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Emilio Sereni (1997) History of the Italian Agricultural Landscape, translated and Introduction by R. Burr Litchfield. Giovanni Agnelli Foundation in Italian History (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press), pp. i‐xliv, 1–369, ISBN 0–691012164 hardback; ISBN 0–691012156 paperback.

Peter Brand and Lino Pertile (eds) (1996) The Cambridge History of Italian Literature (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 1–701.

Bruno Bongiovanni and Nicola Tranfaglia (eds) (1996) Dizionario storico dell'Italia unita (Rome‐Bari: Laterza), pp. 1–1031, 95,000 lire, ISBN 88–420–5081–4.

Giuseppe Maranini (1995) Storia del potere in Italia 1848–1967, prefazione di Angelo Panebianco, 2nd edn (Milan: Corbaccio), pp. 1–530; Mariuccia Salvati (1997) Riflessioni sul Leadership nella storia dell'Italia contemporoneo (Rome‐Bari: Laterza), pp. 1–156.

Domenico Del Rio (1996) I Gesuiti e l'Italia. Storia di passioni, di trionfi e di amarezze (Milan: Corbaccio), pp. 1–522, ISBN 88–7972–111–9 hardback.

Anna Foa (1998) Giordano Bruno (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1–107, 16,000 lire, ISBN 88–15–06604–7.

Roland Sarti (1997) Mazzini. A Life for the Religion of Politics (Westport, Conn.: Praeger), pp. 1–249, ISBN 0–275–95080–8 hardback.

Jonathan Dunnage (1997) The Italian Police and the Rise of Fascism: a Case Study of the Province of Bologna, 1897–1925 (Westport, Conn.: Praeger), pp. i‐xvi, 1–198, $57.95, ISBN 0–275–95286–1 hardback.

Jane Slaughter (1997) Women and the Italian Resistance, 1943–1945 (Denver, Colo: Arden Press) pp. i‐xx, 1–171, $32.00, ISBN 0–912869–13–5 hardback.

Gabriele Turi (ed.) (1997) Storia dell'editoria nell'ltalia contemporanea (Florence: Giunti Gruppo Editoriale), pp. 1–503, 48,000 lire, ISBN 88–09–21236–3.

Carlo Guarnieri and Patrizia Pederzoli (1997) La democrazia giudiziaria (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1–186, 18,000 lire, ISBN 88–15–05706–4 paperback.

Alessandro Brogi (1996) L'ltalia e l'egemonia americana nel Mediterraneo (Scandicci (Florence): La Nuova Italia. Editrice), pp. 1–425 pages (including appendix of documents, bibliography, and index of names), 40,000 lire, ISBN 88–221–1752–2.  相似文献   

Sam Rohdie (1995) The Passion of Pier Paolo Pasolini (Bloomington and Indianapolis: British Film Institute and Indiana University Press), pp. i‐x, 1‐230, $15.95, ISBN 0‐85170‐518‐9 paperback; Patrick Rumble ( 1996) Allegories of Contamination: Pier Paolo Pasolini's ‘Trilogy of Life’ (Toronto, Buffalo and London: University of Toronto Press), pp. i‐ix, l‐207,$50,hardback, $ 17.95, paperback; Maurizio Viano (1993) A Certain Realism. Making Use of Pasolini's Film Theory and Practice (Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press), pp. i‐xix, 1‐368, $40, hardback, $ 19.95, paperback.

Daniela Luigia Caglioti (1996) Associazionismo e sociabilità d'élite a Napoli nel XIX secolo (Naples: Liguori Editore), pp. 1‐169, 24,000 lire, ISBN 88‐207‐2637‐8 paperback.

Simone Neri Serneri (1995) Classe, partito, nazione. Alle origini della democrazia italiana, 1919‐1948 (Manduria: Piero Lacaita Editore), pp. 1‐298,25,000 lire, paperback.

Roberto Romani (1994) L'economia politica del Risorgimento italiano (Turin: Bollati Boringhieri), pp. 1‐248, ISBN 88‐339‐0856‐9 paperback.

Alberto M. Banti (1996) Storia della borghesia italiano: l'età liberait (Rome: Donzelli), pp. i‐xvii, 1‐395, 50,000 lire, ISBN 88‐7989‐170‐7 hardback.

Alexander J. De Grand ( 1995) Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. The ‘Fascist’ Style of Rule (London and New York; Routledge), pp. 1‐102, $ 10.95, ISBN 0‐415‐10598‐6 paperback; Richard Bessel (ed.) (1996) Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. Comparisons and Contrasts (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press), pp. 1‐242, $54.95, ISBN 0‐521‐47129‐X hardback, $ 18.95, ISBN 0‐521‐47711‐5 paperback.

Enzo Collotti and Lutz Klinkhammer (1996) Il fascismo e l'Italia in guerra: Una conversazione fra storia e storiografia (Rome: Edizioni Ediesse), pp. 1‐202,20,000 lire, ISBN 88‐230‐0217‐6.

Michele Sarfatti ( 1994) Mussolini contro gli ebrei: Cronaca dell'elaborazione delle leggi del 1938 (Turin: Silvio Zamorani editore), pp. 1‐199,30,000 lire, ISBN 88‐7158‐033‐8 paperback.

Carl Ipsen (1996) Dictating Demography, the Problem of Population in Fascist Italy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. i‐xvii, 1‐281, $54.95 ISBN 0‐521‐554527 hardback.

Stephen Gundle ( 1995) I comunisti italiani tra Hollywood e Mosco. La sfida della cultura di massa (1943‐1991) (Florence: Giunti), pp. i‐xii, 1‐572, ISBN 88‐09‐20642‐8 paperback.

Carl Levy (ed.) (1996) Italian Regionalism: History, Identity and Politics (Oxford and Dulles, Va.: Berg), pp. i‐xvi, 1‐197, $39, ISBN 1‐85973‐131‐7 hardback, $ 16.50, ISBN 1‐85973‐156‐2 paperback.

David I. Kertzer (1996) Politics and Symbols. The Italian Communist Party and the Fall of Communism (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press), pp. 1‐224, $25, ISBN 0‐300‐06612‐0 hardback.

Pier Paolo Giglioli, Sandra Cavicchioli and Giolo Fele ( 1997) Rituali di degradazione: Anatomia del processo Cusani (Bologna: II Mulino), pp. 1‐243,28,000 lire, ISBN 88‐15‐05713‐7.

Mario Baldassarri and Franco Modigliani (eds) (1995) The Italian Economy. What Next? (New York: St Martin's Press), pp. 1‐200, $69.95, ISBN 0‐312‐12475‐9 hardback.

