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African Archaeological Review -  相似文献   

The Greek Neolithic, here divided into five phases, is the oldest in Europe. Geographically, it is the closest to the Near East and has thus long been seen as an impoverished derivative of the latter. However, recent research has tended to emphasize the autochthonous nature of Neolithic development in Europe, including Greece. The Greek Neolithic economy, which was based almost entirely on domesticates, and its densely packed, long-lived villages strongly recall the Near East, as do also the early emphasis on fine, decorated, nonculinary pottery and the wealth of figurines. On the other hand, the evolution of stylistic patterns is specifically Greek, although generally related to trends in the Balkans. Originality in the development of the Greek Neolithic is also seen in its latest phase, with apparent decreases, rather than increases, in site density, social differentiation, and, to some extent, long-distance trade. At the same time, however, the dichotomy became much sharper between the rich agricultural plains of northern Greece and the more pastoral(?) regions of the Peloponnese and Cycladic Islands; this presages similar contrasts during the Bronze Age.  相似文献   

根据考古发现,早在距今6千多年以前的史前时代,我们的祖先就开始使用梳子了。在源远流长的历史长河中,梳子与当时的社会生活息息相通,揭示了它们在数千年发展过程中的演进轨迹,可以帮助我们从一个侧面认识人类物质文化发展的历程。因此,本文主要依据考古发掘的资料,试对史前时期梳子的形制、结构以及功能等相关问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

弗朗西斯·霍奇森·伯内特(Frances Hodgson Bumett)的儿童小说<秘密花园>(The secret Garden,1911)是其最著名、最成功的作品.人物塑造是这部作品的成功基础.除此之外,由于它体现了作者的女性主义思想.这一努力,同样是作品艺术魅力的重要所在.本文试图从人物、小说类型及花园的隐喻意义三个方面,从女性主义角度解读这部小说,探讨的笔触主要在于:第一,对人物的分析集中在两个少年人物——玛丽和迪肯,说明作者对"双性同体"思想的肯定.第二,该小说的类型使其成为形式独特的儿童小说.作者打破了传统中男孩子的书和女孩子的书的界限,将历险小说和家庭小说结合在一起.第三,伯内特给秘密花园赋予了隐喻意义.荒芜了十年的花园在玛丽的手中复活,因此它象征着女性发挥创造力的园地,是其"自己的屋子".  相似文献   

This paper reviews the progress of research over the past twenty years, with particular reference to enclosed and unenclosed settlement, agricultural patterns, domestic structural types and burial practices of the Iron Age in the south-eastern Borders. The concept of a 'trend towards enclosure' in the first millennium BC is reviewed and rejected, not least on the grounds of evidence from excavation for the dating sequences of major enclosed sites. In consequence a new overview of the later prehistoric settlement of the region is now possible, consistent with the accumulating archaeological and environmental data.  相似文献   

TheTibetanPlateauistheareainChinaclosesttothesun.Hence,LhasaishailedastheSunlightCity.Sincethe1980s,solarenergyhasbeenexploitedinthispartoftheworld.AmongthoseinvolvedintheworkisZhangJie,knownamongTibetansasNyimaZholmaortheGoddessofSunlight.AGGRESSIVESTUDENT.ZhangJiegraduatedfromtheSouthChinainstituteofEngineeringin1977attheageof24.ShewasassignedajobintheLhasaFarmMachineryBureauin1978.WhatwouldTibetbelike,Zhangkeptaskingherself.Nonetheless,shesetoffwithastaunchmind.Havingsatin…  相似文献   

This article reviews recent research into the archaeological interpretation and investigation of fortifications and enclosures during the Neolithic and Bronze Age in Europe. Recent methodological, technological, and cultural developments have expanded our understanding of the temporal, spatial, and formal variability of these features on the landscape. Interpretations of this variability also have varied with different theoretical trends in the discipline. We advocate a cross-cultural approach that focuses on the occurrence of enclosures and fortifications over the long term at the continental scale. Such a macroscalar approach complements interpretive frameworks at the regional and microregional scales. The geographic and temporal distribution of these features indicates that social institutions associated with principles of segmentation and substitutability became formalized and tethered to the landscape during the Neolithic.  相似文献   

王芬 《东南文化》2004,(5):16-20
墓葬资料对于研究没有字记载的史前社会,具有特殊的价值和意义,其研究的主要内容包括编年、墓地形成过程、人口数量与结构、社会组织和结构、葬俗和葬制、体质特征和人种、习俗和病理、随葬品等。中国史前墓葬和墓地的研究,经历了四个阶段,即资料积累阶段、社会性质讨论阶段、发展阶段和扩展阶段。  相似文献   

走上长城,再走下来,总是会有种说不出的感觉荡漾心头。你看见了什么?是起伏的城墙,坚毅的烽燧,抑或是冰冷的砖石?轻抚沧桑的墙体,历史的铁灰从岁月浸透的砖缝中一层层剥落。似乎在向后来的人们诉说着无数生命的激情与悲壮。  相似文献   

史前聚落围沟是一种与聚落环壕、城址城壕有很大区别的聚落设施,中国史前聚落围沟许多特点在时间上、空间上存在一种由南向北逐步推进演变的历史现象,其形成发展既受制于自然环境;又受到人为与社会原因的制约。  相似文献   

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