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Timing, inclement weather, and limited budgets can obstruct archaeological survey efforts. Here, we ameliorate some of these with use of ground penetrating radar (GPR) at the Goose Lake Outlet #3 (GLO#3) site (20MQ140). GPR surveys to guide survey and excavation efforts in these well-drained sandy soils are limited. GPR imagery exhibited false positives; however, shovel probes, subsequent site excavation, and artifact analysis led to numerous discoveries at this protohistoric site—including glass trade beads dating to the 1630s. These discoveries solidify evidence for some of the earliest European-made trade items in the region and provide further confirmation for placement of an Indian trail and ancient travel corridor between Lake Superior and Lake Michigan. Two 14C samples obtained from moose-bone in features with trade goods fall within the expected occupation range of 1633–1668 and 1615–1647. Several anomolies, possible hearth clusters were seen on the GPR imagery; however, many features remained invisible.  相似文献   

This article presents a Lyapunov-based analysis/redesign approach for the optimal seismic design of added viscous dampers in 3D framed structures. The optimal solution minimizes the total added damping while the mean squared drifts at the peripheral frames are constrained to allowable values under a white noise excitation. The proposed approach uses Lyapunov equation for analysis and an optimality criterion that dictates “fully stressedness” for redesign. Hence, the design process is actually comprised of an iterative solution of a set of algebraic equations. Three examples are solved so as to highlight the advantages of the proposed approach — a 3-story shear frame, an 8-story, 3-bay by 3-bay setback frame, and a 10-story industrial frame.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This study estimates the impact of sea‐level rise on coastal real estate in North Carolina using a unique integration of geospatial and hedonic property data. With rates of sea‐level rise approximately double the global average, North Carolina has one of the most vulnerable coastlines in the United States. A range of modest sea‐level rise scenarios based on the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report projections (2007) are considered for four counties of North Carolina—New Hanover, Dare, Carteret, and Bertie—which represent a cross‐section of the state's coastline in geographical distribution and economic development. High‐resolution topographic LIDAR (light detection and ranging) data are used to provide accurate inundation maps for the properties that will be at risk under six different sea‐level rise scenarios. A simulation approach based on spatial hedonic models is used to provide consistent estimates of the property value losses. Considering just four coastal counties in North Carolina, the value of residential property loss without discounting in 2030 (2080) is estimated to be about $179 ($526) million for the mid‐range sea‐level rise scenarios. Low‐lying and heavily developed areas in the northern coastline are comparatively more vulnerable to the effect of sea‐level rise than the other areas.  相似文献   

In 2009, Cuyahoga County, Ohio (Cleveland and 58 suburbs), established a land bank to acquire low‐value properties, mitigate blighted housing, and slow the decline of property values. This empirical study evaluates the effectiveness of the land bank by estimating spatially corrected hedonic price models using sales near the land‐bank homes. The land bank reduces the negative externalities of the properties it acquires. Its largest impact is the preservation of equity in unsold homes. We also estimate the recovered value for homes sold during the study period and the property tax revenue that may have been forgone, absent the land bank.  相似文献   

传统基于个体旅游视角构建的旅游理论和模型,无法有效阐释亲子旅游等"群体旅游"现象。理解游客需要将其放置到"生理因素-个体行为-交往-关系-组群-社会"的社会复杂性连续层面,及其在不同旅游情景中的不同角色功能。通过研究城市家庭亲子旅游行为,以期回答"群体旅游"中个体成员内部之间的互动关系。研究发现:家庭旅游活动成为家长精心组织和策划的,以"出去玩""见世面""涨知识"为鲜明主题,以加强儿童教育作为主要动机,以促进家庭关系作为次要动机的一种休闲安排,"以儿童为中心"的亲子旅游决策特征非常明显。通过神情专注和情感涉入,父母收获了"好的父母"的身份认同和"共同在场"带来的家庭意识。  相似文献   

The westward migration of the Ojibwa Indians from the Sault Ste. Marie area of northern Michigan beginning about 1650, resulted in their widespread dispersal. Those who settled in the coniferous- mixed forest zone of interior Wisconsin and Minnesota adapted to the local conditions by developing an “emphatic” hunting economy, gaining a large share of sustenance from hunting large game and furred animals. On the other hand, the Ojibwa who settled along the southern littoral of Lake Superior are said to have engaged in fishing for their primary subsistence. The latter proposition is reinforced in the narratives written by Euro-American visitors to Lake Superior in the early 19th century. This study evaluates this alleged reliance on fish, and points to contradictions and inconsistencies in the narratives in the context of the Fond du Lac band located at the southwestern extremity of Lake Superior.  相似文献   