Piergiorgio Corbetta and Arturo M. L. Parisi (eds) (1997) Cavalieri e fanti: Proposte e proponenti nelle elezioni del 1994 e del 1996 (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1‐421; Piergiorgio Corbetta and Arturo M. L Parisi (eds) (1997) A domanda risponde: Il cambiamento nel voto degli italiani nelle elezioni del 1994 e del 1996 (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1‐410.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Filippo Mazzonis (ed.) (1995) L'ltalia contemporanea e la storiografia internazionale (Venice: Marsilio), pp. 1‐315, 54,000 lire, ISBN 88‐317‐6207‐9.

Giuseppe Ricuperati (1994) Le avventure di uno stato ‘ben amministrato’. Rappre‐sentazioni e realtà nello spazio sabaudo tra Ancien Régime e Rivoluzione (Turin: Tirrenia Stampatori), pp. 1‐249.

Angela Groppi (ed.) (1996) Il lavoro delle donne (Rome‐Bari: Laterza), pp. i‐xvi, 1‐530,50,000 lire, ISBN 88‐420‐4868‐2 hardback.

Anna Bravo and Anna Maria Bruzzone (1995) In guerra senza ami: Stone di donne, 1940‐1945 (Rome/Bari: Laterza), pp. 1‐214, 25,000 lire, ISBN 88‐420‐4590‐X paperback.

Stefano Cavazza (1977) Piccole patrie: Feste popohri tra regione e nazione durante il fascismo (Bologna: II Mulino), pp. 1‐263,32,000 lire, ISBN 88‐15‐05762‐5 paperback.

Barbara Spackman (1996) Fascist Virilities: Rhetoric, Ideology, and Social Fantasy in Italy (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press), pp. 1 ‐187, US$ 18, ISBN 0‐8166‐2787‐8 paperback.

Jane C. Schneider and Peter T. Schneider (1996) Festival of the Poor. Fertility Decline and the Ideology of Class in Sicily, 1860‐1980 (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press), pp. 1‐322, ISBN 0‐8165‐1544‐1 hardback, ISBN 0‐8165‐1519‐0 paperback.

Franco Ferraresi (1996) Threats to Democracy, the Radical Right in Italy after the War (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press), pp. 1‐311, $35, ISBN 0‐691‐04499‐6 hardback.

Gianfranco Pasquino (1996) 1945‐1996: Profilo delta politica in Italia (Bari: Laterza), pp. 1‐117, plus CD‐ROM 1945‐1996: Archivio della politica in Italia, Gianfranco Pasquino with the collaboration of Marzia Zannini, ISBN 88‐420‐5139‐X.

Michela De Giorgio and Christiane Klapisch‐Zuber (eds) (1996) Storia del matrimonio (Bari and Rome: Laterza), pp. 1‐481, 50,000 lire, ISBN 88‐420‐5016‐4.  相似文献   


Italy's capitalism has traditionally differed from that of its major trading partners: state‐owned enterprises have played a larger role, securities markets have been relatively less developed, while corporate power in the private sector has been concentrated to an unusual extent in the hands of a few family‐controlled business groups. Since the 1970s, Italian big business has seemed unable to steer a new course in an increasingly global economy. When belatedly and under tight budget constraints Italy finally started privatizations in 1992, many hoped that this would bring about a long‐delayed modernization of financial markets, an increase in competitive market pressues, and some ‘democratization’ of corporate power. This article reviews a book edited by Fabrizio Barca which puts these recent experiences into a much‐needed longer historical perspective, and other books offering non‐scholarly views on the present state of Italian capitalism.

Fabrizio Barca (ed.) (1997) Storia del capitalismo italiano (Rome: Donzelli), pp. 1‐634, 60,000 lire, ISBN 88‐7989‐252‐5 hardback.

Filippo Cavazzuti (1996) Privatizzazioni, imprenditori e mercati (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1‐83, 10,000 lire, ISBN 88‐15‐05562‐2 paperback.

Alfredo Macchiati (1996) Privatizzazioni tra economia e politica (Rome: Donzelli), pp. 1‐160, 18,000 lire, ISBN 88‐7989‐254‐1 paperback.

Giuseppe Turani (1996) Isogni del grande nord (Bologna: II Mulino), pp. 1‐138, 15,000 lire, ISBN 88‐15‐05721‐8 paperback.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Emilio Franzina (1995) Gli italiani al nuovo mondo; L'emigrazione italiana in America 1492‐1942 (Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore), pp. 1‐644. 65,000 lire, ISBN 88‐04‐35977‐3.

Marta Petrusewicz (1996) Latifundium. Moral Economy and Material Life in a European Periphery, translated by Judith C. Green (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press), pp. i‐xx, 1‐289, ISBN 047‐2103423 hardback.

H. James Burgwyn (1997) Italian Foreign Policy in the Interwar Period, 1918‐1940 (Westport, Conn.: Praeger), pp. i‐xx, 1‐246, ISBN 0‐275‐94877‐3 hardback.

Lutz Klinkhammer (1997) Stragi naziste in Italia. La guerra contro i civili (1943‐44), translated by Suzanne Meyer (Rome: Donzelli), pp. i‐xii, 1‐165, 18,000 lire; Paolo Pezzino (1997) Anatomia di un massacro. Controversia sopra una strage tedesca (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1‐243, 26,000 lire, paperback.

Mabel Berezin (1997) Making the Fascist Self: the Political Culture of Interwar Italy (Ithaca, NY, and London: Cornell University Press), pp. 1‐267, ISBN 0‐8014‐8420‐9 paperback; Simonetta Falasca‐Zamponi (1997) Fascist Spectacle: the Aesthetics of Power in Mussolini's Italy (Berkeley and London: University of California Press), pp. 1‐314, $40.00, ISBN 0‐520‐20623‐1 hardback.

David Ward (1996) Antifascisms: Cultural Politics in Italy, 1943‐46. Benedetto Croce and the Liberals, Carlo Levi and the ‘Actionists’ (Madison, NJ: Farteigh‐Dickinson University Press), pp. 1‐244, ISBN 0‐8363‐3676‐4.

David Forgacs and Robert Lumley (eds) (1996) Italian Cultural Studies: an Introduction (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 1‐368, $19.95, ISBN 0‐19‐871509‐9 paperback.

Maurizio Degl'lnnocenti (1995) La società unificata, Associazone, sindacato, partito sotto il fasdsmo (Manduria: Piero Lacaita Editore), pp. 1‐216, 25,000 lire, paperback.

Nello Ajello (1997) Illungo addio, intellettuali e PCI dal 1958 al 1991 (Rome‐Bari: Laterza), pp. 1‐425, 35,000 lire, ISBN 88‐420‐5323‐6.

Tom Behan (1997) The Camorra (London and New York: Routledge), pp. i‐vii, 1 ‐225, ISBN 0‐415‐09987‐0 hardback.

Sandro Setta (1995) La Destra ndl'Italia del dopoguerra (Bari: Laterza), pp. i‐xi, 1‐242, 35,000 lire, ISBN 88‐420‐4591‐8.

