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Amazonia became an important laboratory of inquiry and evangelization for Franciscans and Jesuits in the early modern Spanish Empire. The missionary endeavours depended upon knowledge friars acquired and produced about the rivers, landscapes, and societies of their new home in the tropical lowlands of South America. Friars were particularly interested in finding and naming the axis of this new territory. ‘Amazonas,’ however, became an untameable fluvial entity that defied unitary conceptualization. Whereas the sixteenth-century concept of the river revolved around the dimensions of its estuary, seventeenth-century missionaries focused on length, volume, and headwaters to define Amazonia. The attempts to define the river produced a dispute between the two religious orders and indeed within each group, as Franciscans and Jesuits sought to make their ‘Amazonas’ normative. The present study explores this debate and asserts that hydrography became a language of authority and contention among early modern missionaries of Amazonia.  相似文献   

本文运用经济社会学界提出的"有限理性人"理论,从文化、风俗、政策等方面,分析了清代陕南流民在空间选择、垦殖活动以及环境变迁条件下,流民行为的基本取向。结果表明,人类空间选择行为遵循风俗相近原则,而不是地理环境最优原则。追求单位时间上效果最大化是流民行为选择的普遍趋势。在此基础上,考察了清代陕南山地与平原、河流上游与下游流民不同行为之间的关联与互动,对备受非议的流民刀耕火种与清代陕南环境变化之间的关系给予重新认识。  相似文献   

The development of the first inter-settlement hierarchical framework in the South of the Iberian Peninsula in the Third millennium BC lead to a territorial division of labour, in which intensification of mining activities caused the first significant environmental impact on local and regional scales. To evaluate this impact we have selected the prime mining district in south-western Europe, the Iberian Pyrite Belt, and a method based on the correlation of pollen, charcoal and chemical analysis. The latter analyses were carried out on marine mollusc shells from spatially and chronologically contextualised archaeological records from a sequence ranging from the Sixth to the Second millennium BC.The results reveal that the copper metallurgy which developed in the south-western Iberian Peninsula in the Third millennium BC augmented deforestation, increased the rate of erosion processes and contaminated, at a regional scale, the waters of the Gulf of Cádiz – corresponding to the mouth of the Tinto and Odiel rivers – with heavy metals.  相似文献   

三江源区生态移民的价值测算与补偿机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三江源区在我国乃至世界占有极其重要的生态地位。随着三江源区生态保护与建设项目的顺利实施,作为该项目十大工程之一的生态移民建设已经取得了阶段性的成绩,但在推进生态移民工作中存在的问题也日渐显现。要着力解决这些问题,关键在于理清并建立该区域生态环境的价值测算与补偿机制。  相似文献   

朱宏才 《攀登》2006,25(2):66-69
该文在深入调查的基础上,对地处“三江源”自然保护区的河南蒙古族自治县的生态保护工作情况进行了深入分析,指出生态移民、休牧育草要从实际出发,因地制宜。文章结合调查所得,阐述了在实施三江源保护工程中河南县应该遵循的指导原则和具体措施。  相似文献   

罗布地区人类活动与环境变迁   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文在引用史料、考古和科学考察的基础上 ,对罗布地区的人类活动和环境变迁进行分析研究 ,认为历史时期罗布地区的人类活动与环境变迁可划分为四个阶段 :魏晋以前 ,生产水平有限 ,绿洲农业灌溉主要依赖自然河道 ,对环境的影响不大 ,河湖水量充沛 ;魏晋以后至元代 ,属游牧民族活动区域 ,生产方式简单 ,对环境影响小 ,河湖水量因自然因素的影响而呈不断减少的态势 ;清初至道光年以前 ,当地罗布人以原始的渔猎生活为主 ,河湖水量充沛 ;清道光年以后 ,大规模、不合理的农业灌溉活动 ,导致河湖水量减少  相似文献   

由于《水经》、《汉书.地理志》、《水经注》对周水、存水、刚水记载简略,加之这一地区多岩溶地形,河流常常变成地下河,导致历代志书在今柳江、红水河流域指代三河不一。实际上三河各有所指,周水即今广西龙江一段;存水即今龙江,而非源于犍为郡县境;刚水或与周水为同一水,或为红水河下游,而非今柳江上源都柳江。  相似文献   

This paper highlights the ways in which components of waterscapes—rivers, lakes, pools, wetlands and waterfronts—formed elements of the urban fabric in the Roman period. Urban archaeology has focused mainly on features relating to land, while nautical archaeology, studying rivers, ports and harbours, trade and seafaring, reminds us of the importance of watery contexts. By examining waterscapes in the urban setting we can start to break down some of the traditional dichotomies in archaeology between land and water. Water could form an integral part of the lived environment and acquire cultural meanings that can be studied archaeologically. © 2012 The Author  相似文献   

