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Ernest R. House. 1988. Jesse Jackson and the Politics of Charisma: The Rise and Fall of the PUSH/Excel Program
James M. Rogders. 1988. The Impact of Policy Analysis
Sylvia Noble Tesh. 1988. Hidden ARguments: Political Ideology and Dieases Prevention Policy  相似文献   

This address is in the nature of a series of reflections on underlying intellectual premises that characterize the relationship between Western geographers (defined as those practitioners who generally reside in Anglo-America, Western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand) and the part of the world called Asia. The argument presented is that this relationship is essentially one-sided, in which the Western geographers have defined Asia in their Eurocentric terms. This is part of a broader discourse that may be labelled ‘Orientalism.’ The author, who has spent more than 30 years carrying out research on Asia, analyses these intellectual assumptions in terms of his own experience and suggests how a realization of the Eurocentric premises have enabled him largely to discard them and develop a new model of Asian urbanization. Finally, these trends are related to geography's increasing engagement in the main discourse of social theory. Dans ce discours, il s'agit d'une série de considérations sur les prémisses intellectuelles qui caractérisent les relations entre les géographes occidentaux (soit ceux qui habitent en Amérique anglophone, en Europe de l'ouest, en Australie, et à Nouvelle-Zélande) et les geographes de l'Asie. L'argument est presenté du point de vue des geographes occidentaux, qui decrivent l'Asie en termes eurocentriques. Ceci fait partie d'un sujet plus large, qu'on pourrait nommer ‘l'Orientalisme.’ L'auteur, qui a fait plus de trente ans de recherches sur l'Asie, fait I'analyse de ces premisses dans le cadre de sa propre expérience, et il suggère que la mise en évidence des prémisses eurocentriques lui a permis de les reletter en gros et de développer un nouveau modèle pour décrire l'urbanisation asiatique. Finalernent, l'auteur fait le lien entre ces tendances et le rôle de plus en plus important joué par les geographes dans la dornaine de la théorie sociale en général. From this vantage point, a question somewhat different from that of most historical sociologists arises. Almost all Western writing has been both Eurocentric and written from the hindsight of the 19th and 20th centuries. It has posed the question, crudely paraphrased: What was so special about the West that made it, rather than some other region, the “master” of the world system? Put this way, the question has a self-congratulatory ring. It looks into the special qualities of the West to account for its success. By contrast, then, it judges the other contenders as deficient insofar as they lacked the characteristics of the West. (Janet Abu-Lughod 1978–1979, 6)  相似文献   

The paper postulates that there has been a movement of port functions away from the city centre that has allowed that area to take on an urban orientation; thus separate and specialized areas of port activity and urban activity have developed in cityport waterfronts. The waterfronts of Saint John and Halifax for the period 1875–1978 are studied to illustrate the concept of separation and specialization of land uses. Reasons suggested for such developments relate to technological changes in transportation and cargo-handling and the declining dependency between the port and city.
La communication postule que les fonctions du port se sont éloignées du centre de la ville, ce qui a permis à la région de s'urbaniser; de ce fait, les activités portuaires et les aetivités urbaines des quais de ces villes-ports ont subi un développement propre et spécialisé. On a étudié le développement des quais des villes de Saint-Jean et d'Halifax pendant la période allant de 1875 à 1978, afin d'illustrer le concept de division et de spécialisation dans l'utilisation des différentes zones. Nous proposons que les raisons de ce type de développement sont basées sur les changements technologiques survenus dans le domaine du transport et de la manutention des marchandises, ainsi que sur la diminution de la dépendance entre le port et la ville.  相似文献   

Many authors, both scholarly and otherwise, have asked what might have happened had Walter Benjamin survived his 1940 attempt to escape Nazi‐occupied Europe. This essay examines several implicitly or explicitly “counterfactual” thought experiments regarding Benjamin's “survival,” including Hannah Arendt's influential “Walter Benjamin: 1892–1940,” and asks why our attachment to Benjamin's story has prompted so much counterfactual inquiry. It also explores the larger question of why few intellectual historians ask explicitly counterfactual questions in their work. While counterfactuals have proven invaluable for scholars in diplomatic, military, and economic history, those writing about the history of ideas often seem less concerned with chains of events and contingency than some of their colleagues are—or they attend to contingency in a selective fashion. Thus this essay attends to the ambivalence about the category of contingency that runs through much work in intellectual history. Returning to the case of Walter Benjamin, this essay explores his own tendency to pose “what if?” questions, and then concludes with an attempt to ask a serious counterfactual question about his story. The effort to ask this question reveals one methodological advantage of counterfactual inquiry: the effort to ask such questions often serves as an excellent guide to the prejudices and interests of the historian asking them. By engaging in counterfactual thought experiments, intellectual historians could restore an awareness of sheer contingency to the stories we tell about the major texts and debates of intellectual history.  相似文献   

This paper discusses known sources of error, both random and systematic; suggests quantitative limits; and proposes a consistent method for compounding them to yield an overall error in age, both for individual sherds and for the weighted average of a number of sherds from the same context. It is proposed that two error limits should be quoted for the date of a context: first, the standard error of the mean value as calculated from the experimentally observed root-mean-square deviation of the individual samples, and secondly, the expected overall error from the sources discussed in the paper. The former can be considered as a lower limit and relevant when comparing contexts on the same or similar sites whereas the latter is more realistic when comparing TL dates with radiocarbon or archaeologic chronology.  相似文献   

Several attempts have been made to develop indicators of the fiscal strain conditions of cities. These indicators are meant to represent the existence of conditions which will strain tax bases and produce outmigration from cities with high strain. The indicators which have been developed, however, are not valid representations of what they claim to be. This essay presents the reasons for this assessment, and suggests an alternative approach to assessing fiscal strain.  相似文献   

Responding to his 1976 campaign pledge, President Carter has reorganized the federal government's enforcement of equal employment opportunity(EEO) laws. He has done so by shifting some EEO responsibilities from the Civil Service Commission and the Department of Labor to create a “Super-EEOC”. This article examines why President Carter chose the EEO reorganization that he did from the standpoint of advantages and disadvantages. Also presented are alternative reform options that the President could have selected that would have involved increasing EEO coordination or reorganization entailing new legislation that would have gone far beyond the creation of a “Super-EEOC.”  相似文献   

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