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从思潮史角度研究东方政治文化,阿拉伯民族主义思潮无疑是考察的重点问题。 作为一种意识形态和社会思潮,阿拉伯民族主义有着相当久远的历史背景,①最晚也要追溯到19世纪末期。它经历了20世纪三大变动时期:1908年青年土耳其革命、两次世界大战之间和第二次世界大战之后,从而逐步形成为阿拉伯世界政治文化的主要组成部分。探讨它的历史发展轨迹,有助于具体全面理解它的实质、作用和意义。  相似文献   

沙漠、干旱、法老、石油、头巾、面纱……你对阿拉伯世界的印象仅停留于此吗?在哪儿可以找到跳霹雳舞的沙特阿拉伯人、令人着迷的黎巴嫩美女和患嗜眠症的酋长?如果你还没有闲和钱去那里亲自体验的话,先让Ikbis(阿拉伯语的“点击”)带你了解一下你所未知的阿拉伯世界。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的发展,在各类经济案件中利用阿拉伯数字进行犯罪的现象逐渐增多,为经济案件的侦破制造了一定难度。阿拉伯数字作为生活中最常见的书写符号,具有其自身独特的特点,不同的人书写的阿拉伯数字也有不同的特点,通过对阿拉伯数字笔迹的检验,可以为案件侦破提供必要帮助。本文通过分析阿拉伯数字笔迹的特征,对阿拉伯数字的检验难点及检验方法进行阐述,使阿拉伯数字笔迹检验水平得到提升。  相似文献   

古代阿拉伯史学是世界史学的重要组成部分,其发展历程大致经历了五个阶段。公元761年以前是史学萌芽期。它分为两个阶段:前伊斯兰时期的历史意识为阿拉伯史学的萌发奠定了基础;七世纪中叶至伊本·伊斯哈格的《先知传》成书,史学发展的主要特点是由简单的历史记录向完整的史书编纂过渡。此后直到泰伯里去世是史学成长期。史学在数量和质量上都得到了极大的提高,代表作是《历代民族与帝王史》。此后直到阿拔斯王朝灭亡是史学繁荣期。期间,史学获得独立学科的地位,成就辉煌。阿拉伯史学在马木鲁克王朝时期得到延续,史学、史家和史书都发生了重大变化,历史哲学和史学理论专著问世。16世纪中叶至18世纪末,奥斯曼帝国统治下的阿拉伯史学走向全面衰落。  相似文献   

公元七、八世纪,阿拉伯帝国成为地跨亚洲、非洲、欧洲的大帝国。在帝国存在的六个多世纪内,产生了瑰丽的阿拉伯文化。阿拉伯文化是指阿拉伯帝国统治时代,在帝国范围内各族人民共同创造而用阿拉伯文字来表达的文化。阿拉伯文化的成就,主要表现在阿拉伯语言、文学、数学(几何、三角、代数学)、医学(人体解剖与医学)、天文学、化学(尤其是炼丹术)、哲学及伊斯兰神学和宗教建筑艺术诸方面。它们都具有明显的阿拉伯性格和宗教的烙印。阿拉伯文化形成,主要原因有三:首先是伊斯兰教的作用。伊斯兰教是塞姆族人所创造的三大一神教中,最具有个性,最有东方特色的宗教。伊斯兰教用自己的宗教信条、清规戒律。严厉的考验,把游牧的阿拉伯人结成整体,即使远徙他乡,也不  相似文献   

提起国际上通用的阿拉伯数字,人们自然会联想到,它一定是由阿拉伯人首创且被阿拉伯民族一直沿用。然而事实却大相径庭,包括"零"在内的十个数字  相似文献   

除英文外,世界钱币上出现得最多的要算阿拉伯文。从阿拉伯半岛开始,沿着"肥沃半月形"一直到大西洋的广阔地带都使用这种语言。目前的所谓阿拉伯世界,即用阿拉伯文作官方文字的国家和地区有:沙特阿拉伯、也门、阿曼、科威特、巴林、卡塔尔、伊拉克、叙利亚、约旦、黎巴嫩、埃及、苏丹、利比亚、突尼斯、阿尔及利亚、摩洛哥、毛里塔尼亚、巴勒斯坦、阿联酋、索马里、吉布提、西撒哈拉、厄立特里亚等,人口多达一亿二千万。另有东南亚、印度、巴基斯坦,土耳其、伊朗、阿富汗和近年独立的中亚地区信奉伊斯兰教国家,均有使用阿拉伯文或和其…  相似文献   

