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关于西汉末年陕西人口数量 ,以往不少学者的估算普遍偏低。本文根据《汉书·地理志》所载各郡国户口数 ,主要利用“户口密度平均法”对弘农郡、武都郡、汉中郡、上郡、西河郡等兼跨今陕西与邻省之地的各郡户口数进行了仔细地分割 ,分别计算出各郡所辖今陕西之地的户口数。经估算 ,汉平帝元始二年 (公元 2年 )今陕西境内在籍人口共有90 2 780户 ,3597179口。本文还对当时未列入政府版籍的各种人口及数量做了进一步的探讨 ,对汉末陕西境内实际人口数作了估算 ,认为汉末陕西境内实际人口数约为 4 2 0万人 ,最少不低于 4 0 0万人  相似文献   

自统一全国以后,随着农业生产的恢复和发展,唐前期的户口数逐渐上升。武德年间,全国有户200余万,贞观初年增加到300万。705年(神龙元年)全国有户615万多,人口3714万。开元、天宝时期,人口上升的速度更快。755年(天宝十四年),全国户增至891万多,人口5291万多。这一数字是唐代最高的人口统计数。  相似文献   

《陕西历史人口地理》,薛平拴著。人民出版社 2 0 0 1年 7月出版 ,全书 37万字 ,484页 ,定价 2 8元。该书运用历史学、历史人口地理学的理论与方法 ,全面系统地探讨了历史时期今陕西境内的人口规模及其盛衰变迁、人口迁移、人口地理分布及其变化规律。全书分为六章。第一章论述了研究陕西历史人口地理的意义、目的、研究现状、理论与方法。第二、三章探讨了西汉至清八个时期生活在今陕西境内的在籍人口数及实际人口数 ,对各时期人口峰值也作了仔细推算。第四章探讨了人口数量的变动过程、人口变动的地域差异及特征。第五章将历史时期陕西人…  相似文献   

国家地质公园——宁化天鹅洞群,位于福建省西部宁化县城东28公里处,是一个充满神奇、神秘、神圣的地方。宁化县建县于唐开元十三年(725年),古称黄连,天宝元年(742年)改为今名。全境2368平方公里,35万客家人。  相似文献   

明代山西藩府的人口增长与数量统计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
安介生 《史学月刊》2004,(5):97-104
山西地区不仅是明朝初年分封宗室相对集中的区域,而且人口增长速度惊人,最迟到嘉靖、隆庆年间,山西藩府已发展成为明朝境内数量最为庞大的宗室人口集团之一。作为寄生性的特权集团,明朝藩府人口的估算须区分为狭义与广义两种,《玉牒》所记的宗室人口数量应该视为户数,而不是口数。时至明末,狭义的山西藩府人口数已超过20万。  相似文献   

李白(701—762),生于中亚细亚碎叶城(今吉尔吉斯北部托克马克城附近),杜甫(712-770)生于中国河南巩县(今河南省巩义市)。唐玄宗天宝三载(744)秋天,李白与杜甫在唐东都(今洛阳)初次见面。这时李白刚从翰林供奉的高位上离开,东游到此。杜甫则为安葬他的继祖母范阳太君.在此逗留了两年。当时,沧州(今河北省景县)人高适.也刚好在此,三人一见如故.建立了友情。  相似文献   

宁化县地处福建省西部,武夷山东麓,东邻明溪、清流县,南接长汀县,西毗江西省石城、广昌县。北界建宁县.是闽赣两省交界沿线六县中辖域最广、人口最多的县份。古称黄连峒,唐乾封二年(667年)建镇,开元十三年(725年)升格为黄连县,天宝元年(742年)更名为宁化县,  相似文献   

《新唐书·地理志》京兆府部分纠谬吴松弟1.上都(第961页):上都,初曰京城,天宝元年曰西京,至德二载曰中京,上元二年复曰西京,肃宗元年曰上都。据《会要》卷七十和《通典》卷一七三,开元元年十二月称西京,此云“天宝元年曰西京”疑有误。又《会要》卷七十和...  相似文献   

