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在大都会的生活里,咖啡或许是最重要的调味品。它包含了优雅韵味;它包含了浪漫情调;它包含了享受人生的写意感。早上起床、日常工作、午后小憩以及夜色迷离中,  相似文献   

玉寒蝉  陈特  汤菁 《风景名胜》2009,(5):108-111
选择一个天气晴好的午后来到萩吉亚。在露天座椅上享受地中海暖暖的阳光,捧起一本想看却一直没时间看的好书,慢慢啜饮杯中的拿铁咖啡,品味着苦涩与甜美交融的醇香又幼滑的滋昧,闭上眼睛,愉悦无声无息地涌来,那是一个完整的威尼斯咖啡时光.  相似文献   

曼特宁是生长在东南亚和南美洲海拔750-1500米高原山地的上等咖啡豆,寓意着一种坚韧不拔和拿得起放得下的伟岸精神。它代表着一种阳刚,喝起来有种痛快淋漓、恣意汪洋、驰骋江湖的风光,这种口味让男人们心驰神往。  相似文献   

这里曾经吸引许多欧洲上层社会的名流,就连佛洛依德、洛司基、戈尔巴乔夫与希拉蕊也曾是座上宾客,前往维也纳的观光客们,绝不会错过这样一家具有历史的咖啡馆,他们喜欢在维也纳璀璨的夜里,笼罩在迷人的人文气息之下。坐着沉思,喝着咖啡,和著名的雕像一起享受这气派非凡的岁月。  相似文献   

Governance entails the formulation and implementation of public policies across organizational and sectoral boundaries through coalitions, contracts, and networks. Studies of governance tend to cluster loosely into two theoretic traditions: rational choice and sociological institutionalism. Where the former analyzes actors’ individual interests and information, the latter examines their joint relationships and norms. These different analytic foci can be difficult to reconcile, leaving scholars at a loss as to how to cumulate insights and knowledge across the theoretic traditions. To understand better how the two traditions conflict and support one another in the analysis of governance, this article distinguishes domains of governance and identifies the different theories that the traditions use to study each domain. A case study of a rail transit project compares the insights from these theories, and assesses the quality and the complementarities of the explanations they offer. An analysis of the case generates propositions about the comparative utility of different concepts and theoretic traditions for understanding key governance phenomena.  相似文献   

By considering the performative dimensions of racial identity construction, this paper joins recent calls to more fully incorporate the materiality of the body into geographical treatments of race (McKittrick 2000; Nash 2003; Saldanha 2006). Through an analysis of school desegregation in Seattle, Washington, this analysis investigates the ways in which students of different racial backgrounds negotiated the multiracial environments at their schools. Specifically, I examine how students' racial identities are worked through embodied practices as both conscious and unconscious attempts to fit into particular social realms. Drawing on performativity theory, I show how students actively mobilized their bodies to negotiate belongings that were ostensibly foreclosed by the primacy of phenotype. This paper suggests that by focusing on the active work that the body does in the social construction of race we can better theorize the ways in which racial categories are both reproduced and destabilized through everyday life.  相似文献   

Computer and Statistical Techniques for Planners

R.S.Baxter (1976) London: Methuen, 336 pp

Computer Programming for Spatial Problems

E.B.MacDougall (1976) London: Edward Arnold, 160 pp

Computers in Geography

P.M.Mather (1976) Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 125 pp

Computing for Geographers

J.A.Dawson &; D.Unwin (1976) Newton Abbot: David &; Charles, 362 pp

Situations in Human Geography: A Practical Approach

J.P.Cole (1975) Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 238 pp  相似文献   

<正>经历了南北方异曲同工漫长的雨季,9月的海水有了秋意,空气豁然清朗,天高云淡。蔚蓝色的苍穹下,人们进出往来于城市中。城市有面孔,有表情,有声音,有性格,有灵魂。我们行走其中,感受它,用自己的眼光融入它,不同的眼中,便有了不同的故事。有些人眼中的城市,繁华似锦;  相似文献   

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