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元代以来洛川塬区沟谷发育速度和土壤侵蚀强度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章用史料考证和实地考察相结合的方法 ,以陕西洛川旧县古城的兴废为地面解译标志 ,以旧县南沟为研究小流域 ,恢复了元代以来洛川黄土塬区沟谷发育与土壤侵蚀过程。计算出了不同时段南沟的沟谷发育速度、土壤侵蚀强度。通过分析得出元代以来洛川塬区沟谷发育速度、土壤侵蚀强度有加剧的趋势 ,其变化与气候变迁、人类活动关系密切 ;降水量较丰富时沟谷发育、土壤侵蚀较强 ;人为加速侵蚀与自然侵蚀相叠加是近现代洛川塬区沟谷发育、土壤侵蚀剧烈的主要原因。建国后黄土高原水土保持效果显著  相似文献   


Soil erosion resulting from human exploitation of the land has attracted much public and scientific interest. Being regarded mainly as a modern phenomenon, however, its prehistoric and historical extent remain largely unexplored. Here we summarize three regional studies of Holocene erosion and alluviation in Greece, together with information derived from the literature, and conclude that most recorded Holocene soil erosion events are spatially and temporally related to human interference in the landscape. Wherever adequate evidence exists, a major phase of soil erosion appears to follow by 500–1000 years the introduction of farming in Greece, its age depending on when agriculture was introduced and ranging from the later Neolithic to the late Early Bronze Age. Later Bronze Age and historical soil erosion events are more scattered in time and space, but especially the thousand years after the middle of the 1st millennium B.C. saw serious, intermittent soil erosion in many places. With the exception of the earliest Holocene erosion phase, the evidence is compatible with a model of control of the timing and intensity of landscape destabilization by local economic and political conditions. On the whole, however, periods of landscape stability have lasted much longer than the mostly brief episodes of soil erosion and stream aggradation.  相似文献   

The relations between riverbank erosion and geomorphological variables that are thought to control or influence erosion are commonly modelled using regression. For a given river, a single regression model might befitted to data on erosion and its geomorphological controls obtained along the river's length. However, it is likely that the influence of some variables may vary with geographical location (i.e., distance upstream). For this reason, the spatially stationary regression model should be replaced with a non‐stationary equivalent. Geographically weighted regression (GWR) is a suitable choice. In this paper, GWR is extended to predict the binary presence or absence of erosion via the logistic model. This extended model was applied to data obtained from historical archives and a spatially intensive field survey of a length of 42 km of the Afon Dyfi in West Wales. The model parameters and the residual deviance of the model varied greatly with distance upstream. The practical implication of the result is that different management practices should be implemented at different locations along the river. Thus, the approach presented allowed inference of spatially varying management practice as a consequence of spatially varying geomorphological process.  相似文献   

In the context of an archaeological survey of the southern Argolid, Greece, studies have been carried out to elucidate the evolution of the landscape since its earliest known human occupation about 50,000 years ago. One of these studies was a detailed geological mapping of the late Quaternary alluvium and soils in the area. Dated by means of thorium-uranium disequilibria, archaeological finds, and historical information, seven periods of alluviation were identified, each of short duration relative to long intervening periods of stability and soil formation. The three earliest alluvial phases, falling before and during the last glacial interval, range from about 330,000 to 32,000 years in age. No alluviation accompanied the last glacial maximum around 20,000 years ago. In fact, a stable landscape persisted until about 4500 years ago, when debris flows and widespread aggradation in the valleys resulted from major slope destabilization and soil erosion, probably as a result of extensive land clearance in the Early Bronze Age. A subsequent stable period lasted through the many upheavals of the later Bronze Age, the Dark Ages, and the early historical period. It came to an end with a brief phase of alluviation between about 300 and 50 BC. Stability returned through the late Roman period, notwithstanding considerable expansion of the settled area. Another period of destabilization, this one marked by debris flows and hence major soil erosion, is poorly fixed in time, but probably coincides with expanded maquis clearance accompanying the resettlement of the area around AD 1000. Subsequent events of soil erosion and aggradation vary in nature and timing from one drainage to the next and, in some areas, continue today.Nature and chronology of the soil forming and alluviation events show that simple correlations with climatic events do not suffice to explain them. For the latter ones, past about 2500 BC, human activity seems to be the dominant cause, but once again the relation between cause and effect is not straightforward. Land clearing, or neglect of soil conservation efforts during economic downturns, appear to have a more devastating effect upon the landscape than do intensive land use or total land abandonment.  相似文献   

