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Book Reviews     
Book Reviewed in this articles:
I rving M. Z eitlin : Ancient Judaism: Biblical Criticism from Max Weber to the Present.
C. H. B erman : Medieval Agriculture, the Southern French Countryside, and the Early Cistercians: A Study of Forty-three Monasteries.
E lisja S chulte van K essel (ed.): Women and Men in Spiritual Culture, XIV-XVII Centuries: A Meeting of South and North.
M anfred W elti : Breve Storia delta Riforma Italiana, trans, by Armido Rizzi.
A. G. D ickens and J ohn M. T onkin with K enneth P owell : The Reformation in Historical Thought. Cambridge, Mass.
O dile M artin : La Conversion Protestante à Lyon (1659-1687).
E dward B erenson : Populist Religion and Left-wing Politics in France, 1830-1852: Princeton
N. K eith C lifford : The Resistance to Church Union in Canada, 1904-1939.
G ilmer W. B lackburn : Education in the Third Reich: A Study of Race and History in Nazi Textbooks.
H ilary R ubinstein , Chosen: The Jews in Australia.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
R einhard P ummer : The Samaritans .
A lan M acquarrie : Scotland and the Crusades, 1095–1560 .
J ames W illiam B rodman : Ransoming Captives in Crusader Spain: The Order of Merced on the Christian-Islamic Frontier .
R obert S. G ottfried : Bury St Edmunds and the Urban Crisis: 1290–1539 .
B arry C ollett : Italian Benedictine Scholars and the Reformation: The Congregation of Santa Giustina of Padua .
H einz K remers (ed.) with L eonore S iegele -W enschkewitz and B ertold K lappert : Die Juden und Martin Luther
J. J. S carisbrick : The Reformation and the English People
R obert J. S crimgeour : Some Scots Were Here: A History of The Presbyterian Church in South Australia 1839–1977 .
G eoffrey A hern : Sunlight at Midnight: The Rudolf Steiner Movement and the Western Esoteric Tradition .
N icholas de L ange : Judaism .  相似文献   

Book review in this Article
R. A. T omlinson : Greek Sanctuaries.
R upert F urneaux : The Roman Siege of Jerusalem.
B ernhard G rimm : Untersuchungen zur sozialen Stellung der frühen Christen in der römischen Gesellschaft.
J ane I. S mith : An Historical and Semantic Study of the term Islam as seen in a Sequence of Quran Commentaries.
H arry W. H azard (ed.): The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, volume III of Kenneth M. Setton (ed.).
R. J. M orris : Cholera, 1832: the Social Response to an Epidemic.
J udy B irmingham and C arol L iston : Old Sydney Burial Ground 1974.
A lan R oberts and E lizabeth M alcolm : Hunter Baillie: a History of the Presbyterian Church in Annandale.
B ruce M ansfield with F ay R ichardson : Knox: a History of Knox Grammar School, 1924–1974.
J ohn S. D unne : The Way of All the Earth: an Encounter with Eastern Religions.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
W. E. G regory F loyd : Clement of Alexandria's Treatment of the Problem of Evil .
J ohn M eyendroff : Byzantine Theology: Historic Trends and Doctrinal Themes .
D. F. W right (trans. and ed.): Common Places of Martin Bucer (The Courtenay Library of Reformation Classics, 4).
J ohn W. P acker : The Transformation of Anglicanism, 1643–1660 .
P. J. M arshall (ed.): The British Discovery of Hinduism in the Eighteenth Century .
J ohn M c M anners : The French Revolution and the Church (Church History Outlines, 4).
G raeme K ent : Company of Heaven: Early Missionaries in the South Seas .
P aul Y ounger : Introduction to Indian Religious Thought .
M arvin H enry H arper : Gurus, Swamis, and Avataras: Spiritual Masters and their American Disciples .
R ichard P. D avis : Irish Issues in New Zealand Politics 1868–1922 .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
C. M ackenzie B rown : The Triumph of the Goddess: The Canonical Models and Theological Visions of the Devī Bhāgavata Purāna.
R obert M arkus : The End of Ancient Christianity.
T homas A. M ason : Serving God and Mammon. William Juxon, 1582–1663: Bishop of London, Lord High Treasurer of England, and Archbishop of Canterbury.
S uzanne D esan : Reclaiming the Sacred: Lay Religion and Popular Politics in Revolutionary France.
D. W. B ebbington : Evangelicalism in Modern Britain: A History from the 1730s to the 1980s.
O wen C hadwick : Michael Ramsey: A Life.
K enneth C. B arnes : Nazism, Liberalism, and Christianity: Protestant Social Thought in Germany and Great Britain, 1925–1937.
R ichard W. V audry : The Free Church in Victorian Canada, 1844–1861.
T homas C. R eeves : A Question of Character: A Life of John F. Kennedy.
E ric J. S harpe : Nathan Söderblom, and the Study of Religion.
M ichael M c K ernan : Padre: Australian Chaplains in Gallipoli and France
A lan W. B lack (ed.): Religion in Australia: Sociological Perspectives.
J ames A. B outilier and others (eds): Mission, Church and Sect in Oceania.
C har M iller (ed.): Missions and Missionaries in the Pacific.
R. L anier B rttsch : Unto the Islands of the Sea: A History of the Latter-day Saints in the Pacific.
M ichael C athcart and others (eds): Mission to the South Seas: The Voyage of the 'Duffl', 1796–1799.  相似文献   

