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《Parliamentary History》1990,9(2):371-393
Book reviewed in this article: The New Monarchy: England 1471–1534. By Anthony Goodman. Richard III: A Study of Service. By Rosemary Horrox. Tudor England. By John Guy. A Pillar of the Constitution: The House of Lords in British Politics 1640–1784. Edited by Clyve Jones. By Force or by Drfault? The Revolution of 1688–89. Edited by Eveline Cruickshanks. Poll Books c. 1696–1872: A Directory to Holdings in Great Britain. By Jeremy Gibson and Colin Rogers. Electoral Registers since 1832; And Burgess Rolls. By Jeremy Gibson and Colin Rogers. Parliament, Politics and People: Essays in Eighteenth-Century Irish History. Edited by Gerard O'Brien. The Memoirs and Speeches of James, 2nd Earl Waldegrave, 1742–1763. Edited with an introduction by J. C. D. Clark. The Age of Atonement: The Influence of Evangelicalism on Social and Economic Thought, 1785–1865. By Boyd Hilton. Ireland Since 1800: Conflict and Conformity. By K. Theodore Hoppen. Before the Vote Was Won: Arguments For and Against Women's Suffrage, 1864–1896. Edited by Jane Lewis. The Efficient Secret: The Cabinet and the Development of Political Parties in Victorian England. By Gary W. Cox. The Revolution in Ireland 1879–1923. Edited by D. G. Boyce. Baldwin and the conservative Party: The Crisis of 1929–1931. By Stuart Ball.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》2005,24(3):385-408
Book reviews in this article: The Architecture of Scottish Government. From Kingship to Parliamentavy Democracy. By Miles Glendinning, with contributions from Aonghus MacKechnie and Richard Orarn and an appendix by Athol Murray. Gangraena and the Strugle for the English Revolution. By Ann Hughes. Ruling Ireland, 1685–1742. Politics, Politicians and Parties. By D.W. Hayton. The Atterbury Plot. By Eveline Cruickshanks and Howard Erskine‐Hill. Arts and Arms. Literature, Politics and Patriotism During the Seven Years War. By M. John Cardwell. Literature, Politics and Patriotism During the Seven Years War. By M. John Cardwell. Benjamin Disraeli Letters. Volume VII: 1857–1859. Edited by M.G. Wiebe, Mary S. Millar, Ann P. Robson and Ellen L. Hawman. The Political Culture of the Left in Affluent Britain, 1951–64. Old Labour, New Britain? By Lawrence Black. Conservative Governments, Morality and Social Change in Affluent Britain, 1957–64. By Mark Jarvis. New Labour's Past. The Labour Party and its Discontents. By James E. Cronin. New Labour at the Centre. Constructing Political Space. By Andrew Hind‐moor.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1997,16(3):359-409
Book reviewed in this article: Henry VI and the Politics of Kingship. By John Watts John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland 1504–1553. By David Loades The Nerves of State. Taxation and the Financing of the English State, 1558–1714. By Michael J. Braddick The Papers of Sir Richard Grosvenor, 1st Bart. (1585–1645). Edted by Richard Cust. The Scottish Parliament 1639–1661. A Political and Constitutional Analysis. By John R. Young Protestantism and Patriotism. Ideologies and the Making of English Foreign Policy, 1650–1668. By Steven C. A. Pincus The House of Lords in the Reign of Charles II. By Andrew Swatland William III and the Godly Revolution. By Tony Claydon The Parliamentary Diary of sir Richard Cocks, 1698–1702. Edited by D. W. Hayton. John Wilkes. A Friend to Liberty. By Peter D. G. Thomas. The Waning of ‘Old Corruption’. The Politics of Economical Reform in Britain, 1779–1846. By Philip Harling Henry Goulbum, 1784–1856. A Political Biography. By Brian Jenkins Britain and the Defeat of Napoleon 1807–1815. By Rory Muir. The Decline of British Radicalism, 1847–1860. By Miles Taylormbridge Citizenship and Community: Liberals, Radicals and Collective Identities in the British Isles, 1865–1931. Edited by Eugenio F. Biagini Officials of Royal Commissions of Inquiry 1870–1939. Compiled by Elaine Harrison Democratic Ideas and the British Labour Movement, 1880–1914. By Loge Barrow and Ian Bullock The Conservatives and British Society, 1880–1990. Edited by Martin Francis and Ina Zweiniger-Bargelowska The Age of Salisbury, 1881–1902. Unionism and Empire. By Richard Shannon. Democratic Rhondda. Politics and Society 1885–1951. By Chris William A History of Conservative Politics, 1900–1996. By John Channley The Republican Crown. Lawyers and the Making Of the State in Twentieth-Century Britain. By Joseph M. Jacob. Out of Control. British Foreign Policy and the Union of Democratic Control 1914–1918. By Sally Harris. Clement Attlee. By Jerry H. Brookshire. The Diaries and Letters of Robert Bernays 1932–1939. An Insider's Account of the House of Commons. Edited by Nick Smart Politics and the Constitution: Essays on British Government. By Vernon Bogdanor. The Heath Government 1970–1974. A Reappraisal. Edited by Stuart Ball and Anthony Seldon  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》2001,20(3):363-403
Book reviewed in this article: Richard II and the Revolution of 1399. By Michael Bennett. Cheshire and the Tudor State 1480–1560. By Tim Thornton. Political Culture in the Reign of Elizabeth I. Queen and Commonwealth 1558–1585. By A. N. McLaren. Conscience and Allegiance in Seventeenth‐Century England. The Political Significance of Oaths and Engagements. By David Martin Jones. Political Thought in Seventeenth‐Century Ireland. Kingdom or Colony. Edited by Jane Ohlmeyer. Ambition and Failure in Stuart England. The Career of John, First Viscount Scudamore. By Ian Atherton. The Making of the Eighteenth‐Century Irish Constitution. Government, Parliament and the Revenue, 1692–1714. By Charles Ivar McGrath. Professors of the Law. Barristers and English Legal Culture in the Eighteenth Century. By David Lemmings. The Irish Political System 1740–1765. The Golden Age of the Undertakers. By Eoin Magennis. Reform in Great Britain and Germany 1750–1850. Edited by T. C. W. Blanning and Peter Wende. The Age of Unease, Government and Reform in Britain 1782–1832. By Michael J. Turner. The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke. General Editor: Paul Langford. Volume VII: India: The Hastings Trial 1789–1794. Edited by P. J. Marshall The Quarrel of Macaulay and Croker. Politics and History in the Age of Reform. By William Thomas. The Reform Act 1832 on CD‐ROM. William Smith O'Brien and the Young Ireland Rebellion of 1848. By Robert Sloan. Gladstone Centenary Essays. Edited by David Bebbington and Roger Swift. The March of the Women. A Revisionist Analysis of the Campaign for Women's Suffrage, 1866–1914. By Martin Pugh. Labour's First Century. Edited by Duncan Tanner, Pat Thane and Nick Tiratsoo. The Labour Party in Wales, 1900–2000. Edited by Duncan Tanner, Chris Williams and Deian Hopkin. Augmenting Democracy. Political Movements and Constitutional Reform During the Rise of Labour, 1900–1924. By Andrew Chadwick. The Neville Chamberlain Diary Letters. Volume 1: The Making of a Politician, 1915–1920. Edited by Robert Self. The Neville Chamberlain Diary Letters. Volume 2: The Reform Years, 1921–1927. Edited by Robert Self.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1995,14(3):349-394

