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朱拉隆功改革与泰国的现代化进程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
工业革命以来,人类在经济、政治、文化等方面经历了一场巨大而又深刻的变革,这就是人类社会的现代化进程。19世纪中叶以后,一些亚洲国家也开始了现代化进程。研究亚洲发展中国家的现代化进程,从未沦为西方殖民地的泰国是个极好的实例,而几乎与日本明治维新同时的朱拉隆功改革与泰国现代化进程的关系,尤为引起人们强烈的研究兴趣。就对泰、日两国现代化影响的复杂性和持久性而言,朱拉隆功改革也确实堪与明治维新相比。  相似文献   

对这次战争的起 因,史学界早在二十世纪初就有了定论,认为,墨迪逊总统所列举的宣战原因仅仅是美国对新土地贪求的文词上的借口。 在最近十五年,历史学家们对1812年战争提出了新的看法。一种观点认为,墨迪逊和国会担心英国会把美国重新沦为它的殖民地。1807—1812年,美国一直试图和平解决它与英国之间的矛盾。但  相似文献   

马来西亚MALAYSIA位于南中国海东西两侧;西马来西弧在马来半岛南部,北面与泰国、南面与新加坡接壤,西濒马六甲海峡;东马来西亚在加里丹岛北部,由沙捞越和沙巴两地区组成。马来西亚为君主立宪联邦制,属热带雨林气候。16世纪起先后遭葡萄牙、荷兰、英国等国侵略占领;1826年同属海峡殖民地;20世纪初,又沦为英国殖民地。官方语言为马来语,通用英语和华语。伊斯兰教为马来西亚国教。1957年8月31日独立。  相似文献   

在亚洲,除日本外,都是较早相继沦为西方列强的殖民地或半殖民地国家,而长期处于殖民地半殖民地、封建半封建社会性质阶段;新的社会阶级产生较早,民族资产阶级“两重性”的表现,也较典型,这都是众所周知的事实。但是在我们论及民族资产阶级在民族解放运动中的作用时,有时不免把它的“两重性”绝对化了,而没有把它放在世界政治大变革的前提下,或者不能以发展的观点去加以论述。因此,本文拟对亚洲民族  相似文献   

正一近代日本的对外侵略始于19世纪70年代的侵台战争和"琉球处分"。不久后的1895年,甲午战争结束,中日签订《马关条约》,台湾全岛及其附属各岛屿、澎湖列岛沦为日本殖民地。1905年日俄战争后,尤其是1910年韩半岛沦为日本殖民地,日本对"满洲"(中国东北——作者注)的侵略正式开始。随后,日本对中国的侵略意图就更加赤裸裸地表现出来。1915年日本驻华公使向袁世凯政府递交了二十一条要求的文件,史称中日"二十一条",正是日本妄图将中国变为自己殖民地的  相似文献   

1931年9月18日至1945年8月15日,东北三省被日本帝国主义武装占领,沦为殖民地。日本帝国主义在城乡实行殖民地经济统制,对中国人民进行残酷的压迫和剥削,疯狂地掠夺中国的资源财富,给东北人民带来了深重的灾难。新编地方志,对这一特殊的历史阶段,必须认真地、如实地予以记述。尤其是各经济类专业志(篇),都应从本地、本行业的特点出发,真实地记述日本帝国主义建立殖民地经济的目的、手段及其后果,还其本来面貌,使今人、后人了解历史,不忘过去。这是东北地区编修新方志不可忽视、不可缺少、不可淡泊的重要内容,也是本届修志工作者不可推卸的历史责任。但是,现已出版的某些省  相似文献   

香港沦为英国殖民地是19世纪英国资产阶级武装侵略、掠夺中国的产物。这是众所周知的事实。中国政府根据1984年签署的中英联合声明将于1997年对香港恢复行使主权已为世人所瞩目。但是关于中英两国在二战结束后就香港的归属问题进行过激烈的交涉这一段历史却鲜为人知。在中英两国关系中,香港问题占有特殊的重要地位。研究战后英国在香港问题上所持态度,分析决定其态度的各种因素,具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

古琳晖 《百年潮》2005,(6):23-26
台湾自古是中国神圣领土不可分割的一部分.1895年,清政府以一纸屈辱的<马关条约>,把台湾割让给日本.自此,台湾沦为日本的殖民地达50年之久.  相似文献   

这片西濒太平洋,北临加勒比海的土地自古曾是奇布查族等印第安人的家园,15世纪沦为西班牙殖民地,1819年在南美解放者坡利瓦尔领导下最终获得独立。  相似文献   

冯都 《文史精华》2005,(12):45-47
1937年七七事变爆发,日本开始全面侵华,不仅企图使中国沦为其殖民地,还妄图沦为其侵略亚洲“以战养战”的资源供给地。在中华民族到了最危险的时刻,中国共产党与国民党实现了第二次合作,共同抵御日军的野蛮侵略,展开了一场非常激烈曲折、但却鲜为人知的金融大战。  相似文献   

