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在国民党军队的历史上,一共出现过四个第十八军。即浙江夏超的十八军,由第六军残部与其他部队编成的十八军,桂系陶钧的十八军和陈诚派系的十八军。前三个军都是在北伐战争中编成、撤销的,时间短暂,如过眼烟云。而陈诚的第十八军存在的时间最长,影响也最大,在国民党军队中独成体系,与何应钦系并峙。因第十一师是起家部队,也是第十八军的基本部队,十一并起来为“土”字,十八可合为  相似文献   

首先通过分析《宋史》、《辽史》和《续资治通鉴长编》等文献中武职之冠的金银装饰工艺,揭示武职之冠的主体并非黄金制品。其次通过分析西夏《比丘像》与榆林第29窟中供养人服饰色彩、纹样的不同,确定《比丘像》中男供养人为皇室成员。另外通过宋夏墓的石像造型对比,确定黑龙贵地区出土拄剑盔甲武士像为镇墓将军,并为持斧武士身份的确定指明方向。最后厘清西夏的尖耳黑帽是一种既可以搭配公服,也可以搭配甲衣的冠饰。  相似文献   

作为十八军军人的后代,摄影师周焰近年一直在走访父母的战友,收集关于中国人民解放军第十八军的记忆。一个偶然的机会周焰翻看母亲的像册,得到一幅母亲周玉莲当年进藏途中与战友的合影。在这之前,他并不知道这张照片的存在。照片拍摄于1951年,合影中的人现在有的已经去世。  相似文献   

为了解放西藏,1950年3月,西南军区命令第四兵团派一支精干部队作为南路军,从滇西北出发,经云南省德钦县进入西藏碧土、门工、察隅等地,然后,进驻后藏首府日喀则,以配合十八军完成解放西藏的大业。  相似文献   

军持是来源于印度的一种佛教用器,有金属军持和陶瓷军持之分,自传入我国起就长盛不衰,历代都有生产。本文运用考古类型学的方法,对自隋唐以来各个时代出土的陶瓷军持形制进行了分析,并在此基础上探讨其发展演变的轨迹。  相似文献   

这五支王牌军是指新编第一军、新编第六军、第五军、第七十四军(即整编七十四师)、第十八军。  相似文献   

1950年1月,中共中央将进军西藏的主要任务正式交给西南局及十八军。鉴于西藏地区情况的特殊性和解放西藏任务的重要性,西南局及十八军展开了各项积极有效的准备工作,包括政治、军事、后勤等多方面的准备,正是因为充分的准备和针对性极强的策略,为胜利完成进军西藏提供了强有力保障。  相似文献   

1951年秋,我的父亲夏川跟随十八军进军西藏,和西藏爱国的上层人士的子女结下了深厚的情谊。十八军进藏后,最主要的任务就是搞统战工作和群众工作,用实际行动来表达我党、我军和西藏地方政府搞好团结,执行《协议》,建设国防的真诚愿望。十八军进藏时军政治部里还没设群工部,于是政治部领导就让当时负责宣传和文化的父亲,在做好宣传部、文化部的本职工作外,兼管统战工作,并分工重点负责卸任司伦(首席大臣)朗顿·贡嘎旺秋和藏军司令凯墨·索南旺堆的工作。  相似文献   

元朝末年,当西系红巾军明玉珍部从湖北举兵入川,占领重庆不久,东系红巾军的一支余部,也在李喜喜的带领下进入蜀境,史称“青巾军”,或“青军”。本文依据历史文献和明玉珍陵墓中发现的《玄宫之碑》,考证出青巾军入蜀的时间,不是旧籍所载的至正十八年,而是十七年;明玉珍在至正十八年、十九年出兵攻打的对象,不是元朝官军,而是青巾军。弄清青巾军入蜀后的踪迹及表现,有助于揭开明玉珍据蜀称帝前一段鲜为人知的经历,澄清长期混沌的元末四川政治军事格局。  相似文献   

