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Cultural Landscapes of Britain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
'Britain' and 'cultural landscape' as used here are defined. The World Heritage categorisation provides the basis for a brief review of the range of such landscapes in Britain, with specific examples being named and briefly characterised. Relict landscapes are particularly noted. 'Threats to cultural landscapes are identified as of both development and decrepitude. A short discussion of the purpose and viability of cultural landscapes in Britain, for national and global purposes, concludes by noting a number of British cultural landscapes recognisable in World Heritage terms and potentially relevant to the European Landscape Convention 2000.  相似文献   

Building a cultural landscape involves deep political and social processes. Discussions relating to decisions about preservation reveal cultural values at a particular moment and explain the character of the surviving landscape. This study analyses how one community in Western Australia defined its sense of place and identity. In the 1930s, on a wave of historical consciousness, Western Australians sought to enshrine the desire to preserve a range of historical materials in legislation, and conducted debates about the very survival of the buildings and documents. This paper investigates why legislation to preserve buildings and documents failed, and how the community understood the relationship between these two forms of heritage. Bringing together the two series of discussions, about the values inherent in and surrounding documents and buildings, highlights the way in which meanings are invested in places and things, and the values and processes through which the cultural landscape is shaped.  相似文献   

Throughout the course of time, environments built within landscapes have been transformed into conserved archaeological heritage sites through natural, but mostly anthropogenic, forces. Today, cultural heritage is the product of visual and spatial features of architectural material and landscapes created through conservation, but also through social and economical needs and interests. In Western Anatolia, archaeological heritage sites with ecologically rich areas, countryside, coastlines and seascapes are the most essential visual, spatial and structural features of cultural (historical) landscapes. Moreover, western Anatolian landscapes have retained their authentic character regarding intangible cultural diversity, ecology, rural traditional systems and agricultural practices. However, rapid changes and developments due to urbanisation and mass tourism have made their impacts on cultural historical landscapes in recent years. In this paper, an attempt is made to explore the cultural heritage within the evolution of cultural archaeological landscapes in Western Anatolia and to propose a sustainable approach for development and conservation options for cultural heritage and their landscapes.  相似文献   

关于水下考古学的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在世界范围内,科学的水下考古学的出现是二战以后的事情;在中国,则迟至上世纪八十年代才逐渐引入。目前我国的水下考古事业正处在从单纯的水下考古向全方位的水下文化遗产保护转变的关键时期,本文重点讨论了水下考古学的定义、水下考古学理论建设、水下文化遗产保护管理等几个水下考古学的基本问题,并提出若干初步看法。  相似文献   

张謇是中国近代著名实业家教育家,中国博物馆事业的开拓者,他创办中国最早的博物馆南通博物苑,开中国博物馆事业之先河。他还是不可移动文物保护的先行者,对历史纪念性建筑和古遗址的保护。对寺庙古建筑的保护以及对非物质文化遗产保护都作出过可贵的贡献。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Cultural heritage is of immense importance in the construction of identities and, therefore, the behaviour of society. It is argued here that traditional approaches, reflected in British government legislation and policy, ignore elements integral to community perceptions of cultural heritage. The current framework of heritage management also hinders practitioners from exploring, conserving, presenting and challenging these constructs This paper calls for the development of integrated and inclusive heritage‐management practice and a recognition of the contribution of recent research into constructs of cultural heritage It is argued that there is a need to investigate the opportunities for, and feasibility of, developing more integrated approaches that reflect the diverse and joined‐up nature of cultural heritage.  相似文献   

While the conservation efforts and constraints in the medieval town of Quedlinburg are typical of the conditions in the smaller historic towns in the former German Democratic Republic, they also resemble those of small heritage towns in other countries. Shifts and changes are assessed for a time frame of about 25 years, before and after the pivotal event of German reunification of 1990. Located in a previously prosperous but now depressed region with more than 20% unemployment, Quedlinburg has suffered from the breakdown of the former agricultural and other industries in the region after 1990 and subsequent out‐migration. Some valuable historic buildings were lost before 1990, owing to neglect and lack of funding. Since then, improved funding, combined with public–private partnership, has helped the town to make very considerable conservation progress. The town’s World Heritage status since 1994 has been utilised as a significant supporting factor in tourism promotion, which has become an important part of the ongoing conservation processes.  相似文献   

