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源起藏北那曲给人们一贯的印象是绵延起伏的无垠草场,遍地牛羊,冬雪夏花,雄浑的山峦与圣湖辉映,帐篷里飘荡出的是淳淳奶香和悠扬牧歌。雄浑与苍茫就是那曲的代名词。这块神秘高地的平均海拔在4500米之上,当各种变幻莫测的极端气候来袭,人们更觉得这里不是个宜居之地,然而,在那曲东三县之一的索县,却有着不一样的藏北风情。  相似文献   

正2016年12月中旬以来,每天下午,西藏自治区老干部活动中心排练厅内,鼓声震耳,童声齐鸣。50多名孩子旋转着空灵的身影,舞动精灵般的表演,令人眼花缭乱。这群正值花样年纪的少年,是来自索县中学的50余名初中生和索县亚拉镇雪热巴队2名孩子。他们每日苦练,只为登上即将到来的藏历新年晚会,向全区电视观众献演索县原生态雪热巴舞。西藏地域辽阔,歌舞历史久远,是藏族传统文化的重  相似文献   

《笔尖下的西藏》编者独具匠心地以西藏为主题,力求以文字之美重塑西藏之美、之厚重,立意新颖,别具一格之外又紧跟当下文化潮流。《笔尖下的西藏》收入阿来、裘山山、马丽华、于坚等乍家书写西藏的散文作品。其中作品涉及纳木错、山南、布达拉宫、果洛、盐井、玉树、甘南、川藏线、青藏线、阿里、香巴拉、墨脱等著名景点和人文遗迹最多的地方,是一本有助于西藏自助深度旅游,并对民族文化、自然风貌有着实证生质的书写,呈现了藏民族和汉民族在人间高地上的种种身体与心灵印迹。作者:阿来等,已由凤凰出版传媒集团、江苏文艺出版社于201 3年8月出版,定介39元,ISBN:9787539963112。《走遍藏北无人区》你想一睹"地球第三极"的风采吗,你想领略藏北草原灿烂的文化吗?《走遍藏北无人区》以当代新闻工作者唐召明写实求真的笔触,讲述了自己二十多年来亲历神秘草原、拍摄野生动物,以及藏北牧人在"生命禁区"里的生命情态、昔日无人区变成今朝繁荣新牧区、走集体似道路乡村的神奇见闻、中央企业援藏带来的种种变化、京藏两地众人血浓于水的情谊,还讲述了藏北四次大规模科学考察的惊人发现、壮丽的山川风貌、生动有趣的民间传说、国家羌塘自然保护区的珍禽异兽等  相似文献   

正湖南汉寿是个古老的县城。从秦实行郡县制(前221)算起,已有2237年历史。据明嘉靖《常德府志》、清同治《龙阳县志》以及其他史书记载:龙阳,《禹贡》荆州域也。周为楚黔中地。秦始皇二十六年(前211)秦统一六国,废除分封制,实行郡县制,秦属地在今湖南境内的有黔中郡和长沙郡,汉寿这块地方属秦中郡索县地。西汉分黔中郡设武陵郡,汉寿属武陵郡索县地。汉顺帝刘保阳嘉三年(134)分武陵郡的索县为汉寿县。三国吴赤乌二年(239)  相似文献   

西汉武陵郡治的地望 ,《汉书·地理志》标于索县。但清人阎若璩据《元和志》主张在义陵 ,清儒和近代学者多从之 ,谭其骧先生主编的《中国历史地图集》亦沿袭标于义陵。本文根据考古和文献资料等考辨 ,西汉一代武陵郡治应在索县 ,只是新莽时期曾迁治义陵  相似文献   

茫茫藏北高原,踞于地球之巅。它被称为地球南、北极之外的“第三极”。大自然的伟力似乎在永不停息地将藏北耸入蓝天。藏北处于高寒地带,气候寒冷、干燥、缺氧,有着大片令人望而生畏的“藏北无人区”。然而,藏北的高,从地理意义上看,关乎我们民族的生存。连绵不绝的大雪山和普遍发育的冰川,酝酿了长江和许多江河的源头,恰似哺育中华民族生生不息的“水塔”。  相似文献   