Book review in this Article
Joyce E. Salisbury: Iberian Popular Religion 600 B.C. to 700A.D.: Celts, Romans and Visigoths.
Kurt Rudolph: Gnosis: the Nature and History of an Ancient Religion (translated by P. W. Coxon, K. H. Kuhn and Robert McLachlan Wilson, edited by R. McL. Wilson).
B. Croke and A. M. Emmett (eds): History and Historians in Late Antiquity.
Robert S. Paul: The Assembly of the Lord. Edinburgh, T. & T.
Perry Butler (ed.): Pusey Rediscovered
Alan Haig: The Victorian Clergy, London and Sydney, Croom Helm, 1984
Doreen M. Rosman: Evangelicals and Culture, London and Canberra, Croom Helm, 1984
Eric J. Sharpe: Karl Ludvig Reichelt: Missionary, Scholar & Pilgrim.
S. L. Dhani: Politics of Gods: Churning of the Ocean (Samudra-Manthana): a Scientific Analysis.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Gender & history》1999,11(2):389-411
Books reviewed: Kelley Hays-Gilpin and David S. Whitely (eds) Reader in Gender Archaeology Robert B. Shoemaker Gender in English Society, 1650–1850: The Emergence of Separate Spheres? Robert Shoemaker and Mary Vincent (eds) Gender and History in Western Europe Eileen Janes Yeo (ed.) Mary Wollstonecraft and 200 Years of Feminisms Leah Leneman Alienated Affections: The Scottish Experience of Divorce and Separation, 1684–1830 David Peterson del Mar What Trouble I Have Seen: A History of Violence Against Wives K. D. Reynolds Aristocratic Women and Political Society in Victorian Britain Clare Midgley Gender and Imperialism Antoinette Burton At the Heart of the Empire: Indians and the Colonial Encounter in late-Victorian Britain Indira Chowdhury The Frail Hero and Virile History: Gender and the Politics of Culture in Colonial Bengal Urvashi Butalia The Other Side of Silence: Voices from the Partition of India Indira Ghose Women Travellers in Colonial India: The Power of the Female Gaze Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch African Women: A Modern History Gwendolyn Mikell (ed.) African Feminism: The Politics of Survival in Sub-Saharan Africa Carolina Maria de Jesus I'm Going to Have a Little House: the Second Diary of Carolina Maria de Jesus Carolina Maria de Jesus Bitita's Diary: The Childhood Memoirs of Carolina Maria de Jesus Benedita da Silva Benedita da Silva: An Afro-Brazilian Woman's Story of Politics and Love as Told to Medea Benjamin and Maisa Mendonça Robert M. Levine The Brazilian Photographs of Genevieve Naylor, 1940–1942 Penny Summerfield, Reconstructing Women's Wartime Lives: Discourse and Subjectivity in Oral Histories of the Second World War Linda K. Schott Reconstructing Women's Thoughts: The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Before World War II Begona Aretxaga Shattering Silence: Women, Nationalism, and Political Subjectivity in Northern Ireland Leonie Sandercock (ed.) Making the Invisible Visible: A Multicultural Planning History  相似文献   