The passing of the Aliens Act of 1905 was a defining moment in British immigration law and history. This article investigates the influence of settler-colonial immigration restriction laws on the passing of the Act, and questions the current historiographical inclination to focus solely on the influence of American immigration restriction laws. By analysing the trajectory of contemporary public debates, the evidence given to the Royal Commission on Alien Immigration (1902–03) and the political discussion on various bills, the article shows that the existence of colonial immigration restriction laws played an important role in the formulation and passing of the 1905 Aliens Act. Putting the Act in this larger context highlights its colonial derivation, but also its uniqueness: the British Act's defence of asylum, the exception extended to those landing as political and religious refugees, has no parallel in either early US law or any of the settler-colonial laws.  相似文献   

The colonial history of New Caledonia has been one of dispossession, alienation, and racial segregation. Indigenous people did not experience a life of all‐embracing confinement and immobility. Instead, Kanak localities were historically shaped by the interplay of colonial projects, ideas, tensions, power relations, practices, representations, values, norms, and emotions. Based on the example of Thio, located on the south‐east coast of New Caledonia, this article explores these transformations, focusing on processes of localization and mobility in the colonial and postcolonial eras. The first section focuses on the encounter with and the interplay between different organisations in Thio: the missionary, mining, pastoral, and administrative frontiers. The second section explores the multilayered history of the landscape and settlement patterns in Xârâgwii/Kouare (a tribe located in the mountainous part of Thio), and the third section analyses the interplay of locality and mobility since World War II. The final section examines the ‘invention’ of the tribe as part of colonial governmental projects. The article concludes with a brief discussion of the meaning of this evolving dialectic in the current context of decolonization.  相似文献   

This article explores interactions between Tasmanian Aborigines and residents of a Quaker settler property in documented actuality and familial, regional, and scholarly memory. Debunking a recent suggestion that authentic Tasmanian Aboriginal religious rituals and mythologies were kept secret by these settlers for a century and a half, I argue that such “mythologies,” and stories of their transmission, are post‐colonial inventions that attempt to render this part of the narrative of Quaker colonialism in Van Diemen's Land as principally humanitarian, with Quakers acting as a benignly aberrant exception to the wider phenomenon of settlers dispossessing Indigenous peoples. Demonstrating that these settlers colluded in wider colonial practices and policies, and were active participants in networks of scientific study of the Tasmanian Aborigines, this article serves as a case study of the multi‐layered nature of colonial action and post‐colonial historicism, and also points to a self‐referential tendency in historiographies of colonial Tasmania. I suggest that the stories presented as an authentic body of Tasmanian mythology in Land of the Sleeping Gods (2013) unconvincingly attempts to reinscribe Quaker colonialism as pacifist and humanitarian, and I argue that in fact Quakers demonstrably contributed to the dispossessing of Tasmanian Aboriginal peoples from their traditional lands.  相似文献   


Biographical research offers a promising approach to the study of empire, imperialism and colonialism. The careers and life stories of individuals and generations show particularly clearly the disruptions and constraints, but also the new possibilities and mobilities, that were created by colonial rule. This special issue focuses on practices and experiences of boundary crossing in imperial and colonial history. It explores how ‘ordinary’ individuals and groups navigated between the different imperial spaces and spheres into which they were categorised according to the ideologies and regulations of the well-ordered colonial world. Africa offers particularly interesting cases for studying these issues because, first, it was a field of particularly rigid colonial distinctions and, second, different colonial empires overlapped and competed there with particular intensity. This introduction outlines briefly the relevance of biographical research for new approaches in imperial, colonial and African history, and highlights the major themes of the five articles comprising this special issue. It is argued that these new biographical approaches tell us much not only about life in Africa on the eve of and under colonial rule, but also more generally about both the power and the permeability of imperial domination and of colonial categories.  相似文献   

This article examines the missionary assault on traditionalism and traditional leadership. It also analyses the origins of Columba Mission. The article sets out to unearth the role of missionaries in the colonial assault on traditionalism, using James Macdonald Auld (2 April 1848–5 December 1932) as a case study. It describes the operation of the Columba Mission from its small beginnings in Kentani (Centane today) in 1878 until the annexation of Gcalekaland by the Cape Colony in 1885. The Cape forces reopened Gatyana (Willowvale) to the colonial authorities following the acceptance of an amnesty. Many of the amaGcaleka remained in Xhorha (Elliotdale), including King Sarhili himself. King Sarhili’s vicissitudes at the hands of the colonial government are used as a scaffolding to see Columba in historical perspective. This article puts the spotlight on King Sarhili and James Macdonald Auld, the Presbyterian missionary at Columba, as a vehicle to explore the reorganisation of Centane. The article also broadens its base of sources by drawing on oral history with intent to add materially to our knowledge about the missions at that often opaque moment in Eastern Cape history. In attempting to examine the relations between the traditional leaders, the colonial governing authorities and the missionaries, this article shows the colonial conflict as an ongoing encounter between the missionaries and the heirs of Phalo, i.e. the amaGcaleka and the amaNgqika  相似文献   

