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《经典释文》中的异文和简帛典籍异文常常密合,可以互证。根据出土简帛文献,对《经典释文》中的异文进行研究,进一步揭示《经典释文》中各种异文的内涵和本质,有助于深入理解经典中的异文现象。  相似文献   

林世田  赵洪雅 《文献》2022,(2):178-191
宋刻宋元递修本《经典释文》原为清宫天禄琳琅收藏,20世纪中叶自长春伪满皇宫散出后分为三批,历经种种劫难,辗转于长春、沈阳、北平、天津等地。北平和平解放后,中国共产党成立北平市军事管制委员会,在接管文博单位的同时,对包括《经典释文》《赵城金藏》在内的古籍文献予以保护和抢救,使散藏于北平图书馆、沈阳博物院和周叔弢手中的《经典释文》残帙合为完璧,调拨故宫博物院妥善珍藏,并最终入藏北京图书馆。本文在梳理相关文献、档案、尺牍、题跋的基础上,还原《经典释文》的流散始末及调拨、捐赠原委,并对其中所体现的古籍保护理念予以揭示。  相似文献   

《经典释文》音注是多层次多体系的,其“如字”音层次为常用音的常用义。考察《毛诗音义》中“行”之“如字”音读,是全面考索《经典释文》“如字”音的一次小实验。《毛诗音义》中“行”之“如字”音读为衡。  相似文献   

《经典释文》音注是多层次多体系的,其“如字”音层次为常用音的常用义。考察《毛诗音义》皇.“袋”之“如字”音读,是全面考索《经典释文》“如字”音的一次小实验。《毛诗音义》中“行”之“如字”音读为衡。  相似文献   

最近,陈育丞和陈继揆将家藏其先人清代著名金石学家、收藏家陈簠斋(介祺)先生的手稿捐献国家,为金石学研究提供了重要资料。中华人民共和国文化部已发奖状予以表扬。捐献手稿计有:《簠斋尺牍》、《簠斋金文考》、《区(钅吴)考记》、《毛公(厂音)鼎释文》(1871)、《南宫盂鼎释文》、《虢季子白盘跋》、《器矦驭方鼎释文》、《邰钟释文》、《簠斋藏秦权量铜诏  相似文献   

金毓黻是20世纪中国东北史学、东北文献学研究主要奠基者之一,他曾对高句丽好太王碑进行过较为详细的研究与调查。金毓黻的好太王碑研究成果收录于《静晤室日记》《辽东文献征略》《奉天通志》《东北通史》等著述之中。为了深入研究好太王碑,金毓黻曾亲赴辑安实地考察好太王碑。《静晤室日记》和《辽东文献征略》中收录的好太王碑释文为金毓黻转录于《东北》杂志1924年第2期中佚名的好太王碑释文。《奉天通志》中的好太王碑释文是金毓黻以《东北》杂志中的好太王碑释文为基础并参照当时所见好太王碑拓本而作出的释文。  相似文献   

《居延汉简甲乙编》具有博采诸家之长的优点,释文的准确性不仅超过了劳干《居延汉简考释》的释文之部,而且还改正了不少原《居延汉简甲编》的不妥之处,从而在学术界赢得了声誉。但是,《甲乙编》的释文尚有许多需要补正。我们曾在拙著《‘居延汉简甲乙编’释文补正举隅》与《‘居延汉简甲乙编’释文质疑》中发表过一些看法,裘锡圭,初师宾等同志亦对《甲乙编》有关释文作了许多校正,这里再就上述文章中未曾提及或言犹未尽的有关释文作点补充。  相似文献   

帛书《周易》的几点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海内外瞩目的马王堆帛书《周易》有经有传。经文部分的释文已在1984年公布,传文部分(即帛书《易传》)目前正在陆续发表。1992年,在《马王堆汉墓文物》书中刊出了帛书《周易》经文与传文中《系辞》的照片和释文。1993年,陈鼓应先生主编的《道家文化研究》第三辑《马王堆帛书专号》又有经过重订的传文《系辞》的释文,以及《二三子问》、《易之义》、《要》的释文。至此,帛书《周易》经传的大部分内容已经为  相似文献   

