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包云志 《文献》2004,(4):271-274
叶昌炽是我国清末著名的金石学家、版本目录学家、藏书家和书法家.他的《藏书纪事诗》煌煌七卷,是以纪事诗体为我国古代藏书家立传的开山之作.叶昌炽与蒋凤藻、潘祖荫、瞿镛、缪荃孙等都有交往,往来信札(多谈金石、藏书、刻书等)也不少,且多已见诸书刊.  相似文献   

在中国近代史上,由于帝国主义的入侵而引起多起边界交涉,中英俄帕米尔交涉即其一例。本认为帕米尔交涉可分为四个阶段,并对每一阶段中清政府所采取的对策进行了分析,指出清政府在交涉中采取的“以夷制夷”策略僵硬、落后,对英俄的目的认识有误,致使交涉措施失当。尽管帕米尔问题是帝国主义列强侵略与扩张的结果,但清政府对帕米尔悬案的形成也难辞其咎。  相似文献   

赵军秀 《世界历史》2005,4(1):40-47
英国和土耳其关于埃及问题的两次谈判①是1885年英俄中亚危机后英国外交政策的一次调整.英首相罗伯特·索尔兹伯里试图从解决埃及问题入手,缓和同土耳其和法国的矛盾,摆脱自己在欧洲的外交孤立.两次谈判英国虽未完全达到目的,但对英国中近东政策和19世纪晚期的欧洲同盟政治产生了极重要的影响.  相似文献   

从中美关系解冻系列谈判看周恩来谈判艺术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新中国成立后,周恩来长期主持外交工作,是新中国外交事业的开拓者和奠基者。在1969~1972年中美关系解冻的系列谈判中,周恩来作为中方的主要谈判者,在谈判中发挥了极其重要的作用。他及时向毛泽东汇报谈判的进展情况,并根据毛泽东的指示部署谈判的策略和内容;他以于细微处见周到的工作态度为中美谈判营造了自然、友好的外部氛围;他卓越的专业谈判素质、良好的道德修养和独特的人格魅力,不但使谈判得以顺利进行,而且给基辛格和尼克松留下了深刻的印象,得到他们的高度评价。  相似文献   

To the Italian historian the Battle of Adwa in March 1896 has offered a field of interpretation which has been heavily marked by the events that occurred between (and within) the two countries—Ethiopia and Italy—before and after the battle. Adwa has been variously depicted by Italian historiography of the liberal period as a major military defeat, a political mistake by Crispi's expansionist government and the result of deep contrasts within the newly born state over the 'colonial burden'. Fascist historiography painted Adwa as proof of liberal decay and political inefficiency. Adwa's name could be avenged only in the battlefield, which was done during Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia in 1935-36. From the Ethiopian point of view, Adwa's image changes no less. Until recently, the Battle of Adwa was painted as the landmark for Ethiopian unification and independence during the colonial era. Menelik's momentous victory at Adwa crowned his bid for power in the national arena, while his successful ability to stave off external colonial pressure appeared to cancel, or rather conceal, the internal policy of expansion and consolidation of his country's rule in the region. Today's insistence on Adwa as an African victory appears to be the dominant historiographical representation. The different interpretations all contain elements of truth, yet all, if frozen into historiographical truths, become embarrassing to the historian who needs documents, rather than monuments, as tools of analysis. To many historians both in Italy and Ethiopia, Adwa's respective symbolism of victory/defeat has been transformed into an icon, an historiographical monument, unassailable and immovable. The centenary of Adwa allows us to reconsider historical events of a shared past as critical documents and biased representations reflecting their own culture and time. This article attempts to deconstruct the historiographical monument of Adwa in Italian society so as to transmit such a heavily coded event to the critical examination of future historians in both Italy and Ethiopia.  相似文献   

