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Knowledge spillovers are crucial to innovation and upgrading, but it is largely unclear what knowledge spillovers are made of and how they actually happen. The importance of Marshall–Arrow–Romer vs. Jacobs externalities is also a debated matter, whereas the concept of “related variety” has recently come to occupy a middle-ground position. However, the relatedness concept is ambiguous in terms of operationalization and emphasizes codified knowledge on behalf of other knowledge resources that are important for innovation, particularly if firms cross into new sectors. This paper sheds light on the “black box” concepts of knowledge spillovers and relatedness by exploring cross-sectorial transfers from the mature offshore oil and gas sector into the emerging offshore wind industry. A qualitative research design allows for a more nuanced understanding of the contents of knowledge spillovers and (un)relatedness between sectors.  相似文献   

The policy of activating small-city growth through industrialization has focused largely on further development of such cities since it was first formulated in the 1960s. The author suggests that not all small cities possess the requisites for further growth and that it is a mistake to view them entirely as a transitional form of settlement. According to this view, small cities have a role to play as rural service centers. The problem is viewed not so much the industrialization and further growth of small cities, but an improvement of living levels designed to reduce the present gap between the standards of living in large and small urban centers. Further research on small-city problems is urged, proceeding from past emphasis on industrialization prospects to broader analysis of socio-demographic needs and the steps required to preserve small cities as an integral element of unified systems of settlement.  相似文献   

At first, Liu Yuan gave me the impression that she must be a "health nut" because at the dining table, she drank neither wine nor other beverages, just tea. She started her meal with vegetables and finished it with meat. I asked her what she had studied and, as expected, she answered 'medicine'. I continued by , asking her how to refuse a toast.., and she gave me the simple response: "insist". As we returned to Songpan from Hongyuan and Ruoergai, Lv Qiang, Director of the New Lotus Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus Base, Liu Yuan and her two post-graduate students had been waiting for us in the Chuandrnp Monastery for some time. Soon, we were taken to the base. It should have been Lv Qiang that hosted the meeting but Liu Yuan interrupted now and then, trying to introduce their common "treasures" by herself: F.unibracteata Hsiao et K.C.Hsia, F.unibraeteata Hsiao et K. C. Hsiavar. wabuensis (S. Y. Tang et S. C.Yue), Z. D. Liu, S. Wang et and S. C. Chen, Rheum offieinale, Notopterygiumincisium Ting, and so on. Her quiek temper, wit and speech led me to suppose that she must walk and work very fast. When we finally had an opportunity to sit down together and In 2002, Liu Yuan was awarded a PhD in Chinese Pharmacology by Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. At that time, the Southwest University for Nationalities was trying a project to "recruit talent". Among the 238 people who were accepted that year, she was the only PhD candidate and received a "settling-in" allowance of 30 thousand Yuan as and a scientific research fund of another 30 thousand. While nursing her three month-old daughter, she took the position of adviser for two classes and studied in the meanwhile. That year, she published a dozen thesis, such as Thin.layer Chromatography of Three Ligusticum Species: Naixiong, Shah Chuanxiong and Chuan Xiong (L. Wallichii). In 2003, in spite of a normal procedure, she was appointed Associate Professor by the university and initiated a precedent amongst the teachers that someone could be Associate Professor just one year later after graduation as a PhD. She was then aged 35. In the same year, Liu Yuan began to give lectures on Medicinal Plants and Traditional Chinese Medicine. "I prefer to be a teacher, because I like the feeling of standing before a class. I can give my students all that I know. Maybe sometimes they cannot understand a thing I say, but my enthusiasm and my love for what I teach will affect them, and lead them into study. For a teacher, it is the greatest satisfaction and achievement" Both her courses include content to identify primitive medicines so Liu Yuan was not satisfied to only teach in a classroom: she therefore decided to take her students out for a practice class.  相似文献   

This paper explores barriers leading to continuing low levels of girls' schooling in Pakistan. More specifically, and for rural areas, the authors examine the barriers stemming from culturally associated gender in schooling, focusing, in particular, on school availability and constraints on female mobility. Logistic regressions of enrolment and attrition using secondary data from the National Adolescent and Youth Survey show that even after taking school availability into account, girls in households allowing unrestricted mobility to school had 1.5 times higher odds of ever being enrolled than those who required an escort. Once in school, the need for an escort implied 1.6 times higher odds of dropping out. The paper concludes that while investment in girls' schools, and to secondary level, is paramount for starting and continuing in school, the potential benefits will only be fully realised with accompanying measures which facilitate rural girls' mobility.  相似文献   