S.2729号《毛诗音》乃《毛诗传笺》的注音本,撰写于隋,抄写于唐,其所据毛亨传、郑玄笺的《毛诗传笺》本与《经典释文·毛诗音义》及传世阮刻本《毛诗正义》相较,异文至夥.本文对其中13处作了详尽考辨,证明《毛诗音》写卷所据为《毛诗传笺》之本字.  相似文献   

对索引的研究是方志学研究领域的主要内容之一。《方志百科全书》索}j薛又是以已有的索gI相关知识为基础,进行系统的总结、浓缩、提炼,同时释文内容要有延展性,形式上要主题鲜明。索引条目的撰写研究是《方志百科全书》众多研究课题之一,研究该条目释文撰写方法,可对《方志百科全书》中同类条目(术语类条目)的撰写提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

Academic conferences create an opportunity to disseminate new research, network with like‐minded researchers, and make new connections. The use of Twitter at these conferences continues to expand. This article focuses on how the Twitter data generated during conferences can be visually analysed in terms of community detection, connectivity, and information flows. Using social network analysis techniques and an online survey, the article analyses the subgroups within the entire network, their institutional affiliations, and research interest, and then focuses on the roles of the highly connected Twitter uses in the network. Through in‐depth analysis, the data revealed both how Australian geography academics use Twitter during a conference and how they cluster based on affiliations and research interest and also identified the information bridges in the social media conference network generated by using #IAG2019Hobart. The article concludes with some recommendations for further research.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the relevance of dependency theory for understanding contemporary development challenges, especially in the light of changes in the global economy over the past 50 years. In order to do so, the article rectifies previous misunderstandings of the scholarship and offers a new definition of dependency theory as a research programme, rather than a singular theory. Four core tenets of this research programme are identified: a global historical approach; theorizing of the polarizing tendencies of global capitalism; a focus on structures of production; and a focus on the specific constraints faced by peripheral economies. While each of these elements can be found in many contemporary theories, what makes dependency theory unique — and a particularly strong research programme — is the combination of these elements. The article demonstrates how this approach provides a deep and broad understanding that is necessary to appreciate the persistence of uneven development with reference to two case studies, namely successful industrialization in South Korea, and how the fragmentation of global value chains has impacted industrialization in Indonesia. Finally, the article argues that approaching these kinds of cases through a dependency research programme can contribute to a fruitful renewal of development studies.  相似文献   

Agricultural research in marginal dry areas can contribute to reducing poverty through the development of technological, institutional and policy options for poor farmers. Such research should address diversified opportunities and development pathways. This article analyses the diversity of livelihood strategies of rural people living in the Khanasser Valley in northwestern Syria, an area that is typical of marginal drylands. It proposes an operational classification of households based on their different livelihood strategies, applying an integrated methodology within a Sustainable Livelihoods framework. Households are classified into three clusters: agriculturists, labourers and pastoralists. The article examines the diversity of livelihoods involved, and considers where and how research should be directed to have greatest impact on poverty. Given that rural households are not homogeneous but dynamic entities, with diverse assets, capabilities and opportunities, the definition of household typologies can help to target development research. The article concludes that while agriculturists benefit most, poor labourers with enough land can also gain from pro‐poor agricultural research. The poorest households with little land, and pastoralists, benefit little or only indirectly.  相似文献   

国外旅游目的地形象测量方法述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
旅游目的地形象测量方法是现今旅游研究中的重要方面,不同的测量方法适用于不同的研究目的。本文在分析旅游目的地形象概念的基础上,结合国内外部分旅游目的地形象测量的重要研究文献,对旅游目的地形象测量的方法作了介绍和评述。  相似文献   