《Parliamentary History》1986,5(1):143-181
Book reviewed in this article: The Impeachment of Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, in 1386 in the Context of the Reign of Richard II. By J.S. Roskell. Property and Politics: Essays in Later Medieval English History. Edited by A.J. Pollard. Henry VII. By Roger Lockyer. Lancastrians and Yorkists: The Wars of the Roses. By David R. Cook. The Reign of Mary I. By Robert Tittler. All the Queen's Men: Power and Politics in Mary Stewart's Scotland. By Gordon Donaldson. Lordship to Patronage: Scotland 1603–1745. By Rosalind Mitchison. The House of Lords 1603–1649: Structure, Procedure and the Nature of Its Business. By Elizabeth Read Foster. Stuart Royal Proclamations. Volume II: Proclamations of King Charles I 1625–1646. Edited by James F. Larkin. The Making of a Ruling Class: The Glamorgan Gentry 1640–1790. By Philip Jenkins. Two Diaries of the Long Parliament. Edited by Maija Jansson. Party and Management in Parliament 1660–1784. Edited by Clyve Jones. A Handlist of British Parliamentary Poll Books. Edited by John Sims. The Correspondence of the Dukes of Richmond and Newcastle 1724–1750. Edited by Timothy J. McCann. Soame Jenyns. By Ronald Rompkey. British Parliamentary Parties 1742–1832: From the Fall of Walpole to the First Reform Act. By B.W. Hill. The Younger Pitt: The Reluctant Transition. By John Ehrman. The British Political Tradition. By W.H. Greenleaf. Victorian Radicalism: The Middle-Class Experience 1830–1914. By Paul Adelman. Crosses on the Ballot: Patterns of British Voter Alignment since 1885. By Kenneth D. Wald. Lloyd George: Backbencher. By W.R.P. George. Liberalism and the Rise of Labour 1890–1918. By Keith Laybourn and Jack Reynolds. Neville Chamberlain. Volume One: Pioneering and Reform 1869–1929.By David Dilks. Wars and Welfare: Britain 1914–1945. By Max Beloff. The Legend of Red Clydeside. By Iain McLean. Finest Hour: Winston S. Churchill 1939–41. By Martin Gilbert. Civil Liberties in Britain during the Second World War: A Political Study. By Neil Stammers.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》2001,20(2):237-286
Book reviewed in this article: The Sovereignty of Parliament. History and Philosophy. By Jeffrey Goldsworthy. Edward VI. By Jennifer Loach. Tudor Church Militant. Edward VI and the Protestant Reformation. By Diarmaid MacCulloch. State and Society in Early Modem Scotland. By Julian Goodare. England's Troubles. Seventeenth‐Century English Political Instability in European Context. By Jonathan Scott. Sociability and Power in Late‐Stuart England. The Cultural Worlds of the Verneys 1660–1720. By Susan E. Whyman. Bom to Rule. British Political Elites. By Ellis Wasson. Contesting Ireland. Irish Voices Against England in the Eighteenth Century. By T. O. McLoughlin. The Moravian Church in England 1728–1760. By Colin Podmore. A Life of George Dempster, Scottish M.P. of Dunnichen (1732–1818). By Andrew Munro Lang. John Scott, Lord Eldon, 1751–1838. The Duty of Loyalty. By Rose A. Melikan. British Politics in an Age of Reform. By Michael J. Turner. Cornwall Politics in the Age of Reform 1790–1885. By Edwin Jaggard. Wellington Studies II. Edited by C. M. Woolgar. Wellington Studies III. Edited by C. M. Woolgar. Protection and Politics. Conservative Economic Discourse, 1815–1852. By Anna Gambles. The Self‐Fashioning of Disraeli, 1818–1851. Edited by Charles Richmond and Paul Smith. Policing Provincial England 1829–1856. The Politics of Reform. By David Philips and Robert D. Storch. Class in Britain. By David Cannadine. Defining the Victorian Nation. Class, Race, Gender and the Reform Act of 1867. By Catherine Hall, Keith McClelland and Jane Rendall. Famine, Land and Politics. British Government and Irish Society 1843–1850. By Peter Gray. Local and Parliamentary Politics in Liverpool from 1800 to 1911. By D. Ben Rees. Lord Salisbury. A Political Biography. By David Steele. The Labour Party. A Centenary History. Edited by Brian Brivati and Richard Heffernan. The British Study of Politics in the Twentieth Century. Edited by Jack Hayward, Brian Barry and Archie Brown. Sacred Cows and Common Sense. The Symbolic Statecraft and Political Culture of the British Labour Party. By Tim Bale.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1985,4(1):215-252
Book reviewed in this article: Parliament and community. Edited by Art Cosgrove and J.I. McGuire. English Lordship in Ireland 1318–1361. By Robin Frame. The Statesman and the Fanatic: Thomas Wolsey and Thomas More. By Jasper Ridley. The Axe of Elizabeth: England under the Later Tudors 1547–1603. By D.M. Palliser. Calendar of tha Correspondernce of the Smyth Family of Ashton Court 1548–1642. Edited by J.H. Bettey. Faith by Statute: Parliament and the Settlement of Religion 1559. By Norman L. Jones. De Republica Anglorum by Sir Thomas Smith. Edited by Mary Dewar. Charles I: The Personal Monarch. By Charles Carlton. Charles I and the Popish Plot. By Caroline M. Hibbard. The English Republic 1649–3660. By Toby Barnard. England without a King 3649–1660. By Austin Woolrych. The Poet's Time: Politics and Religion in the Work of Andrew Marvell. By Warren L. Chernaik. William Molyneux of Dublin 1656–1698. By J.G. Simms. Edited by P.H. Kelly. The Glorious Revolution. By John Miller. Hell-Fire Duke: The Lije of tlie Duke of Wharton. By Mark Blackett-Ord. Lord Bolingbroke: Contributions to the Craftsman. Edited by Simon Varey. Pvoceedinp and Debates of the Brifish Parliament Rcspecfirg North America 1754-1 781.Edited by R.C. Simmons and P.D.G. Thomas. The Emergence of the British Two-Party System 1760–1832. By Frank O'Gorman. A Great and Necessary Measure: George Grenville and the Genesis of the Stamp Act 1763–1765. By John L. Bullion. Peaceable Kingdom: Stability and Change in Modern Britain. By Brian Harrison. Palmerston: The Early Years 1784–1841. By Kenneth Bournc. Selections from the Papers of the London Corresponding Society 1792–1799. Edited by Mary Thale. The Great Reform Act of 1832. By Eric J. Evans. Lord Aberdeen: A Political Biography. By Muriel E. Chamberlain. A Political Odyssey: Thornas O'Donnell M.P. for West Kerry 1900–1918. By J. Anthony Gaughan. Britain and Ireland 1914–23. By Sheila Lawlor.