Manuela Gieri (1995) Contemporary Italian Filmmaking: Strategies of Subversion ‐Pirandello, Fellini, Scola and the Directors of the New Generation (Toronto: University of Toronto Press), pp. 1‐301, ISBN 0‐8020‐0556‐X hardback; ISBN 0‐8020‐6979‐7 paperback.  相似文献   

Gino Bedani, Politics and Ideology in the Italian Workers’ Movement: Union Development and the Changing Role of the Catholic and Communist Subcultures in Postwar Italy, Berg, Oxford, 1995, xiv + 365 pp., ISBN 0–85496–827‐X, £44.95.

Anna Bull and Paul Corner, From Peasant to Entrepreneur. The Survival of the Family Economy in Italy, Berg, Oxford, 1993, ix + 174 pp., ISBN 0–85496–309‐X, £29.95.

Daniela Luigia Caglioti, Il guadagno difficile. Commercianti napoletani nella seconda metà dell'Ottocento, Ricerca, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1994, 272 pp., ISBN 88–15–04755–7, 36,000 Lire.

Salvatore Casillo and Vincenzo Moretti, False imprese e falsi imprenditori. Dall'industria fantasma allo sviluppo delle aree terremotate nel Mezzogiorno, Koinè, Rome, 1993, 258 pp., 28,000 Lire.

Christopher Duggan, A Concise History of Italy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994, xiv + 320 pp., ISBN 0–521–40285–9, £25 hbk, ISBN 0–521–40848–2, £8.95 pbk.

Diego Gambetta, The Sicilian Mafia. The Business of Private Protection, Harvard University Press, Cambridge Mass., 1993, 335 pp., ISBN 0–674–80741–3, £24.95 hbk.

Stefano Zamagni (ed.), Mercati illegaliemafie. L'economia delcrimine organizzato, II Mulino, Bologna, 1993, 410 pp., ISBN 88–15–04159–1, 50,000 Lire.

Marco Giusti and Alberto Piccinini, Ambra, Nuova ERI, Turin, 1994, 121 pp., ISBN 88–397–0902–9, 18,000 Lire.

Antonio Gramsci, Pre‐Prison Writings, edited by Richard Bellamy, translated by Virginia Cox, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994, 350 pp., ISBN 0–521–41143–2 hbk, £40.00, 0–521–42307–4 pbk, £10.95.

Richard M. Locke, Remaking the Italian Economy, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1995, xiii + 232 pp., ISBN 0–8014–2221–3, £23.50.

Luisa Passerini, Mussolini immaginario, Laterza, Bari, 1991, 290 pp., ISBN 88–420–3738–9, 45,000 Lire.

Gian Franco Pompei, Un Ambasciatore in Vaticano. Diario, 1969–1977, a cura di Pietro Scoppola, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1994, 604 pp., ISBN 88–15–04317–9, 60,000 Lire.

Lucy Riall, The Italian Risorgimento. State, Society and National Unification, Routledge, London, 1994, 101 pp., ISBN 0–415–05775–2.

Salvatore Vassallo, Il governo di partito in Italia (1943–93), Il Mulino, Bologna, 1994, 324 pp., ISBN 88–15–04589–9, 42,000 Lire.  相似文献   

Gino Bedani, Politics and Ideology in the Italian Workers’ Movement: Union Development and the Changing Role of the Catholic and Communist Subcultures in Postwar Italy, Berg, Oxford, 1995, xiv + 365 pp., ISBN 0–85496–827‐X, £44.95.

Anna Bull and Paul Corner, From Peasant to Entrepreneur. The Survival of the Family Economy in Italy, Berg, Oxford, 1993, ix + 174 pp., ISBN 0–85496–309‐X, £29.95.

Daniela Luigia Caglioti, Il guadagno difficile. Commercianti napoletani nella seconda metà dell'Ottocento, Ricerca, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1994, 272 pp., ISBN 88–15–04755–7, 36,000 Lire.

Salvatore Casillo and Vincenzo Moretti, False imprese e falsi imprenditori. Dall'industria fantasma allo sviluppo delle aree terremotate nel Mezzogiorno, Koinè, Rome, 1993, 258 pp., 28,000 Lire.

Christopher Duggan, A Concise History of Italy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994, xiv + 320 pp., ISBN 0–521–40285–9, £25 hbk, ISBN 0–521–40848–2, £8.95 pbk.

Diego Gambetta, The Sicilian Mafia. The Business of Private Protection, Harvard University Press, Cambridge Mass., 1993, 335 pp., ISBN 0–674–80741–3, £24.95 hbk.

Stefano Zamagni (ed.), Mercati illegaliemafie. L'economia delcrimine organizzato, II Mulino, Bologna, 1993, 410 pp., ISBN 88–15–04159–1, 50,000 Lire.

Marco Giusti and Alberto Piccinini, Ambra, Nuova ERI, Turin, 1994, 121 pp., ISBN 88–397–0902–9, 18,000 Lire.

Antonio Gramsci, Pre‐Prison Writings, edited by Richard Bellamy, translated by Virginia Cox, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994, 350 pp., ISBN 0–521–41143–2 hbk, £40.00, 0–521–42307–4 pbk, £10.95.

Richard M. Locke, Remaking the Italian Economy, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1995, xiii + 232 pp., ISBN 0–8014–2221–3, £23.50.

Luisa Passerini, Mussolini immaginario, Laterza, Bari, 1991, 290 pp., ISBN 88–420–3738–9, 45,000 Lire.

Gian Franco Pompei, Un Ambasciatore in Vaticano. Diario, 1969–1977, a cura di Pietro Scoppola, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1994, 604 pp., ISBN 88–15–04317–9, 60,000 Lire.

Lucy Riall, The Italian Risorgimento. State, Society and National Unification, Routledge, London, 1994, 101 pp., ISBN 0–415–05775–2.

Salvatore Vassallo, Il governo di partito in Italia (1943–93), Il Mulino, Bologna, 1994, 324 pp., ISBN 88–15–04589–9, 42,000 Lire.  相似文献   

Pier Paolo Giglioli, Sandra Cavicchioli and Giolo Fele, Rituali di degradazione. Anatomia del processo Cusani, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1997, 243 pp., ISBN 88–15–05713–7 pbk, 28,000 Lire.  相似文献   

Art and Power. Europe under the dictators, 1930–45 Hayward Gallery, London, 26 October, 1995–21 January 1996; Centro de Cultura Contemporània, Barcelona, 26 February‐6 May 1996; Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin, 7 June‐20 August 1996.

Richard Bessel (ed.), Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, 256 pp., ISBN 0–521–47129x hbk, £35.00,0–521–477115 pbk, £ 12.95.