Recent studies by Albert, Pawson and others have led to a new appreciation of road transport in the Industrial Revolution; traditionally, it is canal development rather than road transport expansion that has been seen as the key sector in contemporary transport improvement. Fresh examination of the traditional emphasis on canals underlines the new findings on the road sector. The role of canals in raw material movement may be undeniable, but the marketing side of the industrializing economy has largely been forgotten. Detailed comparison of the different properties of canal and road transport reveals yet further weaknesses. Among them is the peculiar susceptibility of canals to frost and drought. Using a prediction technique based on Manley's monthly temperature means for Central England, it emerges that in one out of every two years, frost may have impeded canal-working for upwards of 20 days. A number of possible directions for further research are outlined. Of particular importance is the need for studies of transport demand.  相似文献   

Ethnoarchaeological research at highland Maya hunting shrines documents the material remains of interactions between two types of animate beings: humans and the forest. When either active agent enters the others’ domain there are accompanying ceremonial activities to assuage the inherent danger, often leaving physical traces in the material record. These traces, if found in the archaeological record, might reveal similar ancient interactions. Using the material correlates of modern hunting rituals, we explore the utility of ethnoarchaeological research in identifying negotiations with non-human agents associated with the animate forest – an active agent in many societies.  相似文献   

Mokhaberat‐e Astarabad: Gozareshha‐ye Hosayn Qoli Maqsūdlū, vol. 2, 1335–43/1917–24, ed. I. Afshar and M. R. Daryagasht, (Tehran: Nashr‐e Tarikh‐e Iran, 1363 Sh./1984), pp. 1002.

Enqelab‐e Khorasan: Majmū'eh‐ye asnad va madarek, 1300, ed K. Bayat (Tehran: Mo'assaseh‐ye motale'at va pazhuheshha‐ye farhangi, 1370 Sh./1991), pp. 323.

Dawleh, 2 vols., ed. M. Ettehadieh (Nezam Mafi) and S. Sa'dvandian (Tehran: Nashr‐e Tarikh‐e Iran), volume one: Majales‐e chaharom va panjom‐e taqniniyeh (1369 Sh./1990), pp. 262; volume two: Khaferat‐e mahbas (1370 Sh./1991), pp. 496.

Do sal ravabet‐e mahramaneh‐ye Ahmad Shah va sefarat‐e Shūravi: Yaddashtha‐ye Reia Heravi, Basir al‐Dawleh, ed. M. Tafreshi (Tehran: Nashr‐e Tarikh‐e Iran, 1372 Sh./1993), pp. 177.

Asnad‐e matbū'at, 1286–1320 Sh., 2 vols., ed. K. Bayat and M. Kuhestani (1371 Sh./1993), pp. 630 and 567.

Khoshūnat va farhang: Asnad‐e mahramaneh‐ye kashf‐e hejab, 1312 Sh. (Tehran: Sazman‐e Asnad‐e Melli, 1371 Sh./1992), pp. 342.

Vaqe'eh‐ye kashf‐e hejab: Asnad‐e montasher nashodeh az vaqe'eh‐ye kashf‐e hejab dar ‘asr‐e Re?a Khan (Tehran: Sazman‐e Madarek‐e Farhangi‐e Enqelab‐e Eslami, 1371 Sh./1992), pp. 484.

Gozideh‐ye asnad‐e Khalij‐e Fars (Tehran: Daftar‐e Motale'at‐e Siyasi va Bayn al‐Melali, 1369 Sh./1990). Volume one: Jazayer‐e Khalij‐e Fars, 1320–60 (1901–1941), pp. 566; volume two: Ravabet‐e Iran ba keshvarha‐ye hawzeh‐ye Khalij‐e Fars va tahavvolat‐e dakheli‐e anha, pp. 885.

Gozideh‐ye asnad‐e marzi‐ye Iran va ‘Eraq (Tehran: Daftar‐e Motale'at‐e Siyasi va Bayn al‐Melali, 1368 Sh./1989), pp. 254.

Fa"aliyatha‐ye komunisti dar dawreh‐ye Reia Shah, ed. K. Bayat (Tehran: Sazman‐e Asnad‐e Melli‐ye Iran, 1370 Sh./1991), pp. 276.

