noël Garnier. Paris : Delagrave, 1894. Pp. 566. Price 4 Frs.

D'Alger à Tanger. Par Marius Bernard. 120 Illustrations, par A. Chapon. Paris : Henri Laurens, n.d. Pp. 388. Price 10 Frs.; bound, 13 Frs.

Bibliotheca Geographica, herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin. Bearbeitet von Otto Baschin unter Mitwirkung von Dr. Ernst Wagner. Band i. Jahrgang 1891 und 1892. Berlin : W. H. Kühl, 1895. Pp. 506.  相似文献   

Memoirs of my Indian Career. By SIR G. CAMPBELL, M.P., K.C.S.I., D.C.L. Edited by Sir Charles E. Bernard. With Portrait. 2 vols. London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1893. Pp. 305 and 428.

Where Three Empires Meet: A Narrative of Recent Travel in Kashmir, Western Tibet, Gilgit, and the adjoining Countries. With a Map and 54 Illustrations. By E. F. KNIGHT. London and New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1893. Pp. xvi + 495. Price 18s.

Australische Reise. Von R. v. LENDENFELD. Mit Illustrationen. Innsbruck: Verlag der Wagner'schen Universitäts‐Buchhandlung, 1892. 8vo. Pp. 325.

La Grèce Byzantine et Moderne. Essais Historiques par D. BIK#AAELAS. Paris: Librairie de Firmin‐Didot et Cie, 1893. Pp. viii + 435.

Une Excursion à Ithaque. Par ERNEST SEILLI#AGERE. Dessins de Pierre Vignal d'après les Photographies de 1'auteur et carte de l'île d'Ithaque. Paris: Librairie de l'Art (L. Allison et Cie.), 1892. Pp. 76.

Beise durch Montenegro, nebst Bemerkungen über Land und Leute. Von Dr. KURT HASSERT. Mit 30 Abbildungen nach den Aufnahmen des Verfassers, und einer Karte. Wien: A. Hartleben's Verlag, 1893. Pp. vi + 236. Price 5 M.

La France en Algérie. Par Louis VIGNON, ancien Chef du Cabinet du Ministre des Finances. Paris: Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1893. Pp. 552.

Die Vereinigten Staaten Nordamerikas in der Gegenwart. Sitten, Institutionen, und Ideen seit dem Secessionskriege. Von CLAUDIO JANNET, Professor der Social‐ökonomie am Institut Catholique de Paris, und Dr. WALTER KÄMPFE, Mitglied der Société Internationale d'Économie Sociale in Paris. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder'sche Verlagshandlung, 1893. Pp. xliv + 704. M. 8.

The History of South Australia from its Foundation to the Year of its Jubilee. With a Chronological Summary of all the Principal Events of Interest up to Bate. By EDWIN HODDER. With Two Maps. London: Sampson Low, Marston, and Company, Limited, 1893. 2 vols. Pp. xii + 391 and vii + 400. Price £1, 4s.

Wanderings in Spain. By AUGUSTUS J. C. HARE. Sixth Edition. London: George Allen, 1892. Pp. 274. Price 7s. 6d.

Abessinien. Aus dem Nachlasse von E. F. A. MÜNZENBERGER. Herausgegeben von Jos. SPILLMANN, S.J. Mit 38 Abbildungen und einer Karte. Herder'sche Verlagshandlung. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1892. Pp. 156 and Index.

Die Wahrheit ueber Emin Pasha; die ägyptische Aequatorialprovinz und den Ssudan. Von VITA HASSAN. Erster Teil. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, 1893. Pp. 223.

Arthur Young's Travels in France, during the Years 1787, 1788, 1789, with an Introduction, Biographical Sketch, and Notes. Edited by Miss BETHAM‐EDWARDS. Fourth Edition, corrected and revised. London: George Bell and Sons, 1892. Pp. lix + 366. Price 3s. 6d.

Some Further Becollections of a Happy Life, selected from the Journals of Marianne North, chiefly between the years 1859 and 1869. Edited by her sister, Mrs. JOHN ADDINGTON SYMONDS. London: Macmillan and Co., 1893. Pp. viii + 316. Price 8s. 6d. net.

Un Royaume Polynesien. Iles Hawaï. Par G. SAUVIN. Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, 1893. Pp. 321.

More about the Mongols. By JAMES GILMOUR. London: The Eeligious Tract Society, 1893. Pp. 320.

Die Handelspolitik Englands und seiner Kolonien in den letzten Jahrzehnten. Von Dr. CARL JOHANNES FUCHS. Leipzig: Verlag von Duncker und Humblot, 1893. Pp. 358.

Scenerie der Alpen. Von Dr. EBEEHARD FEAAS. With Illustrations in the text, Page Plates, and a Sketch‐Map of the Alps. Leipzig: T. O. Weigel Nach‐folger, 1892. 8vo. Pp. 325.

