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西晋以后,国家舆地图与方志地图绘制分流,各成体系。至晚清,国家舆地图绘制技术已相当成熟,但方志地图依然使用示意绘画法。《安西采访底本》是甘肃省瓜州县的第一部方志,其中所附8幅地图在地图学上有重要意义,体现了晚清地县方志地图的绘制水平。时至今日,不少地县方志中的地图或从国家地图中截取所需部分,或沿用旧有方法绘制。本文认为,当今方志地图的绘制,应该吸收传统方志的优点,运用现代化技术,按照方志体例和内容的需求,绘制精细准确的附图,以便更好地保存史料,构建方志地情资料库。  相似文献   

明代方志地图编绘意向的初步考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在地理学史和地图学史的研究中,一般关注于古代地图的科学技术价值,而较少讨论其思想史意义,尤其较少讨论方志地图的思想史意义。因此,本文从思想史的角度对明代方志地图的编绘意向做了初步的考察。认为明代方志地图的编绘意向中突出地强调了舆图的政治功能,但是对舆图所具有的政治功能的认识存在着较为明显的差异。更值得注意的是,在此之外对区域地理景观自身的关注,反映了新的在一定程度上具有变革萌芽的知识兴趣。这些不仅在一定程度上反映了当时社会上一般的地理学观念与知识系统,同时表现出方志地图在地理学史和地理学思想史中所可能具有的地位和意义。  相似文献   

我国古代地图,或以帛画,或以绢绘,或以石刻,或以纸印,流传至今的,只有汉代墓葬出土帛画《地形图》、《驻军图》及宋代石刻《华夷图》、《禹迹图》、《坠(地)理图》、《九域守令图》等少数几幅。明代,印刷地图开始普及,散见于各类方志之中;可是,绘制的地图传世的仍然极为少见。镇江博物馆藏明代绢本南京(部分)府县地图(简称镇绢本图),设色彩绘,制作精美,保存了大量珍贵的历史地理资料。本  相似文献   

广东省广州市志办曾新来稿论述了首轮方志地图入志的不足以及第二轮修志地图入志的选取原则。一、首轮修志地图入志的创新与不足:1.新方志的入志地图在绘制技术上有较大的提高;2.新方志的入志地图在内容方面有较大的突破;3.新方志的入志地图在类型与形式上趋于多样化,随文插图大量增加;4.新方志的入志地图在配置要求上尚不规范、具体。二、第二轮修志入志地图的选取原则:1.多角度反映基本地情状况的原则;2.突出时代特点和地方特点的原则;3.规范配置与绘图技术原则。(詹利萍)福建省地方志编委会林位芳来稿认为,近年来地方志大量出版,志评也随…  相似文献   

图经可以称之为方志的源流。浙江早在隋代就已开始修纂图经,只可惜当时所修都已散佚。自唐,图经绘制更趋完善;至宋,达其顶峰。方志地图献在浙江古代地图中占绝对数量,是研究借鉴浙江古代地图学成就的史料宝库。  相似文献   

中国古代方志蕴藏着丰富的自然科学史料。方志这种特殊的图书表达体裁形式,其图的绘制水平,图的应用范围及其图学思想,也为我们研究中国图学的技术水平提供了实物例证。明代方志中的用图十分齐备,有关图表在方志中的作用的论述,其见解亦十分深刻。  相似文献   

张萍 《安徽史学》2021,(1):5-12
西北城市古旧地图开发较早,唐都长安城图是目前中国存世最早的城市地图之一,明清以后,西北地区开始形成系统、多层面的城市地图.明代,方志城池图是西北城市地图最重要的组成部分.清代,西北城市地图进入多元发展时期,大批地方志城池图之外,存世的还有部分单幅彩绘城图.光绪时期,会典舆图的绘制使西北城市地图的发展进入一个新时期.民国时期,测绘机构开始建立,大比例尺城市地图的绘制增多,往往配有地形图,精度高、复原价值大,对学术研究帮助更大.利用GIS技术提取相关数据开发系列古旧地图,对建立长时段、系统的城市地理剖面具有重要价值.  相似文献   

明代佛教方志研究主要包括两个方面:一是明清时期对明代方志的著录与评价;二是20世纪以来对明代佛教方志的研究。明清时期对明代佛教方志研究主要体现在目录学分类与著录上。主要有官方和私家两方面,其中私家书目类型分为导读、版本、登记考证3类。20世纪以来对明代佛教方志研究成果主要涉及:式概述,从旅游文化的角度考察明代佛教方志,探讨明代佛教方志的编纂、传播及其史料价值。海外学者对明代佛教方志研究也取得了一定的成果。  相似文献   

在我国封建社会,任人选官,有从工匠中选拔工部官吏的事例。其中明代选拔的人数较多,作的官也较大。被选拔者职责之一是领导、监督工匠,时称“匠官”。明代从工匠选拔“匠官”,首先是大规模营建的需要。明代先后营建南京和北京城池宫殿,又新建和扩建了许多城镇。土木繁兴,大工不已。  相似文献   

方志地图是一种特有的专门地图,它不同于普通地图和其它专门地图。我们认为方志地图是具有方志功能、起方志作用、用于方志、表示方志内容的特种地图,所以方志地图有它专门的研究范畴、对象、内容和方法,有其特殊的属性,有很强的综合性。  相似文献   

在绝大多数明清地方志中"星野"都占据着显著的位置.无论其内容的翔实或者粗疏,透过地方志近乎于陈陈相因的"星野"叙述,都可以窥见一个时代的知识、观念与信仰世界的变迁轨迹.本文以请代贵州郡县方志的"星野"叙述为对象,考察其构建及瓦解过程,探讨"星野"叙述的功能并分析这种功能丧失的原因,以此来观照传统中国知识、观念及其话语体系近代转型问题.  相似文献   