Canada’s Buxton Settlement National Historic Site is a striking illustration of the multi‐faceted conservation of a cultural landscape, from federal designation through to local action. Buxton is designated as a ‘continuing landscape’ distinguished by its establishment in 1849 as a 9,000 acre (3,600 ha) 1 [1] Imperial measures are given first in reference to the historic resource because the measurements are historically significant. terminus for black fugitives travelling north along the so‐called Underground Railroad, escaping the tyranny of slavery in the USA. A social experiment, in the form of a block farming settlement, waited for them at the end of their journeys. Over the intervening years inevitable shifts in agricultural practice and property ownership have transformed this rather ordinary but strongly evocative heritage resource. This is a case common to many other significant cultural landscapes—the management of the inevitable evolution that comes with a landscape that continues. This agricultural landscape confronts many of the challenges that are the focus of heritage studies today: how to give local people a voice while coordinating conservation across multiple scales of government policy.  相似文献   

通过对文物保护史文献考察,将其区分为综述、专题研究,以及文物保护史资料,对部分代表性文献资料做重点评价,以期为文物保护史预研究做准备,并为进一步深入研究文物保护史提供借鉴.  相似文献   

以文化遗产保护为研究对象和学科体系的文化遗产保护学,具备学科建设的各种要素,但现有学科现状不能满足文化遗产保护事业发展需要,而明确学科地位,处理好其他相关学科与文化遗产保护学的关系,加强建设学科队伍和科研建设是文化遗产保护学科建设的基本途径。  相似文献   

在21世纪,加快城市化、现代化建设与保护历史文化遗产的矛盾日益突出.历史文化名城是历史文化的重要载体,一个城市的历史文化遗产通常显示着这个城市既往文化创造的极致.泉州作为国务院首批公布的24个历史文化名城之一,是世界多元文化的汇合之地,而泉州老城区是泉州历史文化名城的最好见证.泉州高度重视历史文化名城保护工作,切实加强历史文化遗产的保护,成绩斐然,但也存在较多问题.研究采取相应对策乃是当务之需.  相似文献   

从多起涉及文化遗产保护的行政审批事例中可以看到,在现行城市文化遗产保护的行政审批中,存在着制度上的漏洞和缺环,给文化遗产保护带来隐患。为此需要进行改革,把文化遗产保护的审批权交给社会,由一人决断变为众人决策,  相似文献   

Although place-marketing and image-enhancement are increasingly common elements of Western urban policy, when applied to specific locales, these abstract theories have to negotiate local conditions and contexts. This paper discusses the ways attempts to place-market the city of Hull, England, prompted debates surrounding questions of place, memory and heritage. Despite being Britain's leading fishing port in the 20th century, Hull's place-marketing strategy elided this past in favour of a sanitised vision of a modern, post-industrial city. These debates crystallised around a 1999 planning inquiry over the proposed redevelopment of the erstwhile fishing dock. While the proposals contained some reference to the dock's role as a site of place-memory, this was deemed insufficient by local protest groups and politicians who argued for a more appropriate memorial to Hull's fishing community. Eventually, the redevelopment proposals were accepted, but not before attendant debates exposed both the depth of local sentiments over place-memories and fishing heritage, and also the difficulties of negotiating inclusive and plural heritage landscapes.  相似文献   

Most readers will be aware of past and present issues surrounding the illicit traffic in antiquities. There are already a number of generic books available on the subject.1 See, for example, , Stealing History: The Illicit Trade in Cultural Material; , Illicit Antiquities: The Theft of Culture and the Extinction of Archaeology; and ., Trade in Illicit Antiquities: The Destruction of the World’s Archaeological Heritage. This article reflects on the problem of treasure‐hunting in Bulgaria and the inadequacy of Bulgarian legislation, which is leading to the deterioration and destruction of Bulgarian heritage sites. As no changes in the legislative basis can be observed at this stage there is a real threat to the country’s cultural inheritance. This paper reflects upon the results of personal research undertaken in Bulgaria as part of a PhD.  相似文献   