水质与民生密切相关,中国南北地理环境不同决定了水质的差异。一般而言,古代南方的日常生活用水以江河湖泉为多,外在"所染"为其水质问题的主要方面;北方民生用水以井水为多,井水自身"所含"的水质问题则较突出,由此而引发的地方病也和南方地区有较大差异。井水咸苦长期困扰北方居民的日常生活,它曾对历史时期北方国都营建产生重要影响,对各级治所的经营也有所制约。水质是生态环境问题也是社会问题,不同时代、地域、阶层对北方水质有不同感知,历经实践浸染与文字流布,这一日常生活的身体实践逐渐演变成为一种知识、观念乃至于文化。  相似文献   

以往学界对开埠初期上海租界水环境治理,一般采取填浜筑路的视角,而本文通过对档案资料的考察发现,租界当局对租界内的河浜采取了灵活的治理办法,对于挡路和阻碍市政的死水河浜进行填埋,而对于一般的潮汐河浜和航运河浜采取了清淤、疏通的保护措施,挖掘开通了新河浜,从而使河浜水系的功能得以延续。为了排水需要,租界当局辟建了下水道系统,其治理办法却借鉴于治河方法。  相似文献   

从南北朝交接的三个关键地区墓葬文化因素的构成,及相关的历史、地理背景和文化传统中可清晰看出,陕南、豫南鄂北、山东地区是南朝文化向北传播的三个重要通道。  相似文献   

孙州霞 《攀登》2007,26(6):167-170
三江源地区的可持续发展,说到底是人的可持续发展,有了高素质的人,才会产生科学的、有远见卓识的人类活动。而教育的功能在于塑造人。因此,正确认识教育在三江源地区可持续发展中的重要功能与作用,其意义非同小可。  相似文献   

Summary. Starting from some speculations on Celtic hydronymy, this article investigates the importance of rivers as arteries of movement and traffic in prehistoric times — by contrast with the popular mis-impression of routes along 'ridgeways'. It suggests that an axis from the central South Coast to the Severn estuary was important in giving access to western Britain by avoiding the difficult sea passage around Land's End. This, together with its cross-Channel access to the Continent via Normandy, explains the potential importance of Wessex. It is thus comparable in its position to the lower Thames valley, with which it tended to alternate as a focus of economic and cultural development until the greater capacity of the Thames gateway gave the latter river a decisive advantage.  相似文献   

秦代山川祭祀格局研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山川祭祀在中国古代国家祭祀体系中地位显要,秦代首创了统一王朝山川祭祀的大格局,将名山大川整合为一个体系,其中又有"崤以东"与"华以西"的区分。西汉中前期对秦的格局既有延续也有调整。本文逐一梳理了秦至西汉初年"名山大川"的地望,考证其祠庙具体位置及设立时间。同时,本文考察了秦至西汉中期的国家山川祭祀格局,并分析了这一格局形成的原因及其意义。秦汉的山川祭祀不仅是国家祭祀中的重要组成部分,也是政治地理格局的一种反映,承担着宣告王朝正统性及皇帝控制力的意义。  相似文献   

大上海旅游圈旅游资源配置研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
通过对大上海旅游圈中旅游资源结构、旅游客源结构、旅游行为结构的分析,提出了以上海为中心、以公路交通网络为框架和追求旅游效益最大化的旅游资源配置原则。对大上海旅游圈在3个圈层上进行了旅游资源的配置,形成以上海为中心0- 50公里范围内的都市风情旅游圈、50- 150公里范围内的江南水乡风情与城市园林景观旅游圈、150- 300公里范围内的山水风光和历史文化旅游圈,并认为构建大上海旅游圈、对旅游资源进行科学配置,是促进长江三角洲地区区域旅游一体化发展的重要举措。  相似文献   