周毅 《史学史研究》2020,(1):105-116
清代安庆方志的"忠节"书写对象,包括鼎革之际的各种"忠节"者,尤其抗清殉节者。清代安庆方志中"忠节"书写的不断变化,体现了满清政权为重构易代之际历史,重建伦理道德秩序,以确立在意识形态领域的统治,而逐步调整针对抗清殉节者的旌表政策,最终采用以"教化"而"去政治化"的历史书写范式的过程。当然,体现清廷意志的国家话语贯彻到方志书写的过程中,也不可避免地会与凸显地方意识的地方话语产生纠缠甚至争夺,并最终在"教化"的层面上趋向了一致。  相似文献   

Propaganda occurs sporadically in the chronicles of medieval England, mainly in official histories (that is those commissioned by authority) and quasi-official ones (those not actually commissioned but representing the authority's point of view). It ranges from mere eulogy to forceful argument which may even involve deliberate misrepresentation. In monastic chronicles the propaganda is generally on behalf of the monastery itself, and is rarely that of the central government; in fact such chronicles tend to be critical of king and government. Government propaganda occurs more frequently in chronicles by other groups of writers, notably secular clerks. Although very few non-monastic chronicles were actually commissioned by the king (the only indisputable examples belong to the reign of Edward IV), a few are quasi-official, written probably to attract patronage and/or in a literary mode, especially that of romance literature, which tended to favour the king.Clearly government-sponsored history established no continuous tradition in England, comparable to that, for example, in France. Nor were quasi-official histories numerous. Therefore it seems that government propaganda was not congenial to most chroniclers in England, an impression confirmed by the fact that it only left a significant mark on the chronicles in exceptional circumstances, for instance at times of political crisis. Moreover, the chronicles containing it were by foreigners and/or were written when continental influence was particularly strong at court. The historiographical genre most characteristic of medieval England was the monastic chronicle, with its strong local attachments and generally independent attitude to the central government.  相似文献   

Propaganda occurs sporadically in the chronicles of medieval England, mainly in official histories (that is those commissioned by authority) and quasi-official ones (those not actually commissioned but representing the authority's point of view). It ranges from mere eulogy to forceful argument which may even involve deliberate misrepresentation. In monastic chronicles the propaganda is generally on behalf of the monastery itself, and is rarely that of the central government; in fact such chronicles tend to be critical of king and government. Government propaganda occurs more frequently in chronicles by other groups of writers, notably secular clerks. Although very few non-monastic chronicles were actually commissioned by the king (the only indisputable examples belong to the reign of Edward IV), a few are quasi-official, written probably to attract patronage and/or in a literary mode, especially that of romance literature, which tended to favour the king.Clearly government-sponsored history established no continuous tradition in England, comparable to that, for example, in France. Nor were quasi-official histories numerous. Therefore it seems that government propaganda was not congenial to most chroniclers in England, an impression confirmed by the fact that it only left a significant mark on the chronicles in exceptional circumstances, for instance at times of political crisis. Moreover, the chronicles containing it were by foreigners and/or were written when continental influence was particularly strong at court. The historiographical genre most characteristic of medieval England was the monastic chronicle, with its strong local attachments and generally independent attitude to the central government.  相似文献   

我国古代的地方志   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李传永 《人文地理》1995,10(4):46-51
本文论述了我国地方志的起源和性质,认为地方志是记述一定地域内自然与社会,历史与现状科学的资料性的独特的文字载体,具有其他文献不可代替的功用,并将它归纳为政府主修和私人著述两类,还提出了我国地方志发展所经历的主要阶段。  相似文献   

According to tradition, King Richard I of England visited Dubrovnik (Ragusa) in 1192. Much of the evidence for this visit comes from a dispute at the end of the sixteenth century concerning the rights of the abbot of Lokrum. Medieval evidence can also be taken into contribution, notably the comments of the English chronicles of the early thirteenth century and the surviving documentation for the career of a Ragusan archbishop who later became bishop of Carlisle. The author concludes that King Richard's visit was a reality.  相似文献   

本文论述了我国地方志的起源和性质,认为地方志是记述一定地域内自然、社会、历史与现状科学的独特的保存丰富旅游资料性的文字载体,具有其他文献不可代替的功用,并对方志的主要功能特色和不同方志所具有的不同旅游学价值进行了分析  相似文献   

According to tradition, King Richard I of England visited Dubrovnik (Ragusa) in 1192. Much of the evidence for this visit comes from a dispute at the end of the sixteenth century concerning the rights of the abbot of Lokrum. Medieval evidence can also be taken into contribution, notably the comments of the English chronicles of the early thirteenth century and the surviving documentation for the career of a Ragusan archbishop who later became bishop of Carlisle. The author concludes that King Richard's visit was a reality.  相似文献   

Since 1960 the author has led the archaeological investigations in the mountains east of Mo i Rana in Northern Norway. An immense amount of material from the local Stone Age has been collected and a number of settlements have been excavated. There are great chronological problems attached to the North Scandinavian Stone Age cultures. The investigations at Mo i Rana present renewed opportunities of achieving chronological groupings and a few of the tentative results are indicated. The author has also undertaken investigations along Rana fjord in order to discover, if possible, relationships between finds from the mountains and from the coast. Some of the same phases seem to occur at both places, and it is possible that the same people have operated along the coast and in the mountains at different times of the year.  相似文献   

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