H enri D esroche : The Sociology of Hope.
D aniel W. P atterson : The Shaker Spiritual.
I iro K ajanto : Classical and Christian; Studies in the Latin Epitaphs of Medieval and Renaissance Rome.
M ark R. C ohen : Jewish Self-Government in Medieval Egypt: The Origins of the Office of Head of the Jews ca. 1065–1126.
J effrey R ichards : Consul of God: The Life and Times of Gregory the Great.
P aul L awrence R ose : Bodin and the Great God of Nature: The Moral and Religious Universe of a Judaiser.
P aul L awrence R ose (ed.): Jean Bodin: Selected Writings on Philosophy, Religion, and Politics.
J oyce O ldham A ppleby : Economic Thought and Ideology in Seventeenth Century England.
J. A. S harpe : Defamation and Sexual Slander in Early Modern England: The Church Courts at York (Borthwick Papers, No. 58).
K enneth M. B oyd : Scottish Church Attitudes to Sex, Marriage and the Family, 1850–1914.
P aul M c H ugh : Prostitution and Victorian Social Reform.
E dmund C ampion : John Henry Newman: Friends, Allies, Bishops, Catholics.
N. M errill D istad : Guessing at Truth: The Life of Julius Charles Hare (1795-1855) Shepherdstown
A lan D. G ilbert : The Making of Post-Christian Britain: A History of the Secularization of Modern Society.
A nn -M ari J ordens : The Stenhouse Circle: Literary Life in Mid-Nineteenth Century Sydney.
B rian K ennedy : Silver, Sin, and Sixpenny Ale: A Social History of Broken Hill, 1883–1921.
I an B reward : Grace and Truth: A History of the Theological Hall, Knox College, Dunedin 1876–1975.  相似文献   

A. W. H. Adkins: From the Many to the One: A Study of Personality and Views of Human Nature in the Context of Greek Society, Values and Beliefs.
Colin Morris: The Discovery of the Individual, 1050-1200 (Church History Outlines 5).
T. Zeldin (ed.): Conflicts in French Society: Anticlericalism, Education and Morals in the Nineteenth Century, St Antony's Publications No. 1.
S ister M. X. O'D onoghue : Mother Vincent Whitty: Woman and Educator in a Masculine Society.
J. D. Bollen: Protestantism and Social Reform in New South Wales, 1890-1910.  相似文献   

Book Reviews in this Article: Jim Obelkevich, Lyndal Roper, Raphael Samuel, eds, Disciplines of Faith: Studies in Religion, Politics and Patriarchy. John D'Emilio and Estelle Freedman, Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America. Susan Mosher Stuard, ed, Women in Medieval History and Historiography. Bronislaw Geremek, The Margins of Society in Late Medieval Paris, transl. Jean Birrell. Sara Mendelson, The Mental World of Stuart Women: Three Studies. Alice Browne, The Eighteenth Century Feminist Mind. Helen Callaway, Gender, Culture and Empire: European Women in Colonial Nigeria. Claudia Knapman, White Women in Fiji 1835-1930: The Ruin of Empire?…. Marilyn Lake, The Limits of Hope: Soldier Settlement in Victoria 1915-38. Susan M. Reverby, Ordered to Care: the Dilemma of American Nursing, 1850-1945. Linda Gordon, Heroes of Their Own Lives: The Politics and History of Family Violence. Helena Whitbread, ed, I Know My Own Heart. The Diaries of Anne Lister 1791-1840 Zuzanna Shonfield, The Precariously Privileged. A Professional Family in Victorian London. Tierl Thompson, ed, Dear Girl. The Diaries and Letters of Two Working Women 1897-1917. Yamila Azize, La Mujer en la Lucha (The Woman in Struggle) (2nd revised ed.).  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviewed in this articles: Irving M. Zeitlin : Ancient Judaism: Biblical Criticism from Max Weber to the Present. C. H. Berman : Medieval Agriculture, the Southern French Countryside, and the Early Cistercians: A Study of Forty-three Monasteries. Elisja Schulte van Kessel (ed.): Women and Men in Spiritual Culture, XIV-XVII Centuries: A Meeting of South and North. Manfred Welti : Breve Storia delta Riforma Italiana, trans, by Armido Rizzi. A. G. Dickens and John M. Tonkin with Kenneth Powell : The Reformation in Historical Thought. Cambridge, Mass. Odile Martin : La Conversion Protestante à Lyon (1659-1687). Edward Berenson : Populist Religion and Left-wing Politics in France, 1830-1852: Princeton N. Keith Clifford : The Resistance to Church Union in Canada, 1904-1939. Gilmer W. Blackburn : Education in the Third Reich: A Study of Race and History in Nazi Textbooks. Hilary Rubinstein , Chosen: The Jews in Australia.  相似文献   