Die Oro‐ und Hydrographie Sumatra's, nach dem Standpunkte unserer heutigen Kenntnisse. Mit einer Kartenskizze. Inaugural‐Dissertation zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doktorwürde an der Georg‐Augusts‐Universität zu Göttingen. Von JAN FREERK HOEKSTRA, aus Apeldoorn, Niederlande. Groningen, J. B. Wolters, 1893. Pp. 128.

Text‐Book of Comparative Geology. By E. KATSER, Ph.D., Professor of Geology in the University of Marburg. Translated and Edited by PHILIP LAKE, M.A., F.G.S. London: Swan Sonnenschein and Co., 1893. 8vo. Pp. 426.

An Elementary Handbook of Geology. By A. J. JUKES‐BROWNE, B.A., F.G.S., H.M. Geol. Survey. “Library of Popular Science.” London : Whittaker and Co., 1893. Pp. ix+248.

Advanced Physiography. By RICHARD A. GREGORY and J. C. CHRISTIE, F.G.S. With numerous Original Illustrations. London: Joseph Hughes and Co., 1893. Pp. 280.

La France et ses Colonies. Par E. LEVASSEUR. Vol. iii. New Edition, entirely Revised. 1893. Paris: Librairie Charles Delagrave. Pp. 371. Appendices and Indexes.

The Soil in Relation to Health. By H. A. MIERS and R. CROSSKEY. Pp. 130. Index and Illustrations. London: Macmillan and Co., 1893.

Pinetum Danicum. Conifers collected and observed by Professor CARL HANSEN. Notes sent to the Conifer Conference held at Chiswick, October 1891. [Reprinted from the Journal of the Horticultural Society, vol. xiv.—Conifer Conference Report.] London: Spottiswoode and Co., 1892. Pp. 224.

History of British Guiana. Vol. ii. By JAMES EODWAY, F.L.S. Georgetown, Demerara: J. Thomson, 1893. Pp. 308. Price $3.

Handbook of British Ouiana. By JAMES KODWAY, F.L.S. Georgetown, 1893. Pp. 93.

Tenting on the Plains, or General Ouster in Kansas and Texas. By ELIZABETH B. CUSTER. London: Cassell and Co., 1893. Pp. x + 403.

American Irrigation Engineering. A Paper read before the American Society of Civil Engineers by HEREERT M. WILSON, M.Am.Soc.C.E. With Discussion. Pp. 161 to 222. Illustrated.

Gazetteer of the Gurdaspur District, 1891–92. Bs. 3/14.—Gazetteer of the Hissar District, 1892. Rs. 3/12.—Gazetteer of the Ferozepore District, 1888–89. Rs. 2. —Gazetteer of the Karnal District, 1890. Rs. 2/8.—Gazetteer of the Ambala District, 1892–93. Rs. 2/8. Compiled and Published under the authority of the Punjab Government.

A. Hartleben's Statistische Tabelle über alle Staaten der Erde. Wien, Pest, Leipzig: A. Hartleben's Verlag, 1893. Price 50 Pf.

Guide to Ben Nevis. With an Account of the Foundation and Work of the Meteorological Observatory. Edinburgh and Glasgow: John Menzies &; Co. N.D. Pp. vi. + 69. Price 1s.  相似文献   

Newly discovered trace and body fossils from the Grindstone Range Sandstone of South Australia reveal evidence of megascopic life on land during the Cambrian–Ordovician. Arthropod trackways (Diplichnites gouldi) are interpreted here to have formed on land. The most persuasive evidence for this view is that footprints vary in clarity along the length of the trackway as it traversed moist then dry silt, then biological soil crust. Compatible, though not diagnostic of walking on land is trackway symmetry, without one side buoyed up by current. The footprints bulge outward and are partially filled with miniature talus cones. Footprints also are alternate as in walking, rather than opposite as in sculling. Arthropod resting traces (Selenichnites sp. indet.) have 11 lateral furrows, and footprints are bundled into sets of 8–11, most like euthycarcinoids. No arthropod dwelling burrows were found in associated palaeosols, so the track maker was more likely amphibious than fully terrestrial. Associated trace fossils include a new ichnotaxon of burrow, Myrowichnus arenaceus gen. et sp. nov. Thallose impressions (Farghera robusta gen. et sp. nov.) have the radiating dichotomous form of lichens, algae and liverworts. All these trace and body fossils were found in weakly developed palaeosols. Other palaeosols in the same formation are evidence of terrestrial ecosystems of modest biomass, weathering, carbon sequestration and stability in dry tropical regions.  相似文献   