空姐笑容迷人,帽子下的丝巾一直垂到耳际,既是配饰又是面纱,美丽而神秘的气质—下子将我的思绪带到了古老的阿拉伯王国:浩瀚的沙漠、白色的清真寺,传统的阿拉伯长袍与头巾,还有飞翔的猎鹰……  相似文献   

中世纪阿拉伯史学发端于公元七至八世纪,经历了伊斯兰早期阿拉伯史学的萌芽(公元七至八世纪/伊斯兰纪元一世纪)、阿拔斯王朝初至中期阿拉伯史学的形成与发展(公元八至九世纪/伊斯兰纪元二至三世纪)、阿拔斯王朝末期及麦  相似文献   

阿拉伯文古钱及其在中国的流传宋岘,周素珍阿拉伯文古钱在唐代已传入中国。它的形制对中国民族地区钱币产生过明显的影响,它的重量乃至衡制同中国钱币可能存在渊源关系。阿拉伯钱币产生在西亚、北非的阿拉伯。古代阿拉伯人最初没有自己的货币,他们使用罗马帝国金市、波...  相似文献   

面对全球化的挑战,阿拉伯—伊斯兰文化认同的核心内涵正在经历着一系列重新定义的任务,命题的多重性导致观点的多样化。在西方前所未有的优势和汹涌澎湃的全球化浪潮面前,阿拉伯—伊斯兰世界日益担心自身的文化认同困境以及文化自主特性阿拉伯学者认为全球化确实是一种挑战,这种挑战认知并不是相同的,而是多元主义的。阿拉伯学者从不同角度开出应对良方,包括排斥全球化、应对全球化、捍卫全球化以及敌视全球化,以伸张阿拉伯—伊斯兰文化。阿拉伯学者对全球化的不同视角说明阿拉伯世界的思想、社会与文化的多元化,对全球化的多元认知有其历史与现实的影响元素。而对阿拉伯—伊斯兰文化参与全球化而言,全球化不可能被全部接受也不能全部抛弃,接受其的态度可以称为“积极中立“的方式。  相似文献   

At the end of the 11th century, translations of Greek and above all Arabic texts played an important role in the building of a new medical science in western christendom. Although the men reading these texts were not all physicians, they could find in them a representation of human nature showing both its specificities and its similarities with the inanimate world. This representation, which was circulating before philosophical texts were first translated, emphasized the links between the state of the body and the passions of the soul, without assuming a psychological determinism that would have been unacceptable in the Christian context.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Modern Arabic Drama Egypt. By M. M. Badawi
Sher Shah Sur, "Ustad-i Badshahan" Humayun, alias Sher Shah Suri. By Hussain Khan
Revolt in Palestine in the Eighteenth Century: the Era of Shaykh zahir al-(Umar. By Ahmad Hasan Joudah
Authority in Islam: from the rise of Muhammad to the establishment of the Umayyads. By Hamid Dabashi
The Middle East In Crime Fiction: Mysteries, Spy Novels and Thrillers from 1916 to the 1980's. By Reeva S. Simon
Early Arabic Drama. By M. M. Badawi
Discovering Islam: Making Sense of Muslim History and Society. By Akbar S. Ahmed
Language and change in the Arab Middle East: The Evolution of Modern Arabic Political Discourse. By Ami Ayalon  相似文献   

