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自2003年下半年开始,中国书画和接续至今的当代艺术的相继飙升助推了整个市场大盘的增量和结构性提升,在天价和流拍带动的涨跌舞蹈中,很多的收藏者和投资者被牢牢的栓在了前卫艺术的热门板块上体验惊风骇浪,  相似文献   

Kinetic Art     

From 1962 to 1966 the author was an undergraduate at the University of Cambridge. During this period awareness of Kinetic Art grew nationally and internationally. Two student-run magazines – Granta and Image – became important platforms for dissemination of information and critical discourse about Kinetic Art in the context of other avant-garde developments. Having met several pioneers in the field in Paris before University, the author soon made contact with Professor Richard Gregory in the Experimental Psychology Department of the Cambridge Psychology Laboratory with whom he then collaborated. He worked closely also with Mike Weaver, an academic in the English Literature faculty, who initiated the First International Exhibition of Concrete, Kinetic and Phonetic Poetry at St Catharine’s College in November 1964. They infused the Cambridge context with influences in Concrete Poetry and Kinetic Art from elsewhere. This article describes this period of early experimentation and reflects briefly on its legacy.  相似文献   

原荣 《中国土族》2003,(3):34-34
自14世纪以来,黄南同仁地区的吴屯、年都乎、郭麻日、尕撒日等村庄的藏族、土族群众中逐渐形成了家家从艺、人人作画的浓厚艺术氛围,涌现了不少艺术大师。这里产生了大量精美绝伦的绘画、雕塑、堆绣等艺术作品,形成了独特的艺术风格,人称“热贡艺术”。热贡艺人的作品不仅遍及藏区各地,还流传到南亚、欧美各国。  相似文献   

西子 《中国土族》2004,(1):16-22
制作堆绣青海黄南藏族自治州同仁年都乎,是享誉国内外的艺术通的农民,也是有着极高美术这里成为艺术的圣土?这里看———热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热热贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡贡艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺艺一热贡是青海省黄南藏族…  相似文献   

盖山林  苏胜 《华夏地理》2004,(7):118-130
今年4月24日,宁夏回族自治区的"贺兰山岩画"开始正式申报世界文化遗产.在此一个月前,连云港市甚至悬赏百万破译"东方天书"--将军崖岩画,岩画中究竟隐藏着什么玄机呢?让我们跟随研究者的脚步,一起进入岩画里的神秘世界,看看这些刻在石头上的图画究竟说了些什么.  相似文献   

千张明月 山东省滨州市惠民县淄角镇于工绿可粉皮制作技艺 一片晴空下,鲁北平原的农家晾晒场上,秫秸帘排排站,成了天然的图案画,而主角其实是北方最家常的粉皮。纯天然绿豆粉浆经过旋盘摊薄、浸冷,由灵巧的手,将其一张张展放在黝黑的托盘上。只有高超的手艺,才能让它们浑圆一致、薄厚均匀,沐浴着干净无污染的空气,承受强烈日光的洗礼,最大限度保存粮食的原始味道和营养成分。  相似文献   

一 走遍世界,再也无法寻找到这样一所硕大而独特的美术学院:九曲黄河第一湾的青海省同仁县隆务寺周围的五个村庄里,就连每一缕清醇的空气都透着艺术的灵光。这几个村庄是:吴屯、郭麻日、年都乎、尕赛日等。在这里,“家家都从艺,人人会作画”,除  相似文献   

Regung art is a particularwonder of Tibetan Bud-dhism art, blending blendsreligious and folk art in away that is treasured byTibetan Buddhists as well as becomingwell known in the world.Art Flower in Golden ValleyRegung is the Tibetan name of areasin Tongren County and Zeku County inQinghai Province with the meaning of"golden valley".The Regung area as the birthplace of"Regung art" has an abundance of tangka,duishiu, sculptures and religious architec-tural structures. Several villages, …  相似文献   

岳锋 《丝绸之路》2009,(24):64-66
历史上的异质文化输入对艺术的发展都有促进作用,敦煌艺术正是异质文化和本土文化碰撞融合的结果。在当代艺术语境中,敦煌艺术具有文化融合的典范作用和对传统文化冈子继承的双重身份。敦煌学研究的日益深入和多学科交叉研究的日趋成熟,为敦煌艺术研究的转型搭建了一个有益的平台。存中同当代艺术发展的进程中,西方现代主义艺术思潮之后的本土文化回归是目前面临的主要问题。敦煌艺术作为中国中世纪的一部美术史,深入研究其不同文化的相互借鉴和兴衰发展中隐含的艺术规律,对于重构中国传统文化精神,突出中吲当代艺术的民族性、时代性,都具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

贵州蜡染艺术浅论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在贵州省黔东南、安顺少数民族地区世代相传着一种古老而独特的手工绘染艺术——蜡染,它的制作工艺、造型特点、题材及色彩有着神奇而独特之处,是我国民族民间艺术的一朵奇葩。  相似文献   

Amongst the thousands of Bronze Age rock art images that are found along the paleogeographic coast lines of southern Scandinavia the most ubiquitous is the boat. A few are furnished with what look like a mast or sail. These attributes have largely been ignored or explained away as features or objects other than rig because it is widely accepted that the sail was not used in Scandinavia until the 8th century AD. But what if after all they really are depictions of rig? Might this suggest that the sail was not only known but perhaps used here over a 1,000 years earlier than previously accepted? Starting from the bases of the images and the environment in which they are found, this paper asks whether vessels of the types we believe belonged to the Scandinavian Bronze Age could have been sailed? These evaluations led to a series of sail trials in a canoe undertaken in the archipelago of the Swedish west coast in the late summer and autumn of 2005. The successful results of these trials were later transferred to the Tilia, a full-scale reconstruction of the Hjortspring boat, a vessel dated to 350 BC but believed to belong to a long-established boatbuilding tradition stretching back into the Bronze Age. This is the report of the hypothesis behind these trials as well as their planning, execution and immediate results.  相似文献   

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