从漠视到觉醒:西方旅游研究对身体的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡少燕  陶伟 《人文地理》2019,34(4):1-12
旅游是一个身体体验的过程。旅游中的身体是物质性的身体和社会建构的身体的统一体。自20世纪90年代以来,伴随着人文社科领域“身体转向”、“感官转向”和“非表征转向”的到来,西方旅游学界的研究者开始关注到旅游者的身体和具身性话题。在梳理西方旅游研究关注与身体话题相关文献的基础上,总结了旅游研究关注身体话题的几个发展阶段和相应特征,并从身体与旅游目的地形象表征,身体政治与性旅游、医疗旅游,身体展演与旅游节庆仪式,身体、感官与旅游景观,具身性与旅游体验五大议题进行了归纳和探讨。提出了基于身体理论视角下的旅游研究的路径和框架,并进一步提出了国内未来研究需要重点关注的话题。以期推动国内旅游研究对身体的进一步的关注。  相似文献   

At the invitation of the editor, this article offers an overview of my personal research trajectory in one thematic area—the study of urban form, structure and growth. The purpose of the article is not to assign prominence to any particular research style or approach but to illustrate how ideas and priorities in research evolve over a given time period and under specific conditions, as viewed through the lens of my own experience. The article traces the sequential evolution of my research activity and publications from an initial emphasis on understanding change in inner-city land use and built form, through studies of decision making and the behavioural bases of urban form, to analyses of social change, income inequalities and spatial polarization, and then to issues of planning, policy and governance in emerging city regions. The review highlights lessons learned and concludes with an argument for more inclusive and comparative research.  相似文献   

As a side-product of industrial research, new chemical nerve agents (Tabun, Sarin, Soman) superior to those available to the Allied Forces were discovered in Nazi Germany. These agents were never used by Germany, even though they were produced at a large scale. This article explores the toxicological and physiological research into the mechanisms of action of these novel nerve agents, and the emergence of military research objectives in neurophysiological and neurotoxicological research. Recently declassified Allied military intelligence files document secret nerve agent research, leading to intensified research on anticholinesterase agents in the peripheral and the central nervous system. The article discusses the involvement of IG Farben scientists, educational, medical and military institutions, and of Nobel Prize laureate Richard Kuhn, director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Medical Research.  相似文献   

Cultural policy research exists in many contexts, asks many different kinds of questions and adopts a wide repertoire of research methodologies from a raft of academic discourses. This article investigates the research questions and approaches being undertaken by those working in this field. In order to achieve this, the article draws upon readings of contemporary publications in the field and on the authors’ experiences of building a research capacity in the area of cultural policy in a British – and, more particularly, a post‐devolution Scottish – university. The article traces the emergence of an academic discipline in the field, and seeks to advance this by reviewing a tripartite research agenda investigating: the history and historiography of cultural policy; the principles and strategies of cultural policy; and, the relationships between cultural policy and cultural theory/cultural studies.  相似文献   

In the field of conflict economics there is surprisingly little research on genocide and mass killing relative to war and terrorism, which I call the ‘genocide gap’. This article critically evaluates the potential for scholarship in conflict economics to help fill the gap with new research on economic aspects of mass atrocities. The article begins with an overview of the principal subject matter and methodologies of conflict economics and key interdependencies between economics and conflict. Relatively new civilian atrocity datasets and trends are then evaluated followed by a critical assessment of empirical economic risk factors for mass atrocities. The remainder of the article points to how three richly researched areas in conflict economics can serve as signposts for new quantitative research on economic aspects of genocide and mass killing. The three signposts critically assessed are: (1) empirical study of economic risk factors for civil wars; (2) promise and limits of rational choice theory; and (3) economic consequences of civil wars. This analysis is complemented by a tentative discussion of economic insights derived from a foundational work in genocide studies, Raphael Lemkin's Axis rule in occupied Europe, that could profitably serve as the foundation for future research on the economic study of genocide.  相似文献   

本文就日本学术界对55年体制的研究即关于55年体制的提法、55年体制的概念、55年体制形成的时间、55年体制的崩溃、55年体制的内容进行了较为全面的介绍.同时对我国学术界关于55年体制的研究现状进行了总结和概括。  相似文献   

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