The role played by the ‘Arabs’, i. e. the peoples of Arabic-Islamic civilization, in the transmission and development of the sciences — from Antiquity and into medieval Europe — is well known. In the present contribution it is discussed in which way the ‘Arabs’ formed their own scientific terminology and in which way they contributed to the formation and development of the Western, European scientific terminology. In the translations of scientific works from Arabic into Latin in the middle ages, mainly four ways of rendering the Arabic terminology are observed: simple transliteration; modified Latinized transliteration; literal translation; and free rendering by newly formed or inherited Latin or Greek terms. In the course of time, transliterated Arabic terms were more and more suppressed — though many of them live on among us until today — and supplied by corresponding Western terminology.  相似文献   

Books Reviewed in this article: Renaissance of Islamic Culture And Civilization in Pakistan. By Dr. Abdur Rauf. Lahore. Shaikh Muhammad Ashraf, 1965. XIX, 320. Bibliography and Index. Rs. 20/- The Development of Arabic Logic. By Nicholas Rescher. Pp. 262. University of Pittsburgh Press 1964. Revolution and Military Rule in the Middle East: The Northern Tier. By George M. Haddad. Robert Speller & Sons, Publishers Inc. N.Y., 250 pages $6.00 Torch for Islam: A Biography of George K. Harris by Malcolm K. Brad-shaw. China Inland Mission Overseas Missionary Fellowship, Lutterworth Press, London, 1965 pp. 157, 8/6. The prospects of Christianity throughout the world. Edited by M. Searle Bates and Wilhelm Pauck. New York 1964. Charles Scribner's Sons Pp. 286. Islam and Modernism. By Maryam Jameelah. Lahore: Mohammad Yusuf Khan, 1966. Poems from the Divan of Khushal Khan Chatted. translated from the Pashto by D. N. Mackenzie, 261 pp. George Allen and Unwin, Ltd., London, 1965. A Muslim Manual of War. Edited and translated by George T. Scanlon, Cairo, American University Press, 1961. Pp. viii, 130 (Introduction and translation); 97 (Arabic text). Muhammad the Last Prophet by Imam Vehbi Ismail, Cedar Rapids, 1962. Religion for to-morrow , by Theron D. Wilson, Philosophical Library, N.Y. 1963 Aspects of Egypt: Some Travels in the United Arab Republic. By Ethel Mannin. Hutchinson of London, 1964; pp. 264, map, 25 photographs. 30 shillings in U.K.  相似文献   

Book Reviews in This Article:
Der Koran. Ed. by Rudi Paret.
Introduction to Classical Arabic Literature. By Ilse Lichtenstadter.
On the Art of Medieval Arabic Literature. By Andras Hamori.
Four Egyptian Literary Critics. By David Semah.
Hispano-Arabic Strophlc Poetry. Studies by Samuel Miklos Stern.
The Hamadsha: A Study in Moroccan Ethnopsychiatry. By Vincent Crapanzano.
Publish it not… The Middle East Cover-up. By Christopher Mayhew and Michael Adams.
From Ottomanism to Arabism: Essays on the Origins of Arab Nationalism. By C. Ernest Dawn.
An Inquiry into the Ethnography of Afghanistan. By Henry W. Bellew.  相似文献   

This study discusses the materials and traditional knowledge used in the manufacture and application of lime mortars and stuccoes by Romans and Arabs in Seville (southern Iberian Peninsula). All of the samples studied contain calcite as a binder, combined with aggregates based on river sand from the filling materials of the Guadalquivir River's depression, located in the vicinity of the Real Alcazar Palace in Seville, Spain, where the artefacts were discovered. The Romans used high‐quality production technology, as evidenced by the careful selection of raw materials as well as by the adequate binder‐to‐aggregate ratio and the elevated homogeneity of the mortars and stuccoes. The suitable distribution of aggregates resulted in higher density values for Roman fragments than for Arabic ones. Results derived from Arabic samples suggest a decline in technology manufacture over time. This work provides useful information, particularly regarding the Roman and Arabic periods in the Iberian Peninsula. The analytical techniques employed in this study were X‐ray diffraction (XRD), X‐ray fluorescence (XRF)—using conventional and portable systems, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), petrographic microscopy, differential thermal analysis/thermogravimetry (DTA/TG), particle‐size analysis and mercury intrusion porosimetry.  相似文献   

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