Since “museumland” was revisited in the 1980s, different authors have studied the history of colonial museums in Europe within a broader discussion on colonial bias, the creation of traditions and the theory of representation. It has become clear, for example, how African utensils were exported to Europe, where they were exhibited as curiosa, ethnographical objects or art. But what happened when the very notion of the museum was exported back to Africa? Who created these institutes and in what context? Was the relationship between colonizers and colonized altered? Did the “social life” of the objects on show change? And what was the relationship between the “old” museums in Europe and the “new” ones created in the colony? These questions have rarely been studied. In this article, the creation of the Musée Léopold II will be used as a basis to offer insight into the links between colonial “science” and “policy”, which proved not to be as monolithic as often portrayed, but rather were complex amalgamations of different opinions and even conflicting interests.  相似文献   

In the wake of the Napoleonic wars, British debates about colonial rule and, in particular, the treatment of subject peoples brought practical, financial and religious concerns together. As a means of addressing these problems, the British government despatched a series of travelling commissions to survey and reform the governance of its empire. British-based humanitarians and abolitionists drew on anxieties about the corrupting influence of empire on metropolitan society to press for commissions as vectors of imperial probity; their colonial counterparts harnessed the commissions' authority to inform and persuade a metropolitan audience of the need for specific colonial reforms. This article explores humanitarian attempts to influence colonial and imperial policy by considering the Commission of Eastern Inquiry, appointed in 1822 to investigate successively the Cape Colony, Mauritius and Ceylon. The Commission's history underscores links between networks of metropolitan and colonial humanitarians, and between anti-slavery activists and supporters of indigenous rights.  相似文献   

This article focuses on colonial accounts of the killing of the Xhosa chief, Hintsa, in 1835 at the hands of British forces along what came to be known as the eastern Cape frontier. It explores the evidentiary procedures and protocols through which the event came to be narrated in colonial frames of intelligibility. In proposing a strategy for reading the colonial archive, the paper strategically interrupts the flow from an apartheid historiography to what is commonly referred to as ‘alternative history.’ The aim in effecting this interruption is to call attention to the enabling possibilities of critical history. This is achieved not by way of declaration but rather through a practice whereby the foundational category of evidence is problematized. The paper alludes to the limits of alternative history and its approaches to evidence on the one hand, and the conditions of complicity within which evidence is produced on the other. Whereas alternative history identifies its task as one of rewriting South African history, critical history, it issuggested, offers the opportunity to reconstitute the field of history by addressing the sites of its production and also its practices. In exploring the production of the colonial record on the killing of Hintsa, the paper seeks to complicate alternative history's slippage in and out of the evidentiary rules established by colonial domination even as it constitutes the category ofevidence as an object for a politics of history of the present.  相似文献   

Messaoudi  Alain 《French history》2006,20(3):297-317
This article examines the history of the teaching of Arabicin colonial Algeria as a means of clarifying the contemporarydebate on language policy in the French education system. Untilnow this history has only been explored in the limited contextof post-Independence Algeria and in a rather simplistic fashion,which suggests that the colonial authorities conducted a hostilecampaign against the Arab language. In fact, as will be seen,the situation was far more complex, with a much more sympatheticapproach being adopted than one might expect. However, therewere various forms of Arabic to take into account and attitudeswere in a constant state of flux throughout the colonial period.  相似文献   

A strange silence has long reigned in the public memory as well as in Italian historical studies regarding possible crimes committed by Italy in its colonial territories. The aim of this article is to reflect on the reasons for this silence through an examination of the major historiographical questions and a review of the few studies available on the subject. The historiographical use of the judicial category of ‘crimes’ or ‘war crimes’ should not be taken for granted, above all in examining the history of the colonial experience. The most important authors have ignored the risk that the sensationalistic use of the category ‘crime’ – in itself an extraordinary and exceptional event – can make one forget the weight of the ordinary running of a colonial power. With these precautions, the article offers a list of the principal episodes historians now unanimously define as crimes. These episodes eliminate any possibility of taking refuge in the self-absolving and vague appeals to stereotypes of Italians as ‘good people’. The article concludes by defining precisely the triple order of silences that together produced the general silence that the author considers an obstacle and a post-colonial stain on the memory of colonial Italy.  相似文献   

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