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新中国成立之初,扫盲运动是中国共产党在全国范围内开展的一项重大活动.因农村经济建设需要和群众与乡村干部生产生活的诉求,在农村地区开展扫盲运动极为迫切.农村地区扫盲运动的实践,可以大体分为管理机构的确定、宣传动员工作的开展、师资培训工作的进行、教育形式的组织、教育内容的确定等.农村扫盲运动的成效,从农民个人角度而言,不仅...  相似文献   

农民业余文化教育的主要目的是扫除文盲。20世纪50年代的扫盲运动经历了"速成识字法"的推广和"扫盲协会"的成立两个高潮,采取的主要形式是冬学和民校。业余文化教育提高了农民的文化知识水平,是农村社会变迁的重要原因之一。同时扫盲过程中也存在一些不足:扫盲工作认识观念存在偏差,文化学习很难与农民的切身经济利益直接挂钩,师资素质较低,办学经费匮乏,人口流动频繁。  相似文献   

新中国成立后,全国掀起了一场大规模的群众性扫除文盲运动。江苏省积极执行中央政策,在农村和城市中广泛进行扫盲,广大群众积极参与,掀起了扫盲运动的高潮。  相似文献   

1949年,在“一穷二白”的基础上建立起来的中华人民共和国,是世界上文盲最多的国家。全国有80%以上的人口是文盲,农村人口的文盲比例则更大。党和人民政府把扫除文盲作为一项政治任务来抓,黑龙江的扫盲工作开始得较早,1946年就开展了识字运动,但是真正的大张旗鼓扫除文盲是从新中国成立之后开始的。从新中国成立到1994年45年间,黑龙江扫盲教育经历了四个阶段。  相似文献   

民国时期的乡村建设运动   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
徐秀丽 《安徽史学》2006,5(4):69-80
民国时期领域广阔、面貌多样、时间持久、影响深远的乡村建设运动,不仅是农村落后破败的现实促成的,也是知识界对农村重要性自觉体认的产物.乡村建设的主要内容,包括扫盲和文化教育、引进和推广动植物良种、尝试建立农村医疗保健体系、移风易俗、倡导合作组织、加强农村自卫等方面.乡村建设运动的历史意义,不仅在于可为现实问题的解决提供某些参考,更在于其所遗留的丰富精神遗产.  相似文献   

文章借助对1950年代乡村扫盲文献的细致梳理,呈现了政治文本中的“社会主义新人”塑造过程.通过对扫盲兴起原因中政治诉求的呈现、扫盲教材中政治认同塑造的揭示,以及扫盲实践对现实政治需求回应的分析,指出了乡村扫盲并非简单的文化教育,而是一次着力于社会主义政治认同建构,并由此将革命理念渗透进乡村日常生活的政治规训过程.在这样的规训之后,原本目不识丁的乡村人也就成了“社会主义新人”.  相似文献   

1949—1966年中国成人扫盲教育的历史回顾   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《夫妻识字》歌曾在新中国成立前夕,40年代的扫盲运动刚刚兴起时候广为流传。新中国成立后,全国气象一新,开始了国家的建设。这个时期,所面临的第一个必须解决的问题是教育面向群众这一课题。这时的人们,人人心中都燃起了新的希望,嘴上唱着这首《识字歌》参加到扫盲教育活动中。然而,建国50年后的今天,扫盲工作并未得到彻底的解决。改革开放后就三次颁布有关扫盲的法律,更大声势地倡导扫盲活动。这里,我们对新中国建国以后的成人扫盲教育工作进行历史性的回顾。一、建国初用的扫盲教育(-)扫盲教育体制住立前的准备由于中国的抗…  相似文献   

中华平民教育促进会扫盲运动的历史考察   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
中华平民教育促进会的扫盲运动,起源于一战期间赴法华工的识字教育;20世纪二三十年代,因应教育普及化和民主化的时代潮流,扫盲运动在全国范围内掀起热潮,众多机构、团体和学者介入其中。而以平教会为这一运动的主力和中坚。平教会的扫盲运动在一定范围内取得了相当的成功,对民众识字率从而对其文化水平的提高产生了积极的作用。在扫盲运动中,教材教法不断完善,民众教育经验不断丰富,晏阳初等平教会知识分子为此付出的努力值得充分肯定。但是,平教会扫盲运动的总体成效与他们的预期存在着很大的差距,个中原因,大而言之,与当时整个国家的政治经济社会状况密切相关,具体而言,则与民众尤其是农民对文字的需求程度有相当的关连。  相似文献   

牙冬花 《神州》2012,(10):226-226
农村中学化学研究性学习的开展应结合学校和师生自身实际情况,因地制宜地有效开展,注重方法和形式。农村中学因地处农村,生活和生产中与化学相关的生活现象和常识较之城镇要丰富得多,而且开展起来较之方便。  相似文献   

1958年7月下旬,我正在山东临沂北老屯村家中度暑假,每天同社员一起下地干活。有一天刚吃过早饭,大队长找到我说:“今天上午公社召开扫盲誓师大会,你就不要下地干活了,带几个学生去开会,回来咱们商量怎么扫盲。”  相似文献   