Parvandeh‐ye panjah va seh nafar, ed. H. Farzaneh (Tehran: Mo'assaseh‐ye Negah, 1372 Sh./1993), pp. 595.

Asnad‐e nakhostin sepahbod‐e iran, Amir Ahmadi, ed. S. Sa'dvandian (Tehran: Mo'assaseh‐ye Motale'at va Pazhuhesh‐e Farhangi, 1373 Sh./1994), pp. 414.

Asnad‐e naq?‐e bifarafi‐e Iran dar Shahrivar 1320: Siyasat‐e khareji dar astaneh‐ye eshghal, ed. M. Torkaman (Tehran: Entesharat‐e Kavir, 1370 Sh./1991), pp. 278.

Re?a Shah: Khaterat‐e Solayman Behbūdi, Shams Pahlavi, ‘Ali Izadi, ed. G. H. Mirza Saleh (Tehran: Tarh‐e Now, 1372 Sh./1993), pp. 607.

Zendegani‐e tūfani, 2nd ed., ed. I. Afshar (Tehran: Entesharat‐e ‘Elmi, 1372 Sh./1993), pp. 925.

Nah?at‐e Jangali va ettehad‐e Eslam va asnad‐e mahramaneh va gozareshha, ed. F. Keshavarz (Tehran: Sazman‐e Asnad‐e Melli‐e Iran, 1371 Sh./1992), pp. 212.

Dar bareh‐ye qiyam‐e zhandarmeri‐e Khorasan be rahbari‐e Kolonel Mohammad Taqi Khan Pesiyan, ed. M. Bahar (Tehran: Entesharat‐e Mo'in, 1369 Sh./1990), pp. 101.

Jonbesh‐e Kolonel Mohammad Taqi Khan Pesiyan bana bar gozareshha‐ye konsūlgari‐e Engelis dar Mashhad, trans. G. H. Mirza Saleh (Tehran: Nashr‐e Tarikh‐e Iran, 1366 Sh./1987), pp. 166.

Khaterat‐e Sardar As'ad Bakhtiyari (Ja'far Qoli Khan Amir Bahador), ed. I. Afshar (Tehran: Entesharat‐e Asatir, 1372 Sh./1993), pp. 296.  相似文献   

In the history of nineteenth-century exploration, Charles Darwin has a niche only less important than that which he occupies in the history of science and ideas. His notebooks and journals are full of information of great use to historical geographers of the areas he visited, particularly to those of geological and ecological bent. From his notebooks he combined (often doing the writing the same evening) three different journals: a personal one, a geological one, and a biological one. Since he was a neophyte, only just graduated from Cambridge, there are frequent errors and misinterpretations—as with young Francis Parkman on the Oregon Trail—but the volume of information and ideas is almost startlingly impressive. The JHG is thus glad of the chance of being the first to publish this particular letter of Charles Darwin.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: David Cordingly, Women Sailors and Sailors’ Women: An Untold Maritime History Joan Druett, She Captains: Heroines and Hellions of the Sea Lizabeth Paravisini–Gebert and Ivette Romero–Cesareo (eds), Women at Sea: Travel Writing and the Margins of Caribbean Discourse Sena Jeter Naslund, Ahab's Wife or The Star–Gazer Nancy Pagh, At Home Afloat: Women on the waters of the Pacific North–West Dee Pigneguy, Saltwater in Her Hair: Stories of women in the New Zealand maritime industry  相似文献   

This article draws on the perspectives of students and organizers involved in recent iterations of the Model Arctic Council (MAC), an experiential learning simulation designed to expand students’ knowledge and understanding of the Arctic and its governance. While much of the discourse related to simulations such as the MAC emphasizes its pedagogical and networking benefits, this article leverages participant-based ethnography to argue that the MAC also affects multi-track diplomatic outcomes in addition to serving as a site for diplomatic engagement. Applying an interpretive approach driven by the onset of practice-tracing in international relations, we demonstrate that the MAC both produces and constitutes diplomacy. Such a reimagination elevates the diplomacy of non-state actors and exposes false binaries between state diplomacy and non-state diplomacy.  相似文献   

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