三平祖师.俗姓杨,高陵(今陕西高陵)人。因父仕闽.兴元元年(784年)①生于福唐(今福建福清).咸通十三年(872年)圆寂于漳州平和三平寺.享年八十九,.僧腊六十五。后世人称“广济禅师”或“三平祖师”。三平祖师不仅在漳州一带颇有影响.而且在台湾也有很多的信众.已成为闽台民众重要的民间信仰之一。  相似文献   

澄海县是广东省一个著名的侨乡。据该县侨务部门调查统计,1987年全县总户数为140500多户,人口679000多人,其中与海外有亲属关系的共70800多户,389000多人,各占总户数和人口数的50%强。自1979至1987年的九年中,澄海籍海外华人和港澳同胞回乡探  相似文献   

Yuejiazhuang is a cemetery site of Qin people in the Northern Shaanxi, China, and it is dated to the mid-late Warring States Period. Ninety-two iron objects were excavated from the Yuejiazhuang cemetery site, which provide an opportunity to understand the use and production of iron in the Northern Shaanxi. The metallurgical and statistical study has revealed that bloomery iron, cast iron, and steel made from cast iron were adopted in the Northern Shaanxi during the mid-late Warring States Period. In the meanwhile, cast iron and steel made from cast iron became dominant in the Northern Shaanxi.  相似文献   

魏晋南北朝时期疫灾时空分布规律研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
魏晋南北朝时期是中国历史上的第一个疫灾高峰期,疫灾频度平均为21.0%,其中西晋时期疫灾最为频繁,疫灾频度高达34.6%。夏季是疫灾流行的最主要的季节,约41%的疫灾发生在夏季。疫灾周期具有波幅越来越小、波长越来越短的趋势。在空间分布上,疫灾范围有逐步扩大的趋势,疫灾重心有由北向南迁移的趋势,都城所在地为疫灾多发区,都城区位的变迁影响着疫灾重心的变迁。三国时期的疫灾重心在河南,西晋时期的疫灾重心在陕西与河南,东晋以后的疫灾重心在江苏。总体来看,经济相对发达、人口相对稠密、战争相对频仍的黄河中下游地区、长江中下游地区以及它们之间的淮河流域是魏晋南北朝时期疫灾的主要流行区域。  相似文献   

江南、湖广、陕西分省过程与清初省制的变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
江南、湖广、陕西三省分省,是清代行政区划变迁史和地方行政制度变化过程中的重要环节。本文从康熙、乾隆两部《清会典》记载的省制这一角度出发,对江南等省的分省过程进行了详细的分析,揭示了这是一个始于顺治十八年、终于康熙六年的渐变过程,清代的省制也在这个过程中完成了从旧到新的转变。本文又从多个角度分析了分省过程结束后,"江南省"、"湖广省"等省名长期存在的主要原因。  相似文献   


The Open University was founded out of Harold Wilson's vision of a Television University at the time of the Robbins Report of 1963; it was brought into being through Jennie Lee and Peter Venables and, later, Walter Perry. Lord Crowther, as first Chancellor, outlined the openness as to people, places, methods and ideas. Among the most interesting features of the innovation were teaching by teamwork, making possible laboratory experience at a distance, the use of broadcasting, supplying students with the written word, and problems of evaluation. About 20 000 students were finally registered for tbe first year. About 15 per cent classify themselves as working-class; the majority are from working-class homes but in middle-class jobs. The undergraduate population has now stabilized at 60 000. The total number of full courses or their equivalent is to be 88 in 6 faculties. Students graduate with 6 credits or 8 for honours. A student pays at present a little over £1000 for a full programme. In addition there is a new emphasis on short courses for assciate students. The University has had considerable impact overseas and in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

清朝乾隆年间是陕西省各项水利事业取得建设成就最为显著的时代。本文利用宫中档案奏折中有关陕西河渠水利的具体统计资料,初步探讨了其在区域分布及发展状况上的时空特征,并通过历史纵横方面的比较,明确了其应有的社会功效以及在本省水利发展史上所处的历史地位。  相似文献   

