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乡村地区路网通达性研究——以陕西省丹凤县为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通达性是指交通网络中各节点相互作用的机会大小,也是从出发地前往目的地的方便程度。道路网络是支撑乡村地区经济社会发展的基础,而通达性则是反映道路网络水平和质量的有效评价指标。本文以位于陕西秦巴山区的丹凤县为例,基于第二次土地利用现状调查和实际考察资料,分别以乡镇和行政村为单元,以GIS方法为支撑,采用道路临近性、乡镇内部可达性和道路衔接性三项指标,分析和评价了丹凤县乡村地区路网通达性。本研究对陕南秦巴山区乡村路网建设和移民搬迁工程有一定指导作用,对乡村地区路网通达性分析和评价方法进行了有效改进。  相似文献   


The cabreves are notarial documents prepared between the 13th and 19th centuries in the Catalan and Valencian regions of Spain. These historical records were published before the first cadastral maps and contain geographical information that could help spatially reconstruct historical landscapes. However, these documents have not been used to their full potential mainly because of their semi-structured and complex nature. In this article, we propose a new graph-based interactive methodology for partially reconstructing historical landscapes. We have successfully applied this methodology for reconstructing the historical landscape of the Barony of Sella in the 18th century and the methodology has also helped us locate “El Poblet,” a previously unknown archeological site abandoned after the expulsion of the Moriscos in 1609.  相似文献   

男性身高的变化能够反映出俄国人口福利状况的变化。1700—1980年,俄国男性士兵身高资料及与之相应的生活状况和福利评估大体分为9个阶段,人的生活状况提高、降低和稳定阶段分别为150、100和30年,280年间男女的身高分别增加了10—11厘米。每逢战争和激烈改革时期,赋税增加和连年歉收,人口的身高、生活状况和福利无不下降;而每逢战争过后,政策得当,社会稳定,风调雨顺之时,人口的身高、生活状况和福利均提高。总之,18世纪俄国民众的整体生活水平下降,而19—20世纪俄国,特别是1921—1980年苏联时期的人口福利提高。这些结论察前人所未察,发他人所未发。  相似文献   

18世纪末至19世纪中期,嘉兴府艺术家辈出,有史家甚至称之为所谓"嘉兴画派",认为它对后来的海派起到了重要影响。方薰并非这一派中的杰出艺术家,但他却生活在一个承上启下的时期,他的艺术承接了17、18世纪正统工细的艺术风格,同时也是19世纪后半叶上海艺术形式创新的前奏,从这个角度看,北京故宫所保存的5幅方薰的画作具有很大的价值。本文通过深入研究方薰生平并结合其作品,认为浙北知识精英阶层的生活品位与艺术需求同画家的创作有着密切的互动关系。对方薰个案的研究,可以使我们在某种程度上找到认知18世纪苏杭文人圈的捷径。此外,作者还指出,每个艺术中心都拥有它相对独特的文化,我们不应以偏概全地认为乾隆朝的宫廷以及扬州一带是18世纪所有中国画的原产地。  相似文献   

以广东省连州市为例,设计路网连通度、可达性、农村路网与干线路网衔接的平均距离三项指标来分析乡村地区公路网的通达性水平。结果显示,连州市路网的连通度较低,布局不完善,并存在明显的干线路网指向性特征;路网可达性水平总体不高,各乡镇内部联系的便捷度普遍较低,且呈现出同心圈层的结构;农村路网与干线路网的衔接较好,具有较强的集散功能。最后,通过计算指综合分值的方法,对连州市的农村路网通达性空间格局进行分析,根据综合得分将连州市12个乡镇分为5个等级,其中连州镇、东陂镇的通达性水平最高,通达性水平最低的是三水瑶族乡;并初步探讨了其背后的形成机理,认为农村路网的通达性水平是多种因素综合作用的结果,包括区域面积、地形状况、经济实力、结点布局、道路建设等。  相似文献   

Early modern society was characterized by severe conflicts, but not all were caused by antagonistic relations between military (combatants) and civilian (noncombatants) persons. The civil–military relations were blurred. The separation and differentiation of civil and military functions in society was a process that occurred mainly in the 19th century. This process coincided with a conceptual change of the nature of gender: ‘civil’ became feminine and ‘military’ became masculine. Civil–military relations in early modern societies have recently been the focus of novel and productive research, and this article falls into that category. How civilian aspects of society were subordinated to military demands while still being a part of the military is examined in this article from a different angle; namely, to what extent the military was in charge of civilian aspects within its own organization. This is discussed from a gender perspective and scrutinized through the role of children in a series of issues connected with the creation of boundaries between civilian and military spheres in society. To put it simply, what did children do within the Swedish military in the 17th and 18th centuries? And who were the children? The answers are based on data from garrisons and the Swedish Ship’s Boys’ Corps, together with data from previous research on military history in Scandinavia. The article is part of a project that aims to make visible the role of children in the military prior to the era of child soldiers.  相似文献   