Book review in this Article
E rnest L. M artin : The Birth of Christ Recalculated.
H. M. T eepl E: The Noah's Ark Nonsense.
R. M. O gilvi E: The Library of Lactantius.
A lan Y oung : William Cumin: Border Politics and the Bishopric of Durham, 1141–1144
R oy M artin H aines : The Church and Politics in Fourteenth-Century England: The Career of Adam Orleton, c. 1275–1345
R obert S auzet : Contre-Réforme et reforme catholique en Bas-Languedoc: Le diocèse de Nimes au XVIIe siècle
H. C. P orter : The Inconstant Savage: England and the North American Indian, 1500–1660.
M artin K ing W hyte : The Status of Women in Pre-Industrial Societies.
O wen C hadwick : The Secularization of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century.
G eoffrey S tephens : The Hutchins School: Macquarie Street Years, 1846–1965.
W illiam N icolle O ats : The Rose and the Waratah: The Friends'School, Hobart. Formation and Development, 1832–1945.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1993,12(3):321-347
Book reviewed in this article:
Bicameralisme. Edited by H. W. Blom, W. P. Blockmans, and H. de Schepper
History of the justices if the Peace. By Sir Thomas Skyrme
The Manufacture of Scottish History. Edited by I. Donnachie and C. Whatley
Secrets of the Kingdom: British Radicals fiom the Popish Plot to the Revolution of 1688- 1689.
The Revolution of 1688-89. Changing Perspectives. Edited by Lois G. Schwoerer.
Britons. Forging the Nation 1707- 183 7. By Linda Colley
Pitt the Elder. By Jeremy Black. (British Lives.)
Law, Politics and the Church of England. The Career ofStephen Lushington, 1782-1873.
The House Of Lirds in British Politics and Society 1815-1911. By E.A. Smith
The letters of Arthur Balfour and Lady Elcho 1885–1917. Edited by Jane Ridley and Clayre Percy.
TJ.: A Life of Doctor Thomasjones, C.H. By E.L. Ellis
'His Majesty's Loyal Opposition': The Unionist Party in Opposition, 1905191.5.
British Politics and the Great War: Coalition and ConJict, 1915–1918.
Anthony Eden: A Political Biography 193 1-1 957. By Victor Rothwell
Third Party Politics Since 1945: Liberals, Alliance and Liberal Democrats. By John Stevenson
Parliaments and Pressure Politics. Edited by Michael Rush.
The British General Election of 1992. By David Butler and Dennis Kavanagh.  相似文献   

《Geographical Research》1995,33(1):133-145
Book reviewed in this article: A Continent Transformed: Human Impact on the Nutural Vegetation of Australia Jamie Kirkpatrick The Emergence of Bioregionalism in the Murray-Darling Basin J.M. Powell From Forest to Sea: Australia's Changing Environment: Eric Rolls Australian Environmental History: Essays and Cases Stephen Dovers, (ed.) Spirited Cities Urban Planning, Traffic and Environmental Management in the Nineiies Essays for Hans Westerman Robert Freestone (ed.) The Margin Fades: Geographical Itineraries in a World of Islands Eric Waddell and Patrick D. Nunn (eds) Oceanic Islands Patrick D. Nunn Natural Disasters David Alexander REVIEWS IN BRIEF: Geography and National Identity David Hooson (ed.) REVIEWS IN BRIEF: The Challenge for Geography. A Changing World: A Changing Discipline R.J. Johnston (ed.) REVIEWS IN BRIEF: Building Bridges. Geography in Australia Report of the National Committee for Geography Australian Academy of Sciences R.L. Heathcote (ed) REVIEWS IN BRIEF: The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Physical Geography Andrew Goudie, B.W. Atkinson, K.J. Gregory, I.G. Simmons, D.R. Stoddart, David Sugden (eds.) The Dictionary of Human Geography R.J. Johnston, Derek Gregory and David Smith (eds.)  相似文献   