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviwed in this article Past Meets Present: Essays about Historic Interpretation and Public Audiences. Edited by Jo Blatti. Selvages and Biases: The Fabric of History in American Culture. By Michael Kammen. Morbid Appearances: The Anatomy of Pathology in the Early Nineteenth Century. By Russell C. Maulitz. Combat Sports in the Ancient World: Competition, Violence and Culture. [Sport and History Series.] By Michael B. Poliakoff. Poets and Emperors: Frankish Politics and Carolingian Poetry. By Peter Godman. The Origins of Medieval Jurisprudence: Pavia and Bologna, 850–1150. By Charles M. Radding. Henry the Lion: A Biography. By Karl Jordan. Translated by P. S. Falla. Khubilai Khan: His Life and Times. By Morris Rossabi. The Kingdom of Armenia. By M. Chahin. Politics and Society in Reformation Europe: Essays for Sir Geoffrey Elton on his Sixty Fifth Birthday. Edited by E. I. Kouri and Tom Scott. Sexual Underworlds of the Enlightenment. Edited by G. S. Rousseau and Roy Porter. The Poor in Western Europe in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. By Stuart Woolf. Social Change and the Labouring Poor: Antwerp, 1770–1860. By Catharina Lis. The Forced Loan and English Politics, 1626–1628. By Richard Cust. Democracy and Religion: Gladstone and the Liberal Party, 1867–1875. By J. P. Parry. The Rise of English Nationalism: A Cultural History, 1740–1830. By Gerald Newman. Parliament, Party and the Art of Politics in Britain. By Angus Hawkins. Lord Lloyd and the Decline of the British Empire. By John Charmley. The Political Culture of Modern Britain: Essays in Memory of Stephen Koss. Edited by J. M. W. Bean. The Jacobin Clubs in the French Revolution: The Middle Years. By Michael L. Kennedy. Joseph II: In the Shadow of Maria Theresa, 1741–1780. By Derek Beales. Dreams and Delusions: The Drama of German History. By Fritz Stern. The Holocaust in History. By Michael R. Marrus. The Origins of the Boxer Uprising. By Joseph W. Esherick. Empire of Fortune: Crowns, Colonies, and Tribes in the Seven Years: War in America. By Francis Jennings. The Townshend Duties Crisis: The Second Phase of the American Revolution, 1767–1773. By Peter D. G. Thomas. The Forging of the Union, 1781–1789. [New American Nation Series.] By Richard B Morris. Sacred Feathers: The Reverend Peter Jones (Kahkewaquonaby) and the Mississauga Indians. By Donald B. Smith. The Road to Mobocracy: Popular Disorder in New York City, 1763–1834. By Paul A. Gilje. The Democratic Dilemma: Religion, Reform, and the Social Order in the Connecticut River Valley of Vermont, 1791–1850. By Randolph A. Roth. Economic Growth and the Ending of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. By David Eltis. Slave Culture: Nationalist Theory and the Foundations of Black America. By Sterling Stuckey. The Plundering Generation: Corruption and the Crisis of the Union, 1849–1861. By Mark W. Summers. American Medical Schools and the Practice of Medicine: A History. By William G. Rothstein. Lee's Tarnished Lieutenant: James Longstreet and His Place in Southern History. By William Garrett Piston. Visions of Harmony: A Study in Nineteenth-Century Millenarianism. By Anne Taylor. Able-Bodied Womanhood, Personal Health and Social Change in Nineteenth-Century Boston. By Martha H. Verbrugge. Enterprising Elite: The Boston Associates and the World They Made. [Volume 40 of the Harvard Studies in Business History. Edited by Alfred D. Chandler Jr.] By Robert F. Dalzell Jr. The Christian Home in Victorian America, 1840–1900. [Religion in North America Series.] By Colleen McDannell. The Tenant Movement in New York City, 1904–1984. Edited by Ronald Lawson. The Progressive Yankees: Republican Reformers in New Hampshire, 1906–1916. By James Wright. Behind the Lines: Gender and the Two World Wars. Edited by Margaret Randolph Higonnet et al. The Fall of the House of Labor: The Workplace, The State, and American Labor Activism, 1865–1925. By David Montgomery. American Automobile Workers, 1900–1933. By Joyce Shaw Peterson. Standing at Armageddon: The United States, 1877–1919. By Nell Irvin Painter. The Collapse of the Grand Alliance, 1945–48. By James L. Gormly. Mormons at the Missouri, 1846–1852: “And Should We Die.” By Richard E. Bennett. Oklahoma Populism: A History of the People Party in the Oklahoma Territory. By Worth Robert Miller. The Cheyenne Nation: A Social and Demographic History. By John Moore. America Through Russian Eyes, 1874–1926. Edited and translated by Olga Peters Hasty and Susanne Fusso. Eisenhower and Latin America: The Foreign Policy of Anticommunism. By Stephen G. Rabe. Klaus Fuchs, Atom Spy. By Robert C. Williams. Slave Life in Rio de Janeiro, 1808–1850. By Mary C. Karasch.  相似文献   

Elizabeth's Wars. War, Government and Society in Tudor England The Rule of Law, 1603‐1660. Crown, Courts and Judges. By James S. Hart Jr. Harlow The Crisis of 1614 and the Addled Parliament. Literary and Historical Perspectives. Edited by Stephen Clucas and Rosalind Davies (ed.) Proceedings of the Long Parliament. House of Commons. Volume 4: 19 April– 5June 1641. Edited by Maija Jansson. Rochester The Cult of King Charles the Martyr. By Andrew Lacey Puritan Iconoclasm during the English Civil War. By Julie Spraggon 1 John Morrill, ‘William Dowsing and the Administration of Iconoclasm in the Puritan Revolution’, in The Journal of William Dowsing Public Debt and the Birth of the Democratic State. France and Great Britain, 1688‐1789. By David Stasavage Palmerston and the Politics of Foreign Policy 1846‐1855. By David Brown Gladstone. By Michael Partridge The Letters of Arnold Stephenson Rowntree to Mary Katherine Rowntree, 1910‐1918. Edited by Ian Packer 1 George L. Bernstein, Liberalism and Liberal Politics in Edwardian England. 2 Elfrida Vipont, Arnold Roumtree. A Life (1955). 3 Among the memoirs published by Rowntree's Liberal contemporaries are F. A. Channing, Memories of Midland Politics, 1885‐1910 (1910); G. Leveson‐Gower, Years of Endeavour 1886‐1907 (1942); and R. Winfrey, Great Men and Others I Have Met (Kettering, 1943). 4 Odyssey of an Edwardian Liberal. The Political Diary of Richard Durning Holt, ed. David Dutton 5 Ian Packer, ‘Religion and the New Liberalism: The Rowntree Family, Quakerism, and Social Reform’, Journal of British Studies. The Scottish Labour Party. History, Institutions and Ideas. Edited by Gerry Hassan British Elections and Parties Review. Volume 11. Edited by Jonathan Tonge, Lynn Bennie, David Denver and Lisa Harrison Volume 12. Edited by Lynne Bennie, Colin Railings, Jonathan Tonge and Paul Webb Volume 13. Edited by Colin Railings, Roger Scully, Jonathan Tonge and Paul Webb  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1982,1(1):233-281
