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苏多杰 《攀登》2010,29(2):86-91
调查数据显示,我国区域发展政策、战略实施所产生的效应是明显的,它培育了经济发展的重点区域,促进了欠发达地区的发展。区域发展增速差距趋于缩小,和谐社会建设取得了不小的成绩,但也存在不少影响社会和谐的矛盾和问题,如何将社会资源在空间上进行有效的配置,合理组织东西部区域协调发展,是构建和谐社会的重大战略任务。  相似文献   

苏多杰 《攀登》2013,(1):81-87
新中国成立以来,我国的区域发展在中央政府、地方区位优势等多种因素的影响下呈现出了不同的发展模式和发展特色。非均衡协调发展是东西部地区实现可持续发展的首选模式。东西部地区协调发展的目标模式应体现出承前启后、因地制宜、科学发展特色。  相似文献   

陈农 《攀登》2004,23(1):33-35
信息化水平是衡量一个国家、地区现代化水平以及综合实力的重要指标。本通过对东西部地区信息化六大要素的比较,力图找出青海省在信息化建设中存在的问题,并提出了相应的建议和措施。  相似文献   

区域、竞争力与区域发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程玉鸿 《人文地理》2008,23(5):22-26
竞争力概念本身具有抽象性和模糊性,尤其被用于地点的属性时,对其界定颇多争议。这导致在区域竞争政策应用中不可避免的出现某种程度的混乱。通过追踪竞争力的缘起,在对两种主要的区域竞争力概念来源进行理论述评的基础上,从竞争的一般概念角度阐述了区域竞争力存在的客观性及其本质涵义,并从企业和地点两个角度比较分析了竞争在区域发展中的作用及影响。  相似文献   

把握区域发展战略 促进区域协调发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏多杰 《攀登》2008,27(2):42-46
文章阐述了区域发展总体战略,分析了区域协调发展的现状,提出了促进区域协调发展的对策。  相似文献   

江苏省区域经济差异与发展战略演变初探   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
改革开放以来,江苏省分别实施了区域均衡发展、非均衡发展、区域共同发展和苏北大发展战略,造成了各区域间经济增长速度的差异,导致区域经济发展失衡,其主要表现为苏南、苏中与苏北三大经济区域间的差异和县域经济差异的不断扩大。在分析了现阶段江苏省沿江开发战略对区域发展差异的影响,立足区域整合的角度,提出加快沿江开发与苏北互动发展的对策与措施,以期实现江苏省区域经济的协调发展,扭转南北经济差异进一步扩大的趋势。  相似文献   

新区域主义的发展及对中国区域经济发展模式的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
汪涛  曾刚 《人文地理》2003,18(5):52-55
在当今全球化与区域化趋势并存的时代,新区域主义以其强调区域竞争、保护地方经济社会多样性的主张,引起学术界的广泛兴趣。新区域主义源于20世纪80年代后期,这一期间国际社会经济环境的激烈变动,导致新旧区域主义在政治经济、国际贸易、经济系统、区域发展目标等方面存在根本的差别。在全球化和后冷战结构的制约下,新区域主义主要表现为大区域主义、小区域主义及国家内部的各类区域组织三种形式。论文针对中国现行的区域发展模式在新区域主义的冲击下,暴露出的薄弱环节,提出中国的区域经济发展战略应从三个层次展开。  相似文献   

石琰 《沧桑》2014,(4):132-134
义务教育是科教兴国的奠基工程,对提高中华民族素质、培养各级各类人才、促进社会主义现代化建设具有全局性、基础性和先导性的作用。同时,我国东西部义务教育中农民工子女就学问题突出的现象,必须引起政府及社会各界的高度关注。  相似文献   

王善军 《安徽史学》2013,(1):91-102
在唐宋变革的社会大背景下,宋代宗族处于明显的变动过程中。这种变动过程,在不同区域内又表现出各自的特点。北方地区传统上是宗族势力相对比较强的地区,但进入宋代,宗族形态相对松散,在新式宗族组织形态建设方面,明显落后于东南地区。其特点是:崇尚同居共财,注重亲族间的经济互助;祖先崇拜观念较强,注重宗族成员间的亲情关系;宗族关系与乡党关系相纠缠,血缘关系与其他社会关系相纠缠;富贵家庭在宗族中具有较强的号召力和凝聚力。东南地区在宋代"敬宗收族"宗族组织的建设方面表现突出,新的组织方式和手段不断涌现并得以迅速发展,比较明显地具有以下特点:宗族聚族而居比较明显;宗族公有财产建设成效显著,注重以经济手段收族;宗族组织手段较为齐备。四川地区由于特殊的地理位置和社会历史原因,在宗族发展方面有其自己的特点:宗族内部具有较强的人身依附关系;宗族注重在社会上的等级地位,有较强的门阀等级意识;宗族组织手段相对齐全。宗族发展的地区差异,其形成原因主要是唐中叶以来社会经济关系发展的不平衡,传统政治观念和社会习俗的影响,人口迁徙带来的多种影响以及地理环境和经济开发情况不同对宗族社会功能的不同要求。  相似文献   