Alexander J. de Grand, Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, The ‘Fascist Style of Rule’, Routledge, London, 1995, 128 pp., ISBN 0–451–105986 pbk, £ 7.99.

R.J.B. Bosworth, Italy and the Wider World 1860–1960, Routledge, London, 1996, 252pp., ISBN 0–415–134773–3, hbk, £40.

Philip V. Cannistraro and Brian R. Sullivan, Il Duce's Other Woman, William Morrow and Co. Inc., New York, 1993, 685 pp., ISBN 0–688–06299–7, pbk, $25.00.

Lino Del Fra, Sciara Sciat. Genocidio nell'oasi. L'esercito italiano a Tripoli, Datanews, Rome, 1995,103 pp., ISBN 88–7981–051–0,15,000 Lire.

Angelo Del Boca, I gas di Mussolini, Il fascismo e la guerra d'Etiopia, Editori Riuniti, Roma, 1996,190 pp., ISBN 88–359–4091–5,15,000 Lire.

Giovanni De Luna, Donne in oggetto. L'antifascismo nella società italiana, 1922–1939, Bollati Boringhieri, Turin, 1995, 435 pp., ISBN 88–339–0932–8, hbk, 50,000 Lire.

Roberto Franzosi, The Puzzle of Strikes. Class and State Strategies in Postwar Italy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995, pp.502, ISBN 0–521–45287–2 hbk, £.40.00.

Adriano and Luca Sofri (eds), Si allontanarono alla spicciolata. Le carte riservate di polizia su Lotta Continua, Sellerio Editorio, Palermo, 1996, pp.183, ISBN 88–389–1228–9, hbk, 15,000 Lire.

Stephen Gundle and Simon Parker (eds), The New Italian Republic. From the Fall of the Berlin Wall to Berlusconi, Routledge, London, 1996, 352 pp., ISBN 0415 12161 2 hbk, £45.00, ISBN 0 415 12162 0 pbk, £14.99.

Marco Innocenti, L'Italia del dopoguerra 1946–1960. Come eravamo negli anni dal boogie‐woogie alia dolce vita, Mursia, Milan, 1995, pp.238, ISBN 88–425–1911–1 pbk, 28,000 Lire.

Richard S. Katz and Piero Ignazi (eds), Italian Politics. The Year of the Tycoon, Istituto Cattaneo/Westview Press, Oxford and Boulder, Co., 1996, 261 pp., ISBN 0–8133–8972–0 hbk, £37.00,0–8133–2976–0 pbk, £13.50.

Gian Enrico Rusconi, Resistenza e postfascismo, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1995, 207 pp., ISBN 88–15–04850–2, pbk, 18,000 Lire.

Giulio Sapelli, Southern Europe since 1945: Tradition and Modernity in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece and Turkey, translated by Ann Fuller, Longman, London, 1995, 251 pp., ISBN 0–582–07064–3 hbk, £35.00, 0–582–07065–1 pbk, £14.99.

Frank M. Snowden, Naples in the Time of Cholera, 1884–1911, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995, 478 pp., ISBN 0–521–48310–7 hbk, £40.00.

Lucio Sponza and Diego Zancani (compilers), World Bibliographical Series: Volume 30: Italy, Clio Press, Oxford and Santa Barbara, Ca., 1995, xxi + 417 pp., ISBN 0–903450–44–5 hbk, £67.50.

Storia dell'Italia repubblicana. Volume seconda, La. trasformazione dell'Italia: sviluppo e squilibri. I. Politica, economia, società, Einaudi, Turin, 1995, pp.897, ISBN 88–06–1365–6 hbk, 130,000 Lire.

Carlo Tullio‐Altan; Ethnos e civiltà. Identiche etniche e valori democratici, Feltrinelli, Milan, 1995, 181 pp., ISBN 88–07–10193–9 pbk, 30,000 Lire.

Perry R. Willson, The Clockwork Factory: Women and Work in Fascist Italy, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1993, 291 pp., ISBN 0–19–822732–9 hbk, £35.00.  相似文献   

Pino Arlacchi (1983) La mafia imprenditrice (Bologna: II Mulino); translated by Martin Ryle as Mafia Business: The Mafia Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (London: Verso, 1986), $13.95, ISBN 0‐86091‐892‐0.

Raimondo Catanzaro (1988) II delitto come impresa: storia sociale della mafia (Padua: Liviana Editrice); translated by Raymond Rosenthal as Men of Respecc: A Social History of the Sicilian Mafia (New York: Free Press, 1992), $22.95, hardback, ISBN 0‐02‐905325‐0.

Diego Gambetta (1992) La mafia siciliana: Una industria della protezione privata (Turin: Einaudi revised paperback edn, 1994); translated as The Sicilian Mafia: The Business of Private Protection (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1993), $39.95 hardback, ISBN 0‐674‐80741‐3.

Salvatore Lupo (1993) Storia della mafia dalle origini ai giorni nostri (Rome: Donzelli Editore).

Alexander Stille (1995) Excellent Cadavers: The Mafia and the Death of the First Italian Republic (New York: Pantheon), ISBN 0679425799.

Stephen Handelman (1995) Comrade Criminal: Russia's New Mafiya (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press), $27.50, hardback, ISBN 0‐300‐06352‐0.

Robert Putnam (1993) Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press), $39.95, hardback, $14.95, paperback, ISBN 0‐691‐03738‐8.  相似文献   

Paolo Viola, Il crollo dell ‘antico regime. Politica e antipolitica nella Francia della Rivoluzione, Rome, Donzelli, 1993, 221 p., ISBN 88–7989–008–5.

Paolo Viola, E’ legale perché lo voglio io. Attualità della Rivoluzione francese, Rome‐Bari, Laterza, 1994, 162 pages, ISBN 88–420–4388–5  相似文献   

Diego Garzia 《Modern Italy》2013,18(1):99-101

Tom Behan, The Camorra, Routledge, London, 1996, 225 pp., ISBN 0–415–09987–0 hbk, £25.00.

Gianluca Fiorentini and Sam Peltzman (eds), The Economics of Organized Crime, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, 301 pp., ISBN 0–521–47248–2 hbk, £30.00.

T.C.W. Blanning and David Cannadine (eds), History and Biography: Essays in Honour of Derek Beales, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, ix + 298 pp, ISBN 0–521–47330–6 hbk, £35.00.

’La Terza Irlanda’. Gli scritti sulla Sardegna di Carlo Cattaneo e Giuseppe Mazzini, (ed.) Francesco Cheratzu, Condaghes, Cagliari, 1995, ISBN 88–86229–12–1.

Martin Clark, Modern Italy 1871–1995,2nd edn, Longman, London and New York, 1996, xiii + 474 pp., ISBN 0–582–05126–6 pbk, £19.99.