Book reviewed in this article: Parliamentary History, Libraries and Records: Essays Presented to Maurice Bond. Edited by H. S. Cobb. London: House of Lords Record Office A History of the County of Chester: Volume II (The Victoria History of the Counties of England). Edited by B. E. Harris. London: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Historical Research Kingship and Unity: Scotland 1000–1306. By G. W. S. Barrow. (The New History of Scotland, Volume 2.) London: Edward Arnold. 1981 Robert Winchelsey and the Crown 1294–1313: A Study in the Defence of Ecclesiastical Liberty. By Jeffrey H. Denton. (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought. Third series, Volume 14.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press John Russell, First Earl of Bedford: One of the King's Men. By Diane Willen. London: Royal Historical Society, Studies in History series No. 23; published for the Royal Historical Society by Swift Printers (Publishers) Ltd The Lisle Letters. Edited by Muriel St Clare Byrne. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press The Irish Constitutional Revolution of the Sixteenth Century. By Brendan Bradshaw. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press King Charles I. By Pauline Gregg. London: Dent Denzil Holles 1598–1680: A Study of his Political Career. By Patricia Crawford. London: Royal Historical Society, Studies in History series No. 16; published for the Royal Historical Society by Swift Printers (Publishers) Ltd A Register of Parliamentary Lists 1660–1761. Edited by David Hayton and Clyve Jones. University of Leicester History Department Occasional Publication No. 1. Leicester: University of Leicester History Department A Register of Parliamentary Lists 1660–1761: A Supplement. Edited by David Hayton and Clyve Jones. University of Leicester History Department Occasional Publication No. 3. Leicester: University of Leicester History Department The Correspondence of John Locke. Edited by E. S. de Beer. (The Clarendon Edition of the Works of John Locke.) Volume VI: Letters Nos. 2119–2664. Oxford: Clarendon Press The Whig Ascendancy: Colloquies on Hanoverian England. Edited by John Cannon. London: Edward Arnold Ireland in the Age of Imperialism and Revolution 1760–1801. By R. B. McDowell. Oxford: Clarendon Press The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke. General Editor: Paul Langford. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Volume II: Party, Parliament and the American Crisis 1766–1774. Edited by Paul Langford The English Administrative System 1780–1870. By Sir Norman Chester. Oxford: Clarendon Press Order and Equipoise: The Peerage and the House of Lords 1783–1806. By Michael W. McCahill. London: Royal Historical Society, Studies in History series No. 11; published for the Royal Historical Society by Swift Printers (Publishers) Ltd. Castlereagh. By Wendy Hinde. London: Collins The Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury. By Geoffrey B. A. M. Finlayson. London: Eyre Methuen British Interparty Conferences: A Study of the Procedure of Conciliation in British Politics 1867–1921. By John D. Fair. Oxford: Clarendon Press The Campaign for Prohibition in Victorian England: The United Kingdom Alliance 1872–1895. By A. E. Dingle. London: Croom Helm Joseph Chamberlain: A Political Study. By Richard Jay. Oxford: Clarendon Press Colne Valley: Radicalism to Socialism. The Portrait of a Northern Constituency in the Formative Years of the Labour Party 1890–1910. By David Clark. London: Longman The People's Budget 1909/10: Lloyd George and Liberal Politics. By Bruce K. Murray. Oxford: Clarendon Press Baldwin Thwarts the Opposition: The British General Election of 1935. By Tom Stannage. London: Croom Helm The Commons in Perspective. By Philip Norton. Oxford: Martin Robertson Works of Art in the House of Lords. Edited by Maurice Bond. London: H. M. S. O.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1995,14(2):199-255

《Parliamentary History》1998,17(3):373-397
Book reviewed in this article: On the Laws and Governance of England. By Sir John Fortescue. The Reign of Elizabeth I. Court and Culture in the Last Decade. Edited by John Guy. Andrew Fletcher. Political Works. Edited by John Robertson. Politics in Eighteenth-Century Wales. By Peter D.G. Thomas. The Rockingham Connection and the Second Founding of the Whig Party, 1768–- 1773. By W.M. Elofson. The House of Lords and Ideological Politics. Lord Salisbury's Referendal Theory and the Conservative Party 1846–1922. By Corinne Comstock Weston. From Salisbury to Major. Continuity and Change in Conservative Politics. By Brendan Evans and Andrew Taylor. British Business and Protection, 1903–32. By Andrew Marrison. Sir Edward Carson. A Dream too Far. By John Hostettler. Callaghan: A Life. By Kenneth O. Morgan. A Partnership for Good? Scottish Politics and the Union since 1880. By Richard J. Finlay.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》2007,26(3):414-430
Book reviewed in this article: James VI and I. Ideas, Authority, and Government. Edited by Ralph A. Houl‐brooke John Wilkes. The Lives of a Libertine. By John Sainsbury Edmund Burke. Volume II: 1784–1797. By F. P. Lock Loulou. Selected Extracts from the Journal of Lewis Harcourt (1880–1895). Edited by Patrick Jackson Killerton, Camborne and Westminster. The Political Correspondence of Sir Francis and Lady Acland, 1910–29. Edited by Garry Tregidga The Palgrave Review of British Politics 2005. Edited by Michael Rush and Philip Giddings Proceedings in the Opening Session of the Long Parliament. The House of commons. Volume 5: 7 June‐17 July 1641. Edited by Maija Jansson  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviewed in this article: The Past Recaptured. Great Historians and the History of History. By M. A. Fitzsimons. The Ideal City: Its Architectural Evolution in Europe. By Helen Rosenau. Third Edition. Roman Gaul: The Three Provinces, 58 B.C.