周鹏 《文史月刊》2007,(8):10-12
新疆和平解放后,为了配合西南军区尽快解放西藏,第一兵团根据毛泽东关于"你们进军的任务,包括出兵西藏,解放藏北"的指示,从新疆军区独立骑兵师第一团抽调汉、蒙古、回、藏、维吾尔、哈萨克、锡  相似文献   

刘冠缨 《满族研究》2017,(1):101-106
金上京城作为金代国都,从公元1115年金太祖草创始至公元1153年海陵王迁都金中都止,一直是金代前期文化的中心,更是"金源文化"的发祥地.上京城的城市文化反映出的音乐与歌舞、语言与文字、文学与作品以及宗教与信仰等城市文化,是金代早期多民族文化的有机融合的结果.  相似文献   

我的关于盐湖的一组诗,描写了牧人在驮盐过程中的几个劳动场景。这组诗发在《西藏文学》,引起文学界小小的关注。后来马丽华和张宇光两位作家分别在《藏北游历》和《神山之地》中对藏北牧民的驮盐这种劳作方式以及驮盐所涵盖的驮盐文化做了较为全面的概  相似文献   

正每年的5月初到6月底,勤劳的藏北人都会把所有精力、物力投入到采挖虫草的行动里,他们携家带口,在海拔四五千米之上寻找这种软黄金,其过程艰辛而危险。第一次近距离在嘉黎接触到他们的采挖过程,我们体验到了"匍匐前进"的劳动方式,也由衷叹服藏北人顽强、旺盛的生命力。  相似文献   

乔尔.科特金的《全球城市史》是一部通史性质的世界城市史著作,该书具有显著的理论色彩,对于城市的本质要素、城市发展的阶段与规律等问题提出明确认识,其特点还集中体现在对于世界城市史研究所持有的全球史视角。该书对于宏观研究与理论研究的重视,值得在中国城市史研究中加以倡导。中国城市史研究应具有全球视野,应积极拓宽和深化中国城市史研究的学术领域,积极开展跨国家或地区的宏观比较研究。  相似文献   

Urban evolution in the USA   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
On a sustained basis, cities are of non-uniform relative sizes.This paper addresses three basic issues which arise from thissimple observation by examining the size distribution of UScities over the period 1900–1990. First, we explore thereasons why there is a wide distribution of city sizes. Second,we characterize the evolution of the size distribution of cities,documenting growth in sizes and numbers of cities. We ask whetherthe relative size distribution of cities has remained stableover time, or if it has displayed, instead, a tendency to collapse,flatten, or otherwise change its shape. We also examine evidenceon whether the size distribution obeys Zipf's Law. Third, weexamine the degree and determinants of mobility of individualcities within this distribution, asking to what extent citiesare moving up and down in the distribution and how this movementis influenced by cities' geographic characteristics. We usea newly constructed data with consistent metropolitan area definitionsover this century, discussing the issues and linking our resultsto the relevant literature.  相似文献   

Large urban agglomerations, which have been viewed as undesirable by some authors, are described as legitimate and efficient forms of economic organization and settlement in a modern industrial society. A number of processes in the Soviet economy tend to foster the development of agglomerations; however, the trend toward agglomerations in the USSR is still at a very early stage compared, say, with the United States. If agglomerations are defined on the basis of a central city of 250,000 or more, the USSR had 75 agglomerations in 1970 compared with 240 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the United States. In contrast to the United States, where suburban development has outstripped central-city growth, three-fourths of the population of Soviet agglomerations is concentrated in central cities. In the author's view, control of the evolution of agglomerations should not be designed merely to curb big-city growth, but to foster the development of these urban clusters within the limitations of environmental constraints.  相似文献   