P. UPTON  D. CRAW 《Geofluids》2009,9(4):287-302
We used three-dimensional mechanical modelling to explore the interplay of rheology, modes of permeability creation and fluid flow in the mid-crust of an oblique orogen. We used the central Southern Alps and the Otago Schist of New Zealand to constrain our models. We also compared our models with the magnetotelluric survey along the Rangitata–Whataroa rivers that imaged a U-shaped zone of high conductivity, interpreted as interconnected fluids, beneath the central Southern Alps. Modelling was carried out using the numerical code FLAC3D. We used a number of simple assumptions: an initially homogeneous starting material, deformation boundary conditions based on the tectonics of the South Island, the capability of the modelled material to develop an anisotropic permeability structure, strain rate and reaction-induced permeability increases, initial saturation and lithostatic pore pressures as a basis for our models. The initial isotropic permeability was 10−18 m2. We modelled two possible mechanisms of permeability increase: (i) strain-rate dependent and (ii) reaction dependent. For a strong mid-crust, the models showed enhanced permeability and hence fluid interconnectivity in a symmetric region beneath the model main divide, both ends were turned up towards the brittle–ductile transition and fluid flow was the greatest in the across strike direction. For a weak mid-crust, the region of enhanced permeability was asymmetric and turned up towards the brittle–ductile regime close to the Alpine Fault. The strong mid-crust model reproduces the features that are common to all interpretations of the MT soundings and is our preferred model for the central Southern Alps.  相似文献   

田天 《中华文史论丛》2011,(1):105-134,399,400
西漢末年郊祀制初創,遍佈全國的祠畤祭祀被罷廢,國家祭祀格局在空間上劇烈收縮,作爲國家祭祀重要組成部分的山川祭祀也隨之發生變革。本文關注郊祀制成立後的東漢國家山川祭祀,將之分爲"嶽瀆之祭"與"郡國山川祭祀"兩類,以石刻史料爲中心,探討東漢山川祭祀的儀制、性質與分層。在東漢,國家不再控制名山大川的祭祀,基本交由地方管理。五嶽四瀆外的絶大部分山川祭祀都進入了地方祭祀行列。同時,國家也不再以祭祀手段控制地方。因此,在整個山川祭祀體系中,國家祭祀退向邊緣,地方色彩漸趨濃厚。山川祭祀隨整個國家祭祀格局的變遷,擺脱了先秦遺風,進入了全新的時代。  相似文献   

There is growing support amongst scientists worldwide about the need for a shift in river management approaches to include hydrogeomorphic processes. However, the degree to which these concepts are transferred to governmental agencies and practitioners varies widely. In Quebec, for example, many stream restoration projects are based on the (incorrect) assumption that river mobility and its inevitable consequences (bank erosion of meanders, presence of woody debris in the channel) are problematic for salmonids. This paper presents examples drawn from current guidelines on stream restoration for fish habitat in Quebec to demonstrate the need to improve the knowledge exchange among scientists and decision makers about the positive impact of river mobility and large wood dynamics on biodiversity. Our observations reveal that existing guidelines for stream restoration in Quebec need to be revised to better integrate hydrogeomorphic concepts and to no longer assume that maintaining rivers in a static state is beneficial for fish. Adopting the “freedom space for rivers” approach would likely result in improved habitat as it combines natural processes related to mobility, flooding, and riparian wetland connectivity to determine the minimal space around rivers where development should not be allowed, thus allowing river processes to be restored.  相似文献   

古代地理学作为一种观念体系,同时也可以看作是一种特殊的人文景观,因此对它的考察在相当的程度上可以采用历史地理学的方法。基于这样的认识,本文尝试着在两宋公私书目的基础上,复原这一时期的地理学"景观"。我们发现,宋人对地理学的观念性规定沿着疆域地理的路径前进。而与此相伴随的是,《山海经》所代表的古代地理学传统开始逐渐被有意识地淡化。最为引人注目的是,南宋初年,郑樵对地理学所做的分类,构成了一幅两宋之际,具有浓郁学科意识(专门之学)的地理学景观。此外,需要指出的是,"地理书"在两宋时期,作为一个学术概念并没有被独占,而是被相宅兆类著述以不同的形式所"分享"。  相似文献   

以北京延庆县大庄科乡冶铁遗址群为例,对空间结构及其与资源、环境间的关系通过GIS工具进行分析。根据对冶炼活动有显著关系的影响因子,建立遗址分布之间的定量关系,进而模拟小区域范围内的遗址预测。研究发现,该区冶铁遗址群对地理位置中的坡度和高程因素展现出较强的依赖性,主要表现为遗址的坡度(7°以下)和高程(650m以下)数值均相对较小;遗址与水系间联系明显,冶铁遗址主要集中在河流交汇处,方便冶炼过程及相关活动水源的供应;而随着冶炉容积(即冶铁产量)的增加,小范围内的冶铁遗址选择,并未以铁矿资源距离就近为最佳选取原则,表明了人类生产活动中对资源的依赖程度有所减低。  相似文献   

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