African forests provide the focus for a growing body of historical research. This study draws on economic and environmental history approaches in exploring the exploitation and conservation of woodland, respectively. The main focus of the investigation is the consumption–conservation relationship between pre-colonial African people and the forest zone, an interaction viewed by colonial foresters in Zimbabwe as wasteful and based on religious superstition. In spite of the open criticism of rapacious timber cutting by mining companies and poor farming techniques by settlers, colonial perceptions over time stressed the notion of ‘improvident Africans’ as the prime cause of environmental destruction, in particular, deforestation and erosion. Within the African context, historical forest literature is bound to reject colonial misconceptions regarding the scope of indigenous woodland management. Customary forest practice in the Zambezi teak or Baikiea woodland points towards a better understanding on the subject, informed by a wide range of sources; oral tradition, missionary records, travel accounts and colonial documents. In reconstructing pre-colonial resource use from interviews and archival data, this study adopts a multi-source approach, while guarding against an overly romanticised view of indigenous practice.  相似文献   

Aerial reconnaissance in 1989 revealed a semicircular structure lying just off the coast at Clynnog Fawr in Caernarfon Bay, North Wales. The similarity in shape of the structure to other coastal fish-traps in the area promoted further study. Several avenues of research were followed. Historical sources were scrutinized in an attempt to find a date for the construction of the structure. A hydrographic survey was used to obtain the exact position and shape of the anomaly. A survey of the cliff and beach directly inland of the site was also made.
The anomaly was seen to lie further out to sea today than would have been the case at the time of its construction, indicating an area of coastal erosion. In an attempt to understand this process, the marine and atmospheric forces acting on the area were examined. In association with the processes of coastal erosion, soil tests were undertaken to assess the nature of the material being eroded.
Using both historical and physiological evidence it was concluded that the anomaly was indeed a fish-trap, constructed at about the beginning of the 13th century. The results from the different avenues of study have shown a sea-level rise of about 2.84 m and a cliff recession of about 118 m since its construction.  相似文献   

根据历史文献和考古调查,确定出甘肃省庆阳市西峰区彭原乡的两座古城遗址分别是后汉富平县城(GC1)和唐宋彭原县城(GC2),唐宋彭原县是北魏永和元年(434年)以后从今庙头嘴村搬迁到南庄村。据此推断泾河四级支流、马莲河三级支流彭原沟(当地称湫沟)流域的现代侵蚀沟,是在此年以后开始发育的。利用黄土高原现代侵蚀沟地貌年龄计算公式,计算出彭原沟主干沟道现代侵蚀沟的地貌年龄为1669±819年,沟口附近的现代侵蚀沟发育于西晋成帝咸康五年(339年)前后,其主要分支沟谷现代侵蚀沟的地貌年龄介于900±442~1300±638年之间。沟头平均延伸速度为3.367m/a,沟谷平均下切速度为0.063m/a,平均加宽速度0.19m/a。公式计算结果与考古结果基本相符,研究结果具有较高的信度。依此结果,将彭原沟及其支流地貌复原至西晋时期。  相似文献   

通过对谭家坡遗迹馆微环境长期监测,遗迹馆内的空气温度、相对湿度、土壤温度以及土壤含水率监测数据进行对比分析,对修建外围保护建筑下的遗址环境有了初步的了解,并从监测结果中得出遗迹馆内空气温度、相对湿度、土壤温度与含水率的变化规律与特征。研究结果表明,潮湿多雨的气象环境造成谭家坡遗迹馆内高温、高湿,遗址土体也容易遭受地下水的侵蚀,对遗址直接或间接引发病变,或加速物理和生物的破坏作用。建议科学而恰当在控制遗址保存环境,建立环境数据库,形成一套完整的预测、预警监控体系。  相似文献   

One of the difficulties in interpreting hunter-gatherer mortuary practices is that many mortuary theories are derived from sedentary societies and rely upon an excavated record. This paper is an analysis of both historical and archaeological evidence of Aboriginal burial practices in the Murray River region of southeastern Australia. The archaeological data relies primarily upon analysis of burials exposed through erosion rather than systematic excavations which limits the range of burial characteristics that may be recorded and interpreted. The mortuary practices identified are highly patterned but regionally and locally variable. It is argued that the evidence demonstrates the persistence of place for Aboriginal people. The existence of persistent places is further related to a potentially fluid but structured connection between people and land.  相似文献   