The Llyn Padarn wreck is a bateau style vessel of the late 18th century. Assuming that it is one of the boats built by the quarry company it was constructed between February 1788 and February 1789. If it was built by one of the independent boatmen its date of construction is uncertain, however its excellent state of preservation suggests that it was still relatively new when it sank, and this also would point towards it being one of the company boats. Whatever the date of building, the boat certainly sank between 1788 and 1824, but the quality of the cargo suggests that it was towards the beginning rather than the end of that period. It is of historic interest as one of the few surviving examples of the bateau style of boat building. and it is also one of the best preserved examples of its kind. It also throws some light on the early history of the North Wales slate industry, on the history of travel and transport on Llyn Padarn, and on the lake settlements at Cwm y Glo and Penllyn. The Padarn boat is now being put into E'EG conservation by the National Museum of Wales, and will subsequently be exhibited in the North Wales Quarry Museum at Llanberis. It would be interesting to know what happened to all the other boats which were evidently working on the lakes in the 18th and early 19th centuries. No doubt most were destroyed when their usefulness came to an end, but if one sank there may well be others, and in due course the Welsh Institute of Maritime Archaeology hopes to carry out a remote sensing survey of Padarn using side-scan sonar and low light television. In addition, the upper lake, Llyn Peris, is to be drained in connection with the massive Pump Storate Generating Scheme which has once again turned the derelict quarries into one of the largest civil engineering projects in Europe. It is certain that these two lakes still have secrets to reveal. I would like to thank the staff of the North Wales Quarry Museum for their patient assistance and advice in the preparation of this article; Mr Brian Buckle of North Wales Divers Ltd, Colwyn Bay, for providing me with a copy of his survey of the wreck site; Mr Derwyn Jones, the Welsh Librarian in the University Library, Bangor for bringing to my attention various references to Margaret ferch Evans, and my colleague Mr Emlyn Sherrington for translating certain passages from the Welsh.  相似文献   

The article focuses on foreign elements in the traditional cultures of northwestern Siberia. The sources of this study are silver and copper saucers mostly bearing representations of hunting scenes, which were manufactured by Russian craftsmen in the 18th–19th centuries for the needs of alien ethnic groups. Ways in which the saucers were used in Ob Ugrian rituals are described along with the specific features and attributions of these objects. The use of Russian metal dishware is viewed in the context of the long cultural tradition of using metal vessels, made in other ethnic environments (Iran, western Central Asia, Volga Bulgaria, Kama region, etc.) as well as in the religious and ritual practices of the Khanty and Mansi.  相似文献   

The article deals with the use of metal ties in an ancient and stratified urban context, the city of Genoa, starting from the notarial documents preserved in its State Archives. The work has different objectives: to show the results that can be obtained, on an urban scale, thanks to a research path that compares indirect sources of different types with the observation of historical buildings; to highlight the “weight” and the role that the ties, often hidden, had in buildings, and not only the monumental ones; to increase knowledge of the production process of this constructive element. The wide and diversified use of metal ties found in Genoa seems to proceed in parallel, in the 15th century, with the development of a flourishing productive and mercantile business based on the commercial monopoly of the hematite of the island of Elba by the city oligarchy and, between the 16th and 17th centuries, with the huge investments in the construction sector highlighted by the abundant documentary sources.  相似文献   

Roads have manifold social and environmental impacts, including regional development, social conflicts and habitat fragmentation. ‘Road ecology’ has emerged as an approach to evaluate the various ecological and hydrological impacts of roads. This article aims to complement road ecology by examining the socio‐spatial processes of road building itself. Focusing on the Brazilian Amazon, a heavily‐studied context due to forest fragmentation by roads, the authors consider non‐state social actors who build ‘unofficial roads’ for the purpose of gaining access to natural resources to support livelihoods and community development. They examine four case studies of roads with distinct histories in order to explain the socio‐spatial processes behind road building in terms of profit maximization, land tenure claims, co‐operative and conflictive political ecologies, and constraints as well as opportunities afforded by the biophysical environment. The study cases illustrate the need for a multi‐pronged theoretical approach to understanding road building, and call for more attention to the role of non‐state actors in road construction.  相似文献   

本文通过对中国现存的古代木构建筑、《营造法式》以及其它相关间接史料的研究,揭示出公元7-14世纪中国扶壁形制的典型类型及其分区、分期特征。并在此基础之上探讨了此时期中国南北方建筑的部分区域特点,以及《营造法式》的部分地域渊源与流布关系。  相似文献   