-A.D. 260. By J. F. Drinkwater. Barbarians and Romans: The Birth Struggle of Europe A.D. 400–700. By Justine Davis Randers-Pehrson. City, Town, and Countyside in the Early Byzantine Era. [East European Monogaphs, CXX; Ryzantine Series, No. 1]. Edited by Robert L. Hohlfelder. Rupert of Deutz. By John H. Van Engen. The Kingdom of Leon-Castilla Under Queen Urraca, 1109–1126. By Bernard F. Reilly. The Holy Greyhound: Guinefort, Healer of Children from the Thirteenth Century. By Jean-Claude Schmitt. Translated by M. Thom. Seven-Headed Luther: Essays in Commemoration of a Quincentenary 1483–1983. Edited by Peter Newman Brooks (New York: Oxford University Press, 1983.) Paolo Sarpi Between Renaissance and Enlightenment. By David Wootton. Maximilian I (1459–1519): An Analytical Biography. By Gerhard Benecke. Women of the English Renaissance and Reformation. By Retha M. Warnicke. Regional Transformation and Industrial Revolution: A Geography of the Yorkshire Woollen Industry. By Derek Gregory. Beyond Liberty and Property: The Process of Self-Recognition in Eighteenth-Century Political Thought. By J. A. W. Gunn. Britain, Europe and The World 1850–1982; Delusions of Grandeur. By Bernard Porter. Thomas Carlyle: A Biography. By Fred Kaplan. Man of Wars: William Howard Russell of The Times. By Alan Hankinson. Making Histories: Studies in History Writing and Politics. Edited by Richard Johnson, Gregor McLennan, Bill Schwarz, and David Sutton, with a foreward by Mary Jo Maynes. The French Council of Commerce 1700–1715: A Study of Mercantilism after Colbert. By Thomas J. Schaeper. Thomas-Robert Bugeaud, France and Algeria 1784–1849. Politics, Power and the Good Society. By Antony Thrall Sullivan. The Well-ordered Police State: Social and Institutional Change through Law in the Germanies and Russia, 1600–1800. By Marc Raeff. Gregor Strasser and the Rise of Nazism. By Peter D. Stachura. The Nazi Machtergrezfung. Edited by Peter D. Stachura. Popular Opinion and Political Dissent in the Third Reich: Bavaria 1933–1945. By Ian Kershaw. Nazi Propaganda: The Power and the Limitations. Edited by David Welth. Explaining Hitler's Germany: Historians and the Third Reich. By John Hiden and John Farquharson. The Balkan City, 1400–1900. By Nikolai Todorov. Society in Change: Studies in Honor of Béla K. Király. The Habsburg Monarchy as a Customs Union: Economic Development in Austria-Hungary in the Nineteenth Century. By John Komlos. The Effects of World War I: The Class War after the Great War: The Rise of Communist Parties an East Central Europe, 1918–1921. Warsaw Between the World Wars: Profile of the Capital City in a Developing Land, 1918–1939. By Edward D. Wynot, Jr. Red Petrograd: Revolution in the Factories, 1917–1918. By S. A. Smith. The Sultan's Servants: The Transformation of Ottoman Provincial Government, 1550–1650. By I. Metin Kunt. The Afghan Connection: The Extraordinary Adventures of Major Eldred Pottinger. By George Pottinger. Peasant Movements in India, 1920–1950. By D. N. Dhanagare. Monopolists and Freebooters. The China Quagmire: Japan's Expansion on the Asian Continent, 1933–1941. Edited by James William Morley. The Great Leap Forward, 1958–1960. Archival Theory and Practice in the United States: A Historical Analysis. By Richard C. Berner. Black Personalities in the Era of the Slave Trade. Edited by Paul Edwards and James Walvin. Renato Beluche: Smuggler, Privateer, and Patriot. By Jane Lucas De Grummond. Working for the Railroad: The Organization of Work in the Nineteenth Century. By Walter Licht. The Games They Played: Sports in American History, 1845–1980. By Douglas A. Noverr and Lawrence Ziewacz. Workingmen's Democracy: The Knights of Labor and American Politics. By Leon Fink. The End of Arcadia: Gordon Browning and Tennessee Politics. By William R. Majors. American Profile, 1900–1909. By Edward Wagenknecht. Brandeis. By Lewis J. Paper. Crossroads of Decision: The State Department and Foreign Policy, 1933–1937. By Howard Jablon. G-Men: Homer's FBI in American Popular Culture. By Richard Gid Powers. The Limits of Liberalism. By Larry G. Gerber. Urban Workers and Labor Unions in Chile, 1902–1927. By Peter De Shazo.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviewed in this article: Women in Hellenistic Egypt from Alexander to Cleopatra. By Sara B. Pomeroy. Fathers and Daughters in Roman Society: Women and the Elite Family. By Judith P. Hallett. The Christians as the Romans Saw Them. By Robert L. Wilken. Les troupes auxiliares de l'armée romaine en Maurétanie Céarienne sous le Haut-Empire. By Nacéra Benseddik. The Roman Army in Britain. By P. A. Holder. The Governance of Anglo-Saxon England, 500–1087. By H. R. Loyn. Old Age in Preindustrial Society. Edited by Peter N. Stearns. TheBritish Empire,1558–1983. By T. O. Lloyd. Augustan England Professions, State and Society. 1680–1730. By Geoffrey Holmes. The Younger Pitt: The Reluctant Transition. By John Ehrman. Archetypes and Ancestors: Palaeontology in Victorian London 1850–1875. By Adrian Desmond. The English Catholic Church in the Nineteenth Century. By Edward Norman. The Origins of Anglo-American Radicalism. Edited by Margaret and James Jacob. The Making of British Colonial Development Policy, 1914–1940, By Stephen Constantine. Political Violence in Ireland: Government and Resistance Since 1848. By Charles Townshend. Republicans and Imperialists: Anglo-Irish Relations in the 1930s. By Deirdre McMahon. Vive le Roi: A History of the French Coronation from Charles V to Charles X. By Richard A. Jackson. Money and Power in Fifteenth-Century France. By Harry A. Miskimin. Church and Community in the Diocese of Lyon, 1500–1789. By Philip T. Hoffman. Historians and the Law in Postrevolutionary France. By Donald R. Kelley. The Conquest of the Sahara. By Douglas Porch. Crime, Madness, and Politics in Modern France: The Medical Concept of National Decline. By Robert A. Nye. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and the Rise of French Republican Socialism. By K. Steven Vincent. The Casablanca Connection: French Colonial Policy, 1936–1943. By William A. Hoisington, Jr. Political Violence and the Rise of Nazism: The Storm Troopers in Eastern Germany, 1925–1934. By Richard Bessel. Women's Suffrage and Social Politics in the French Third Republic. By Steven C. Hause with Anne R. Kenney. We Men Who Feel Most German: A Cultural Study of the Pan-German League, 1886–1914. By Roger Chickering. Women, Nazis and Universities: Female University Students in the Third Reich, 1933–1945. [Contributions in Women's Studies, No. 54.] By Jacques R. Pauwels. Bread and salt: A Social and Economic History of Food and Drink in Russia. By R. E. F. Smith and David Christian. Understanding Imperial Russia: State and Society in the Old Regime. By Marc Raeff. The Soviet Union and the struggle for Collective Security in Europe, 1933–39. By Jonathan Haslam. China and the. Overseas Chinese in the United States, 1868–1911. By Shih-shan Henry Tsai. The Great Father: The United States Government and the American Indians. By Francis Paul Prucha. Liberty a Better Husband. Single Women in America: The Generations of 1780–1840. By Lee Virginia Chambers-Schiller. The Public Lands in Jacksonian Politics. By Daniel Feller. Immigrants