This study investigated the establishment dynamics of strangler figs and the constraints on their development in the urban parklands of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Of 3580 trees and palms in the study parks, approximately 5% support at least one Ficus species. Six Ficus species occur epiphytically in older parkland. Four are Brisbane natives: F. macrophylla, F. obliqua, F. platypoda and F. virens; and two are from elsewhere in Australia: F. benjamina and F. rubiginosa. A lack of pollinator wasps in the Brisbane area prevents exotic and other native Ficus spp. from reproducing. Though they form predominantly open communities, the percentage of phorophytes (support trees) in the study parks is similar to that associated with natural, closed communities. Ficus spp. become established in structural features that accumulate humic soil, such as the forks of trunks and branches on trees, and behind marcescent leaf bases on palms. Plants with few humus pockets support few Ficus species. Environmental factors such as atmospheric quality, canopy shade, bark texture and whether or not a park is irrigated, seem not to be consequential to Ficus establishment. Significantly greater numbers of Ficus occur on deciduous trees, perhaps because avian seed dispersers favour them as perches over evergreen trees. Ficus also occur significantly more frequently on the western sides of palms with marcescent leaf bases. These western flanks offer shelter from the prevailing sea breezes: fewer Ficus are therefore likely to be torn from these sides in strong winds.  相似文献   

The classic urban pluralist studies are reconceptualized as providing alternative theoretical perspectives. These political order and economic development perspectives exert an enduring influence, as seen in urban regime theory and in Paul Peterson's economistic conception of politics in City Limits. A supplementary theoretical perspective is proposed that addresses the problem of inequality and takes the promotion of social justice as the principal task of urban governance. Reconciling the three perspectives provides a more comprehensive framework for conducting research.  相似文献   

周初在今北京地区分封蓟、燕二国,蓟在北,燕在南,两国各自建有都城,所知北京地区城市发展的历史即由此二城开始。蓟为武王褒封,代表当地旧族。燕为成王时封,时间略晚于蓟,代表周人北进势力。后燕盛,灭蓟,徙都蓟城。从历史地理角度观察,燕城(董家林古城)虽在政治上强大一时,但因交通地理条件所碍,遂被放弃。而蓟城位置优于燕城,故为历代沿用,发展壮大。蓟城是北京城市历史地理本质的代表者,是严格意义的今北京城的前身。  相似文献   

Recent research has stressed the need to evaluate the economic implications of urban planning policy. In this article, we present empirical evidence on the impact of this policy on the population growth of towns and cities. A simple theoretical model serves to highlight the mechanisms whereby this policy may affect urban growth. The model yields a reduced-form equation which we estimate for the towns and cities of Andalusia (Spain). The empirical model strongly supports the claim that urban planning policy considerably affects urban growth and thus, the distribution of population across space. Our results suggest that urban planning policy is contributing to the reduction of diseconomies of agglomeration in larger cities. On the negative side, we find that urban plans are subject to obsolescence, which slows down growth.  相似文献   

This article aims to highlight the main arguments that sought to justify the incorporation and legitimization of Urban Regeneration in the urban policy agenda in Brazil. It shows how the convergence between different and even conflicting propositions related to urban development provided ideological support to the construction of discourses in which urban regeneration is portrayed as beneficial to society as a whole, and how recent international ideas on urban development were incorporated in urban policies of contemporary Brazil, considering our local socio-economic and political environment, planning tradition and regulatory frameworks. The focus will be on Rio de Janeiro and particularly São Paulo given the key role these two cities play in defining urban policy paradigms, guiding government agendas and exporting regulatory models to other parts of Brazil.  相似文献   

Teaching Experiential Learning in the Urban Planning Curriculum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The urban and regional planning profession demands the training of practical planners who have some experience with community development, citizen participation modules, and conflict resolution skills. Community outreach in curricula provides needed exposure to practical applications of textbook lessons and exposure to group dynamics, community clients, and complex problems. The recognised need for practical training in any planning curriculum is most often addressed through community outreach-based courses such as planning studios, practicum or in lectures interwoven into seminar courses. The basic structure of all of these classes typically supports teams of students working with a particular community on a specific planning-related activity. These outreach courses, however, pose some of the greatest teaching and learning challenges in the entire curriculum. This paper assesses the challenges and successes in teaching the practicum course and provides insights for others teaching similar courses.  相似文献   

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