为量化研究夯土性质对陕北明长城遗址雨蚀破坏模式的影响作用,采用室内模拟降雨试验的方法对夯土密度和雨蚀量间的关系进行定量化分析。研究结果显示,大到暴雨条件下,干湿作用产生的破坏是低强度夯土(密度1.5 g·cm^-3、1.6 g·cm^-3)最主要的雨蚀破坏模式,冲刷破坏造成的雨蚀量较小;水力侵蚀产生的冲刷破坏和重力侵蚀引起的小范围掉块是高强度夯土(密度1.7~1.9 g·cm^-3)最主要的破坏模式,冲刷破坏造成的雨蚀量较大;当土体含水率在3%~7%区间时,夯土的雨蚀量和密度呈指数函数关系,二者呈现正相关性。研究结果为探索多因素作用下夯土雨蚀的破坏机制提供方法借鉴,是土遗址病害研究的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

Lateral channel migration is normal or autogenic, with bank erosion often on concave and accretion on convex banks. Where bank erosion occurs, particularly at an accelerated rate through land abuse and an increase in flood magnitude and frequency or allogenic, it threatens human use of the flood plain. There is a demand for protection, often with very little understanding of the erosion hazard. Measurements based on photogrammetry were used to define bank erosion and accretion, as well as width changes, in eight meander arcs (11 sections in each) over 41 years. It was concluded that, if this rate continued over the next century, 82 ha of alluvial land, 6.2 km of roads, two bridges, 9 homes and 51 home sites could be lost. Various management options, costs and benefits are given in order to show how future planning and protection can be more rational.  相似文献   

Canada grants citizenship expansively to most persons born subject to its territorial jurisdiction. Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms also treats naturalized and native-born citizens as equals. But new distinctions have emerged that threaten the equal status and rights of Canadian citizens. Here, I argue that the reemergence of the dormant historical norm of citizenship as allegiance is being used to cast citizens deemed disloyal out from Canada’s protection and supervision. First, I historically trace the erosion of equal citizenship status and rights in Canada under the guise of protecting native-citizens from security threats. Second, I offer a normative argument against the recent practice of denaturalizing Canadian citizens for their actions or questionable allegiances. I conclude with a preliminary recommendation for protecting the citizenship status of Canadians from revocation.  相似文献   

A palaeoecological approach was undertaken to investigate the last 400 years of change in vegetation, fire, nutrient mobility, lake productivity and erosion associated with Aboriginal and European land-use practices in a forested environment in eastern Victoria. Melaleuca ericifolia scrub, although present prior to European settlement, has expanded around Lake Curlip in the last 200 years, primarily due to the action of fire on a forest already weakened by drought. A fern understorey has declined in extent and a more open aspect has developed in the forest. Fire has been a major component of vegetation dynamics in the historical period. Erosion rates were comparatively low and associated with fire during prehistoric times, but after European settlement its increase is more closely related to land clearance and flooding than fire. The response of vegetation to both anthropogenic and natural influences changed during the historical period. Although fire is an integral part of vegetation change, it is not an over-riding effect at Lake Curlip. Drain construction in the swamp has reduced the impact that any accumulation of pasture improvement chemicals may have had on eutrophication of the lake.  相似文献   


This study demonstrates the potential of intensive sampling and off-site analyses to identify evidence of human activity in the past using the off-site data collected around the Italic sanctuary of S. Giovanni in Galdo, Molise, Italy. Rather than employing general and monocausal explanatory models—e.g., large-scale erosion or ancient manuring—to account for off-site material, this study examines ceramic ware variability from surface collections within the local context. It reveals that the ceramic ware variability in samples from low density areas with low visibility can be an important indicator of past human activity. The results of this examination of background noise—or unexplained variability in off-site material—from the Sacred Landscape Project increase the number and types of sites recognized in the surface collections. Furthermore, the analysis reduces the amount of surface material that can be regarded as off-site material and thus changes its composition. The overall results shed new light on the origins of off-site material and whether it should be interpreted as evidence of human activity in historical landscapes.  相似文献   