The surface lithic scatters at two areas around Soda Lake were intensively surveyed and 3133 artifacts were analyzed in the field using four main variables to infer how Terminal Pleistocene–Early Holocene foragers organized lithic technology around pluvial Lake Mojave, California. Results indicate that early stage bifaces and flake tool blanks were created at a fine-grained volcanic (felsite) quarry/workshop complex in the Soda Mountains survey area and transported elsewhere. In addition, fine-grained volcanic bifaces were reduced and bifaces and flake tools of cryptocrystalline silicates and obsidian were finished, used, and/or discarded at a habitation area on the ancient shorelines near Little Cowhole Mountain. Comparisons with nearby sites of similar ages (at Ft. Irwin and China Lake) reveal many similarities in lithic technological organization. Lake Mojave—an important locus of prior research—can now be integrated into recent Mojave Desert and Great Basin technological organization studies.  相似文献   

This paper shows that the focus of Australia's ‘declared’ defence policy has oscillated between local and regional defence, whereas its ‘operational’ policy—the views contained in internal planning and guidance documents—has taken a mid‐course, focusing on defending Australia's northern approaches. Australia's two policy domains coincided briefly in the mid‐1980s but have since diverged as we have again begun to emphasise regional defence. This shift could signal the end of ‘defence self‐reliance’. While representing a setback for the Hawke government, such a result is necessary as Australia's ‘operational’ policy is flawed and in need of replacement The danger is that, as in the past, Australian governments and their advisers will continue to adjust their rhetoric rather than their real policies to our changing circumstances.  相似文献   

To test how crime affects economic activity, we use point‐specific data on crime, commercial property sales and assessed values from New York City, relying on an instrumental variables strategy. We find that crime reduces commercial property values, and the magnitude of the effect depends on the type and geography of crime. Elasticities range from ?0.1 to ?0.5. We find stronger evidence for negative violent crime effects in neighborhoods with lower incomes and higher shares of minority residents. Thus, disadvantaged neighborhoods are doubly harmed by crime—they have higher crime rates and those crimes have stronger effects on economic activity.  相似文献   

杭州西湖,位于浙江省杭州市老城区的西部因此而得"西湖"之名,自东汉西湖形成以后的近四百年间,钱塘县不断生聚.扩展,至6世纪,杭州诞生。隋代江南运河的开凿,杭州城成为运河的终点,就此一跃成为一个商业城市,并迅速发展。"西湖"之名,大概始于隋代,至唐代已被频繁使用,也是从这个时候,杭州开始迅速发展。至唐代李泌开凿六井,引西湖淡水润泽杭州城里的千家万户开始,西湖就成为杭州城不可分割的一个部分。同时,杭州城的不断发展兴盛也有效地阻遏了它的沼泽化过程使之继续存在。西湖,从一个大海湾,到一个泻湖,在不断地淤积疏浚过程中,最终成为一个风景湖泊。它的形成与发展过程,就是一部保护与治理的历史。这其中贯穿了中国传统山水文化的精神和理念,体现了西湖历史文化的延续性。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Land price differentials have long been used as a proxy for the value of environmental improvements in cost/benefit analysis. Both the empirical and theoretical literatures have largely ignored two important facts, however: Taxes financing local improvements are often distortionary, and amenities which influence property values in turn impact the fiscal budget, and hence the tax rate and final economic burden. Put another way, the economic cost of an improvement is endogenous to both the amenity level and the revenue structure. Extending the story in this direction for a system of open or closed spatial cities, the paper finds land rent measures to be a biased measure of the willingness to pay for amenities financed by either head taxes (benefit taxes), property taxes (excise taxes), or highway tolls (user fees). These results are used to correct the conventional specification of empirical property value regression models, which traditionally account for neither tax revenue effects nor the excess burden of distortionary taxation.  相似文献   

The overall theme of this lecture series is great dissenters. This contribution to the series is on the dissenters in the 1895 case of Pollock v. Farmers' Trust & Loan Co. In Pollock, the Supreme Court decided, by a vote of 5–4, that the 1894 federal income tax was unconstitutional. The four dissenters—Justice Henry Brown of Michigan, Justice John Marshall Harlan of Kentucky, Justice Howell Jackson of Tennessee, and future Chief Justice Edward D. White—would have upheld the tax.  相似文献   

A Touch of Humor     

Survey of the modern ground surface is a common and important element of archaeological practice. Yet the properties of recovered surface assemblages vary according to several factors that are not intrinsic to the assemblages themselves. Such factors are briefly surveyed and one, reliability—the probability that a surface appears similar following successive cultivation episodes—is examined at length. Ina Michigan case study, the reliability of a cultivated surface is complicated by significant random variation. Among the several implications that this finding holds for research and management, perhaps the most important is the need to inspect a cultivated surface several times, not merely once, to accurately gauge its true archaeological character.  相似文献   