"大跃进"时期扫除文盲运动述评   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1958~1960年,是新中国历史上的"大跃进"时期.在各行各业"大跃进"的带动下,全国也很快地掀起了扫除文盲的"跃进"运动.这一运动随形势发展,由兴到衰,经历了一个曲折的发展过程.在扫除文盲运动中,存在着严重的浮夸现象,但一些具体的做法也不无借鉴意义.  相似文献   

以科学发展观为指导建立健全农村社会保障体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李顺义 《攀登》2007,26(1):24-28
本文分析了建立农村社会保障体系的必要性及农村社会保障体系的现状和存在的问题,探讨了建立符合社会主义市场经济体制要求的农村社会保障体系的内容和应该采取的措施。提出建立农村社会保障制度,是一项艰巨而复杂的社会系统工程,既需要政府积极引导与高度重视,又需要农村集体与广大农民的积极支持。  相似文献   

The political societies, or Jacobin clubs, formed during the first years of the French Revolution undertook as one of their many projects the political and civic education of the peasantry. The political society of Toulouse, the large republican administrative centre of the south‐western department of the Haute‐Garonne, was particularly active in this mission. By 1790, society members had embarked upon a campaign of written propaganda, using both educational tracts and revolutionary almanacs. However, this initial method was of only limited effectiveness, due to the prejudices of urban society members with regard to the peasants, the widespread illiteracy and non‐comprehension of French in the countryside, and the difficulty of distributing written material to isolated villages at the end of the eighteenth century. The Jacobins of Toulouse attempted to conquer these obstacles through the composition of tracts in the local patois, the use of peasant‐oriented newspapers delivered to local, literate intermediaries, and finally, the sending of their own members into the countryside as political missionaries, armed with leaflets and a copy of the constitution. By the time political clubs were made illegal in 1795, the influence of Jacobin sociability had greatly facilitated a precocious political acculturation of rural communities, prefiguring their more complete politicisation during the course of the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

This article utilises a gender lens to consider the notion of the ‘global countryside’ through a case study with four peasant Colombian women living in the mountain town of Toca, Boyacá. In seeking a bottom-up understanding of rural globalisation, as it is experienced in the everyday lives of peasant women in Colombia, we drew on a methodology that included participant observation and photo elicitation interviews. Data reveal the inflections and incursions of the global into women’s work and family lives, in particular, gendered implications of the emergence of a globalised countryside. At the same time, the results demonstrate women’s agency in recalibrating and resisting discourses of globalisation as they create places and strategies for subsistence based on peasant values and economic strategies. Finally, based on our results, we problematise the universalising tendencies of urban/Western feminist critiques of rural women’s lives which have been embedded in assumptions about modernity, development and liberalism.  相似文献   

The study of the relationship between town and countryside in medieval Catalonia is still in an early stage. This article examines how Perpignan, the second most populous Catalonian town by the second half of the fourteenth century, extended its influence over the countryside of northeastern Catalonia through the sobreposats de la horta. Although they were the heads of the guild of Perpignan's agricultural labourers, the sobreposats de la horta acquired a broad jurisdiction over cases involving damage to property, and thus became responsible for protecting the rural interests of Perpignan's citizens more generally. First mentioned in 1339, the sobreposats de la horta continually encountered seigniorial and other opposition, but their powers steadily increased between their initial appearance and the 1380s, as did the control of Perpignan's consuls over them. However, the very success of the sobreposats de la horta necessitated a series of reforms, largely the work of Perpignan's consuls, from the 1380s onwards. These reforms attempted to restore the earlier efficiency of the sobreposats de la horta, to eliminate abuses of office, and even to limit the power of the sobreposats de la horta, whose growth the consuls had done so much to foster previously.  相似文献   

This study re-evaluates the 17 June Uprising, the first in theCommunist bloc, in light of protest in the countryside. Theexperience of state violence in the years before 1953 compelledmany in the countryside to avoid public expressions of oppositionbut did not eliminate peasant protest. Villagers directed theircomplaints against communist leaders and policies, especiallyagricultural collectivization, and thereby played a significantrole in the events leading up to the uprising as well as therebellion itself. In analysing this opposition, this essay concludesthat rural modes of resistance varied by region but were generallyless overt than strikes and demonstrations employed by workers.Instead, peasants, especially in purely agrarian regions, employedtraditional village forms of opposition, which emphasized reclaimingpublic space by cowing local representatives of power. In theend, this protest lasted throughout the summer—much longerthan those in the cities—and compelled communist leadersto postpone the collectivization of agriculture until 1959–60.  相似文献   

齐培福 《攀登》2007,26(3):159-160
建设社会主义新农村是党中央做出的重大战略决策。作为电视新闻媒体,正确把握社会主义新农村的深刻内涵,是做好宣传报道的前提和关键。本文分析了一些电视媒体在新农村报道中存在的问题,强调新闻报道要紧扣新农村建设的主题,紧密结合实际,正确发挥电视新闻在新农村建设中的舆论导向作用。  相似文献   

今本《史记·黥布列传》“兹乡”《索隐》注“番阳■县之乡”,当作“鄡阳县之乡”。“■”为“鄡”之俗讹字。“鄡”字又作“郻”,《汉书·地理志》郻县在巨鹿郡,鄡阳县在豫章郡,与番阳近者为鄡阳县,《索隐》作“鄡县”误。西汉无番阳郡,依《索隐》体例亦不得言“番阳鄡阳县”。《史记索隐》当是据《汉书》颜师古注为说,今本《索隐》此注有误。  相似文献   

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