冷战期间美国对外隐蔽行动是我国学术界研究的新领域,一些基本问题尚未廓清。本文就其中三个问题进行了探讨,认为:秘密活动、间谍活动、隐蔽行动是三个不同概念,彼此既有联系又有区别;美国在对外关系中实施隐蔽行动由来已久,但从美国立国直至二战前,隐蔽行动只是其对外活动中偶然使用的策略手段,而在冷战期间发展到巅峰。冷战期间,隐蔽行动成为美国实现对外政策目标的一个重要战略工具,一项基本政策和基本战略。对于冷战期间美国的对外隐蔽行动,我们应从基本政策、基本战略的角度深入研究。  相似文献   

姜红 《史学集刊》2008,(3):100-104
"敬一情二"是一种只务外表不求内心的礼貌观,它强调主体在利益因素介入后所体现出的礼的优位性,其所彰显的是与公德建设和教育改革息息相关的"公私分治"和"政教分离"等深刻的社会课题.在中国传统思想领域中饱受冷遇、四面碰壁的宝贵思想资源"敬一情二"在日本徂徕学派手中实现了成功的近代转换与嬗变,这对于日本独特的礼貌文化的形成、公德建设的长足发展可谓功不可没.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the impact of opposition originating at the national level on affirmative action policies in 13 Texas cities in the late 1980s and early 1990s. We find that increased national hostility to affirmative action in hiring and contracting has had little effect on the content and strength of affirmative action programs in Texas municipalities. In fact, most programs have been maintained or strengthened since the 1980s. However, there is no clear and consistent relationship between the strength of municipal programs and either minority political representation or the size of a city's minority population. City size appears to be a relevant, but not decisive, factor in maintaining comprehensive policies. As such, we explore two additional hypotheses—policy time lag and bureaucratic insulation—to account for the survival and strengthening of municipal affirmative action policies in the 1990s.  相似文献   

抗战胜利之际,蒋介石发表了著名的《抗战胜利告全国军民和世界人士书》广播讲话,该讲话的主旨长期以来被广泛地理解为“以德报怨”,并被视为战后国民党对日政策的基本方针。更有不少人把战后中国宽大地遣返日本战俘与侨民、不参加占领日本本土、放弃对日战争索赔要求以及日本天皇制得以保留等都归于“以德报怨”政策的内涵。本文通过对以上四个方面的考察,所得结论是:宽大并迅速地遣返日本战俘与侨民,虽然也体现了中华民族宽以待人的民族品格,但它与蒋介石反共的战略以及美国根除日本在华影响的既定政策有着更为密切的关联,不能简单地理解为“以德报怨”;关于战后日本天皇制的保留问题,蒋介石的态度仅仅是“要日本人民自己决定”,更为重要的是,天皇制的最后命运完全是美国占领当局决定的,与蒋的态度并没有直接的关系;关于中国放弃占领日本本土,这主要是蒋介石出于战后国内政治斗争的现实考虑所做的决定;至于战争赔偿问题,从积极争取到最后的被迫放弃,是既受制于美国政策又无奈地屈于日本压力的结果,很难说是“以德报怨”。总之,将“以德报怨”视为指导战后国民党对日政策的基本理念并无足够的说服力。  相似文献   

黄志繁 《安徽史学》2018,(2):134-141,168
由于礼制等因素的局限,宋代吉安地区的许多家族虽然是同姓,但各自拥有不同的世系,族谱也不统一,因而即使有欧阳修等著名人物进行修撰族谱的活动,他们也无法成为一个实体性的宗族。南宋以后,以杨万里家族为代表的吉安地区宗族通过建构一个同姓团体认可的"始祖",来达到统一世系,突破礼制中祭祀代数限制的目的。同时,他们还运用家族名人资源,从建立名人专祠入手,逐渐建立起拥有祀产的祠堂,并形成自身独特的宗族文化。吉安地区宋明时期的宗族实践表明,考察宗族问题,"始祖的建构"所带来的世系突破是非常关键的环节。只有始祖成功构建出来,宗族的世系有了一个起点,族谱的统一和祠堂的修建才能顺理成章,同姓才能转变成同宗。随着后世宗法礼制的进一步松弛,始祖认定所带来的世系起点,又被进一步突破,从而演变成为同姓即同宗的局面,此时血缘关系已经变得不再重要,宗族文化成为同姓认同的核心。  相似文献   

程一凡 《中原文物》2004,48(2):18-30
考古学中的"动"、"静"、"异"、"同"包括环境和文化两个层面,"静"和"同"表示在一个时期内考古学文化相对稳定的环境和文化特征以及考古学文化之间的对应关系,"动"和"异"则为不同时期内考古学文化的发展和变化以及考古学文化之间关系的相应变动,对这些问题进行深入地研究有助于更为全面地了解各个考古学文化的发展和交流情况,同时可有效地促进史前社会各个方面的研究.  相似文献   

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