Spencer M. Di Scala, Italy: From Revolution to Republic: 1700 to the Present, Westview Press, Boulder, San Francisco and Oxford, 1995, xxiii + 416 pp, ISBN 0–8133–1342–2 hbk, £56.50, 0–8133–1343–0 pbk, £15.50.

Christopher Duggan and Christopher Wagstaff (eds), Italy in the Cold War: Politics, Culture and Society, 1948–58, Berg, Oxford, 1995, 228 pp., ISBN 1–85973–038–8 hbk, £34.95.

Douglas J. Forsyth, The Crisis of Liberal Italy. Monetary and Financial Policy, 1914–1922, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993, xii + 370 pp., ISBN 0–521–41682–5 hbk, £40.00.

Paul Furlong, Modern Italy: Representation and Reform, Routledge, London, 1994, 295 pp., ISBN 0–415–01565–0 pbk.

Maria Ida Gaeta (ed.), Giovanni Gentile: la filosofia, la politica, l'organizzazione della cultura, Marsilio, Venice, 1995, ISBN 88–317–6285–0, 30,000 Lire.

Giovanni Turi, Giovanni Gentile: una biografia, Giunti, Florence, 1995, ISBN 88–09–20755–6, 48,000 Lire.

Mark Gilbert, The Italian Revolution. The End of Politics, Italian Style?, Westview Press, Boulder, San Francisco and Oxford, 1995, 204 pp., ISBN 0–8133–8788–4 hbk, ISBN 0–8133–2685–0 pbk.

V.A. Goddard, Gender, Family and Work in Naples, Berg, Oxford, 1996, 264 pp., ISBN 1–85973–0345 hbk, 1–85973–039–6 pbk, £14.95.

Italo Pardo, Managing Existence in Naples: Morality, Action and Structure, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, 232 pp., ISBN 0–521–562–279 hbk, 0–521–566–657 pbk.

Stephen Gundle, I comunisti italiani tra Hollywood e Mosca. La sfida della cultura di massa, Giunti, Florence, 1995, 572 pp., ISBN 88–09–20642–8 pbk, 42,000 Lire.

Walter Laqueur, Fascism: Past, Present, Future, Oxford University Press, New York, 1996, 263 pp., ISBN 0–19–509245–7 hbk, $27.50, 0–19–511793‐X pbk, $13.95.

Stanley G. Payne, A History of Fascism 1914–1945, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1995, 613 pp., ISBN 0–299–1487–0 hbk, $39.95 or £31.95, 0–299–14874–2 pbk, $19.95 or £14.95.

Renzo Martinelli, Storia del Partito comunista italiano: II ‘Partito nuovo’ dalla Liberazione al 18 Aprile, Einaudi, Turin, 1995, 382 pp, ISBN 88–06–13877–4, 65,000 Lire.

Patrick McCarthy and Gianfranco Pasquino (eds), The End of Post‐War Politics in Italy. The Landmark 1992 Elections, Westview Press, Boulder, San Francisco and Oxford, 1993, 187 pp., ISBN 0–8133–8628–4, £21.95.

Philip Morgan, Italian Fascism 1919–1945, Macmillan, Basingstoke, 1995, vii + 209 pp., ISBN 03353–7793 pbk, £12.99

John Whittam, Fascist Italy, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1995, v + 179 pp., ISBN 07190–40043 pbk, £12.99.

Serge Noiret, La nascita del sistema dei partiti nell'ltalia contemporanea. La proportionate del 1919, Lacaita, Manduria, Bari and Rome, 1994, 313 pp., 30,1997 Lire.

Silvana Patriarca, Numbers and Nationhood. Writing Statistics in Nineteenth‐Century Italy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, pp. 280, ISBN 0–521–46296–7 hbk, £40.00.

Paolo Pombeni, La Costituente. Un problema storico‐politico, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1995, 170 pp., ISBN 88–15–05192–9 pbk, 18,000 Lire.

Michele Sarfatti, Mussolini contro gli ebrei: Cronaca dell'elaborazione delle leggi del 1938, Silvio Zamorani editore, Turin, 1994, 199 pp., ISBN 88–7158–033–8, 30,000 Lire.  相似文献   

Review article     
Oliver Logan 《Modern Italy》2013,18(1):101-105
Franklin Hugh Adler, Italian Industrialists from Liberalism to Fascism. The Political Development of the Industrial Bourgeoisie, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, xv + 458 pp., ISBN 0–521–433406–8 hbk, £40.00

Giuseppe Berta, Il governo degli interessi. Industriali, rappresentanza e politica nell'Italia del nord‐ovest 1906–1924, Marsilio, Venice, 1996, xv + 175 pp., ISBN 88–317–6342–3 pbk, 32,000 Lire

Giorgio Fiocca, Storia della Confindustria 1900–1914, Marsilio, Venice, 1994, 266 pp., ISBN 88–317–5850–0 hbk, 70,000 Lire  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Nationalisms and Sexualities. A. Parker, M. Russo, D. Sommer & P. Yaeger (Eds), 1992. New York, Routledge. 384 pp., £40.00 hardback, £12.99 paperback. ISBN 0–415–90432–3 hardback, 0–415–90433–1 paperback.

Sexuality and Space. B. Colomina (Ed.), 1992. New York, Princeton Papers on Architecture, Princeton University School of Architecture, Princeton Architectural Press. 389 pp., $14.95 paperback. ISBN 1–878271–08–3.

Racialized Boundaries: race, nation, gender, colour and class and the anti‐racist struggle. F. Anthias & N. Yuval‐Davis, 1992. London, Routledge. 226 pp., £40.00 hardback. ISBN 0–415–01813–7.

Refusing Holy Orders: women and fundamentalism in Britain. G. Sahgal & N. Yuval‐Davis (Eds), 1992. London, Virago. 244 pp., £8.99 paperback. ISBN 1–85381–219–6.

Different Places, Different Voices: gender and development in Africa, Asia and Latin America. J. H. Momsen & V. Kinnaird (Eds), 1993. London, Routledge. 322 pp., £40.00 hardback, £12.99 paperback. ISBN 0–415–07538–6 hardback, 0–415–07563–7 paperback.

Gender, Development and Identity: an Ethiopian study. H. Pankhurst, 1992. London, Zed Books. 216 pp., £29.95/549.95 hardback, £12.95/$19.95 paperback. ISBN 1–85649–157–9 hardback, 1–85649–158–7 paperback.

‘Viva’: women and popular protest in Latin America. S.R. Radcliffe & S. Westwood (Eds), 1993. London, Routledge. 270 pp., £40.00 hardback, £12.99 paperback. ISBN 0–415–07312‐X hardback, 0–415–07313–8 paperback.

Seeking Common Ground: multidisciplinary studies of immigrant women in the United States. D. Gabaccia (Ed.), 1992. Westport, CT, Praeger. 272 pp., $55 hardback, $17.95 paperback. ISBN 0–313–27483–5 hardback, 0–275–94387–9 paperback.