选题是历史学论著写作成败的关键,要有创新并考虑研究的可持续发展。历史研究及写作需要史实的实证和史识的阐述来支撑。缺少史实的实证,历史就变成一个空架子,但要避免史料的堆砌。史料工作不是机械的工作,而是高层次的智力劳动。转引材料应该注明出处,以示尊重别人的劳动。至于史识,也即史学家的思辨,这有很高的甚至是很残酷的要求,真正的史学家(例如司马迁),能够达到历史哲学方面的理解,甚至是对宇宙生命的终极诉求,这也要求史学家应该有史学的参与意识。此外,文字表达是一件很重要而又很痛苦的事情,历史学家不应该原谅自己在文采方面的缺失,而应该提高文字表达能力,适当地强调史感,以达到设身处地地与古人对话、交流、沟通。总之,史料、史识、文采三者应该达到完美的统一。  相似文献   


While the high archaeological and palaeoecological value of intertidal deposits has become well known, approaches to their management remain extremely restricted. Despite the often high levels of erosion experienced by some sites there has been very little development in methods aimed at understanding or quantifying the threats. This paper presents an approach aimed at monitoring erosion within the Humber estuary, UK, where previous finds including Bronze Age boat remains and trackways have made it an area of international importance. Two sites have been investigated and the results from these demonstrate both the high rate of sediment removal and also the highly variable nature of intertidal erosion. It is argued that global figures relating to rates of erosion are wholly inappropriate when attempting to manage archaeological deposits that have survived in intertidal environments. Rather, management of such archaeologically rich but threatened landscapes is only possible through regular quantitative monitoring. Such an approach offers coastal protection authorities a valuable opportunity to assess the long-term progress of erosion and coastal change. This methodology could be employed alongside management agreements within those particular coastal cells or process units that have been identified in a Shoreline Management Plan.  相似文献   

Traditional norms of temple buildings, especially the form and location of Hindu temples, were meticulously standardized by Sanskrit texts to conform with a basic idea that a temple is the personal dwelling place of a deity.

This study, using a historical comparison method, presents tangible exndence of changes in the form and location of Calcutta's temples and the erosion of the old ideology within the urban milieu. A classification of temples according to their organizational characteristics provides insight into the nature of their changes, their cause and implications.  相似文献   

The gold, platinum and titanium placers are analyzed from the geomorphic point of view to establish future prospects as the Quaternary placers now being worked become depleted. The key to placer prospecting is seen in the historical sequence of deposition and redeposition in which older placers in turn became source areas for younger placers. The main metallogenetic epoch is associated with the Middle and Late Jurassic as well as a substantial part of the Cretaceous when intensive weathering of the regolith yielded rich placer accumulations in Mesozoic erosional-structural depressions that represent segments of the drainage net of the period. These depressions subsequently were the source areas for new placers as the drainage pattern was reoriented. In some areas crustal movements played a role as renewed erosion induced by uplifting resulted in the redeposition of metal in new placers. As the Quaternary placers become depleted, an effort is therefore recommended to focus prospecting and exploration in the source areas associated with the Mesozoic depressions.  相似文献   

现有的夯土遗址雨蚀病害分类方式关注的是多次降雨后遗址破坏的静态结果,以识别病害、辨明病因为主要目的。为进一步研究水土作用方式在夯土雨蚀病害发育过程中的作用,明确雨蚀病害的动态发育过程,在现场调查的基础上对榆阳区明代夯土长城的雨蚀病害进行分类、统计、分析,综合考虑侵蚀模式、雨蚀动态响应过程和劣化程度三个方面提出雨蚀破坏模式,分别为干湿破坏、冲刷破坏和降雨导致的重力侵蚀三种,三种破坏模式的提出为研究夯土遗址雨蚀和降雨间的响应关系提供新思路。  相似文献   

影视史学的思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
影视史学在现代科技发展和历史学本身变革的交相催产下 ,它呱呱坠地 ,蹒跚走来。影视史学不仅仅是历史方法上的摸索和创新 ,还对长期以来的历史思维、历史认识等传统概念产生影响 ,许多方面牵连到了史学上许多基本的理论问题。本文试图对影视究竟能在多大程度上用来“写”历史作出初步探讨 ,并对其本身的优势和局限性作一论析。  相似文献   

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