Two sets of wine bottles dated between the end of the 17th and the 19th centuries were characterized by means of μ‐PIXE (major and minor elements) and LA–ICP–MS (trace and REE elements). The fragmented wine bottles were recovered from two archaeological contexts in Lisbon and reach a total of 79 fragments. One of the archaeological bottle sets comes from a house structure that collapsed during the major earthquake in 1755, providing a precise terminus ante quem. The second set comes from the exploratory archaeological intervention performed in Rua do Arsenal, where the Côrte‐Real Palace (built in the 16th century), was discovered. From this site, posterior contexts dated up to the 19th century were considered. This systematic study allowed the glass to be identified as high‐lime, low‐alkali (HLLA) for all the considered chronologies. However, the 19th‐century bottles have a different HLLA composition, suggesting the use of synthetic soda. Comparison with data from literature showed some similarity with English, Belgium and French reported compositions. This is the first systematic attempt to characterize the composition of glass wine bottles circulating in Portugal, giving new insights into their probable provenances, and on the exchange between Portugal and its trading allies.  相似文献   

On 21 November 1918, the Parliament (Qualification of Women) Act was passed, which enabled women over the age of 21 to stand for parliamentary election. Unlike women's suffrage, there was no sustained campaign to allow women to sit in parliament. However, this does not mean that the issue was ignored in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This article traces perceptions of the woman MP in the pre-1918 period and offers the first detailed exploration of the topic. It argues that although discussions on the matter were not widespread like women's suffrage, there is value in examining these lesser-known debates. This article studies the parliamentary candidacy of Helen Taylor in the 1885 General Election, in addition to how male politicians, the press, suffrage, and anti-suffrage organisations engaged with the idea of women sitting in parliament. Women's supposedly emotional nature played an integral role in how contemporaries approached the subject of women MPs. Indeed, women's emotions, and more specifically their passionate temperament, were often used to discredit their political capabilities and portray women as emotionally, intellectually and physically inferior to men.  相似文献   

刘洪英 《史学月刊》2000,(6):68-71,79
中国近代工业道路形成于19世纪后半期的半殖民地半封建社会,其形成的前提条件、产生方式、组成结构、行业发展和资本积累等方面,都具有与一般资本主义国家所不同的独特性,给我们今天的工业现代化建设留下了深刻的教训。  相似文献   

Mining in Falun, Sweden, was first mentioned in a deed from ad 1288, but previous studies of peat and lake sediments inferred that mining began during the fifth to eighth centuries. In order to reassess these findings, we performed new geochemical analyses on new samples from three key sites: Tisksjöbergets myr, a buried mire alongside the mine; Tisken, a small lake in Falun; and Runn, the main recipient for waters draining through Falun. At Tisksjöbergets myr, the peat contains up to 6% copper, giving it the characteristics of a cupriferous bog. Hence, this record is not useful for tracing early mining. The sediments of Tisken—upon which many of the old interpretations have relied—contain numerous cut wood fragments, and two of those gave young and reversed radiocarbon dates (19th and 16th centuries for 192 and 187 cm, respectively). This indicates that the sediment was derived from infilling and, thus, has little value as a historical record. Runn's sediment—the only reliable record—provides clear evidence of a rapid onset of large‐scale mining from c. ad 1245, with abrupt increases in ore‐related elements—for example, a 34‐fold increase in copper—this increase is consistent with the mid‐13th century burial of the mire at Tisksjöberget.  相似文献   

This article presents the result of research on two large wooden anchors recently identified in Hanoi, Vietnam. Some features of the anchors show similarities with anchors originating from East Asian regions, but the research demonstrates that they are probably from ships locally constructed in the 18th and 19th centuries. In the attempt to clarify the origin of these anchors, it was discovered that there has been little discussion on the historical development of anchors in East and Southeast Asia. Therefore, this article will also assess the significance of the two anchors in the regional evolvement of anchors. © 2010 The Authors  相似文献   

城市道路的发展状况已经成为制约城市社会经济发展的"瓶颈",许多地区采取了各种各样的措施来缓解交通压力,但是收效甚微,关键在于我们没有从根本上认识产生这一现象的根源。本文通过建立城市道路与人口的非线性动力学模式,分析城市道路与人口之间的关系。  相似文献   

"行会"这一西方近代学术概念对中国商人组织历史研究具有长期的影响.中国历史上的商人组织是中国社会与文化建构的产物,反映中国社会结构演变的特定过程.本文以重庆为中心,结合巴县档案等材料,分析了重庆历史上的"行"、"帮"、"会馆"、"公所"以及神会等不同组织概念的历史内涵,提倡在中国文化与社会环境基础上理解和解释中国商人组织的制度变迁问题.  相似文献   

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