江西省区域经济发展空间差异研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
俞勇军  陆玉麒 《人文地理》2004,19(3):41-45,30
区域差异历来是政府关注的重要问题,也是区域发展理论研究的主要课题。江西省受周边强经济中心的影响,经济区位边缘化趋势明显。近年来江西省突破原来农业大省的发展思路,致力引进发达地区和国外的技术和资金,工业化水平明显提高。目前江西省内部地区差异较1990年明显扩大,而且表现出各地区相对波动较大的特征。本文采用偏离一份额模型,对江西1990-2001年间11年来的发展状况分两个阶段进行分析,探讨江西省区域经济发展差异的空间结构特征,将江西划分为4种发展类型。江西省各地区区位条件的变化是其经济发展空间差异的驱动因素。  相似文献   

The management of carbon emissions holds some prospect for challenging sustainable development as the organising principle of socio-environmental regulation. This paper explores the rise of a distinctive low-carbon polity as an ideological state project, and examines its potential ramifications for the regulation of economy–environment relations at the urban and regional scale. Carbon control would seem to introduce a new set of values into state regulation and this might open up possibilities for challenging mainstream modes of urban and regional development in a manner not possible under sustainable development. But low-carbon restructuring also portends intensified uneven development, new forms of state control and a socially uneven reworking of state–society relations. In order to explore these issues we start by setting out a framework for conceptualising environmental regulation based around the idea of eco-state restructuring. This idea is introduced to capture the conflicts, power struggles and strategic selectivities involved as governments seek to reconcile environmental protection with multiple other pressures and demands. Overall the paper seeks to make a distinctive contribution to theoretical work on state environmental regulation and the emerging spatial dimensions of climate policy.  相似文献   

In this paper the main conclusions concerning regional differences in enterprise development in Hungary will be summarized, and the fields and scope of action at enterprise and at the level of the authorities will be outlined briefly. The empirical results need to be put into a wider perspective, and therefore the first part of the paper contains a brief overview of the process of transition and of the regional economic development of Hungary.  相似文献   

This paper aims to structurally analyse the role of tourism in regional development processes in European cross-border regions with different historical development paths. Departing from an institutional perspective, the research is based on comparison of the position of tourism in region-building processes in the newly developing German–Czech cross-border region and the more ‘mature’ German–Belgian borderlands. Results indicate that the development of local cross-border tourism projects is no guarantee for positive destination-wide regional development impacts. In some cases, these projects may even reinforce asymmetrical socio-economic development directions of neighbouring borderlands. Rather, the socio-spatially equitable distribution of tourism benefits in cross-border contexts depends on several process-based aspects. These include the presence of ‘thick’ (cross-border) institutional arrangements, multi-scalar representation of tourism stakeholders in decision-making processes and a transversal position of tourism in regional development strategies. However, both with cross-border institutional ‘under-mobilization’ (Germany–Czech Republic) and with institutional ‘over-mobilization’ (Germany–Belgium), the informal network position of institutional brokers proved key for safeguarding the integrative character of tourism in the inevitably complex cross-border region-building process.  相似文献   

'Globalizing' regional development: a global production networks perspective   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Recent literature concerning regional development has placed significant emphasis on local institutional structures and their capacity to 'hold down' the global. Conversely, work on inter-firm networks – such as the global commodity chain approach – has highlighted the significance of the organizational structures of global firms' production systems and their relation to industrial upgrading. In this paper, drawing upon a global production networks perspective, we conceptualize the connections between 'globalizing' processes, as embodied in the production networks of transnational corporations, and regional development in specific territorial formations. We delimit the 'strategic coupling' of the global production networks of firms and regional economies which ultimately drives regional development through the processes of value creation, enhancement and capture. In doing so, we stress the multi-scalarity of the forces and processes underlying regional development, and thus do not privilege one particular geographical scale. By way of illustration, we introduce an example drawn from recent research into global production networks in East Asia and Europe. The example profiles the investments of car manufacturer BMW in Eastern Bavaria, Germany and Rayong, Thailand, and considers their implications for regional development.  相似文献   