The idea of the ‘integrated museum’, a more socially inclusive form of cultural institution, was a key outcome from the UNESCO/ICOM ‘Round Table of Santiago’ in 1972. Many of the concepts embodied in this idea became part of ecomuseum philosophy and practice during the 1970s and 1980s, in particular the need to involve local communities and make museums more democratic. The ecomuseum has the potential to be a socially inclusive mechanism and is now a worldwide phenomenon. Many of its tenets (the museum as territory, fragmented sites, in situ conservation and community leadership) are used—in a variety of ways and with varying success—as a mechanism to conserve cultural and heritage resources and to construct and promote local or regional cultural identities. Although the philosophy and practice of ecomuseums has been subject to criticism, they are still being created, mainly in rural areas, as a means of conserving traditional landscapes and ways of life. Japan has embraced the ecomuseum philosophy, and three contrasting ecomuseums (Hirano, Asahi and Miura) are described here, their roles analysed and their democratic nature questioned. It appears that the ecomuseum does have the ability to be a truly democratic method of heritage conservation, but that ultimately much depends on leadership and the identification of the local community as the key stakeholder.  相似文献   

The concept of cultural landscapes has a long and varied lineage, including antecedents in geography and ecomuseums, and can be applied at all scales. In the 1990s, the World Heritage Committee adopted cultural landscapes as an additional category of property as part of its strategy to broaden the scope of World Heritage listings. By July 2006, there were 53 properties inscribed on the World Heritage List and officially recognised as being cultural landscapes. Such recognition is an acknowledgement of the importance of human–environment interactions, especially those of a more traditional type. Not surprisingly, cultural landscapes have their own particular management issues, as well as sharing others with World Heritage properties in general. These properties, however, also present many opportunities to increase people’s understanding of both cultural and environmental values important to the future of humankind on a global level.  相似文献   

Intangible cultural heritage, according to a UNESCO definition, is ‘the practices, representations, expressions as well as the knowledge and skills that communities, groups and in some cases individuals recognise as part of their cultural heritage’. Using a case study of Shirakami‐sanchi World Heritage Area, this paper illustrates how the local community's conservation commitment was formed through their long‐term everyday interactions with nature. Such connectivity is vital to maintaining the authentic integrity of a place that does not exclude humans. An examination of the formation of the community's conservation commitment for Shirakami reveals that it is the community's spiritual connection and place‐based identity that have supported conservation, leading to the World Heritage nomination, and it is argued that the recognition of such intangible cultural heritage is vital in conservation. The challenge, then, is how to communicate such spiritual heritage today. Forms of community involvement are discussed in an attempt to answer this question.  相似文献   

古村镇文化遗产是不可再生的文化资源,每个古村镇的文化遗产均具有程度不同的历史、文学、艺术、科研等价值和利用价值.合理利用古村镇的文化遗产,既是经济社会发展的需要,更是保护文化遗产的需要.如何合理利用古村镇文化遗产,有许多问题需要研究.本文仅就古村镇文化遗产的合理利用、利用形式、编制规划等问题作一些肤浅的阐述.  相似文献   

聚落文化遗产是大运河遗产的重要组成部分,与运河兴衰息息相关。宁波段运河聚落文化遗产历史久远,保存类型丰富,历史价值突出。宁波运河的开凿和变迁对运河聚落整体格局的形成、演变和发展关系紧密;同时运河聚落的产生和发展也促进了运河功能的不断完善和运河经济的发展。如何保护好运河聚落文化遗产已经成为重要的研究课题。本文意在梳理宁波段运河聚落文化遗产的构成情况,并对宁波段运河聚落文化遗产的科学保护提出了可行性建议。  相似文献   

目前,中国特色文物法律体系已经形成,该体系是在不断总结新中国成立以来文物保护与管理的工作经验的基础上逐步形成的,历经只见文物法规、而无文物法律的初创阶段;法律、法规、规章和规范性文件各等级法律规范齐备的发展阶段;各类法律规范迅速出台、调整范围广、立法质量进一步提高的形成阶段.该体系是在中国文物保护实践中不断成长起来的,具有鲜明的中国特色,并将与时俱进,日臻完善.  相似文献   

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