The Women Outside: meanings and myths of homelessness. S. Golden, 1992. Berkeley, CA, University of California Press. 319 pp., $25.00 hardback. ISBN 0–520–07158–1.

The Transformation of Intimacy: sexuality, love and eroticism in modern societies. A. Giddens, 1992. Cambridge, Polity Press. 212 pp., £19.50 hardback. ISBN 0–7456–1012–9.

Situating the Self: gender, community and postmodernism in contemporary ethics. S. Benhabib, 1992. Cambridge, Polity Press. 266 pp., £45.00 hardback, £11.98 paperback. ISBN 0–7456–0998–8 hardback, 0–7456–1059–5 paperback.

Made from this Earth: American women and nature. Vera Norwood, 1993. Chapel Hill, NC, University of North Carolina Press. 368 pp., $37.50 hardback, $17.95 paperback. ISBN 0–8070–2062–8 hardback.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Native Resistance and the Pax Colonial in New Spain edited by Susan Schroeder. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1998. Pp. xxvi + 2000, maps. $45.00/£42.75 (hardback); $19.95/£18.95 (paperback). ISBN 0–8032–4266–2; 0–8032–9249‐X.

European and Native American Warfare, 1675–1815 by Armstrong Starkey. London: UCL Press, 1998. Pp. viii + 208. £40.00 (hardback); £13.95 (paperback). ISBN 1–85728–554–9; 1–85728–555–7.

Frontier Profit and Loss: The British Army and the Fur Traders, 1760–1764 by Walter S. Dunn, Jr. Westport, CT, and London: Greenwood Press, 1998. Pp.xi + 196, map. £47.95 (hardback). ISBN 0–313–30605–2.

British Identities before Nationalism: Ethnicity and Nationhood in the Atlantic World, 1600–1800 by Colin Kidd. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Pp.viii + 302. £35.00. ISBN 0–521–62403–7.

Protestantism and National Identity: Britain and Ireland, c. 1650‐ c. 1850 edited by Tony Claydon and Ian McBride. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Pp.xii + 317. £40.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–521–62077–5.

Scottish Highlanders in Colonial Georgia: The Recruitment, Emigration, and Settlement at Darien, 1735–1748 by Anthony W. Parker. Athens and London: University of Georgia Press, 1997. Pp.xiii +182. £31.50 (hardback). ISBN 0–8203–1915–5.

In Irons: Britain's Naval Supremacy and the American Revolutionary Economy by Richard Buel, Jr. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1998. Pp.xi + 397. £25.00/$35.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–300–07388–7.

Science and Exploration in the Pacific: European Voyages to the Southern Oceans in the Eighteenth Century edited by Margarette Lincoln. Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell Press in association with the National Maritime Museum, 1998. Pp.xix + 228, illus. £35.00/$63.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–85115–721–1.

Imperial Benevolence: Making British Authority in the Pacific Islands by Jane Samson. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1998. Pp.xiii + 240, maps. $35.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–8248–1927–6.

The Maratha War Papers of Arthur Wellesley, January to December 1803 edited by Anthony S. Bennell. Stroud, Glos.: Sutton Publishing for the Army Records Society, 1998. Pp.xi + 458. £40.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–7509–2069–6.

Contentious Traditions: The Debate on Sati in Colonial India by Lata Mani. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press, 1998. Pp.xiv + 246, illustrations. $47.00/£37.50 (hardback); $18.00/£13.95 (paperback). ISBN 0–520–21407–2 (paperback).

’Christen und Gewürze’: Konfrontation und Interaktion kolonialer und indigener Christentumsvarianten edited by Klaus Koschorke. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1998. Pp.298. DM 98 (paperback). ISBN 3–525–55960–7.

Religion in Victorian Britain, Volume V: Culture and Empire edited by John Wolffe. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1997. Pp.viii + 359, illustrations. £14.99 (paperback). ISBN 0–7190–5184–3.

Imperialism and Colonialism: Essays on the History of European Expansion by H.L. Wesseling. Westport, CT and London: Greenwood Press, 1997. Pp.x + 212. £47.50 (hardback). ISBN 0–313–30431–9.

The Foundations of Naval History: John Knox Laughton, the Royal Navy and the Historical Profession by Andrew Lambert. London: Chatham, 1998. Pp.256, illustrations. £30.00 (hardback). ISBN 1–86176–086–8.

Sturm über dem Nil. Der Mahdi‐Aufstand: Aus den Anfängen des islamischen Fundamentalismus by Wilfried Westphal. Sigmaringen: Thorbecke, 1998. Pp.419, 23 pictures, three maps. DM 48.00 (hardback). ISBN 3–7995–0092–8.

The Journal of John Wodehouse First Earl of Kimberley for 1862–1902 edited by Angus Hawkins and John Powell. Camden Fifth Series Volume 9. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press for the Royal Historical Society, 1997. Pp.xxii + 530. £40.00 (hardback). ISBN 0521–62328–6.

Lord Methuen and the British Army: Failure and Redemption in South Africa by Stephen M. Miller. London, and Portland, OR: Frank Cass, 1999. Pp.viii + 279, maps. £39.50/$57.50 (hardback), £17.50/$26.50 (paperback). ISBN 0–7146–4904‐X; 0–7146–4460–9.

Francophone Sub‐Saharan Africa 1880–1995 by Patrick Manning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Pp.xii + 247, maps. £40.00 (hardback); £14.95 (paperback). ISBN 0–521–64255–8; 0–521–64519–0.

Mau Mau From Below by Greet Kershaw. Oxford: James Currey, 1997. Pp.xxx + 354. £14.95 (paperback). ISBN 0–85255–731–0.

Mau Man and Kenya by Wunyabari O. Maloba. Oxford: James Currey, 1998. Pp.x + 228. £14.95 (paperback). ISBN 0–85255–745–0.

History of Central Africa: The Contemporary Years Since 1960 edited by David Birmingham and Phyllis M. Martin. London: Longman, 1998. Pp.vii + 314. £17.99 (paperback). ISBN 0–582–27607–1.

Iran and the Rise of Reza Shah: From Qajar Collapse to Pahlavi Power by Cyrus Ghani, London: I.B. Tauris, 1998. Pp.xiv + 434. £29.50 (hardback). ISBN 1–86064–258–6.

A History of Laos by Martin Stuart‐Fox. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Pp.xv + 253, maps. £35.00 (hardback); £12.95 (paperback). ISBN 0–521–59235–6; 0–521–59746–3.

Britain in China: Community, Culture and Colonialism 1900–1949 by Robert Bickers. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1999. Pp.xii + 276, tables, illustrations. £45.00 (hardback); £15.99 (paperback). ISBN 0–7190–4697–1; 0–7190–5697–7.

