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Lakes in Tibet     
LakesinTibet¥byFanYunqiTheQinghai-TibetPlateauisdottedwithnumerouslakes.Statisticsshowthatlakeseachwithanareaofmorethanonesqu...  相似文献   

Stones In Tibet     
Collision of two continental plates gave birth to the Tibetan Plateau. As this part of the world used to be the bottom of an ancient ocean, rocks could be found wherever you want to find them.  相似文献   

Tibet, the major part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, is composed of a series of giant mountains, valleys and lakes. Skyscraping peaks and deep rivers isolate the plateau from the outside world.  相似文献   

Natural Regions In TibetNaturalRegionsInTibet¥byZhengDuThemagnificentQinghaiTibetPlateauwithanaverageelevationofover4,000mete...  相似文献   

ConstructionCeramicsInTibet¥LIYUXIANGPotterysewagepiperepresentsthefirstuseofrcerndcsinconstructioninChina.Duringtheearlyperi...  相似文献   

The visit of our delegation to Tibet was, indeed, an eye-opener. Ours was one of the first political delegations fromIndia to visit the Tibet autonomous region in many decades. The economic development that we could see in the capital city of Lhasa as well as in the other urban and rural areas clearly showed that compared to Nepal, Bhutan or other Indian Himalayan areas, the Tibet region is witness to unprecedented economic and other consequent social  相似文献   

OutsideasweetenedteahouseinLhasaareparkednumerousbicyclesandmotorcycles.Insideareseatedcrowdsofpeople.InLhasaandotherpartsofTibet,therearemanyteahouseslikethis.DrinkingsweetenedteahasbecomeaTibetantradition.ManysayTibetanslearnedtodrinksweetenedteafromtheBritishinvaders.ButmanyothersarguethattheTibetanslearneditfromtheindiansandNepalese.WhilemostTibetansmakesweetenedteainawayuniquetothemselves,peopleinYadongandGyangze,closetoindia,followamethodsimilartothatinindia.TheTibetansmakesweetene…  相似文献   

Sports Tourism Prevails In TibetSportsTourismPrevailsInTibet¥byDojeZhamduTheQinghaiTibetPlateau,hometorichsnow-cappedmountain...  相似文献   

In 641 when Tang Dynasty Princess Wencheng entered Tubo for marriage with Tubo King Songtsan Gambo, she followed the “ancient Tubo route” stretching from Chang‘an (present-day Xi‘an) to Lhasa via Qinghai.  相似文献   

I am 61 years old. My hometown is Batang, now part of Sichuan Province. Driven by apoor life, father joined the KMT five days after I was born. His troops went over to the PLA right before national liberation. He joined the PLA 18th Army and was sent into Tibet. On the morning of October 17,1950, the PLA forces marched from Mamkang and Dege toward Qamdo, which was garrisoned by Tibetan troops. The latter soon surrendered or were routed. Qamdo was liberated on the 19th. On May 23,1951, the Central Government and the local government of Tibet signed an agreement for the peaceful liberation of Tibet.Join the PLA When 11I joined the PLA to follow in my father's footsteps in 1951, when I was only 11.1 left Batang on April  相似文献   

WORSNIPONMOUNTAINSImaginewhatonewillworshipinanenvironmentisolatedfromtheoutsideworldbyskyscrapingpeaks.Mountains.ofcourse.Indeed,ofthingsworshippedbytheTibetans,mountainsareholy.IntheTibetAutonomousRegions,snow-cappedmountainsarefoundeverywhere.TheyareheldasreincarnationofMountainGods,andtheTibetansdividedtheMountainGodsintogoodorevilones.SomeoftheMountainGodsareinchargeofmildweather.Atthefootofthesemountains,thereliefertilefarmlandwhichspreadfarandwide.Peoplethereliveonhuntingan…  相似文献   

As early as four thousandyears ago, the Tibetansalready had developed aninitial aesthetic ideology, acase in point being theadornments unearthed from the Karubruins in Qamdo. During that time, adorn-ments were mainly made of pottery, stoneand seashell and the types of adornmentswere also colorful and abundant, includ-ing plate adornments, necklaces,bracelets, jade, etc. The color was originaland natural and the production methodwas simple and unsophisticated. In regardto stone adornments, col…  相似文献   

Efforts to protect Tibet's environment have achieved satisfactory economic and social results.Beginning in the 1980s, Tibet began to enact rules and regulations for the protection of the eco-environment, treatment of pollution, and control of pollution at source.At present, the region is making efforts to revise the Regulations for Environmental Protection to guarantee healthy economic development. In 2001 and 2002, efforts were made on four occasions to examine the execution of the environmental protection law. This  相似文献   

TheUseofPoisonInTibetbyWangYingandLiBaolongWhileactsofpoisoninghavelongbeenaproblemworldwide,inthepest,thecriminalactwasespec...  相似文献   

Recently, this reporter visited the family of farmer-turned taxi driver Baima Chagsi in Namkar Village, Donggar Township of Duilungdeqen County in the suburbs of Lhasa City. Hostess Baima Chagsi, now in her early 40's, welcomed us hospitably. The courtyard of her house is very large with a garage for four automobiles and with an enclosure for cattle. Outside the kitchen hangs a great deal of dried  相似文献   

Urban construction in Tibet is, in essence, an issue of economics and culture. It is also part of the lifeline of devel-opment. It is my view that tourism is the linchpin of regional development.Tibet is richly endowed with tourist resources, endowed with the mysticism of Tibetan Buddhism and folklore. Development of tourism calls for corre-  相似文献   

On the bustling ritual walk road in Lhasa, religious believers from various places are marching slowlyin one direction while reciting surras and counting their beads. Every day, they repeat this holy rite in the belief it will be greatly beneficial in their lives. If you watch carefully, you will notice now and then in the stream of people some cattle, sheep and other animals following closely behind the ritual walkers, appearing as if they are part of the devotions, too. You can hardly  相似文献   

<正>2006年5月底,为了配合澜沧江古水水电站工程建设,受中国水电顾问集团昆明勘测设计研究院委托,西藏自治区文物保护研究所组织来自西藏  相似文献   

西藏芒康古盐田有着独特的晒盐工艺、悠久的历史,不仅曾满足传统社会经济之需要,而且至今仍沿袭传统生产方式,是古代制盐工业的“活化石”。由于社会经济条件的变化,古盐田正面临原真性挑战和生存危机。  相似文献   

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