The article deals with the economic relations of the socialist bloc with less-developed countries in the 1960s and 1970s. It focuses on the economic policies envisaged by technocrats and policy-makers in the Comecon's Commission for technical assistance. It argues that the original formula based on autarky, whereby socialist aid aimed at building a clear alternative to the West and less-developed countries were advised to introduce Soviet-style planning, nationalisation and industrialisation, was progressively abandoned during détente. Doubts on the appropriateness of the Soviet model emerged, especially in Eastern European governments. Trade became increasingly crucial and the strategy of promoting an international division of labour based on mutual advantage turned into an obsession with importing strategic raw materials. In the mid-1970s, despite the official socialist view, the East pursued ‘realist’ policies that made sense in terms of economics rather than ideology. The myth of socialist modernity as a variant of industrial modernity had definitely collapsed, and socialist countries' participation in the Western-dominated world economy became a necessity. Eventually, the developing world became the place where a joint East–West co-operation could take place, often in the framework of the so-called trilateral co-operation, where Western Europe had a special role.  相似文献   

The census plays a significant role in delineating the nation in statistical terms. The decisions as to whom to enumerate, what questions are to be asked and how the results are presented all modify the view of the population offered to contemporary observers and to posterity. Although census officials tend to be conservative in retaining a large body of questions in similar form from one enumeration to the next in order to promote inter-census comparisons, those concerned with identity have tended to shift with the political evolution of the state and nation. Nowhere has this been more in evidence than in South Africa where the state and nation have been redefined several times since the commencement of modern scientific censuses in 1865. Administrations run by the British Empire, Boer republics, Union of South Africa, apartheid republic, African ‘bantustans’ and now democratic republic have each brought their own concepts to national identification and the framing of the questions of national identity in the census. As a result the set of nearly forty censuses present an often contradictory and complex image of the South African population, ranging from comprehensive inclusive censuses to narrowly restrictive enumerations of a single ethnic group. There was thus little of the continuity in census taking between the colonial and post-colonial states noted elsewhere. South African censuses therefore offer an insight into how the nation was viewed at the time the census was undertaken.  相似文献   

This response to Ganghof, Sebastian Eppner and Alexander Pörschke’s (GEP’s) challenging new account of government systems focuses on the extent to which their typology and arguments forces a reassessment of executive-legislature relations in Australia and particularly in New South Wales. First, I identify when and how different Australian governments might be claimed to have adopted their ‘semi-parliamentary’ model. Second, I question their claim that NSW constitutes an ‘ideal type’ case of semi-parliamentarism. Third, I explore the expectations of leading politicians in the 1970s about what would change following the reforms to the NSW Legislative Council (NSW LC), which in GEP’s terms shifted NSW from a parliamentary to a semi-parliamentary system. While the reforms were controversial, they were not seen as shifting NSW from parliamentary politics to some other type of government system. Fourth, I briefly explore the patterns of increased legislative activity and executive scrutiny exercised by the NSW LC after 1978, arguing that they are consistent with GEP’s concept of semi-parliamentarism. I conclude that semi-parliamentarism in NSW has been an accidental, unconscious development.  相似文献   

The Italo-Ethiopian War led to an extensive debate in the Union of South Africa about the future of the League of Nations’ system of collective security. The different political and social groupings in the dominion interpreted the meaning of the war for the Union from a diversity of perspectives. The Italian aggression in East Africa reverberated in the context of concurrent debates about the Union's position in relation to the British Empire. These debates were influenced by the tensions between Afrikaners and English-speaking South Africans but also by disagreement within the Afrikaner community about South African policies vis-à-vis the British Empire. The Afrikaner-dominated Union Government had to navigate between its commitments to the League on the one hand and criticism from the extreme nationalist Afrikaner opposition on the other, which claimed that South Africa's sovereignty was diminished by Britain's leading role in the League. As a mandatory power in South West Africa, the Union was also concerned to sustain League principles in order to safeguard its sub-imperialist aspirations on the continent. The public debates were strongly influenced by a discourse on ‘civilisation’, which not only reflected ambiguous views of the status of Ethiopia as a member of the League of Nations, but also raised questions about the stability of white hegemony in a segregationist state.  相似文献   

This article questions some recent analyses which claim that global neo‐liberal discourses are disseminated to shift the focus away from development towards a greater emphasis on security issues. Taking as its point of departure the analysis of empirical material from Cape Town, the article shows that security and development in South Africa were never separate concerns. After the ANC came to power in 1994 there was an effort to boost development efforts rather than security. However, these efforts were soon dwarfed by local circumstances, notably the pressure from local state employees who felt their jobs and lives to be under threat from the townships, and the changing nature of violence in the city. The first part of the article details the practices and discourses of state agencies; the second section analyses the consequences of reconfigured security and development concerns for the production of political subjectivity in South Africa's townships.  相似文献   

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