Between Two Oceans: A Military History of Singapore From First Settlement to Final British Withdrawal by Malcolm H. Murfett, John N. Miksic, Brian P. Farrell, and Chiang Ming Shun. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. Pp.xviii + 398. £35.00 (paperback). ISBN 0–19–588482–5.  相似文献   


Martina Marazzi (1997) Little America: Gli Stati Uniti e gli scrittori italiani del Novecento. (Milan: Marcos y Marcos), 22,000 lire, ISBN 88–7168–181–9.  相似文献   

The Pacific Way: A Memoir. By Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 1998. xvi, 280 pp, maps, photos, index, gloss., apps. ISBN 0824818938. $US14.95 (paperback).

A Vision for Change: A. D. Patel and the Politics of Fiji. By Brij V. Lal. Canberra, National Centre for Development Studies, The Australian National University, 1998. xvii, 282 pp, map, photos, index, refs. ISBN 073152350. $A25 (paperback).

Hard Times on Kairiru Island: Poverty, Development, and Morality in a Papua New Guinea Village. By Michael French Smith. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1994. x, 278 pp, map, tables, photos, app., notes, gloss., bibliog, index. ISBN 0824815815.

Neither Cargo nor Cult: Ritual Politics and the Colonial Imagination in Fiji. By Martha Kaplan. Durham, Duke University Press, 1995. xviii, 226 pp, maps, bibliog., index. ISBN 0822315785.

Footsteps in the Sea: Christianity in Oceania to World War II. By John Garrett. Suva and Geneva, Institute of Pacific Studies in association with World Council of Churches, 1992. 514 pp, maps, plates, bibliog. ISBN 9820200687. $US13.95 pb.

Where Nets Were Cast Christianity in Oceania Since World War II. By John Garrett. Suva and Geneva, Institute of Pacific Studies in association with World Council of Churches, 1998. 499 pp, maps, plates, bibliog. ISBN 9820201217. $US13.95pb.

Double Ghosts. Oceanian Voyagers on Euroamerican Ships. By David A. Chappell. Arrnonk, New York and London, M. E. Sharpe, 1998. xix, 231 pp, illus., notes, bibliog., index. ISBN 1563249987.

Living Tradition: A Changing Life in Solomon Islands. As told by Michael Kwa'ioloa to Ben Burt. London, British Museum Press, 1998. vi, 169pp. ISBN 0714125334.

The Cassowary's Revenge: the Life and Death of Masculinity in a New Guinea Society. By Donald Tuzin. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1998. xiii, 256 pp, bibliog., index, plates, maps. ISBN 0226819515.

Political Decentralisation in a Mew State: The Experience of Provincial Government in Papua Mew Guinea. Edited by R. J. May and A. J. Regan with A. Ley. Bathurst, Crawford House Publishing, 1998. xii, 431pp (paper).

Sites of Desire, Economies of Pleasure: Sexualities in Asia and the Pacific. Edited by Lenore Manderson and Margaret Jolly. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1998. xii, 367pp. ISBN 0226503046 (paper), 0226503038 (cloth).

Hannah Dudley: Hamari Maa. By Morven Sidal. Suva, Pacific Theological College [1998]. viii, 144 pp, appendix.

Great Powers and the Wider World. By John Dunbabin. London and New York, Longman, 1994. Two vols, 513 and 549pp respectively, indexes. £44 and £42 hardback; £17.99 and £16.99 paperback.

Trading Beyond the Mountains: the British Fur Trade on the Pacific, 1793–1843. By Richard Somerset Mackie. Vancouver, UBC Press, 1998. 444 pp, figs, maps, tables, bibliog., index. ISBN 0774805595. $29.95.

Beyond a Mountain Valley, The Simbu of Papua New Guinea. By Paula Brown. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1995. 296pp. ISBN 082481701X.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
The Grand Strategy of Philip II by Geoffrey Parker. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1998. Pp.xx + 446, illus. £25.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–300–07540–5.

Milton and the Imperial Vision edited by Balachandra Rajan and Elizabeth Sauer. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1999. Pp.vi + 376. £49.95 (hardback). ISBN 0–8207–0303–6.

If the Irish Ran the World: Montserrat, 1630–1730 by Donald Harman Akenson. Kingston and Montreal: McGill‐Queen's University Press, distributed in Britain by Liverpool University Press, 1997. Pp.x+273. £29.95 (hardback); £14.95 (paperback). ISBN 085323–952–5; 985323–962–2.

Pleasure and Guilt on the Grand Tour: Travel Writing and Imaginative Geography 1600–1830 by Chloe Chard. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1999. Pp.ix + 278. £45.00 (hardback); £16.00 (paperback). ISBN 0–7190–4804–4; 0–7190–4805–2.

Sir Robert Chambers: Law, Literature and Empire in the Age of Johnson by Thomas M. Curley. Madison and London: University of Wisconsin Press, 1998. Pp.xxii + 698, illus. £69.95 (hardback). ISBN 0–299–15150–6.

The Oxford History of the British Empire, Volume II: The Eighteenth Century edited by P.J. Marshall. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. Pp.xxi + 639. £30.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–19–820563–5.

Pacific Empires: Essays in Honour of Glyndwr Williams edited by Alan Frost and Jane Samson. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1999. Pp.viii + 334, illus. £29.95 (paperback). ISBN 0–522–84791–9.

The Search for the North West Passage by Ann Savours. London: Chatham Publishing, 1999. Pp.x + 342, maps, illus. £25.00 (hardback). ISBN 1–86176–059–0.

Earl Bathurst and the British Empire 1762–1834 by Neville Thompson. Barnsley, Yorkshire: Leo Cooper, 1999. Pp.xii + 308. £25.00 (hardback), ISBN 0–85052–650–0.

Imperial Cities: Landscape, Display and Identity edited by Felix Driver and David Gilbert. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1999. Pp.xvii + 283, illus. £45.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–7190–5413–3.

Work and Community among West African Migrant Workers since the Nineteenth Century by Diane Frost. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1999. Pp.viii + 278. £32.00 (hardback); £15.95 (paperback). ISBN 085323–523–6; 0853222–533–3.

Carnival, Canboulay and Calypso: Traditions in the Making by John Cowley. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Pp.xv + 293, illus. £37.50 (hardback); £12.95 (paperback). ISBN 0–521–48138–4; 0–521–65389–4.

Steel, Ships and Men: Cammell Laird, 1824–1993 by Kenneth Warren. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1998. Pp.xiv + 313, maps and illus. £29.95 (hardback); £14.95 (paperback). ISBN 0–85323–912–6; 0–85323–992–3.

Embassies in the East: The Story of the British Embassies in Japan, China and Korea from 1859 to the Present by J.E. Hoare. Richmond: Curzon, 1999. Pp.xvi + 238, illus. £40.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–7007–0512–0.