The history of phrenology in France has a number of unique features. It was in that country that F. J. Gall sought refuge; and it was, above all, in France that phrenology would subsequently attempt to establish its credentials as a new physiological science of the mind. Up until the 1840s, phrenology expanded rapidly in the country, a growth that coincided with attempts to provide this new field with the trappings of respectable scientific endeavor—courses of lectures, learned societies, journals, and so on. This ambitious intellectual project, despite its controversial nature, made a major cultural impact in the nineteenth century, both through its influence on the written word—from learned journals to the novel—and via its striking visual imagery (sculpture, anatomical diagrams and models, engravings, caricatures, and so on). However, as the scientific impact of phrenology declined, allusions to it lost much of their cultural force. On the borderline between respectable science and mere quackery, phrenology in France represented an attempt to construct a whole new intellectual universe based on scientific principles, and as such had a profound impact on its period.  相似文献   

Research on past human diets in the southern Lake Titicaca Basin has directed us to investigate the carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of an important dietary element, fish. By completing a range of analyses on modern and archaeological fish remains, we contribute to two related issues regarding the application of stable isotope analysis of archaeological fish remains and in turn their place within human diet. The first issue is the potential carbon and nitrogen isotope values of prehistoric fish (and how these would impact human dietary isotopic data), and the second is the observed changes in the fish isotopes through time. Out of this work we provide quantitative isotope relationships between fish tissues with and without lipid extraction, and a qualitative analysis of the isotopic relationships between fish tissues, allowing archaeologists to understand these relationships and how these values can be applied in future research. We test a mathematical lipid normalization equation to examine whether future researchers will need to perform lipid extraction procedures for Lake Titicaca fish. We also analyze a number of aquatic plants to better understand the range of isotopic signatures of the Lake Titicaca ecosystem. We use these data to better understand prehistoric human diet and the role that fish may have played in the past as well as potential changes in local lake ecology through time.  相似文献   

Cellular automaton models have enjoyed popularity in recent years as easily constructed models of many complex spatial processes, particularly in the natural sciences, and more recently in geography also. Most such models adopt a regular lattice (often a grid) as the basis for the spatial relations of adjacency that govern evolution of the model. A number of variations on the cellular automaton formalism have been introduced in geography but the impact of such variations on the likely behavior of the models has not been explored. This paper proposes a method for beginning to explore these issues and suggests that this is a new approach to the investigation of the relationships between spatial structure and dynamics of spatial processes. A framework for this exploration is suggested, and details of the required methods and measures are provided. In particular, a measure of spatial pattern—spatial information—based on entropy concepts is introduced. Initial results from investigation along the proposed lines are reported, which suggest that a distinction can he made between spatially robust and fragile processes. Some implications of this result and the methodology presented are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the causal impact of enforceable covenants not to compete (CNCs) on labor market matching and the technological dynamism of regions. Exploiting the fact that the Michigan Antitrust Reform Act (MARA) of 1985 inadvertently repealed Michigan' s prohibition on CNC enforcement, we show that technical professionals in Michigan became increasingly likely to switch industry relative to similar workers in other U.S. states after prohibition. Workers switching industries after the introduction of MARA also earned lower wages, implying that they shifted into technical fields where their skills from previous employment were less productive. Estimates further show that the technological dynamism of Michigan declined in tandem, as fewer workers shifted into new types of jobs associated with recent technological advances. These findings are consistent with the view that skilled professionals that are subject to CNCs are more likely to leave their field of work postemployment to avoid lawsuits.  相似文献   

China is experiencing rapid urbanization. Its capital city, Beijing, experienced a 53 percent increase in population from 2001 to 2013. To address traffic congestion and air pollution, two of the most pressing urban challenges, Beijing has been investing heavily in transportation infrastructure. In particular, the subway system added 15 new subway lines with a total length of 410 km of over the 12‐year period. We quantify the capitalization of large‐scale subway construction into property values in a first‐differenced hedonic price framework while controlling for confounding factors and reverse causality. Our analysis finds a positive and significant impact of subway proximity on property values: a reduction in the distance to a subway station by 1 km increases the value of properties within 3 km of the station by 15 percent, and by 3.4 percent for properties within 3–5 km. Our analysis shows that the increase in property values can more than cover the capital cost of subway construction.  相似文献   

Convergence of national planning systems in Europe has become an important issue in the context of transnational and cross-border planning, which in turn plays a key role in the policy of creating a cohesive European space. Converging trends concerning planning styles and structures may undoubtedly be detected and also include new European Union (EU) member countries. Yet, by a minute's inspection of the (long-established) German and of the (created in the run-up to EU membership) Polish planning system from a cross-border planning perspective, it becomes obvious that similar structures may not coincide with a similar idea of what spatial planning is about. As highlighted by two chosen examples—cross-border twin-city and metropolitan planning—this results in significant hindrances for planning cooperation in its own right. The article concludes that any convergence of planning systems—if it was to have a constructive impact on cross-border planning—needs to be based on the acceptance of joint planning standards, objectives and values.  相似文献   

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