R. I. M oore : The Formation of a Persecuting Society: Power and Deviance in Western Europe 950–1250
H. A. K elly : The Devil at Baptism: Ritual, Theology and Drama, Ithaca and London  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Book Reviews
B ruce C hilton and J acob N eusner : Judaism in the New Testament: Practices and Beliefs .
Hildegard of Bingen and Gendered Theology in Judaeo-Christian Tradition , J ulie S. B arton and C onstant J. M ews (eds).
K ristin E ldyss S orensen Z apalac : 'In His Imageand Likeness': Political Iconography and Religious Change in Regensburg, 1500–1600.
M ichael A. M ullett : John Bunyan in Context .
B ruce M ansfield : Man on his Own: Interpretations of Erasmus ,
M ary C. S ullivan : Catherine McAuley and the Tradition of Mercy .
The American Quest for the Primitive Church , R ichard H ughes (ed.).
The Primitive Church in the Modern World , R ichard H ughes (ed.).
M ark N oll : The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind .
Amazing Grace: Evangelicalism in Australia, Britain, Canada, and the United States , G eorge A. R awlyk and M ark A. N oll (eds).
H ilary C arey : Believing in Australia: A Cultural History of Religions.
S ang -T aek L ee : Religion and Social Formation in Korea: Minjung and Millenarianism.
'And the Birds Began to Sing' Religion and Literature in Post-Colonial Cultures J ames S. S cott (ed.)  相似文献   

G arry W. T rompf : The Idea of Historical Recurrence in Western Thought from Antiquity to the Reformation.
J ames T hrower : The Alternative Tradition: Religion and the Rejection of Religion in the Ancient World.
A listair F ox : Thomas More's History and Providence. Oxford, Basil Blackwell
R ichard M. G olden : The Godly Rebellion: Parisian Cures and the Religious Fronde, 1652-1662. Chapel Hill
I. J. G entles & W. J. S heils : Confiscation and Restoration: The Archbishopric Estates and the Civil War (Borthwick Papers No. 39)
P eter C. K ent : The Pope and the Duce: The International Impact of the Lateran Agreements.
A ndrew L emon : The Young Man From Home: James Balfour, 1830-1913. Melbourne University Press.
H ans M ol: The Fixed and the Fickle: Religion and Identity in New Zealand. Waterloo, Ontario  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1982,1(1):233-281
Book reviewed in this article: Parliamentary History, Libraries and Records: Essays Presented to Maurice Bond. Edited by H. S. Cobb. London: House of Lords Record Office A History of the County of Chester: Volume II (The Victoria History of the Counties of England). Edited by B. E. Harris. London: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Historical Research Kingship and Unity: Scotland 1000–1306. By G. W. S. Barrow. (The New History of Scotland, Volume 2.) London: Edward Arnold. 1981 Robert Winchelsey and the Crown 1294–1313: A Study in the Defence of Ecclesiastical Liberty. By Jeffrey H. Denton. (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought. Third series, Volume 14.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press John Russell, First Earl of Bedford: One of the King's Men. By Diane Willen. London: Royal Historical Society, Studies in History series No. 23; published for the Royal Historical Society by Swift Printers (Publishers) Ltd The Lisle Letters. Edited by Muriel St Clare Byrne. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press The Irish Constitutional Revolution of the Sixteenth Century. By Brendan Bradshaw. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press King Charles I. By Pauline Gregg. London: Dent Denzil Holles 1598–1680: A Study of his Political Career. By Patricia Crawford. London: Royal Historical Society, Studies in History series No. 16; published for the Royal Historical Society by Swift Printers (Publishers) Ltd A Register of Parliamentary Lists 1660–1761. Edited by David Hayton and Clyve Jones. University of Leicester History Department Occasional Publication No. 1. Leicester: University of Leicester History Department A Register of Parliamentary Lists 1660–1761: A Supplement. Edited by David Hayton and Clyve Jones. University of Leicester History Department Occasional Publication No. 3. Leicester: University of Leicester History Department The Correspondence of John Locke. Edited by E. S. de Beer. (The Clarendon Edition of the Works of John Locke.) Volume VI: Letters Nos. 2119–2664. Oxford: Clarendon Press The Whig Ascendancy: Colloquies on Hanoverian England. Edited by John Cannon. London: Edward Arnold Ireland in the Age of Imperialism and Revolution 1760–1801. By R. B. McDowell. Oxford: Clarendon Press The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke. General Editor: Paul Langford. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Volume II: Party, Parliament and the American Crisis 1766–1774. Edited by Paul Langford The English Administrative System 1780–1870. By Sir Norman Chester. Oxford: Clarendon Press Order and Equipoise: The Peerage and the House of Lords 1783–1806. By Michael W. McCahill. London: Royal Historical Society, Studies in History series No. 11; published for the Royal Historical Society by Swift Printers (Publishers) Ltd. Castlereagh. By Wendy Hinde. London: Collins The Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury. By Geoffrey B. A. M. Finlayson. London: Eyre Methuen British Interparty Conferences: A Study of the Procedure of Conciliation in British Politics 1867–1921. By John D. Fair. Oxford: Clarendon Press The Campaign for Prohibition in Victorian England: The United Kingdom Alliance 1872–1895. By A. E. Dingle. London: Croom Helm Joseph Chamberlain: A Political Study. By Richard Jay. Oxford: Clarendon Press Colne Valley: Radicalism to Socialism. The Portrait of a Northern Constituency in the Formative Years of the Labour Party 1890–1910. By David Clark. London: Longman The People's Budget 1909/10: Lloyd George and Liberal Politics. By Bruce K. Murray. Oxford: Clarendon Press Baldwin Thwarts the Opposition: The British General Election of 1935. By Tom Stannage. London: Croom Helm The Commons in Perspective. By Philip Norton. Oxford: Martin Robertson Works of Art in the House of Lords. Edited by Maurice Bond. London: H. M. S. O.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article:
Henry W. Riechen and Robert F. Boruch, eds., Social Experimentation: A Method for Planning and Evaluating Social Intervention
John M. Johnson, Doing Field Research
Peter H. Rossi and Walter Williams, eds., Evaluating Social Programs; Theory, Practice, and Politics
Richard Rose, ed., The Management of Urban Change in Britain and Germany
John P. Ross and Jesse Burkhead, Productivity in the Local Government Sector
Richard D. Gustely, Municipal Public Employment and Public Expenditure
Lawrence M. Friedman, The Legal System: A Social Science Perspective
Isaac D. Balbus, The Dialectics of Legal Repression
Raoul Naroll, Vern L. Bullough, and Frada Naroll, Military Deterrence in History; A Pilot Cross-Historical Survey
Charles O. Jones, Clean Air: The Policies and Politics of Pollution Control
Daniel Quinn Mills, Government, Labor, and Inflation
Ithiel de Sola Pool, Wilbur Schramm, Frederick W. Frey, Nathan Maccoby, and Edwin B. Parker, eds., Handbook of Communication  相似文献   