The continuing expansion and deepening integration of the European Union is redefining the map of threats and opportunities for both companies and regions in Europe. In this paper I analyze the changing geography of the production system in three industries – automobiles, clothing and steel – as a product of the strategies and tactics of companies, states (at EU, national and regional levels) and trades unions, as they seek to shape geographies of production to favour their interests within this changing European political–economic space. It is argued that the end product of this process will be the creation of new and sharper forms of regional uneven development and qualitative differentiation between regions, as well as a renewed widening rather than further narrowing of regional differences in economic performance and well–being.  相似文献   

Globalization, and the increased exposure to international competition that it has supposedly induced, has led to expectations of institutional convergence in, among other things, local and regional development policy and the politics surrounding it. There have been changes in the United Kingdom, but not of the decentralizing, neo-liberalizing form anticipated. A comparison of the British with the very different, highly decentralized, American case seeks to shed light on this. Emphasis is placed on both the strongly embedded nature of institutions and on misunderstandings about the strength of the forces of globalization.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中国区域经济发展的历史考察与基本经验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从20世纪90年代初开始,中国区域经济发展开始由非均衡发展转向区域协调发展。区域协调发展战略的形成有着特定的历史与现实背景。1991年和1999年是中国区域战略大调整的转折点,1991年开始强调区域协调发展,1999年正式提出西部大开发战略。随着区域经济政策的制定与实施,中国区域经济格局发生了深刻变化。考察中国区域经济发展历程,其基本经验对中国未来区域发展有着重要的启示与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to perform a locally specific investigation of a polycentric development policy through the lens of the property market. The capital city of China, Beijing, adopted a subcenter program for the purpose of developing a new economic growth pole in the suburbs through the redistribution of administrative and economic resources. Herein, we exploit spatial and temporal differencing in microproperty transaction data to address the issue of nonrandom selection of the site for developing the subcenter. The results show that in the first year after announcing the subcenter program, property prices in the subcenter rose by 10.5%, stabilizing at approximately 20% after 2 years of continuous increase. Moreover, property price growth decreases sharply with increased distance from the new administrative center in the subcenter, which will host tens of thousands of civil servants under the subcenter program. In response to the subcenter-induced demand shock, locations with elastically supplied housing have experienced greater population growth and weaker appreciation in property prices. Although strict purchase restrictions have helped stabilize the subcenter's property market to some extent, the fever has spread to adjacent markets. The specific geography of property market dynamics provides an important channel to evaluate the impact of the subcenter program and offers insight regarding the development of tactics to optimize subcenter outcomes.  相似文献   

The aim of modern innovation policies is to enhance the innovation capability of regions, their organizations and people. Regional innovation system (RIS) theory has been one of the most popular frameworks for realizing innovation policies. Yet, adopting the perspective of sustainable innovation policy where innovation is also seen as a solution to various societal and environmental problems has been slow. Social enterprises (SEs) are discussed here as a means to address those problems, particularly through collaboration between sectors and focusing on social sustainability. The aim of this paper is to identify whether and in what way SEs are communicated as an innovative solution and as a source of innovations for economic and development activities through regional strategies. The data consist of regional innovation and business strategies from all Finnish regions, analysed using qualitative content analysis. We argue that there is a need to go deeper and include effective support mechanisms for SEs in these documents. Better inclusion of SEs as part of innovation systems and communicating this through regional strategies would help to develop SEs and to have them perceived as potential innovators and active entrepreneurial actors in innovation systems contributing to economically, environmentally and socially sustainable development.  相似文献   

Many postsocialist countries are run by an elite with links to the socialist legacy and often share similar challenges and issues. We investigate formal and informal factors shaping the role of mayors in accessing regional development funds in Albania, a postsocialist country. With data from one of the largest elite (mayors) survey, we analyze both channels of influence of the mayors: the number of applications and the success rate. We find that mayors bring their communities more funds using formal leadership qualities that intensify the number of submissions. On the other hand, informal leadership remains important in explaining the success rate, as by using networking channels leaders enhance the probability to get financed. Political power is also decisive in the process.  相似文献   

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