李凭 《史学月刊》2007,(5):21-26
密皇后杜氏与昭哀皇后姚氏均受明元帝的宠遇,又都于明元帝去世前三年的泰常五年死去,于是宫中再无皇后。明元帝去世后,太武帝的乳母窦氏受封为保太后,她不仅在后宫得势,还进而干预北魏朝政。对此一系列史实的考证说明,北魏为防止母权干预政治而确立子贵母死之规,但由此派生出保母抚养储君之成例,遂致保母干预政治,其结果竟与子贵母死之规的初衷大相违戾。  相似文献   

王志高 《考古》2012,(5):74-84,109
洪保墓出土的寿藏铭是对其生平事迹及郑和下西洋史料的重要补充。据寿藏铭及相关文献记载,从永乐元年到宣德八年的30年内,洪保曾经一次奉使西域、七次奉使西洋,与郑和、王景弘同列为宣德六年下西洋之正使太监。此外,据记载下西洋船队中确有五千料宝船,至正统六年洪保依然活跃在政坛。洪保墓地所在坟寺即宁海寺。  相似文献   

包节所撰《陕西行都司志》是明代唯一的一部行都司志。《包侍御集》卷5收有《甘肃志六序》,此《甘肃志》即《陕西行都司志》。该志《四库全书总目》收入"史部地理类存目"中,后世诸家目录即不见载,《陇右方志录》断定已佚,《四库全书存目丛书》也没有收录。但其资料被大量保存在清顺治十四年(1657年)重刊的《西镇志》、《凉镇志》、《甘镇志》、《肃镇志》和乾隆《甘肃通志》等地方志及顾炎武《肇域志》、《天下郡国利病书》等典籍中,其他如《禹贡锥指》、《水经注疏》等地理学著作也有引用。《古今图书集成.方舆汇编.职方典》之《陕西行都司部汇考》即由《陕西行都司志》删削篡改而成。该志有重要的史料价值,我们期待着辑本的成书出版。  相似文献   

In China, there are places that are rich in gem‐quality turquoise resources, including north‐west Hubei Province and the nearby Baihe County in Shaanxi Province, and many ancient mining sites, although the mining history remains a mystery. Based on the compositional data from reference samples of known deposits, a comparison of the major and trace element contents of archaeological turquoise may help with determination of artefact provenance. This paper discusses new evidence of provenance‐tracking of turquoise in this area, obtained from geochemical analyses using REE and other trace elements of 22 turquoises and their surrounding rock samples from six ancient mines and three archaeological sites. The results indicate that the three archaeological turquoises from the tomb of the Middle Spring and Autumn Period (580–560 bc ) and the Warring States Period (476–221 bc ) in Hubei Province were made of raw material from north‐west Hubei Province and the nearby Baihe County in Shaanxi Province. [Correction added on 29 October 2014, after first online publication: In the preceding sentence, the correct dates for the Middle Spring and Autumn Period, and the Warring States Period have been added]  相似文献   

Age of excavated sika deer was determined not only by the cement-annuli method but also by the observation method to avoid unnecessary destruction of archaeological materials. The observation method is based on tooth replacement, wear index and the appearance of cervical lines on the molar teeth. Stepwise discriminant analysis was used to establish a criterion for the age determination of excavated mandibles. Then the annulation method was carried out for well-preserved specimens older than 3–5 years. The age composition of excavated deer mandibles seems to have changed through the Jomon Period. Age composition at the Torihama sites (the Early Jomon Period) was characterized by an abundance of aged individuals, showing a close similarity with that of the recent deer population under protected conditions. Deer from the Kidosaku and Yahagi sites (the Late Jomon Period) and the SambuUbayama site (the Latest Jomon Period) were composed mainly of deer younger than 5 years, which seems to correspond to that of the recent hunted population living under natural conditions in Hokkaido. These data suggest that the hunting pressure increased during the Late and Latest Jomon Periods and compares with the pressures on recent hunted populations of sika deer.  相似文献   

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