in the Valler: Irish, Germans, and Americans in the Upper Mississippi Country, 1830–1860. By Mark Wyman. The Civil War Party System: The Case of Massachusetts, 1848–1876. By Dale Baum. Three Who Dared. Prudence Crandall, Margaret Douglass, Myrtilla Miner: Champions of Antebellum Black Education. By Philip S. Foner and Josephine F. Pacheco. War, Foreign Affairs, and Constitutional Power: 1829–1901. By Henry Bartholomew Cox. Industrialization and Southern Society, 1877–1984. [New Perspectives on the South Series.] By James C. Cobb. Children of the City, At Work and At Play. By David Nasaw. Actors and American Culture, 1880–1920. By Benjamin McArthur. Railroads, Reconstruction, and the Gospel of Prosperity. By Mark W. Summers. American Enterprise in Foreign Markets: Studies of Singer and International Harvester in Imperial Russia. By Fred V. Carstensen. The Stars and Stripes: Doughboy Journalism in World War I. [Contributions in Military History, No. 37.] By Alfred E. Cornebise. Hood, Bonnet Q Little Brown Jug: Texas Politics, 1921–1928. By Norman D. Brown. Dubious Alliance: The Making of Minnesota's DFL Party. By John Earl Haynes. The Great “Red Menace”: United States Prosecution of American Communists, 1947–1952. By Peter L. Steinberg. The Presidency of Harry S. Truman. [American Presidency Series.] By Donald R. McCoy. The Truman Scandals and the Politics of Morality. By Andrew J. Dunar. America's Forgotten Wars: The Counterrevolutionary Past and Lessons for the Future. By Sam C. Sarkesian. Economics and World Power: An Assessment of American Diplomacy Since 1789. Edited by William H. Becker and Samuel F. Wells, Jr.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: The Meaning of History. By Henri Marrou. Freedom in the Modern World. By Herbert J. Muller. The Shape of Medieval History: Studies in Modes of Perception. By William J. Brandt. They Saw it Happen in Europe, 1450–1600. By C. R. N. Routh. John the Fearless: The Growth of Burgundian Power. By Richard Vaughan. Reformation Europe, 1517–1559. By G. R. Elton. 1066: The Story of a Year. By Denis Butler. The Norman Conquest and the Common Law. By George W. Keeton. Origins of the Common Law. By Arthur R. Hogue. The Justicarship in England, 1066–1232. By Francis West. The Wars of the Roses. By J. R. Lander. Education and Society in Tudor England. By Joan Simon. Two Tudor Conspiracies. By D. M. Loades. The Growth of Responsible Government in Stuart England. By Clayton Roberts. The Corresopndence of Henry Oldenburg. Edited and translated by A. Rupert Hall and Marie Boas Hall with the collaboration of Eberhard Reichmann. The Stuart Constitution, 1603–1688, Documents and Commentary. Edited By J. P. Kenyon. Sherington: Fiefs and Fields of a Buckinghamshire Village. By A. C. Chibnall. The Bradlaugh Case: A Study in Late Victorian Opinion and Politics. By Walter L. Arnstein. The Age of Keynes. By Robert Lekachman. Scotland: James V to James VII. By Gordon Donaldson. The Making of Modern Ireland, 1603–1923. By J. C. Beckett. Daniel O'Connell and the Repeal Year. By Lawrence J. McCaffrey Plans for Political Reform in Imperial Russia, 1730–1905. By Marc Raeff. Stankevich and His Moscow Circle, 1830–1840. By Edward J. Brown. Russia and the Balkan Alliance of 1912. By Edward C. Thaden. Comintern and Peasant in East Europe 1919–1930. By George Jackson A Short History of Sweden. By Stewart Oakley. Seenteenth Century France. By G. R. R. Treasure. Louis XIV. By Vincent Buranelli. Empress Maria Theresa, the Earlier Years, 1717–1757 By Robert Pick. The Third Reich and the Arab East. By Lukasz Hirszowicz. Deutschlands Araberpolitik im iweiten Weltkrieg. By Heinz Tillmann. Napoleon III and the German Crisis, 1865–1866. By E. Ann Pottinger. Islam in the Modern National State. By Erwin I. J. Rosenthal. The Mutiny Outbreak at Meerut in 1857. By J. A. B. Palmer. British Policy in India, 1858–1905. By Sarvepalli Gopal. Yoshitsune: A Fifteenth-Century Japanese Chronicle. Translated, with an Introduction, by Helen Craig McCullough. Chinese Intellectuals and the West, 1972-1949. By Y. C. Wang. A Journey from St. Petersburg to Pekin, 1719–1722. By John Bell. Edited, with an Introduction, by J. L. Stevenson. The French in the Mississippi Valley. Edited by John Francis McDermott. Americana-Austriaca: Festschrift des Amerika-Instituts der Universität Innsbruck anläBlich seines zehnjährigen Bestehens. Edited By Klaus Lanzinger. Slavery and Methodism: A Chapter in American Morality 1780–1845. By Donald G. Mathews. The Prisoners of Algiers: An Account of the Forgotten American-Algerian, War, 1785–1797. By H. G. Barnby. A Shower of Stars: The Medal of Honor and the 27th Maine. By John J. Pullen. Bankers and Cattlemen. By Gene M. Gressley. Ray Stannard Baker: The Mind and Thought of a Progressive. By Robert C. Bannister The New York City Sketches of Stephen Crane and Related Pieces. Edited by R. W. Stallman and E. R. Hagemann. The Papers of Woodrow Wilson. Volume I, 1856–1880. Edited by Arthur S. Link. Politics Is Adjourned: Woodrow Wilson and the War Congress, 1916–1918. By Seward W. Livermore. Letters On The League of Nations: From the Files of Raymond B. Fosdick. By Raymond B. Fosdick. The Uncertain Giant: 1921–1941: American Foreign Policy between the Wars. By Selig Adler. High Dams and Slack Waters: TV A Rebuilds a River. By Wilmon Henry Droze. The Formative Year of Social Security. By Arthur J. Altmeyer. The Petitioners: The Story of the Supreme Court of the United States and the Negro. By Loren Miller. Admiral Raymond A. Spruance, USN: A Study in Command. By E. P. Forrestel, with an Introduction by E. M. Eller. The United States and Latin American Wars, 1932–1942. By Bryce Wood. Mexican Marxist: Vicente Lombardo Toledano. By Robert Paul Million. Actión Democratica: Evolution of a Modern Political Party in Venezuela. By John D. Martz. A History of Modern Brazil, 1889–1964. By José Maria Bello. Translated by James L. Taylor How to Study History. By Norman F. Cantor and Richard I. Schneider The Sense of the Past, Thirteen Studies in the Theory and Practice of History. By C. V. Wedgwood. The Structure of European History. Volume I, Ancient Civilization: 4000 B. C.