一出水陶器在井里汶北部爪哇海域所发现沉船,打捞出水的船货不但数量多,种类亦多。其中的陶器,大约可以分成两类。一类粗糙,表面有简单的平行条纹,是用拍印法装饰。以一件大型军持为实例、略呈卵形的,细颈、简单的敞口折沿[图一]。这类军持是典  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Books reviewed: Richard Baldwin, Rikard Forslid, Philippe Martin, Gianmarco Ottaviano, and Frederic Robert‐Nicoud, Economic Geography and Public Policy Richard K. Green and Stephen Malpezzi, A Primer on U.S. Housing Markets and Housing Policy Peter King, A Social Philosophy of Housing David Harvey, Paris: Capital of Modernity Henri Lefebvre, translated by Robert Bononno, The Urban Revolution Barry Boots, Atsuyuki Okabe, and Richard Thomas, Modelling Geographical Systems: Statistical and Computational Applications Jan Öhman and Kirsten Simonson, Voices from the North: New Trends in Nordic Human Geography Michael Keating, John Loughlin, and Kris Deschouwer, Culture, Institutions and Economic Development: A Study of Eight European Regions Gertrude Tumpel‐Gugerell and Peter Mooslechner, Economic Convergence and Divergence in Europe: Growth and Regional Development in an Enlarged European Union Andreas Faludi, European Spatial Planning Ron Martin and Philip S. Morrison, Geographies of Labour Market Inequality Bent Flyvbjerg, Nils Bruzelius, and Werner Rothengatter, Megaprojects and Risk: An Anatomy of Ambition Alan Altshuler and David Luberoff, Mega‐Projects: The Changing Politics of Urban Public Investment Norman Walzer, The American Midwest: Managing Change in Rural Transition William M. Lewis Jr., Water and Climate in the Western United States Nives Dol?ak and Elinor Ostrom, The Commons in the New Millennium: Challenges and Adaptation Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD), Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development: Programme and Policy Recommendations Yeonwoo Lee, Schumpeterian Dynamics and Metropolitan‐Scale Productivity Fiorenza Belussi, Giorgio Gottardi, and Enzo Rullani, The Technological Evolution of Industrial Districts Daniel Griffith, Spatial Autocorrelation and Spatial Filtering: Gaining Understanding through Theory and Scientific Visualization Claire Freeman and Michelle Thompson‐Fawcett, Living Space: Towards Sustainable Settlements in New Zealand  相似文献   

Museums curate, document, conserve, and protect the earth's diverse natural and cultural heritage for purposes of educating humankind. Through research, exhibitions, and other activities that stress our common demominators and achievements, museums help us to forge and affirm local, ethnic, national, and international identities, unity, and pride. To accomplish such diverse goals, museums require dynamic, dedicated, ethical, and fairly well-educated staff. Museums must also be well-funded and should have local, national, and international support systems. This paper discusses the challenges faced by museum professionals in Africa, especially archaeologists, as they attempt to unearth, and in some cases reinterpret, Africa's cultural history.  相似文献   

地理学视角下的国内农村聚居研究综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
农村聚居是农村居民与周围自然、经济、社会、文化环境相互作用的结果,是人类聚居学的重要研究内容。随着新农村建设、农村土地流转、城乡统筹、新型农村社区建设等政策与措施的相继出台,农村聚居研究日益凸显出重要的实践意义与学术价值。本文对近十年来国内地理学关于农村聚居区位、形态、规模与等级、功能组织、演变机理、优化调控以及聚居类型与区划等研究内容的主要观点作了较详细的介绍,指出了地理学在农村聚居基础理论、研究内容、研究方法和技术等方面的薄弱环节,并展望其未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《International affairs》2000,76(1):141-200
International relations and organizations, p.141
Humanitarian intervention and international law, p.151
Security and the military dimension, p.154
Ethnicity and cultural politics, p.159
International and global political economy, economics and development, p.162
Energy and environment, p.166
History, p.170
Europe, p.181
Russia and the former Soviet republics, p.181
Middle East and North Africa, p.187
Sub-Saharan Africa, p.189
Asia and Pacific, p.192
North America, p.196
Latin America and Caribbean, p.196  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《International affairs》1999,75(4):819-887
International relations and organizations, p.819
Security and the military dimension, p.829
Politics, social affairs and law, p.832
Ethnicity and cultural politics, p.837
Political economy, economics and development, p.841
Energy and environment, p.846
History, p.848
Europe, p.854
Russia and the former Soviet republics, p.866
Middle East and North Africa, p.870
Sub-Saharan Africa, p.874
Asia and Pacific, p.880
North America, p.883
Latin America and Caribbean, p.886  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《International affairs》1999,75(2):393-456
International relations and organizations, p.393
Security and the military dimension, p.404
Politics, social affairs and law, p.406
Ethnicity and cultural politics, p.408
Political economy, economics and development, p.413
Energy and environment, p.417
History, p.418
Europe, p.424
Russia and the former Soviet republics, p.432
Middle East and North Africa, p.436
Sub-Saharan Africa, p.440
Asia and Pacific, p.447
North America, p.451
Latin America and Caribbean, p.454  相似文献   

陈琴  李俊  张述林 《人文地理》2012,27(6):24-30
本文分析了一定数量的国内外博物馆旅游相关文献,对博物馆旅游及其相关研究进行了分类比较阐述,发现国外博物馆与城市、社区、遗产旅游的融合是社会发展的趋势,几者之间相互促进,为双方带来了新的发展机会,促进了博物馆旅游研究的发展,对研究博物馆旅游及其作为城市旅游的重要载体具有一定的借鉴作用。我国博物馆旅游资源丰富,开始注重博物馆概念的泛化,出现了"生态博物馆"、"开放式博物馆"、"活态博物馆"等一系列的专题研究,可见,国内博物馆旅游开发领域正在不断拓展,要以发展的、创新的理念来开发国内博物馆旅游。  相似文献   