《Gender & history》1993,5(3):421-422
Barbara Watterson, Women in Ancient Egypt Kirby Farrell, Elizabeth H. Hageman, and Arthur F. Kinney (eds) Women in the Renaissance: Selections from English Literary Renaissance Heather Dubrow, A Happier Eden: The Politics of Marriage in the Stuart Epithalamium Constance Jordan, Renaissance Feminism: Literary Texts and Political Models Karen Newman, Fashioning Femininity and English Renaissance Drama Maryanne Cline Horowitz (ed.) Race, Gender and Rank: Early Modem Ideas of Humanity Margaret Brabant (ed.) Politics, Gender & Genre: the Political Thought of Christine de Pizan Pamela Joseph Benson, The Invention of the Renaissance Woman: the Challenge of Female Independence in the Literature and Thought of Italy and England Jacques Gélls, History of Childbirth. Fertility, Pregnancy and Birth in Early Modern Europe Margaret Felling and Richard M. Smith (eds) Life, Death, and the Elderly. Historical Perspectives Clare Brant and Diane Purkiss (eds) Women, Texts and Histories 1575–1760 Isobel Grundy and Susan Wiseman (eds) Women, Writing, History 1640–1740 Lucia Zedner, Women, Crime and Custody in Victorian England Alan Duben and Cem Behar, Istanbul Households. Marriage, Family and Fertility, 1880–1940 Laura Engelstein, The Keys to Happiness: Sex and the Search for Modernity in Fin-de-Siècle Russia Eve Levin, Sex and Society in the World of the Orthodox Slavs, 900–1700 Nancy Leys Stepan, The Hour of Eugenics': Race, Gender, and Nation in Latin America Ava Baron (ed.) Work Engendered: Toward a New History of American Labor Nancy F. Gabin, Feminism in the Labor Movement: Women and the United Auto Workers, 1935–1975 Barbara Melosh, Engendering Culture: Manhood and Womanhood in New Deal Public Art and Theatre Sandra Schackel, Social Housekeepers: Women Shaping Public Policy in New Mexico, 1920–1940 Alison Light, Forever England. Femininity, Literature and Conservatism Between the Wars Antonia Lant, Blackout: Reinventing Women for Wartime British Cinema Peter Burke (ed.) Mew Perspectives on Historical Writing  相似文献   

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