-400 A. D. Volume II, Medieval Society: 400–1450. Volume III, Early Modern Europe: 1450–1650. Volume IV, The Fulfillment and Collapse of the Old Regime: 1650–1815. Volume V, The Making of the Modern World: 1815–1914. Volume VI, The Twentieth Century: 1914 to the Present. Edited, with introductions, by Norman F. Cantor and Michael S. Werthman. Continuity and Change in Latin America. Edited, with an introduction, by John J. Johnson. The Professions in America. Edited, with an introduction, by Kenneth S. Lynn The Popular Arts. By Stuart Hall and Paddy Whannel. The Colonizer and the Colonized. By Albert Memmi. Voices in the Classroom: Public Schools and Public Attitudes. By Peter Schrag. Science and Culture. Edited, with an introduction, by Gerald Holton. The Case for Liberty. By Helen Hill Miller. A History of the Bible. By Fred Gladstone Bratton. Utopias and Utopian Thought. A Timely Appraisal. Edited by Frank E. Manuel. Political Ideology. Why the American Common Man Believes What He Does. By Robert Lane. Studies on Asia 1966. Edited, with an introduction, by Robert K. Sakai. Life in the Middle Ages. Selected, translated, and annotated by G. G. Coulton. Emerging Medieval Europe: A.D. 400–1000. By Archibald R. Lewis. Joan of Arc. By Jules Michelet. Translated, with an introduction, by Albert Guerard. The English Tradition: Modern Studies in English History. Volume I, to 1714. Volume II, since 1714. Edited by Norman F. Cantor and Michael S. Werthman. Three Pillars of Zen. Teaching Practice Enlightenment. Compiled and Edited by Philip Kapleau. A New Europe? A Timely Appraisal. Edited by Stephen R. Graubard. World in Crisis: Readings in International Relations. Edited by Frederick l Hartmann. Diary of the Sinai Campaign. By Moshe Dayan. Theological Highlights of Vatican II. By Joseph Ratzinger. Sino-Soviet Relations, 1964–1965. Edited, with an introduction, by William E. Griffith. The Emergence of Modern Southeast Asia: 1511–1957. Edited by John Bastin. No Peace for Asia. By Harold R. Isaacs. The Woman in America. By Robert Jay Lifton. Savagism and Civilization: A Study of the Indian and the American Mind. By Roy Harvey Pearce. Essays in American Diplomacy. Edited, with an introduction, by Armin Rappaport. The Character of American History. By W. R. Brock. The Church and the City. Edited, with an introduction, by Robert D. Cross. The Storyo f Tobacco in America. By Joseph C. Robert. Absentee Ownership: The Case of America. By Thorstein Veblen. The Great Awakening. Edited by Alan Heimert and Perry Miller. The Sevdenteenth Century: 1600–1715. Edited, with an introduction, by Andrew Lossky. Provincial America, 1600–1763. Edited by Bradley Chapin. Navaho Witchcraft. By Clyde Kluckhohn. The Negro and the American Revolution. By Benjamin Quarles. The Pursuit of Science in Revolutionary America, 1735–1785. By Brooke Hindle. The Supreme Court: Law and Discretion. Edited by Wallace Mendelson. Freedom of the Press from Hamilton to the Warren Court. Edited by Harold L. Nelson. Expansion and Reform, 1815–1850. Edited by Charles M. Wiltse. The Radical Republicans and Reconstruction, 1861–1870. Edited, with an Introduction, by Harold M. Hyman. The South and the Sectional Image: The Sectional Theme Since Reconstruction. Edited by Dewey W. Grantham, Jr. The Urban Community: Housing and Planning in the Progressive Era. By Roy Lubove. The Populist Mind. Edited, with an introduction, by Norman Pollack. Lester Ward and the Welfare State. Edited, with an introduction, by Henry Steele Commager. The Progressives. Edited by Carl Resek. The Writings of Theodore Roosevelt. Edited by William H. Harbaugh. The Responsibilities of Power: 1900–1929. Edited, with an introduction, by George Harmon Knowles. The Contemporary University: U. S. A. Edited, with an introduction by Robert S. Morison. The New Student Left. Edited, with an introduction, by Mitchell Cohen and Dennis Hale. Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal. By Howard Zinn. American Consul in a Cretan War. By William J. Stillman. With an introduction and notes by George Georgiades Arnakis. Notes on the State of Virginia. By Thomas Jefferson. Edited, with an introduction, by William Peden. They Closed their Schools: Prince Edward County, Virginia, 1951–1964. By Bob Smith. Guide to the Wisconsin State Archives. Edited, with an introduction, by David J. Delgado.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article Editorial Office : Elliott Hall, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware , OH 43015 Telephone : 740–368–3642 Fax : 740–368‐3643 E‐mail BRHISTOR@cc.owu.edu From Bondage to Contract: Wage Labor, Marriage, and the Market in the Age of Slave Emancipation. By Amy Dru Stanley. Civil Society in Yemen: The Political Economy of Activism in Modern Arabia. By Sheila Carapico. Disease and Empire: The Health of European Troops in The Conquest of Africa. By Philip D. Curtin. Gendered Justice in the American West: Women Prisoners in Men's Penitentiaries. By Anne M. Butler. Crafting a Class: College Admissions arid Financial Aid, 1955–1994. By Elizabeth A. Duffy and Idana Goldberg. Women, Feminism, and Social Change in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay, 1890–1940. By Asunción Lavrin. Secrecy: The American Experience. By Daniel Patrick Moynihan, with an introduction by Richard Gid Powers. Narratives and Spaces: Technology and the Construction of American Culture. By David E. Nye, The Power of God Against the Guns of Government: Religious Upheaval in Mexico at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century. By Paul Vanderwood. Women Plantation Workers: International Experiences. Edited by Shobhita Jain and Rhoda Reddock. The Ashio Riot of 1907: A Social History of Mining in Japan. By Kazuo Nimura. Edited by Andrew Gordon. Translated by Terry Boardman and Andrew Gordon. “Strong of Body, Brave and Noble”: Chivalry and Society in Medieval France. By Constance Brittain Bouchard. The Cathars and the Albigensian Crusade. By Michael Costen. Germans on Welfare: From Weimar to Hitler. By David Crew. Germans into Nazis. By Peter Fritsche. Augustan Culture: An Interpretative Introduction. By Karl Galinsky. The British Monarchy and the French Revolution. By Marilyn Morris. King James VI and I and the Reunion of Christendom. By W. B. Patterson. Unwilling Germans? The Goldhagen Debate. Edited, with an introduction, by Robert R. Shandley, and with essays translated by Jeremiah Riemer. Shaping History: Ordinary People in European Politics 1500–1700. By Wayne Te Brake. Merchant Moscow: Images of Russia's Vanished Bourgeoisie. Edited by James L. West and Iurii A. Petrov. With the collaboration of Edith W. Clowes and Thomas C. Owen. Prince Leopold: The Untold Story of Queen Victoria's Youngest Son. By Charlotte Zeepvat. Elections Before Democracy: The History of Elections in Europe and Latin America. Edited by Eduardo Posada Carbó. Thinking With History: Explorations in the Passage to Modernism. By Carl E. Schorske. Men and Violence: Gender, Honor, and Rituals in Modern Europe and America. Edited by Pieter Spierenburg. Durable Inequality. By Charles Tilly.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1984,3(1):207-247