Understanding how space is used in gendered social practice is crucial to gender constructionists' theorizing and research. Gendered socio-spatial practices help explain how power asymmetries between women and men carry over from one social setting to the next. In this article we integrate research on gender and space and on gender and practice in an examination of how female and male customers, employees and food and drink establishment owners structure, occupy, use and control physical and symbolic space in routine social practices in ‘public’ places. Gendered social practices, we argue, occur not only in space; they utilize, shape and, at times, obstruct, monopolize, give and give up space. Our findings, based on 76?hours of observations in 17 food and drink establishments in the Midwest United States, and interviews with the 17 women and men owners of those businesses, challenge oversimplified notions of separate private and public ‘spheres,’ and of the autonomy and power women and men experience in these arenas—as owners, managers, workers and as customers.  相似文献   

Adams, F. Gerard and Jere R. Behrman, Commodity Exports and Economic Development; The Commodity Problem and Policy in Developing Countries Anderson, Lacelles and Douglas M. Windham (eds.), Education and Development: Issues in the Analysis and Planning of Postcolonial Societies Bailey, Sydney, How Wars End: The United Nations and The Termination of Armed Conflict, 1946–1964 Balinski, Michel L. and H. Peyton Young, Fair Representation; Meeting the Ideal of One Man, One Vote Barfield, Claude E., Science Policy from Ford to Reagan: Change and Continuity Barnett, Larry F., Population Policy and The U.S. Constitution Bish, Robert L., Governing Puget Sound Blair, Roger D. and Robert F. Lanziolloti (eds.), The Conglomerate Corporation: An Antitrust Law and Economic Symposium Brams, Steven J. and Peter C. Fishburn, Approval Voting Carp, Robert A. and C.K. Rowland, Policymaking and Politics in the Federal District Courts Cigler, Allan J. and Burdett A. Loom is (eds.), Interest Group Politics The Conservation Foundation, State of the Environment, 1982 Crecine, John P. (ed.), The New Educational Programs in Public Policy; The First Decade Dilger, Robert J., The Sunbelt/Snowbelt Controversy: The War Over Federal Funds Doig, Jameson W. (ed.), Criminal Corrections: Ideals and Realities Dunkerley, Harold B. (ed.) with Christine M.E. Whitehead, Urban Land Policy: Issues and Opportunities Ehrenberg, Ronald G. and Paul L. Schumann, Longer Hours or More Jobs: An Investigation of Amending Hours Legislation to Create Employment Feld, Alan L., Tax Policy and Corporate Concentration Greenberger, Martin, in collaboration with Garry D. Brewer, William W. Hogan and Milton Russell, Caught Unawares; The Energy Decade in Retrospect Hartland-Thundberg, Penelope and Morris H. Crawford, Government Support for Exports; A Second Best Alternative Katz, James Everett and Onkar S. Marwah (eds.), Nuclear Power in Developing Countries: An Analysis of Decision Making Linn, Johannes F., Cities in the Developing World; Policies for Their Equitable and Efficient Growth Lloyd, Christopher (ed.), Social Theory and Political Practice: Wolfson College Lectures, 1981 Lovett, William A., Inflation and Politics; Fiscal, Monetary, and Wage-Price Discipline Magat, Wesley A. (ed.), Reform of Environmental Regulation Mashaw, Jerry L., Bureaucratic Justice; Managing Social Security Disability Claims Moe, Ronald C., The Hoover Commissions Revisited Regan, Tom and Donald Vandeveer (eds.), And Justice for All; New Introductory Essays in Ethics and Public Policy Rothman, Harry, Rod Greenshields, and Francisco Rosillo Calle, Energy From Alcohol: The Brazilian Experience Sorley, Lewis, Arms Transfers Under Nixon; A Policy Analysis Stifel, Laurence D., Ralph K. Davidson, and James S. Coleman (eds.), Social Sciences and Public Policy in the Developing World Stone, Alan, and Edward J. Harpham (eds.), The Political Economy of Public Policy Storey, James R., Older Americans in the Reagan Era: Impacts of Federal Policy Changes Weisbrod, Burton A., Economics and Medical Research Whisnant, David E., Modernizing the Mountaineer: People, Power, and Planning in Appalachia  相似文献   

通过考察多元场对钧瓷文化创意产业知识创造、流动及学习创新的影响发现:①场为主体的地理、社会及文化认知等临近等提供了条件,有助于经验意会及符号知识的获得、共享与传播,有利于思想的交流碰撞及创意萌生;②生产现场、地方关系场、地方社会场与临时性场在钧瓷的学习创新中发挥着不同而又相互补充的作用。生产场推动着集群知识积累和增进,地方关系场促进了行业知识、生产经验及家族核心知识的传播传承,地方社会场形成了地方共享知识信息,而临时场建立起外部通道联系,发挥着更新地方知识库的作用;③地方性的历史文化资源与传统以及地理-社会-文化等临近造就了外围地区文化创意经济的动力,但若未来本地知识更新的机制不够强大,则易产生发展锁定,这是需要未来引起关注的问题。  相似文献   

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