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Editor's Note: The Xigaze area boasts many monasteries of great importance to Tibet. They include the Tashilhungpo Monastery which is the residence of the Panchen Erdeni, the Xalhu Monastery which features Tibetan and Chinese architectural styles, the Palkor Monastery believed to be a shining art pearl in the Gyangze Plain, the Sagya Monastery known as Dunhuang the No. 2, the Ralhayungzongling Monastery which is one of the major monasteries of the Bon religion, and the Rongbu Monastery at the foot of the Qomolangmo. These monasteries are held as cultural relics units subject to national or regional protection.  相似文献   

middle-agedlamaliftedtheneedleinfrontofhisface,betrayinghesitationover.whetherto2iveaniniectiontotheyoungwomansittingonthebenchinfrontofhirn.Hisembarrass-mentformedasharpcontrastwiththewomanwhoremainedverycomposed.ThesnapshotwastakenintheTashilhungpoMonas…  相似文献   

Daofu,LuhuoandGarzeinGarzePrefecturewerecalledHorinthepast.Composedofthethreecoun-tiesofHozamgo,HodaofuandHogarze,itexercisedjurisdictionoverZamgo,Zhuwai,Kongsa,DongoandMashu,whichwerecombinedandbecameknownastheFiveHorTribes.HoristheTibetantranslationoftheMongolianwordkhan.Accordingtohistoricalrecords,in1251,KublaiKhan(1215-1294),foundingemperorofChina'sYuanDynasty(1271-1368),invitedPagba(1235-128O),PrinceofDharmaoftheSagyaSectofTibetanBuddhism,tovisittheMongolianareatolectureon…  相似文献   

AvisittoTibetanBuddhistmonasteriesinGansuandQinghaiProvincesimpressespeoplewiththeirmagnificenceandholiness.Eachcontainsculturalrelics,rangingfromofferingsonshrinestotheobjectsusedbytheLivingBuddhas.Theyareallofhistoricalvalueandalsoattreasuresrarelyfoundintheworld.RELICSOFGESAR.KingGesarwasahero,whosestoryhasbeentoldandretoldoverthecenturiesbypeopleintheTibetanareasinGansu,QinghaiandTibet.Hisbelongingsarealmostindispensableforvariousmonasteries.Forexample,intheDanaMonasteryinNangq…  相似文献   

Besides Dracula, Ceau?escu, and Nadia Com?neci, monasteries constitute a permanent Romanian brand, inextricably linked in every foreign visitor's mind to Romanianness. Specific to Moldavia and Bucovina—the Eastern and Northern parts of Romania—these monasteries have attracted visitors for the past 500 years. The person visiting a sacred site is transformed from being merely a tourist into a pilgrim. The painting “The Ladder towards Heaven” at the Pâng?ra?i Monastery, for example, highlights the importance of the mental and physical involvement of the tourist-pilgrim as an interactive participant in the process of self-discovery.  相似文献   

本文澄清隋代清禅寺遗址的性质并非僧侣墓葬,而是佛塔地宫所在。考订隋代净觉寺的位置不在曲池坊,而应在晋昌坊;崇先寺不在长安,而在洛阳。另外,本文梳理了恒济寺以及武则天外家纪念性寺观的名称沿革。  相似文献   

翟战胜 《文博》2011,(3):84-87
李寿墓壁画中的寺观图是目前已发现唐墓壁画题材中仅有的一例,本文旨在进一步观察画面内容和布局、通过对影响壁画题材的几个因素的分析探讨绘制寺观图的由来,认为李寿基寺观图的出现与其本人的经历、生活环境有很大的关系。并以此作为探索解读唐墓壁画题材的尝试。  相似文献   

The theme of learning in high medieval monasteries can be approached by analysing such contexts as “communities of practice” on the basis of preserved monastic letters and letter‐collections. The letters' propagandistic function makes it extremely interesting to analyse the ways in which they represent learning in order to serve different purposes: to attract people to a monastery, to offer advice to members of monastic communities, and even to intervene in the debate that opposed monastic to secular and scholastic modes of study. Moreover, epistolary sources offer insights into the complex dynamics of social interactions within the monastery, in particular the plurality of learning agents and the reciprocal nature of learning exchanges. Therefore, this approach can offer a valuable contribution to the study of learning as a shared and dialectical process, which takes place through social interaction within a heterogeneous community. In addition, it helps to understand the way in which learning is linked to the shaping of identities, both individual and communal, because it affects and transforms the reciprocal social roles of the members of a monastic community.  相似文献   

In order to better understand both the global and local contours and impact of transnationalism as a political and cultural force, this article suggests the need for an exploration of shifting gender roles and expectations as they are becoming manifest in situated arenas. The awkwardness of transposing an international rights discourse into local communities and settings deeply infused with tradition, or onto grassroots nationalist movements that work to resist foreign impositions is a widely recognized concern. At the same time, the influence of diaspora populations is seen to leaven and situate global discourse for local movements in a sending country and translates more local interests into global concerns in important and effective ways. Transnational feminist discourse now often concerns itself with the different strategies employed by diasporas, the strategic uses of global discourse, and the meaningful efforts to resist it. Through illustrations drawn from a study of women refugees in El Salvador, the Haitian democracy movement, and a rural Brazilian women's organization, this article links the experience of transmigration to women's mobilizing efforts and the proliferation of rights discourses.  相似文献   

<正>申遗材料的必选项按照《实施保护世界文化和自然遗产公约操作指南》要求,图纸是申遗材料中重要的必选项。《操作指南》中规定,图纸应清晰反映出申报遗产的区位、地理环境、构成要素、申报遗产区和缓冲区等内容,是申遗文本中"遗产辨认"一章中的重要组成内容。此外,图纸还是申遗文本重要的表达手段之一。申遗文本中都会采用大量示意插图,以更直观的方式补充说明  相似文献   

黄民初 《民俗研究》2001,(2):198-199
不久前,一位来自四川甘孜的藏族同胞,在参观云南民族学院民族博物馆时,来到放着一件“人头骨内画”的陈列柜前,恭敬地双手合十,低首肃立口中还默诵着什么,表情十分虔诚和安详。这柜中陈列的“人头骨内画”是在一具人的头盖骨内彩画着“欢喜佛”形象,它是藏传佛教密宗特有的一种神圣供品,十分引人注目。  相似文献   

This paper considers the contribution of medieval geometric drawings found on the fabric of buildings to our knowledge of the working methods of medieval masons. An attempt is made to categorize drawings found in ecclesiastical buildings, many of which are previously unrecorded or unpublished, and to explore the different functions and purposes that these drawings served and the variety of ways in which they were used. The drawings are found to address questions of design, of marking out, reference and problem solving, of training and practice and the mechanics of the stonemasonry craft.  相似文献   

敦煌写真邈真画稿研究--兼论敦煌画之写真肖像艺术   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
本文首先对Stein painting163、P.4522v、P.2002v三份人物写真白描画作了说明,然后就藏经洞绘画和敦煌石窟艺术中之写真肖像艺术展开讨论,表明在敦煌画资料中写真肖像艺术作品如同敦煌石窟艺术一样,在几千年的历史长河中得到不断发展,并形成了佛教石窟中有敦煌特色之人物肖像画。文中最终确定了三份白描画为人物写真邈真画稿的性质。  相似文献   

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