Book reviewed in this article: Nationalism in Ireland. By D. George Boyce Mortmain Legislation and the English Church 1279–1500. By Sandra Raban Parliament and Politics in Late Medieval England. By J.S. Roskell. Knights and Esquires: The Gloucestershire Gentry in the Fourteenth Century. By Nigel Saul. The Tudor Constitution: Documents and Commentary. Edited and introduced by G.R. Elton. Resistance and Compromise: The Political Thought of the Elizabethan Catholics. By Peter Holmes. Scotland under Morton 1572–80. By George R. Hewitt Northampton: Patronage and Policy at the Court of James I. By Linda Levy Peck. The Private Journals of the Long Parliament 3 January to 5 March 1642. Edited by Willson H. Coates, Anne Steele Young and Vernon F. Snow. Reactions to the English Civil War 1642–1649. Edited by John Morrill The Correspondence of John Locke. Edited by E.S. de Beer. Estate Management in Eighteenth-Century England: The Building of the Leveson-Gower Fortune. By J.R. Wordie. The Devonshire Diary: William Cavendish, Fourth Duke of Devonshire, Memoranda on State Affairs 1759–1762. Edited by Peter D. Brown and Karl W. Schweizer. Wars and Revolutions: Britain 1760–1815. By Ian R. Christie. Sister Peg: A Pamphlet Hitherto Unknown by David Hume. Edited with an introduction and notes by David R. Raynor. Electoral Behavior in Unreformed England: Plumpers, Splitters and Straights. By John A. Phillips. The Friends of Peace: Anti-War Liberalism in England 1793–1815. By J.E. Cookson. For the Cause of Truth: Radicalism in London 1796–1821. By J. Ann Hone. Nineteenth-Century Parliamentary Elections in East Yorkshire. By John Markham. The Lion of Freedom: Feargus O'Connor and the Chartist Movement 1832–1842. By James Epstein. The Red Earl: The Papers of the Fifth Earl Spencer 1835–1910. Volume I: 1835–1885. Edited by Peter Gordon. Peel, Priests and Politics: Sir Robert Peel's Administration and the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland 2841–1846. By Donal A. Kerr. Lord Reading: Rufus Isaacs, First Marquess of Reading, Lord Chief Justice and Viceroy of India, 1860–1935. By Denis Judd. G.P. Gooch: A Study in History and Politics. By Frank Eyck. De Valera and the Ulster Question 1927–1973. By John Bowman. The People and the Party System: The Referendum and Electoral Reform in British Politics. By Vernon Bogdanor. The Almanac of British Politics. By Robert Waller.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviwed in this article Rome and the Friendly King: The Character of the Client Kingship. By David C. Braund. A History of the Ostrogoths. By Thomas S. Burns. Early Medieval Spain: Unity in Diversity, 400–1000. By Roger Collins. The Age of Abbot Desiderius: Montecassino, the Papacy, and the Normans in the Eleventh and Early Twelfth Centuries. By H. E. J. Cowdrey. Capetian France, 987–1328. By Elizabeth M. Hallam. Renaissances before the Renaissance: Cultural Revivals of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Edited by Warren Treadgold. The Military Organization of a Renaissance State—Venice c. 1400–1617. [Cambridge Studies in Early Modern History]. By M. E. Mallett and J. R. Hale. The History Men: The Historical Profession in England since the Renaissance. By John Kenyon. The Last Popular Rebellion: The Western Rising of 1685. By Robin Clifton. The Last Stuarts: British Royalty in Exile. By James Lees-Milne. The Moth and the Candle: A Life of James Boswell. By Iain Finlayson. The Chartists: Popular Politics in the Industrial Revolution. By Dorothy Thompson. Prince Albert: A Biography. By Robert Rhodes James. Gladstone: Volume I, 1809–1865. By Richard Shannon. Redesigning the World: William Morris, the 1880s, and the Arts and Crafts. By Peter Stansky. Irish Peasants: Violence & Political Unrest, 1780–1914. Edited by Samuel Clark and James S. Donnelly, Jr. For the Sake of Example, Capital Courts Martial 1914–1918, The Truth. By Arthur Babington. Anglo-American Relations and Colonialism in East Asia, 1941–1945. By John J. Sbrega. The French Revolution in Miniature. Section Droits-de-l'Homme, 1789–1795. By Morris Slavin. The Fashoda Incident of 1898: Encounter on the Nile. By Darrell Bates. Liberty and Utility: The French Idéologues and the Transformation of Liberalism. By Cheryl B. Welch France and the Origins of the First World War. [Making of the Twentieth Century Series.] By John F. V. Keiger. Land and Society in Golden Age Castile. By David E. Vassberg. The Spanish Civil War. By Anthony Beevor. The Making of a State: Württemberg, 1593–1793. By James Allen Vann. Hitler and the Final Solution. By Gerald Fleming. Political Repression in 19th Century Europe. By Robert J. Goldstein. Europe Transformed, 1878–1919. By Norman stone. The Resistance in Austria, 1938–1945. By Radomir Luza. The Falcon and the Eagle: Montenegro and Austria-Hungary, 1908–1914. By John D. Treadway. The Guarantee of Belgian Independence and Neutrality in European Diplomacy, 1830's-1930's. By Daniel H. Thomas. History of the Balkans. Volume I, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries; Volume II, Twentieth Century. By Barbara Jelavich. The Lust for Power: Nationalism, Slovakia, and the Communists, 1918–1948. By Yeshayahu A. Jelinek. Feminism in Russia, 1900–1917. By Linda Edmondson. The Walled Kingdom: A History of China from Antiquity to the Present. By Witold Rodzinski. Seeds of Destruction: Nationalist China in War and Revolution, 1937–1949. By Lloyd E. Eastman. Discovering History in China American Historical Writing on the Recent Chinese Past. By Paul A. Cohen. George Washington: A Biography. By John R. Alden. Brigham Young: American Moses. By Leonard J. Arrington. The Black Press in the South, 1865–1979. Edited by Henry Lewis Suggs. The Road to Redemption: Southern Politics, 1869–1879. By Michael Perman. Chants Democratic. By Sean Wilentz. Railroad Development Programs in the Twentieth Century. By Roy V. Scott. Sergeant York: An American Hero. By David D. Lee. American Tough: The Tough-Guy Tradition and American Character. By Rupert Wilkinson. Women and the American Experience. By Nancy Woloch. Without God, Without Creek The Origins of Unbelief in America. By James Turner. Making Something of Ourselves: On Culture and Politics in the United States. By Richard M. Merelman. JFK: The Presidency of John F. Kennedy. By Herbert S. Parmet. The United States and Germany: A Diplomatic History. By Manfred Jonas. Dogs of the Conquest. By John G. Varner and Jeannette J. Varner. Modern Latin America. [Oxford University Latin America Series.] By Thomas E. Skidmore and Peter H. Smith.  相似文献   

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