The New Cambridge History of India, IV.2: Women in Modern India by Geraldine Forbes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996 and 1999. Pp.xix + 290. £35.00 (hardback); £13.95 (paperback). ISBN 0–521–26812–5; 0–521–65377–0

Wars of Imperial Conquest in Africa, 1830–1914 by Bruce Vandervort. London: UCL Press, 1998. Pp.xviii + 274, maps. £45.00 (hardback); £13.95 (paperback). ISBN 1–85728–486–0; 1–85728–487–9.

Disease and Empire: The Health of European Troops in the Conquest of Africa by Philip D. Curtin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Pp.xiii + 256. £45.00 (hardback); £15.95 (paperback). ISBN 0–521–59169–4; 0–521–59835–4.

Frontiers of Medicine in the Anglo‐Egyptian Sudan 1899–1940 by Heather Bell. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999. Pp.xvi + 261, maps. £45.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–19–820749–2.

The South African War 1899–1902 by Bill Nasson. London: Arnold, 1999. Pp.xvi + 304, maps. £45.00 (hardback); £16.99 (paperback). ISBN 0–340–74154–6; 0–340–61427–7.

Managing the South African War, 1899–1902: Politicians v. Generals by Keith Terrance Surridge. Woodbridge: Boydell Press for the Royal Historical Society, 1998. Pp.ix + 205, maps. £30.00 (hardback). ISBN 086193–238–2.

Sacred Places: War Memorials in the Australian Landscape by K.S. Inglis, assisted by Jan Brazier. Melbourne: Miegunyah Press, Melbourne University Press, 1998. Pp.xvi + 522, illus. $49.95 (hardback). ISBN 0–522–84572–8.

Indian Voices of the Great War: Soldiers’ Letters, 1914–18 selected and edited by David Omissi. Pp.xx + 382, illus., maps. £40.00 (hardback); £17.50 (paperback). ISBN 0–333–75144–2; 0–333–75145–0.

Mandates and Empire: The League of Nations and Africa, 1914–1931 by Michael D. Callahan. Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, 1999. Pp.ix + 297, map. £55.00 (hardback). ISBN 1–902210–23–9.

Writing West Indian Histories by B.W. Higman. Basingstoke: Macmillan, Warwick University Caribbean Studies, 1999. Pp.xiv + 298. £14.95 (paperback). ISBN 0–333–73296–0.

Uganda's Katikoro in England by Ham Mukasa with notes and introduction by Simon Gikandi. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1998. Pp.xvii + 211, maps. £40.00 (hardback), £13.99 (paperback). ISBN 0–7190–4898–2; 0–7190–5437–0.

Imperialism, Race and Resistance: Africa and Britain, 1919–1945 by Barbara Bush. London: Routledge, 1999. Pp.xviii + 394, illus. £17.99 (paperback). ISBN 0–415–15973–3.

Alan Lennox‐Boyd: A Biography by Philip Murphy. London and New York: I.B. Tauris, 1999. Pp.xi + 276, illus. £24.50 (hardback). ISBN 1–86064–406–6.

A History of Selangor (1766–1939) by J.M. Gullick. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1998. Pp.vi + 220. Paperback (no price given). ISBN 967–9948–10–2.

The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya by T. N. Harper. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Pp.xviii + 417. £45.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–521–59040‐X.

Isle of Discord: Nationalism, Imperialism and the Making of the Cyprus Problem by Yiannis D. Stefanidis. London: Hurst, 1999. Pp.xi + 315. £40.00. ISBN 1–85065–415–8.

Free Trade, Free World: The Advent of GATT by Thomas W. Zeiler. Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press, 1999. Pp.xi + 288. $39.95 (hardback). ISBN 0–8078–2458–5.

Choosing War: The Lost Chance for Peace and the Escalation of War in Vietnam by Fredrik Logevall. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 1999. Pp.xxviii + 529. £21.95 (hardback). ISBN 0–520–21511–7.

Militarism in India: The Army and Civil Society in Consensus by Apurba Kundu. London: I. B. Tauris, 1998. Pp.viii + 230, maps, tables. £45.00 (hardback). ISBN 1–86064–318–3.

Freedom, Trauma, Continuities: Northern India and Independence edited by D.A. Low and Howard Brasted. New Delhi and London: Sage Publications, 1998. Pp.237. £35.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–7619–9225–1.

Another Reason: Science and the Imagination of Modern India by Gyan Prakash. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1999. Pp.xiii + 304. $49.50/£31.00 (hardback), $17.95/£11.50 (paperback). ISBN 0–691–00452–8; 0–691–00453–6.

Refashioning Futures: Criticism after Postcoloniality by David Scott. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1999. Pp.233. $49.50/£29.95 (hardback); $16.95/£10.50 (paperback). ISBN 0–691–00485–4; 0–691–00486–2.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Women's Lives and Public Policy: the international experience. M. Turshen & B. Holcomb (Eds), 1993. Westport, CT, Praeger. xix + 217 pp. ISBN 0–275–94523–5 paperback, 0–313–27354–5 hardback.

Decolonizing Feminisms: race, gender and empire‐building. Laura E. Donaldson, 1992. Chapel Hill, NC, University of North Carolina Press.

African Encounters with Domesticity. K. T. Hansen (Ed.), 1992. New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers University Press. 315 pp., $42.00 hardback, $16.00 paperback. ISBN 0–8135–1803–2 hardback, 0–8135–1804–0 paperback.

Women and the Environment: a reader. S. Sontheimer (Ed.), 1991. New York, Monthly Review Press. 205 pp., $13.00 paperback. ISBN 0 85345–835 9.

Defining Females. S. Ardener (Ed.), 1993. Oxford, Berg. 216 pp., £10.95/$17.95 paperback.

Modernity and Identity. S. Lash & J. Friedman (Eds), 1992. Oxford, UK and Cambridge, MA, USA, Blackwell. 379 pp., £15.99/$19.95 paperback. ISBN 0–631–17586–5.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Environmental Management: New Directions for the Twenty‐First Century. Geoff A. Wilson and Raymond L. Bryant. UCL Press (Taylor & Francis), London; 1997, 224 pp., £14.95, ISBN 1–857284–631 (pb)

Sustainable Development in Western Europe: Coming to Terms with Agenda 21. Tim O'Riordan and Heather Voisey (Eds). Cass, Ilford, Essex, 1997, 190 pp., £25.00 (hb) ISBN 0–7146–4830–2, £13.50 (pb) ISBN 0–7146–4376–9

Industrial Policies and Economic Integration. Patrizio Bianchi. Routledge, London; 1998, 228 pp., £45.00 (hb), ISBN 0–415–14910‐X

Economia, Espacio e Globalizacio. Georges Benko. Hucitec, São Paulo, 1996, 266 pp., ISBN 85–271 0348–6  相似文献   

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